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Queen Sized: Royally Screwed: Book 7

Page 6

by Faye, Madison

  “Gentleman, please,” he smiled, nodding at two empty seats at the table, one between Simone and Brian, the other between her and Alessia. I moved without thinking. Or really, without caring—taking a seat right next to Alessia. I could see her shiver just a tiny bit as I sat, and I grinned, knowing it was me that had that effect on her.

  Isaac took his place between Simone and Brian, and in another second, wine and some light food were brought out to the table.

  Nolan was talking, but honestly, I wasn’t listening. Nor did I listen when Brian started to drone on about being away from his kingdom so long, and about his father passing, and about fulfilling the necessary steps to take the throne and blah blah blah. Because all I could think about was one thing and one thing only:

  I could still taste Alessia’s candy-sweet pussy on my tongue, and I wanted fucking more.

  Princess Simone was going off about what a great king her dear brother was going to be, Nolan was talking about plans for the coming weekend for Alessia and Brian to spend time together, and I vaguely remember seeing Isaac getting pretty chummy with the king-apparent, which irked me since he was supposed to be on my damn team when it came to considering Brian a royal douchebag.

  But all of it faded to the wayside as I turned and let my eyes slide over Alessia. Everything else turned to a dull drone around me as I let my hand drop to my knee, and then move to Alessia’s. She trembled when my big hand rested on her thigh, not even moving when the staff brought dinner out and set it down in front of all of us. Oh, I was hungry all right, but it wasn’t for the plate in front of me.

  My hand tugged at her gown, slipping it up her leg under the tablecloth until my fingers found the bare skin of her smooth, creamy thigh. I slid my hand higher, and when Alessia only spread her legs wider for me, I stifled a groan with a slug of wine. I moved higher, slipping right up between her thighs, and when I found what I was hoping for, I did growl, though just loud enough for her to hear.

  All I found between her thighs was her bare, panty-less pussy—wet, slick, and so ready for me.

  Alessia turned just slightly, her breath catching and her hand resting on my forearm under the tablecloth. Outwardly, she was smiling and nodding at the conversation around us. So was I, though barely. But under that table, my fingers stroked up and down her tight little pussy, dragging her wetness all over her lips and swirling it around her clit. Her hand tightened on my forearm, her eyes rolling back in her head just a little bit as she clenched her jaw and swallowed thickly.

  “My Queen, are you… are you alright?”

  My eyes darted across the table to Brian, barely able to stop myself from glaring at him. Isaac caught my look and frowned at me, but I brushed him off. I slowed my finger, but I kept my hand right where it was, under Alessia’s gown and right on her pretty little cunt.

  “I’m—yes, I’m alright, thank you, highness,” Alessia plastered a broad smile on her face, though under the table, her hand was gripping my forearm in an iron vice grip, and her pussy was dripping all over my fingers.

  “Just a little too much wine too fast, I think!”

  Alessia tittered out a light laugh, reaching out for her glass of water as Brian smiled at her and then went back to talking with Isaac.

  “Hey, are you sure you’re okay?”

  I was close enough to Alessia to hear Emilia’s whisper on her other side. Alessia just nodded quickly.


  I felt the tug. I felt her gently pull my hand from between her legs, but I just grinned to myself.


  I wasn’t done teasing her yet. Not by a damn mile. I knew it was fucking insane. Continuing, and being this damn reckless in front of Brian, and Queen Emilia—my employer—and everyone else. It was stupid, and wild, and dangerous. But I couldn’t stop. I wouldn’t stop, not when Alessia was involved. And now when I knew damn well how close I had her.

  My hand stayed right where it was, easily resisting her gentle tugs, and my finger began to swirl over her clit. She gasped quietly, though not enough that she didn’t get an odd look from Emilia, and from the Princess Simone, actually. Luckily, Brian was still occupied being all chatty with Isaac. But none of that mattered, and honestly, little of it even registered with me. Because my only concern was making my queen come for me, and soon.

