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Loving Her

Page 11

by Tracy Reed

“It’s not a problem.”

  I stroked the side of his face. “That won’t be necessary. So we look like a cake topper,” we laughed. “It’s very appropriate for today.” I kissed him again. “We better stop, otherwise we won’t make it to the store.”

  “Yes, Mrs. Adair.”

  This is one of the most difficult things I’ve had to do. I looked across the store and saw Moses smiling at me, and knew I could say what I wanted to say.

  “Good morning. First, I want to thank everyone for the amazing job you’re doing.” I took a deep breath. “Okay, there are going to be some changes starting this holiday season. I’m canceling the Charity Shopping Party and the Employee Party. Instead, Bas has convinced me to host a Friends and Family Night where each employee and two guests can shop at fifty percent off.” The cheers of excitement were overwhelming. The regular employee discount is thirty-five percent and each season they can purchase three items at twenty-five percent above cost. “Settle down. Our charitable contribution will be based on department sales. The three departments with the highest sales percentage increase from last year, will get to select a charity for the contributions.”

  “What if there’s a tie?” asked Ron, the Los Angeles shoe department manager.

  “In the event of a tie, that charity will benefit as well. Next, bonus checks will be the same amount across the board.”

  “What does that mean? Is that Bas’ idea too?” asked Teresa from Atlanta.

  “No, it’s not Bas’ idea. I’m going to give everyone the same amount. How much? Only I know the answer. Will it be fair? Yes. I think the checks would be more beneficial after the holidays but it’s up to you. You’ll need to let me know by the end of next week when you want them. And, it’s majority rule.”

  “What about the gift exchange?” Karen, the manager for the Orange County store asked.

  “December twenty-third for the California stores and the week before in Atlanta. We’ll have a special breakfast meeting and do it then. Kim will be responsible for assigning the names. Same rules as last year, it cannot be a gift from here and no more than fifty dollars. Questions?” I looked across the store and motioned for Moses. “Some of you may have noticed I’ve been out of the store a lot lately and you’ve probably seen a tall, dark, extremely handsome man walking around the store.” I took a deep breath, continued and Moses casually strolled up and stood next to me, and grabbed my hand. “A few weeks ago or for the benefit of those in the Alex Romance pool, five and a half weeks ago, I got married.”

  “Yes!” Screamed someone in the back of the store.

  “That must be the person who had the impromptu wedding square who won’t be getting a bonus check.”

  “That’s okay,” shouted the mysterious voice.

  “As I was saying. I got married, and this is my husband. Moses Adair.” The sound of my thoughts and nervousness were hidden beneath the applause and cheers. “Settle down. You guys are wild. This means there will be some changes. I’ll be spending less time here, because my husband’s business is in New York. A few days out of the month we will be in New York or Atlanta. Before anyone asks, there will not be a New York store. Any questions?”

  “How tall is he?” shouted Tina from the Fine Jewelry Department.


  “I had that in the pool.” Tina replied.

  “Honey.” A collective sigh floated in the air.

  “I’m six four,” he responded.

  “Yes.” Tina shouted.

  “New rules. Although my door is always open, please knock first. Second, my mother will be returning to a more active role in the stores. She and Bas will be in charge when I’m not here.”

  “When will the changes take place?” Ron asked.

  “Today. Employee evaluations will be moved up to the middle of January. Additional changes will be implemented after I finish the evaluations. Any more questions?”

  “Your husband is cute, and what kind of changes?” asked one of the concierges.

  “Thank you and, I’m not ready to say. I’ll be in New York next week for Thanksgiving, and not back until the following Monday. I know Bas will be on vacation Friday and Saturday. While he’s gone, Ron will be in charge here. Any more questions?”

  “Where did you get married?” asked one of the stylists.

  “New York.”

  “Where did you meet?” another voice from the back of the room asked.

  “At a party.”

  “How long have you known each other?” asked another stylist.

  “Over a year.”

  “Why weren’t we invited to the wedding?” asked a stylist from the Vintage Department.

  “We eloped.” A sigh fell across the room. “People—”

  “Just one more question Alex,” asked another stylist. “Will your husband be helping out in the store?”

  “Honey, I believe that one’s for you.” I deferred to Moses. He’s quite used to giving interviews, but being interrogated by my staff was a lot like meeting the family for the first time.

  “Only if my wife asks me to.” He smiled.

  “That’s enough questions. It’s almost ten o’clock and we need to open. Remember I need to know about the checks by December second. And there’ll be a managers’ lunch meeting. Okay, let’s make some money. Thank you.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  * * *

  WHAT THE CRAP! I REACHED for my phone. I tried to remain calm as I fished for the light switch. No one calls before sun up unless it was an emergency. My mind went straight to my parents, or my brother. My brain was having trouble recognizing the ringtone.

  I turned on the light switch, picked up my phone and pulled it close to my face. My eyes weren’t focusing yet, but I figured if I held the screen close it would rectify that problem. I could barely make out the name and took a chance the person calling had a legitimate reason for waking me up.

