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Three Steps to Hell

Page 17

by Mike Holman

“Maria, can I ask you one thing before I go?”

  “Course you can lover boy, what is it, you want me here and now on the kitchen table?”

  “Maria that would be fun,” Tom’s imagination seriously interrupted his concentration.

  “No, I just wondered why you organised that meeting here rather than in Rashid’s office. Is there something over there you don’t want me to see?”

  “You are a very suspicious man Tom, don’t be silly. I just don’t want other staff gossiping about some Detective being here asking questions and slowing up work to boot.”

  “I have about 2 minutes before I have to go back over there myself Tom, come into Colin’s office.”

  Once there she shut the door, grabbed Tom by his suit jacket lapels and pulled him towards her. Her lips firmly embedded upon his, they kissed and caressed.

  “Time’s up sexy cop, got to go,” Maria exclaimed.

  Tom was a bit dazed and slightly confused as to how once again he had fallen into the web of her sexual charm.

  “Come on off you go Tom.”

  “Sorry Maria, I was miles away, yes, I’ll be off now, will call you.”

  “You’d better because we have a lot more fun in store, see you soon.”

  Tom walked along the hall and let himself out. Once in the car he took a few deep breaths. How is this going to end up, he pondered. Having met and spoken to Rashid he was even more convinced that Sweetface’s scenario was more than likely correct. Rashid gave him the impression of being a cold calculating, criminally motivated individual probably with some sort of dubious history.

  His drive back to Brampton was uneventful and once back he asked his Scenes of Crime Officer to investigate the fingerprints on the piece of paper he had handed to Rashid indicating the part of the paper that Rashid had touched.


  Over the next 48 hours Tom’s CID office was a hive of activity and Tom was becoming increasingly under pressure from his own Superintendent and the Alpington Incident Room Officers to obtain search warrants for Colmar grounds and all outbuildings. Tom had managed to put them off temporarily. He stalled by explaining that he was working on obtaining more information via Paul Dorsey, who was being a little elusive. Also that he wished to make further visits to Maria Peterson in an effort to get a better idea of the layout of the place and more intelligence in relation to numbers of staff and names. The eventual police raid on Colmar Grounds would be a sizeable operation and he convinced Superintendent Davies that he needed a little more time to prepare. This had been accepted, providing he swore out the search warrants as soon as possible in order that they were in the office ready should information come in that they needed to move quickly.

  Colmar Grounds had also been a hive of activity. Neither Maria nor Carlos were stupid people. Both got the impression that things were getting a little awkward due to Tom’s questions and prying of late. They suspected that the incident with Evans had been a major setback in keeping their operation completely secretive. Maria had developed strong feelings for Tom and had started to wonder whether she could tempt him to cross the fence, dump poorly paid law and order and become her partner and a member of her business empire. She doubted his resolve was that fragile but could also tell how much he felt for her already. Could he be swayed? She discussed this with Carlos.

  “Maria, for Christ’s sake, are you losing it. I can’t believe you have just suggested that. This man has weakened you considerably. How could you ever trust him to be a part of this, a man who has devoted his career to upholding law and order, a man of apparent integrity, with very high moral values and a career long dislike and intolerance for criminals. That’s what we are Maria, whether you like it or not, criminals! When Tom realises that he won’t be interested in you. So don’t be insane. No, what we do is over the next week we move anything incriminating from here but at the same time appear to carry on as normal with the transport/shipping/antiques stuff etc.”

  “To where Carlos?”

  “To PL’s place, he won’t mind, he’ll want a bigger stake but that’s not a problem, we can afford it and it’s worth it to stay safe.”

  “Good idea Carlos, you’re right. It’ll take a couple of days to organise though. He has his own dedicated transport doesn’t he, so I expect he would help if we offer him a big enough cut.”

  “Of course he will Maria, it’s the only way. We move it all and take no more deliveries here until it has all died down.”

  “What about Rashid?”

  “He’ll have to stay here for the time being otherwise it will look odd. We need to keep things unchanged other than to make sure that there is absolutely nothing incriminating to find if they come looking.”

