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Viking Vengeance

Page 13

by Griff Hosker

  "Well my mind is working on how we get to keep our gold and our lives. I will rest easier when our scouts bring us news and when Snorri and my Ulfheonar return with the ransom. I did not trust that eorl!"

  The scouts returned an hour before dusk. The news they brought was mixed. The first scouts reported many farms and churches within a few miles of us. It seemed we could continue to raid. However the last scout brought less welcome news. He had travelled the furthest. "Jarl Dragonheart there is a town some twenty or so miles north east of us. There are many men making their way there. They are raising the fyrd."

  "Do you think they would be ready to march this day?"

  "I doubt it Jarl. I saw lines of men marching to join them."

  "Good. Send for the prisoner."

  The Lady Aethelfled arrived. I could see that my men had looked after her and she looked a little more defiant than when her husband had left. "Has my husband returned?"

  "Not yet. How far to your home?"

  "It would take almost a day to get there."

  "Then you should know he has not. There is a village twenty or so miles north east of us."


  "Probably. Does it have an Eorl?"

  A self satisfied smile filled her face, "The Eorl Beothild; he is a mighty warrior and a cousin of the King! He will come and swat you like a fly. God will punish you, pagan and Eorl Beothild will be the weapon he uses!"

  I smiled, "That may be. Take her away." When she had gone I said. "They will come to fight us. If they leave at dawn they will expect to be here by the middle of the afternoon. They will march on foot. We will also leave here at dawn and meet them on the way. We will choose a ground I like. They will expect us to sit behind these walls and await our fate." I turned to Asbjorn and Gunnar Thorfinnson. "Leave a small garrison at Hamwic and return here with your men."

  Gunnstein Berserk-Killer came over to speak with me after my men had left. The Ulfheonar sharpened their swords and drank. "You and you your men seem remarkably calm about this. There is an army coming to fight us and you are choosing to meet them on their own ground without knowing their numbers."

  I nodded, "My men have done this before as have I. We do not meet them on ground which they have chosen. We choose where to attack them and that is the difference. As to the quality of the warriors... I have not fought with you or Gunnar but the rest I know. They stand when I say stand. They charge when I say charge. They obey orders and they only retreat when I order them to do so. In addition Saxons are the worst archers I have ever seen. The only archers who can compare to our men are the Welsh. Without seeing the battlefield I know that my archers will cause more death before the men of Wessex reach us than they have seen in a lifetime. When we charge, and we will, we will hit them with our mailed men in the centre of a line of steel. No matter how many warriors they have they will have more who are not, the fyrd. The fyrd are fine and good when all goes well but when you hit them hard they remember the cow at home which needs milking or they think of their family. They are Christians and they fear to die."

  He nodded. "I see. What you say makes sense. The trouble is I have followed a leader like Hakon the Bald who never takes risks. He connives and uses treachery amongst his enemies to keep control. We rarely have to battle in Dyflin. The Hibernians are always too pleased to fight amongst themselves."

  "Do not misunderstand me. When King Egbert returns it will be a different matter. We will be fighting the best which Wessex has to offer and they will have great numbers. With the King present the fyrd will fight harder but this Eorledman does not frighten me."

  Despite my confident words I worried about Snorri and the ransom. The Eorl Centwine had headed north. Snorri could be beyond help behind enemy lines. I wanted my Ulfheonar safe more than I wanted the ransom.

  Leaving Aiden to command the small garrison I led two hundred and twenty warriors north east. We left at dawn. I had Beorn and ten scouts riding ponies ahead of us to find somewhere where we could surprise and then fight our Saxon foes. I had forty archers in one body and they were led by Finni. I would have preferred Snorri but he was still missing. He was in Saxon lands and I was worried.

  Beorn and his scouts met us five miles down the Roman Road. "Two miles ahead, Jarl, the road passes through a forest. The trees close to the road are spindly but the enemy will only see us when they are five hundred paces from us."

  "Good then we will use that."