  I pressed the Answer Call button.

  “Hello.” My groggy voice barely got the words out.

  “Kendell, what the crap!” shouted the voice on the other end of the call.

  My ears were being assaulted. “Who is this?”


  I turned the light on, opened my eyes as wide as I could get them, searching for my clock. I shook my head and my eyes seemed to focus. I picked up my clock and took note of the time. “Do you know what time it is?”


  “What’s wrong?”

  “That’s what I want to know,” she yelled back.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “You and Bas.”


  “Oh…is that all you have to say?”

  “Who told you?”


  “Can we talk about this later? I have to get up in two hours and…”

  “No, we can’t.”

  I sat up and leaned against the headboard. “What do you want to know?”

  “Why you called Chloe and told her Alex married a gold-digger out to take her money? Moses doesn’t need or want Alex’s money. For the record, he makes Chloe look like a pauper.”

  That statement shocked me fully awake. “What…I thought…”

  “Exactly. If you had taken the time to get to know him, you would have learned that his family is one of the wealthiest families in New York and Atlanta.”

  “I didn’t know.”


  After my chastisement, I couldn’t go back to sleep. I got up, tried to pray, but peace eluded me. I got dressed, made an espresso and thought another would bring clarity, but it didn’t. I picked up my bag, keys, a third espresso and left.

  I pulled out of my driveway with the intention of going to the restaurant. However, the third espresso suggested something else.

  About twenty minutes later, I pulled into the long driveway and turned off my car. I sat there wrestling with myself a little longer. Convinced I needed to hav
e this conversation, I got out of the car and walked up the two brick steps, and banged the crap out of the black lacquered door. The three espressos were surging every part of my body.

  I lowered my hand and could feel myself tingling and not in a good way. As I waited for someone to answer, I looked around, and it was as if I had re-entered my body, and my inner self asked, “What the crap are you doing here?” I started to walk away, when the door opened.

  “Kendell, what…are you alright…what’s wrong?” Chloe put her phone close to her mouth. “Let me call you back.” She pressed the button ending the call. “Come in.” I stepped inside. “Are you okay?” Chloe repeated her question.

  “I’m fine. There’s nothing wrong.”

  She patted her chest. “Girl, you had me scared. Don’t ever do that to a pregnant woman. Do you want some coffee?”

  I followed her down the hall. “No, I’m good.” I placed my bag on the stool and watched as she waddled around the counter and poured a cup of coffee.

  “My doctor insists I only drink decaf.” She took a sip and let out a deep sigh. “I’m still not used to it, but it’s better than nothing. So what’s going on?” She looked at her phone. “Do you know what time it is?”

  “I want you to stop talking about my relationship with Bas. It’s no one’s business why we broke up.” The three espressos had me on full blast. “I don’t appreciate being awakened before the crack of dawn to be chewed out by Taylor about Bas.”

  “Hold up.” She placed the cup on the counter and rubbed her belly. “You’re not hurt?”


  “Alex, Dee, Taylor, everyone is fine?”


  “Let me get this straight. You stopped me from making money to chew me out because people are talking about you and Bas?”

  “Yes. It wasn’t your place to tell Taylor.”

  “First of all, I didn’t tell Taylor you broke up with Bas. We were talking about something else and it came up. I assumed it was common knowledge.”

  “Well, it isn’t.”

  “Then you had better tell him, because I’m pretty sure he’s told a few people.”

  “I’ll deal with him. But I don’t need everyone poking their noses into my business.”

  She rubbed her swollen belly. “Uh-huh…”

  “Seriously, who I see is my business, and I don’t need to be treated like a child because…”

  “Shut up.”


  “I said, shut up. You’re making my ears bleed. I don’t care who you see. I don’t care who you marry. I…don’t…care. I don’t know what your problem is and right now, I don’t care.”

  “I see.”

  “I hope you do, because I think it’s safe to say, none of us cares anymore. You had a good man. One who was willing to put up with your craziness and you let him go. I never take sides in these things, but this time I’m making an exception and taking Bas’ side.”

  “Whatever.” I picked up my bag and started to walk away.

  “I got your whatever. Don’t let this belly fool you. I will knock you into the next millennium if you come back here with this crap.”

  “I’m leaving.”

  “Please do.”

  Chapter Eighteen


  * * *

  “CALM DOWN PARKER.” I RUBBED my belly in a gentle circular motion, trying to stop my son from kicking. “I know, Mommy’s upset too.”

  I picked up my phone and sat down in the oversized chair and put my feet up. If it hadn’t been for this pregnancy, I might have actually hit Kendell. The nerve of her coming here with that crap. “OH! Okay, Mommy will calm down.” I took a few minutes to relax. After a few deep breaths, as deep as possible with a baby pressing on my bladder, I was a little more calm.

  I scrolled through my contacts and pressed the number. After the third ring, a familiar, breathy voice answered. “Hello.”

  “Good morning.”

  “Chloe…are you all right?” I could hear the anxiousness in her voice.”