  “It should be me working all this out Carlos not the other way round.”

  “Well you’ve got too involved with Lancaster, your judgement has been affected. Anyway I like to play a more important part now and then. Shut him out of your mind from now on, and your bedroom! Remember he is the enemy.”

  “Yes, yes you’re right. Okay I will start arranging things tomorrow but I doubt we can move what we need to before Friday. It’ll take some organising. Also we need to consider that security camera business at East Point Farm.”

  “Oh, I doubt they’re monitoring that 24/7. That was a one off find I’m sure. However leave it to me, I will sort the bloody camera out. I guarantee it won’t work for much longer, I’ll deal with that tonight and if Lancaster comes snooping around on his own we get rid, okay? Those steel crates I had made for Colin were perfect, I can easily get a few more,” he said with a wry smile.

  “Yes you’re right Carlos and we use mobiles only from now on please.”

  Tom was sitting at his desk preparing the search warrant applications but had decided to delay going to one of the local Magistrates to swear it out and get it signed until tomorrow, Wednesday. A knock on his door disturbed him. Sweetface walked in looking even more excited.

  “Sarge, you’ll never guess what!”

  Tom had never seen Sweetface so excited, “Go on then, you’re obviously dying to tell me. Is it good news?”

  “For me yes but for you Tom, probably not that good.”

  “Thanks a bunch mate, hit me with it anyway.”

  “Well I’ve had a long chat with one of the DS’s on Regional Crime Squad about Philip Lucas. I explained our interest and dropped Maria and Rashid’s names. It turns out that they have had a phone tap on Lucas for some time and he has received calls on several occasions from a Maria with a slight Spanish accent on an untraceable mobile. Apparently the conversations have been very guarded and nothing particularly incriminating has ever been said but they feel that they talk in a kind of vague code, which appears to fit what we suspect is going on. Obviously this is significant. Both Maria and Rashid are talking to him, so both are as involved in whatever as each other. I know in your perfect world Maria would be an innocent onlooker but it’s just not the case Tom.”

  “Cheers mate, just the news I needed. NOT!”

  “Also Tom, they explained that whilst on a surveillance operation following Lucas a couple of months ago they followed him to Brampton and out on the Coast Road until the turning to East Point and he turned towards East Point. They didn’t follow as it showed on their map it was eventually a no through road and being a very narrow quiet lane they didn’t want to show out and risk him clocking that he was being followed, so they pulled off. They had no idea why he should go down there and had been working on the theory that it was because of the quiet coves and something to do with bringing stuff in by boat. Obviously now that I’ve spoken to him this has given them a really vital piece in their jigsaw against Lucas. They are really interested in getting involved now.”

  “I bet they are, they probably want the glory of tidying up a nice cocaine racket and locking up some major players at the same time. I don’t want them getting too eager just yet Sweetface. Call him back and tell him to hold off while we try to identify everyone in
volved. Explain that I’m able to visit the premises regarding other matters! In the meantime I think we are going to have to take the bull by the horns and raid the place very soon and see what’s in those barns. When we do I think we should raid the Gloucester and Brighton antique shops at the same time.”


  “Yes, perfect place for storage and for people making collections. Unlikely to draw any attention.”

  “I hadn’t thought of that Tom.”

  “That’s why I’m a Sergeant Dave. Only joking mate! It’s unlikely that dealers would collect direct from Colmar Grounds. Firstly, because if Maria is the figure head, she wouldn’t want herself involved at street level and being such a quiet place she wouldn’t want attention drawn by too many comings and goings of people and vehicles. Comings and goings at the antique shops would be quite normal and expected.”

  “Sounds a great theory Sarge.”

  “I’ll get these warrants sworn out tonight on my way home if Jo Keeley is home, (a local Magistrate). Also I’ll call Gloucestershire Police and Sussex Police and arrange for them to get search warrants ready for the two shops so they can hit them at the same time as we do Colmar Grounds. We will have to get a fairly large team together Dave, with drugs dogs and Drug Squad’s help if possible.”