  “Oren,” she hissed under her breath, turning to me. Her eyes were wide, and maybe there was a little plea there for me to stop, but mostly, all I saw was hunger, like she was trying to tell herself that this needed to stop when we both knew how bad she wanted to come for my fingers.

  She took a giant slug of her wine, forcing a smile on her face and nodding too eagerly at a story Peter was trying to tell the table. And the whole while, my finger just kept stroking, and kept swirling, and kept pressing on her clit. I could feel her pussy dripping her honey all over my hand, coating my fingers in her arousal as I pushed her higher and higher. I eased finger into her tight, slick little cunt, teasing against her opening as I toyed with her clit, and when she started to actually tremble, I knew she was close.

  “So, Captain.”

  Brian smiled at me. I didn’t stop my fingers.

  “I hear excellent feedback about your leadership abilities.”

  “Thank you, your highness.”

  My finger kept swirling around Alessia’s throbbing little clit.

  “Oh, Oren is amazing,” Emilia chimed in. “I honestly don’t know how we’d function day to day at the palace without his schedules and his help. Especially with the baby coming, Rian and I are totally in his debt. He’s incredible.”

  “Yeah, in-incredible,” Alessia murmured, her eyes half closing as she grabbed her wine glass and took another heavy slug to cover her blushing face. Her hips pushed subtly against my hand, grinding her clit against my finger as she grew wetter and wetter.

  “It’s nothing, your highness,” I smiled across Alessia at Queen Emilia.

  “It’s just a matter of focus.”

  My finger pressed harder on Alessia’s clit as I turned to Brian.

  “And staying the course.”

  Alessia’s free hand grabbed the edge of the table, her whole body tensing as she started to fall.

  “And following through, to the very end.”

  I smiled as I turned to Alessia, looking her right in the eye as my finger ground against her clit.

  “Wouldn’t you agree, your highness?”

  My finger rolled across her clit one final time, and as our eyes locked, suddenly, she crumbed.

  Alessia grabbed a napkin, covering half her face and coughing into it as my finger pushed her right into her orgasm. I could feel her flooding my hand with her slick arousal, her pussy coming for me again and again as she feigned coughing into her napkin while she came right there in front of everyone.

  And then, only then, did I slip my hand from beneath her dress.

  “Jesus, are you okay?” Emilia looked worried as she held Alessia’s arm. Nolan half stood, looking concerned before Alessia waved them both off.

  “I’m—I’m okay! Really!”

  She brought the napkin away from her beet red face, her eyes darting to me for one half a second and just blazing with heat before she smiled at the rest of the table.

  “Just a cough, I’m fine.” She smiled. “The food is so good; I think I just swallowed too fast.”

  “Your chef is incredible, Highness. The food is incredible.” Isaac smiled at Emilia before he turned and gave me an odd look, which I ignored.

  “It really is,” I growled. Alessia turned to me, just in time to watch me as I brought my hand to my lips and sucked my two fingers clean.

  “Truly delicious.”

  Alessia’s face went crimson before she turned back to take a huge gulp of water.

  This was beyond reckless. It was beyond any sort of risk I’d ever taken before. It was insane, actually. But then, with her, I was happy to go crazy. Because she made me want to be wild and break my rules. Every sing
le fucking one of them.

  Screw duty. Fuck the fact that she was betrothed to this frail little prick of wannabe king across the table. I’d caught her, I’d held her, I’d kissed her.

  …And she was mine.

  “Well, I’m glad this weekend worked out, having you both here to join us all,” Nolan smiled, nodding at Brian and then at Simone, who blushed as she smiled back at him.

  “And thank you to you and your husband,” Simone added quickly, raising a toast to Emilia.

  We cheered all around, but again, my mind was elsewhere, on one thing and one thing only: Alessia.

  “Well, with Danesland’s council being as it is, and them being such antiques about the rules of having a married regent, and of course with your own laws with you ascending the throne in Seyvette, highness,” Nolan nodded at Brian. “I’m glad the both of you have found an equal with another of royal blood. Seeing as both kingdoms require it for marriage.”

  A darkness clouded my face, and my jaw tightened.

  …What the fuck was I doing?

