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Three Steps to Hell

Page 20

by Mike Holman

  As they approached the barrier it was immediately raised, the driver drove round to a small taxiing area away from the main runway and drew up alongside the awaiting jet. Two impeccably dressed, tall and stocky minders stood at the doorway and helped Maria and Carlos quickly aboard, loaded some bags from the boot of the car and then joined them on the plane. Once inside it was only a matter of minutes before they were taxiing down the runway then airborne. Maria made herself comfortable in one of the luxurious soft, supple leather seats, looked out of the window at the gradually shrinking evening scenery below, smiled to herself and let out a heavy sigh.

  “Fuck England,” she said quietly to herself.

  “Bye Tom,” she whispered.

  She looked over towards Carlos who was opening a bottle of chilled Champagne.

  “How do I ever thank you Carlos? There were moments earlier when I was envisaging a very long prison stay.”

  “No need Maria, we are always here for each other and always will be. Just focus on the fact that it won’t be too long before we are relaxing by the pool with a cold beer in the hot Mexican sunshine. The house will be all ready for you. Carmen says she will have a very special welcome meal ready on your arrival, a real feast of your favourite foods apparently.”

  Maria had over the years successfully hidden millions in cash in various parts of the world derived from her and Colin’s criminal activities. She had become very adept at creating escape routes, spurious companies, identities and laundered financial reserves. Money would never be a problem but this incident had cost her a lot and seriously damaged her pride.

  Carlos passed her a glass of bubbly and they toasted farewell to the UK.

  “Don’t worry Maria, whatever we have lost back there we can make up again in the future.”

  She took a sip from the glass.

  “I know Carlos, re-establishing the business from another country won’t be too difficult with Philip’s help but we have to remember they will be looking for us worldwide, we will have to take far more care and will have much less personal freedom always looking over our shoulders.”

  “It’ll be fine, don’t worry.”

  “You know what really annoys me Carlos?”

  “What’s that?”

  “There’s about three quarters of a million in cash in the office safe that they’ll find, could have done with that.”

  “Really.” Carlos laughed.

  “It’s not funny Carlos.”

  “Relax, I cleared the safe on the way to the car while you were causing complete panic and confusion. I managed to slip into the main office without anyone seeing me, easy job. The lads have loaded my bags on the plane. It’s in one of the holdalls.”

  “I could kiss you Carlos.”

  “Have I ever let you down?”

  “No, never, I don’t know where I’d be without you. We are a brilliant team you and me. Totally invincible.”

  They again raised their glasses. Maria made a toast.

  “Here’s to a very prosperous, interesting and probably dangerous future.”

  Both laughed.

  She momentarily thought again about Tom. Poor Tom, I shouldn’t have shot him like that, a very painful injury I expect. She felt a little uncomfortable as this was one of very few occasions in her life when she had experienced feelings of remorse. Christ, is he going to be pissed off when he hears I’ve escaped and fled the country. Shame, I really liked that man, would have married him if the circumstances had been different. Great sex, great body, intelligent, caring and lovely personality but too bloody honest.

  Maria finished her drink, reclined her seat, closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.


  The cocaine discovery at Colmar Grounds was one of the biggest in English history. A large quantity had also been discovered in the two associated antique shops. Numerous items of antique furniture due to be shipped into Europe, had been found to be hollowed out and contain cocaine in sealed packs. As expected it led to a very thorough and protracted investigation involving police forces in numerous counties and several countries. Unfortunately but inevitably, Tom’s indiscretions with Maria Peterson had become common knowledge, although no-one knew the full extent of the great intimacy they had shared nor about the deep feelings he had for her.

  As soon as the Doctors felt that Tom was fit to be seen he was visited by Superintendent Davies who needed a full and frank explanation of what had occurred at Colmar Grounds that fateful night. Tom explained everything other than the more intimate details of his brief relationship with Maria Peterson and the Superintendent explained the discoveries at Colmar Grounds and the circumstances of Maria’s escape and disappearance. Alan Davies was a man that Tom both trusted and respected, if he was to come through this with his rank intact and his reputation unscathed he knew he needed to be completely open and honest with him and intended to be so. Having fully related the story both men were quiet for a minute whilst the Superintendent finished making his notes.

  “That’s it really Sir, I fucked up.”