  When we reached it I was pleased. We had passed nothing better. "Finni, I want the archers behind me and the Ulfheonar. Wolf Killer, you will have your men in the woods to the right. Gunnstein, you will be with him. Asbjorn, will be to the left, Gunnar, have your men support him. The rest will be behind us but I wish to show just my men to the enemy. Let the rest remain hidden."

  While they took their positions I spoke with my jarls. "We make them bleed and I will retreat through the woods. When Gunnar Gunnarson signals with my banner then you fall on their flanks."

  "You take a great risk, Father."

  "We are the best armed, armoured and trained warriors. We can retreat together."

  "But there are just six of you!"

  "With archers behind but the six of us will fill the Roman Road." I pointed to the ditches. "We have time to make ankle breakers there. They will rush to flank us and they will fall."

  The men set to work with a will. My Ulfheonar became the experts directing the work. We knew our business. It was the business of death. They dug pits the depth of a leg and covered them with vegetation. I sent Beorn to keep watch on the enemy. Wolf Killer came to speak with me. "This is a risk we do not need to take."

  "You mean I do not need to take?"

  He smiled and nodded, "There are three women at home who will make my life a misery if I fail to bring you back alive."

  There was a spider's web in the tree next to me, "And there are three women who weave and plot; it is they who will decide if I am to live or to die. I could sit behind my walls and die of poisoned meat because the Weird Sisters have tired of me. This is good, Wolf Killer, and I do not believe that this is my day to die." He nodded. "I have given you the place which is the most crucial. We need this fyrd surrounding and destroying. When they are attacked in the rear and the flanks they will panic. It is in the nature of farmers to do so. Our retreat will make them think they have victory and your attack will snatch it away from them. Without hope they will not stand."

  It was noon when Beorn rode in. "They are less than two miles away. They will reach us soon."

  "Good. Put your horse behind the archers and join us. Gunnar, my standard!"

  Leaving the archers and the rest of my men on the road out of sight I led my handful of men and my banner out into the open and we marched to a spot two hundred and fifty paces from the edge of the woods. We all wore our shields across our backs and our swords were sheathed. I turned to inspect the woods. I knew where my men waited and I could detect their presence but I knew that the Saxons would not think that two hundred men awaited them.

  "Remember they know not the Ulfheonar nor how we fight. Those who fled and reported us will say that there is a war band of Vikings raiding. They will see our cloaks and our black armour. At best they have heard of some warriors who think that they can become wolves but they are Christian. They will dismiss the idea. When they see us turn and run they will take us for scouts or a vanguard and they will run after us. We lead them to the very edge of the wood where we turn and fight. The men who will shelter behind us have no armour and the Saxons will think that we are weaker than we are. We fall back in one solid line."

  Haaken laughed, "I think that we can do that, Jarl Dragonheart. We just have to make sure that Olaf Leather Neck here does not try to kill them on his own."

  Olaf chuckled, "I will leave some for you, Haaken One Eye, that way you may mention me in a saga."

  "Gunnar, your task is harder. You must stay behind me and hold the standard high. When I shout your name then it is the time to
signal the attack."

  "Aye Jarl."


  I turned as Erik spoke. The Saxons were coming. They were an untidy sprawl spreading out long both sides of the Roman Road. They were led by five men on horses. They were mailed horsemen. I spied some shields and helmets in the mass of men but it was hard to estimate either numbers or quality. What I did know was that there appeared little order. They halted and I saw the horsemen hold conference."

  I nodded, "The mounted ones are the nobles and the leaders. We kill them and the heart will go from the rest. When they come we wait until I shout run and then we pretend we are the Welsh and we run!"

  We watched as they neared us. We waited. They spied us and spoke for a few moments. Then I saw a horseman raise his sword and they began to come towards us. They walked and then, when they saw us standing and not running, they began to run. "Now!"