  Nolan was right. Ultimately, despite my little fantasy of sweeping Alessia away and keeping her all to myself, doing so wasn’t just fantasy, it was criminal. And it was never going to happen. Running off with her would mean the end of my career to a man and his family who treated me as part of it. It would mean the end of Alessia’s rule of Danesland, too. And hell, if push came to shove, for her, I’d walk away from anything. But I couldn’t ask her to walk away from her own kingdom, not when it was so clear that she was willing to do anything—like marry Brian LaBeau—to run her country the best she could.

  I could still taste her on my lips. I could still imagine taking her and running off with her, and marrying her, and making her mine. But I knew it was a fantasy. I knew continuing down this road would end in disaster. I knew pushing my luck like this was going to get her hurt, or worse. I knew she could never be mine.

  I knew a lot… except, that is, how wrong I was.

  Chapter 9


  By the time the dinner ended, I knew something was wrong. Where before he was sneaking touches, and for fuck’s sake, making me come in front of the whole freaking table, after my Uncle’s little speech about royal blood and all that, Oren went quiet. And when we were done with a final glass of wine and some dessert, he stood abruptly, bid his goodnights, and left.

  …Somehow, I got the impression that chasing after my friend’s captain of the guard wouldn’t exactly go over so well.

  But later, after mumbling my way through small talk with Brian, more small talk with Simone, and then more small talk with Brian, I finally found myself alone and back at my own quarters. Alone, and antsy.

  I paced my room, my fingers wringing together, and my mind trying its damnedest to tell my heart and my body to shut the hell up and just leave it be. Because my head was trying to get me to do stick to what I should have been doing—what was expected of me. Stay put, marry King Brian, and then finally be able to lead my kingdom as it needed me to lead it, without the baggage of my royal council hounding me about being unmarried.

  What I should have been doing was going to bed, and putting all those wicked thoughts and toe-curling, skin-tingling desires concerning a certain captain of the guard out of my head.

  But the longer I tried to tell myself to just forget everything that’d happened with Oren and I, and to let it be just what it was—a filthy little memory, the more I knew that wasn’t going to happen. And of course, tell yourself that something is forbidden long enough, and it’s the only thing you’ll want. And that’s exactly what was happening as I paced my quarters, until finally, I broke.

  And that’s how I found myself slipping into the laciest, skimpiest bra and panties I’d packed, donning a silk robe, and then stealing through the dark, empty hallways of the palace. That’s how I found myself standing in front of a door, my heart racing my pulse thundering in my ears, and my skin tingling in anticipation as I took a shaky breath.

  And slowly, convinced the whole damn castle could hear it, I knocked. There was silence, and so I knocked again, and I was raising my fist and my courage for one more knock, when suddenly, the door swung open. And there, shirtless, gorgeous, and with his eyes full of heat as they bore into mine, was Oren.

  “Highness,” he growled, his jaw tightening and fire sparking in his gaze.

  “Oren, I—”

  “You shouldn’t be here,” he growled lowly, towering over me. “You’re getting mar—”

  “I’m aware of what I should and should not be doing, Captain,” I spat back, taking another shaky breath as I clutched the robe tight around myself. I reached out with one hand, my palm going flat against his grooved, sculpted abs as I pushed. Oren growled again as he took a step back into his darkened quarters with me following quietly.

  “Alessia,” he groaned through gritted teeth, his hands clenching to fists at his sides, like he was doing everything in his power to hold himself back.

  “I know what I want, Oren,” I said quietly.

  “You’re getting married, Alessia,” he muttered back.

  “I just told you,” I whispered, my fingertips tracing down over his abs until they hooked into the waist of his jeans. I tightened my grip, tugging myself close to him as I kicked the door shut behind me.

  “I know what I want. I don’t want Brian,” I purred, my pulse racing and my head spinning at what I was about to do.

  “I want you.”

  I stepped back from him, and before he could say a word, I opened my robe and let it slip off my shoulders to puddle at my feet. I trembled slightly, blushing as I forced myself to hold his gaze. And Oren growled—deeply, ferociously, and thickly, like a wild beast as his eyes drank me in. I watched his jaw tighten and grind, and his eyes blaze with heat as his gaze slid teasingly over every inch of me.