  Alan Davies nodded in agreement.

  Tom continued, “Just about did everything wrong didn’t I? Done properly it could have been an amazing result for Brampton CID but I really fucked it all up.”

  “Don’t be so hard on yourself Tom. It’s still a brilliant result and more importantly you’re alive and the other Officers involved were unharmed.”

  “Yes, thank God for that.” Tom replied.

  “Hey, look on the bright side Tom, there’s quite a few down at the station that will realise now that you’re human after all. Dave Sweeting is a good lad Tom, he thinks a great deal of you and he’s looking out for you in an effort to keep your reputation intact. You’ve got a great friend there Tom.”

  “Yes I know and I’m sure it’ll cost me a fortune in beer once I’m out of here.”

  “I’ll need a very lengthy statement from you Tom and a detailed covering report but don’t worry I’ll keep any damage to the minimum. Write them out when you feel up to it, I’ll vet it all and Anne can type it up for you before you sign it. This is a really great cocaine haul Tom. It’ll be a major incident room and very lengthy inquiry. It’s a great job with a few hiccups that will pale into insignificance. By the time it’s all finished your indiscretions will be as good as forgotten and if I can help in that direction I will.”

  “Many thanks Sir, I really appreciate your comments and if you can spare Sweetface for an hour tell him to come and visit.”

  “You’ll get plenty of visits Tom they all ask about you and I’m sure will all be in to see you as soon as you’re up to it. In the meantime get plenty of rest, do as you’re told by the Doctors and leave the Nurses alone. I’ll keep in touch and if you need anything you ring me or Sweetface, understand?”

  “Yep, will do Sir and thanks again.”

  Superintendent Davies left the hospital and returned to Brampton Police Station where he would take overall command of the challenging and complicated task ahead.

  During his first week in hospital Tom received many visitors. Sweetface visited as and when he could to keep him updated with progress of the case and his faithful neighbour, Jenny Ryan, regularly spent many hours sitting at his bedside holding his hand, talking to him and generally giving him great encouragement and comfort during his recovery efforts.

  About ten days after he had been shot, whilst Jenny was at his bedside, a large bouquet of flowers arrived. Tom looked bemused.

  “Who would send me flowers Jen?” Tom enquired.

  “I don’t know but that’s one expensive bouquet Tom,” Jenny replied.

  “There’s a big card as well Jenny, read it to me please.”

  “Are you sure? It might be personal Tom.”

  “Read it, I’ve got no secrets.”

  Jenny opened the envelope and took out the card, which she read aloud, ‘Tom, I’m so sorry, I hope your recovery will be swift. You’re an amazing man and one hell of a lover’… Jenny
stopped reading at this point, was visibly shocked and looked at Tom.

  “What was that about no secrets?” she asked.

  “Carry on Jenny, I will explain, I promise.”

  Jenny continued to read the card, ‘I know you won’t believe me but I regret hurting you Tom, I can’t really understand why I did it, you meant a lot to me. Anger I suppose because of your bloody job and the fact it all went wrong. I will always remember you. If anyone comes after me I hope it will be you. How about changing sides and coming to live the high life with me after you retire. Hang that silly badge up sexy Detective and come and join me. It’s okay, I know you could never do that plus I obviously can’t tell you where I am and I seriously doubt you or your colleagues will ever find me. Take care gorgeous man and I really hope the leg isn’t too seriously damaged. Enjoy your retirement when you get there. I will never forget you. On a serious note don’t ever come looking for me in an official capacity, it would be far too dangerous for you. Big sexy kiss. Love Maria’.

  Jenny just sat there and didn’t know what to say, she was totally at a loss for words. She put the card down on the bedside table next to the flowers. She didn’t speak.

  “This is going to take some time to explain Jenny. Are you sitting comfortably?” Tom said in an effort to lighten the mood.

  Tom took some time to explain fully to Jenny exactly what had happened between him and Maria, truthfully how he had felt about Maria, the fact that he obviously knew he had made a massive error of judgement and that, with hindsight, he regretted the whole episode. It was a long complicated story. He was quite candid in explaining what they had shared and the things that Maria had done to make him lose self control and act so out of character.