  We turned and we ran. I could hear the hooves and the feet on the cobbles behind us. Their shouts, cheers and jeers filled the air. As we neared the woods I saw that my jarls had successfully hidden their men. I shouted, "Archers stand. Men of Cyninges-tūn stand behind the Ulfheonar. Today is your day." The moment we reached the very edge we turned to face them. I slid my shield around as did the others. The six of us filled the road. There was no gap and the only way around us was through the trap filled drainage ditch. Glancing down I could see no sign of the ankle breakers but I knew that they were there; cunningly hidden beneath the vegetation.

  "Archers, release!"

  I heard Erik Wolf Claw as he took charge of the men from Cyninges-tūn. The arrows, all forty of them rose high in the air and plunged down on to the Saxons. They struck them when they were a hundred paces from us. The mailed men were not hurt but the horses were and those without armour were struck. More arrows followed. The wounded horses bucked and reared. Their flailing hooves smashed skulls to pulp and shattered bones. We had achieved more already than I could have hoped.

  The leader, I took him to be Eorl Beothild, did not panic. He rose and, after slitting the throat of his dying horse began to organise his men into a shield wall. I heard his voice as he shouted, "Form a line. Kill the horses who are injured. Edgar, take men into the woods and outflank them!"

  All the time he was speaking his men were dying. The arrows rained down. Men hid beneath any shelter they could get. Most had small shields which were of no use at all.


  They came at us in a wedge. We had locked shields and swords held across the top of them. The wedge began to spread into the sides of the road, into the ditch. The ankle breakers were in the shady part of the forest. They would see their chance to outflank us. The Eorl Beothild was not in the front rank. He and three others were four men back. The five at the front were mailed and I saw battle rings around their arms. They held spears and their helmets were well made.

  I waited until the leader was close to me and when he jabbed his spear at my head I did not bring my shield up. I had no need to. Our shields were locked and we had a barrier of wood and iron before us. Instead I moved my head away from the spear thrust, it glanced along the side of my helmet and then I rammed my sword into his open mouth as he roared his triumph. I twisted as I pulled it out and he fell. Two more men fell to my Ulfheonar.

  "Fall back!"

  We took a step back as they adjusted their front. Two men came at us. This time they were warier. They tried to hit me in the face with their spears. They could see my mouth and they aimed at my throat. I had a coil of mail around it but they would not be able to see that. Olaf and Haaken's swords darted forward as I used Ragnar's Spirit to deflect the two spears. I broke the head on one spear as both men were stabbed by my oathsworn. Both dropped to their knees. They were wounded only but their pride would keep them in the battle and would kill them.

  "Fall back!"

  My archers were still releasing arrows and men's attention was on the skies and not on their feet. Some at the side were eager to escape the misery of the arrows and they left the wedge to outflank us. I heard their shouts as they found the ankle breakers and the traps. The point of the wedge had now disappeared. There were six men facing us and they filled the road. The next time they surged forward we would be equally matched. I saw that Eorl Beothild was in the second rank.

  "Fall back!"

  They had not reached us when we fell back. The step took them by surprise and Eorl Beothild must have thought that we were fleeing his wrath for he shouted, "At them!" They charged.

  "Brace!" We all put one leg behind us and leaned forward as the Saxon ran at us. Had we been in the open they would have pushed us back but the ditch and the hidden traps caused confusion as men fell into those trying to push. The traps did not kill but they hurt the enemy. The front rank struck us. Some of these had swords. We kept our shields locked and they took most of the hits. The rest were taken on our swords. I saw the look of surprise on the warrior before me as his sword bent when he hit Ragnar's Spirit. I head butted him and brought my sword down on the side of his head. Although we were too close for a good strike I stunned him and I felt him slip to the ground.

  "Fall back!"

  We had now fallen back some ten paces into the woods. Another five and I could signal the attack. One of those with a good byrnie and sword stepped into the gap created by the last fallen warrior. He was young and eager to get to me. He shouted, "Come, let us show these Norsemen that the men of Wessex have guts!"

  As he swung his sword at me I shouted, "And you will spill them here whelp of Wessex! You fight the Wolf Warriors!"

  I had his attention, "And you fall back like women. Stand and fight!"