  “I’m quite happy to do that Sarge.”

  “Okay, see who’s available, let’s aim for hitting them Friday morning. That gives two days to do the planning and organisation. I don’t think we will lose anything because Maria still seems okay with me.”

  “She still wants your body you mean!”

  “Not a joke Dave, I really have feelings for that woman, this is going to be one of the most difficult jobs I’ve ever done from a personal and emotional point of view.”

  “Yeah, sorry. With any luck though we should end up with Rashid, Maria and Davidson and a few other unknowns plus a big load of coke.”

  “I reckon it will be well hidden Dave that’s why having the dogs there will be important.”

  “Leave it to me Sarge, it gives me an excuse to hammer the overtime even more.”

  Tom managed a laugh, “Get to it Dave, I’m going to sort these warrants out then try to get an early night. Need some time to myself. Oh, and by the way the OP is all set up and running, Martin’s doing it tonight.”

  Jo Keeley was home and Tom spent some time explaining that a large amount of information and evidence was coming together to suggest that Colmar Grounds and its businesses were a front for a major cocaine importation business and the warrants were sworn out without any difficulty whatsoever.

  Once home, Tom tried to relax in front of the TV for a while with a cold beer. He was in bed by 11pm that night. It took him a while to get off to sleep as his thoughts were continually on Maria, how he felt about her and the terrible dilemma that faced their relationship.


  Tom’s sleep was disturbed by the telephone ringing. He lifted the receiver, “Yep”

  “Sarge, it’s Martin, I’m in the OP and something really strange is going on.”

  Tom’s interest was stimulated with a sudden jolt, he sat bolt upright in bed and said, “What’s happening lad?”

  “Some guy approached the gates to Colmar a few minutes ago, he’s been using a torch and looking at the fencing beside the main gates, looks like he’s trying to find a way in.”

  “Just one on his own?” Tom asked.

  “Well I’ve only seen one Sarge. I’m too far away to see any sort of features or exact description, just a guy on his own, dark clothing, possibly a hooded top and he’s carrying some sort of bag or possibly a small rucksack.”

  “Okay Martin, I’m on my way, shouldn’t take me long, I’ll have to park up well short of the house so as not to rouse any attention. I’ve got a radio with me and an earpiece and my mobile, I’ll put it on silent mode. I’ll call up when I get there.”

  “Okay, Sarge.”

  “Oh, before I hang up call Sweetface out as well will you. Is your mobile charged up alright?”

  “Yes Sarge it’s fine, I’ll call him, hey, hang on Sarge, the bugger’s managed to get through the fence, he’s into the grounds now so I’ll probably lose sight of him any minute.”

  “On my way, you stay in the OP exactly where you are.”

  Tom hurriedly ditched the receiver, dressed, grabbed what he needed and left the house.

  He made good time and once on the East Point Road leading to Colmar Grounds, drove quietly without lights towards East Point Farm.

  A few hundred yards before East Point Farm he went to pull into a small lay-by and saw a car parked up. He immediately recognised the car, it was Paul Dorsey’s. He parked up behind it. At first glance the car looked empty. As he approached it he saw that Dorsey was cowering down in the passenger seat making best efforts not to be seen. Tom approached the passenger door, pulled it open furiously and said,

  “Dorsey, what the fuck is going on?”

  Paul Dorsey appeared far more frightened than Tom had ever seen him. Tom grabbed him by the sleeve of his jacket, pulled him out of the car, stood face to face and spoke.

  “You have exactly one minute to tell me what’s happening.”

  Dorsey didn’t speak.

  Tom pushed him back hard against the side of the car and landed him a fast and carefully aimed solid punch to the stomach.

  Dorsey doubled over winded.

  “Okay, okay Mr Lancaster, I know I shouldn’t have come, this was stupid, it’s Wayne, he’s fucking mad.”

  Dorsey related quickly and briefly Wayne’s idea of getting into Colmar Grounds and the purpose behind it.