  “Alessia,” he groaned, his shoulders heaving and his muscles tensing over and over.

  “I can’t control myself with you,” he grunted. “If you stay, and if you give me an inch, I’m gonna take a fucking mile.”

  “You’re not hearing me,” I hissed back, sliding into him, my hands tracing over his rock-hard chest. I looked up into his gorgeous blue eyes, standing up on my tiptoes until my lips could brush the hollow of his neck.

  “I want you to take it all,” I whispered fiercely.

  And just like that, he snapped.

  I moaned as his big hands grabbed me, yanking me into him as his lips crushed to mine. I whimpered, trembling in his arms as I opened my mouth for him, tasting his lips as his tongue tangled with mine. His huge hands slid down my body, grabbing my ass roughly and making me moan even louder into him as he pulled me tight to his hard, chiseled body. I could feel the heat and power of his bare chest against my almost bare skin, and when I felt the powerful throb of his bulge against my tummy, a pulse of raw desire pooled between my legs. My nipples hardened, poking like pebbles through my lacy bra and dragging over his chest as he spun us and half dragged, half carried me across the room to the bed.

  Oren tossed me down, but I was up in a flash, shaking my head and biting my lip wickedly as I turned the tables on him. I grabbed the waist of his jeans again, spinning him and shoving him back onto the edge of the bed with a wicked glint in my eyes. Oren grinned hungrily, his eyes sweeping over me and his hands reaching out to grab my hips. He pulled me forward, his face burying between my breasts, and I gasped as he used his lips, teeth, and tongue on my skin.

  He moved from one nipple to the other, sucking and nibbling at them right through the lace, making me cry out in pleasure as he teased them. One of his big hands slid to my ass, and he grunted as he palmed one cheek and gave me a little smack, making me whimper. Another hand slid up my back, popping the clasp of my bra and yanking it away with his teeth as I moaned.

  But it was my turn.

  I pulled away, panting, my nipples hard and aching and my pussy soaking through my panties. I eyed him coyly and dropped to my knees,
sliding between his legs and reaching for his jeans.

  “Fuck, beautiful,” he groaned, his abs clenching as my fingers tugged at his button. I muttered to myself, struggling with his pants before he chuckled and gently pushed my hands away. His fingers deftly popped the button, and as my breath caught, he began to tug his zipper down.

  “Take them off,” I panted, my thighs squeezing together as my core tightened with anticipation. Oren growled, hooking his thumbs into his jeans and standing as he pushed them down. My eyes immediately swiveled to the bulge in his boxers because holy shit, how could they not have? The thick, pulsing tent in his underwear was huge, and more than a little intimidating, if not totally panty-soakingly hot.

  He kicked his jeans away and sat back on the bed, and without hesitation, I moved forward. My fingers slid into his waistband, tugging them down. My breath caught, my pulse raced, and with one yank, I pulled them right down his thighs.

  Oh. My. God.

  My jaw dropped, and my entire core melted with heat as Oren’s huge, massive cock swung free and slapped against his abs. And I do mean huge. Thick, absolutely gorgeous, and pulsing with need. I moaned, squeezing my core muscles and one hand drifting almost with a mind of its own to cup one of my breasts.

  I’d never seen one before, but Oren’s, big, thick cock was absolutely beautiful. And gigantic. And pulling me in like a moth to flame.

  “My turn,” I whispered, reaching out with one hand. My fingers brushed against his underside, and when his cock jumped, a groan tumbling from his lips, I whimpered in anticipation. I brushed him with two fingers again, watching spellbound as his big cock swelled up even more. A thick bead of something white dripped slowly from his swollen head to trickle down his shaft and over my fingers, making me whimper for more.

  I brought a second hand up, both of them circling his huge girth, and when I gave him a tentative stroke, Oren growled, his eyes flashing fire into mine. I leaned forward, and when I pressed my lips to that thick, swollen head, I knew.

  …I knew he was going to have everything when it came to me.


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