  Next to me Olaf had more space and be brought his sword high above his head to smash into the helmet of the warrior next to the arrogant young man. Olaf's mighty sword split the helmet and the young man was spattered with blood, brains and bone. Distracted by the blow the young warrior's eyes flickered to the side and I stabbed forward. Being young he had quick reactions and his sword came up to block but he had no mail mittens and my blade sliced across his knuckles. Two fingers were hacked from his hand and he stumbled.

  "Fall back!"

  Each time we fell back we left a line of dead or wounded men and the Saxons had to slow as they approached us and clambered over the bodies. I gambled that we had moved back far enough and as the Saxon line lurched forward I shouted, "Gunnar!"

  Even I was taken aback by the roar from a hundred and twenty Vikings who roared their war cries and charged the flanks of the Saxons.

  "Men of Cyninges-tūn, now is your time!" We unlocked our shields and ran at the stunned Saxons. The maimed Saxon looked up in horror as Haaken swept his sword towards him, his head hit Eorl Beothild who looked stunned by the sudden reversal in fortunes. I took advantage of his hesitation and distraction I swung Ragnar's Spirit towards his left shoulder. He hurriedly tried to get his shield up. He might have been as Lady Aethelfled had said, a mighty warrior who had fought many battles but his reactions were slow. It slowed the strike of my blade, it did not stop it. It bit into his shoulder breaking the mail. As I drew back the sword I saw that its edge was bloody. He knew he was hurt and he desperately struck at my head with his long sword. I had quick reactions and my shield blocked it.

  The handful of mailed men who stood near their Eorl were fighting hard against my Ulfheonar but elsewhere the battle was going our way as my men hacked and slashed their way through the demoralised fyrd of Wessex. With little armour and poor weapons they were no match for Wolf Killer, Asbjorn and their battle hardened veterans. Erik Wolf Claw was leading the archers around the flanks of the enemy to cut off their retreat.

  I feinted at the Eorl's weakened shoulder. As I had expected he tried to raise his shield to counter it. The effort cost him dear. I stabbed forward with Ragnar's Spirit and he managed to bring down the edge of the shield and he blocked it. I realised that the bone across his shoulder had been broken. Not only was he bleeding; the jagged ends of the bones were gr
ating together. He was a brave man as he stoically endured the pain.

  "Surrender and I will give you the warrior's death!"

  "I am a Christian and I will send you to hell, pagan!" He launched himself at me with his sword. He put every ounce of strength left to him into the strike. All of his years of experience struck where he thought he would do the most damage. It was a mighty blow and my shield shivered but it cost him dear. Before he could even withdraw his sword I had darted forward with my blade and put my entire weight and strength behind the strike. My sword had a sharp tip. It tore through the mail links and entered his leather byrnie. I pushed harder and the leather suddenly gave way. I felt warm fluids flood over my hand and I twisted as I stabbed. I heard a grunt from him. Our faces were almost touching and I saw a tendril of blood begin to seep from his mouth. I thought he was smiling and then I realised he was dead. I pushed the body from my sword.

  Around me my Ulfheonar stood with bloodied swords and the bodies of the vanquished lay around us. The battle ahead had moved on and the Roman Road was strangely quiet. There were just the moans of the wounded and dying punctuated by the panting of my warriors. We were too tired to pursue. That would be left to the archers and the warriors of Wolf Killer and the other jarls.

  Olaf was tending to Erik who had taken a savage cut to his face. "The women love a scar. You could have a blue one like Thorfinn."

  Erik snorted, "I will just have a scar. I am ugly enough without making it blue!"

  I saw that Gunnar had also been wounded albeit slightly. Had I fought alongside any other warriors then it would not have gone as well as it had.

  I took off my helmet. One or two of my warriors from Cyninges-tūn were going around ending the pain of our badly wounded warriors and despatching the Saxon wounded. There were many of our men who would survive if we could get them back to Aiden who would heal them.

  "Gunnar, gather the wounded who can be healed and take them back to Wintan-ceastre. Tell Aiden we have won a great victory. We need food and medicine. We will start back when my son and the other jarls return."


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