  Just when Dorsey felt he had fully and totally regained composure, Tom landed him another full on powerful punch to his stomach. This time Dorsey doubled over and fell to the ground.

  “You’d better not be fucking me about Paul,” Tom snarled aggressively.

  “No, honest. I refused to help him and wasn’t going to have anything to do with it, then at the last minute I agreed to drive but that’s it.”

  “That’s enough to get you a little stretch inside I think Paul.”

  “No, no, I’ll go home this minute Mr Lancaster.”

  “No, you’ll get up and sit in that car and don’t fucking move. If Evans comes back and I’m not with him you pretend the car won’t start, stall him and keep him here, you understand?”

  “Yeah, yeah, whatever.”

  “Do as I ask and I’ll try to keep you out of this Paul, now wait here, for your sake don’t fucking go anywhere.”

  Tom started to walk off towards Colmar Grounds talking to Martin in the OP by radio very quietly to update him. Paul Dorsey ran up behind him. Tom turned round, scowled and was about to give him a mouthful when Dorsey blurted out, “He’s got a gun, Wayne’s got a bloody gun and ammo, I needed to tell you.”

  “Bloody right you did, where is it?”

  “He had it in a small rucksack, he’s mad, I reckon he’ll use it Sergeant.”

  “Paul fuck off back to the car and do what you’ve been told.”

  Dorsey ran back towards his car and Tom walked on wondering what the hell was going to confront him. He called Martin on his mobile and again updated him.

  “Where’s Sweetface Martin?”

  “On his way.”

  “Tell him to get some back up too, but to bring them discreetly and quietly. The Alpington lads would be perfect, he could collect them from the hotel on the way, tell him it’s Evans who’s in there and he’s armed. They’ll see Dorsey in his car when they approach. Tell them to ignore him. Dave can park near to where I did. Tell them to approach quietly on foot with bloody good torches to hand in case we need them.”

  “Do you want me to alert the Firearms Team to see if there’s an ARV (Armed Response Vehicle) about somewhere?”

  “Christ no, don’t mention the gun on the radio Martin, that’s why I’m using the mobile at the moment. One mention of a gun and we’ll all be ordered to s
top what we’re doing and wait God knows how long until an ARV arrives. The gun info is between us. I don’t think Evans is going to shoot me, he’s mad, but not that bloody mad. Going back to covert radio Martin.”

  “Okay Sarge, take care.”

  Tom approached the main gates and soon found that a part of the adjoining fence had been cut, probably with bolt croppers. He squeezed through and made his way slowly in the dark towards the main house. As he did so the moonlight glinted on a tiny metal object at the base of one of the hedgerows that lined the long driveway. Tom got closer and recognised it as a laser sensor across the drive, hedgerow to hedgerow and very well hidden. I hope Evans noticed that, Tom thought to himself as he stepped carefully over the beam. As Tom drew nearer to the house he could see some lights on and then heard a shot ring out in the quiet of the night. Then another but couldn’t easily identify where the sound had come from.

  “Sarge are you okay?” came Martin’s voice over the mobile, “I heard two shots are you okay?”

  “I’m fine Martin, don’t mention the shots over the radio, stay on the mobile as well if you can. When Dave gets here tell him there’s been a hole cut in the fence to the immediate left of the main gates.”

  “I’ll get him on the phone and update him Sarge, don’t you think we should call an ARV?”

  “No Martin, I’ve said no ARV, I’ll handle this.”

  He passed one of the tarmac drives that led towards the office buildings. Luckily it was a perfectly clear night, the moon was full and giving sufficient light for Tom to be able to see where he was going without torchlight. There were some outside security lights on by the offices, one of these lit up a steel mesh gate which appeared to be open. Tom couldn’t see or hear any activity in the direction of the house or from the area of the offices. He decided to go through the open gate. As he did so, it quickly became apparent that this was a small but well-maintained path leading in the direction of the cliffs and cove. After a few minutes the path started to wind sharply and he started to descend the uneven steps which had been cut into the rock.


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