  It took a while but Jenny fully understood Tom’s vulnerability and it didn’t change the way she felt about him in anyway. Of course she would never admit it to Tom, but it had quite excited her to think of Tom in the very sexy scenarios he had described with Maria. It had given her a little insight into what he liked. In fact, given her a few ideas for the future perhaps. She made it clear to Tom that she still felt the same about him and continued over some time to assist in nursing him back to good health and give him all the help, support, love and affection that she felt he needed. Their relationship blossomed and their love grew. Tom eventually realised that the person he had needed in his life and with whom he wanted to spend his latter years, had been next door, available and interested in him the whole time.

  His eventual return to work was very gradual. He was on crutches for a considerable time so only light duties and short office based shifts at first. He made an almost full recovery although the movement in his knee was a little restricted but the Surgeons said time would give gradual improvement.

  He was surprised to find that his professional misdemeanours with Maria had been quickly forgotten exactly as Alan Davies had suggested. It had all been masked by the massive excitement and enormous press and public interest surrounding such a large cocaine find in a normally quiet and sleepy rural community. To his surprise he found himself and other Officers receiving a commendation from the Chief Constable for their bravery and the tenacious and thorough investigation leading to the biggest cocaine seizure in the history of his particular police force. For a while he became quite a local celebrity particularly as he had been shot as well.

  Dave Sweeting had totally revelled in this particular enquiry. It had given him the opportunity to prove his prowess as a Detective, even more so due to Tom’s prolonged absence on sick leave. After a considerable amount of time the inquiry settled down and he left the Incident Room and returned to general CID work. Tom was back in the Office on light duties and everything returned pretty much back to normal. Sweetface was glad to see Tom’s relationship with Jenny Ryan flourishing, Tom needed a woman like her at his side. He, however, was quickly becoming disenchanted with the cyclical monotony of Brampton’s intellectually challenged small time criminals. The Peterson enquiry, the murders, the Lucas arm of the enquiry had all given Sweetface a taste for more exciting things. Good things were round the corner though. Selection boards for the Regional Crime Squad had once again come round. He duly applied and at last was selected. Many celebratory beers were consumed by the Brampton Detectives upon hearing of Sweetface’s success and his new posting. Tom, although pleased for him, was greatly saddened at the loss from his office of a great Detective and very close friend. He made every effort to show that he was pleased for him but would truly miss his wit and immense presence of character in the office.

  Little did Tom know but Sweetface had already made the decision to use his new posting, the vastly increased freedom and resources it would bring and the surveillance expertise he would gain, to pay closer scrutiny towards Philip Lucas’s activities, in the hope that he could eventually trace and locate Maria Peterson. He wanted to see her back under arrest in the UK one day and eventually witness her receive her just rewards for the probable murder of her husband, (no body had been discovered yet), the murder of Wayne Evans and for the injuries and embarrassment inflicted on his Sergeant and best mate. He was a very determined Detective and didn’t intend to rest until that had been achieved.

  Tom meanwhile put his energies towards spending more time with Jenny and making retirement plans that at last would hopefully involve a kind, loving, strong and faithful partner.

  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  Relaxing at home with a cup of strong black coffee, Tom once again tried to erase Maria from his mind. He regularly found himself thinking about her and contemplating her whereabouts. Where had she created a new life? Who was she with? Did she think about him or had he just been a bit of a joke to her? He would day dream about how things could have developed had the circumstances been different. His heart regularly reassured him that he really had been in love with her and he seriously doubted that flame could ever be fully extinguished, regardless of what she had done. His nights were often full of dreams about her. Would they ever meet again? Only time would tell. And what would be the outcome of such a dangerous reunion?

  He sighed as he got up from his chair and looked over at Misty curled up in her basket in the corner of the room. “Come on Misty, let’s go out for some fresh air. A walk to clear my mind.”


  All rights reserved

  Copyright © Mike Holman, 2010

  Mike Holman is hereby identified as author of this work in accordance with Section 77 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

  The book cover picture is copyright to Mike Holman

  ISBN: 978-1-781480-53-3 in epub format

  This book is published by

  Grosvenor House Publishing Ltd

  28-30 High Street, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 3HY.

  ‘This novel is a work of fiction. All characters, names, places and events are fictitious and any resemblance to actual persons, places or events is purely coincidental’

  This book is sold subject to the conditions that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the author’s or publisher’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

  A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library




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