  “Calm down Taylor, I’m fine.”

  “Girl, don’t scare me like that. I know if you or Alex calls me before eight your time, there’s a problem. You know I keep a California bag packed and sitting in my closet. You know I have to be ready at a moment’s notice.” She joked.

  “Everyone’s fine.”

  “Let me catch my breath. How’s the little mommy-to-be doing?”

  “Accept for having to pee every twenty minutes, passing enough gas to fuel a jet and feet that look like little sausages, I’m fine.” We both laughed. “And don’t get me started on my breasts, but my hair is fabulous.”

  “I know you didn’t call at this time of the day to share the pros and cons of pregnancy. What’s going on?”

  “I just had a visit from Kendell.”

  “Let me guess, she’s pissed because I chewed her out this morning?”

  “What did you say?”

  “I told her she was crazy for breaking up with Bas and then I asked what was going on with her.”

  “I see.”

  “After Alex’s wedding, we went to lunch and she was talking all this nonsense about not being able to trust Bas, and that she felt he was pushing her.”

  “This is Bas we’re talking about?”

  “Exactly. In all the years I’ve known Bas, I’ve never known him to want to get married.”

  “So, he did want to marry her?”

  “He had the ring on hold.”


  “Yes. I saw it. It was beautiful. Girl, he had it all planned. He was going to propose in Central Park after dinner on our last night in New York.”

  “Again, this is Bas we’re talking about?”

  “Who knew he had a romantic side. That stupid cousin of mine said she wasn’t sure she wanted to get married.”

  “So what happened?”

  “I don’t know. Moses had the jet take us all home. Bas and Kendell were very quiet, not being too affectionate. I figured they were trying to be cool in front of us.”


  “Me on the other hand, I was trying to figure out how Jason and I could join the private jet mile-high club.”

  “You are so bad.”

  “I was trying to be. Anyway, they on the other hand, showed no signs of a couple that had just gotten engaged. I kept trying to see if she was wearing the ring, but nothing. I just figured they were waiting to tell everyone.”

  “How did they end up breaking up?”

  “I don’t know. I did tell her, if she didn’t want Bas to let him go. Stupid girl.”

  “That’s exactly what she is. So how did you find out they broke up?”

  “I called and asked him when were they announcing their engagement and that’s when he told me.”

  “Did he say what happened?”

  “No. I don’t think he even knows.”

  “I’m still in shock.”

  “Like I told her, he won’t be alone for long. A few of my girlfriends told me to let them know when he’s available.”

  “There are a couple of girls in my office that said the same thing.”

  “Bas is a great catch, but I think it’s going to be a little while before he opens his heart up again.”

  “Did you tell Alex Queen Crazy came by?”

  “No, I didn’t want to bother her.”

  “That’s right. This is her first visit with the family since the wedding.”

  “What are they like?”


  “The in-laws.”

  “His dad and brother are great. His mother and sister are cut from the same snooty cloth. But I think Alex will be able to hold her own with them. Oh, that reminds me, I better pack a New York emergency bag.” We laughed. “Her ally is his grandmother.”

  “What’s she like?”

  “She runs the show. That’s all you need to know, and that she loves Alex. I think if it weren’t for Miss Emma and Au
nt Connie, Alex and Moses wouldn’t have gotten married.”


  “Once Emma Bartholomew—-”

  “Bartholomew as in EBA Properties?”

  “I don’t know. Why?”

  “EB Properties is one of the largest property management companies on the East Coast.”

  “All I know about Emma Bartholomew, is that she’s a very rich widow. Her only daughter is married to Moses’ dad, and she has three grandchildren.”

  “I need to do some research.”

  “When you find out, let me know. I’ll check on you later. Bye.”


  Chapter Nineteen


  * * *

  I’M EXHAUSTED, I’VE BEEN DEALING with employee evaluations for the past couple of weeks, and now I have to prepare for the fall shows, followed by two weeks of bliss on my secret honeymoon.

  Moses was supposed to pick me up from the store, but he called and asked could I get a ride with my mom. Seems he was on a writing roll.

  I walked inside and called out, “I’m home.” No answer. I peeked into Moses’ office, but he wasn’t there. I walked back into the kitchen, and still no sign of him.

  “Honey, I’m home,” I called out again. He must be upstairs. I started upstairs, and stopped when I heard a door open and close, followed by those familiar footsteps coming from the powder room.

  “Hey there, Beautiful.” I turned and walked back towards him. “I didn’t hear you come in.” He walked over and sat at the counter.

  “Hey.” I like everything he wears, but he looks incredibly sexy in a white shirt. The bright white lying against his deep chocolate skin, just does something to me. It’s like having a life size dark chocolate bar just begging to be eaten.

  “How was work?”

  “Fine. I announced the changes.” He wrapped his hands around my waist and gently kissed me. “You smell good.”

  “Thank you.”

  “How’s the book coming?”

  “I got a lot done.”

  I kissed him. “You taste salty.”


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