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Protecting Priscilla

Page 8

by Pepper North

  The sheriff’s hand landed on one of Mitch’s shoulders and squeezed lightly. “You’ll take good care of her. If it’s okay, I’ll come by SANCTUM to check on her when she gets out of here. I never did like hospitals,” he said, looking around the sterile room.

  “We’d both welcome you to visit anytime. I have a few questions for you as well.” Mitch slowly smiled at Ben.

  “What would be a good treat for her? Flowers? Candy?” the sheriff asked, avoiding Mitch’s statement.

  “Candy definitely. She’s fallen in love with the candy shop downtown. The owner, Samantha Townsend, will be able to help you pick out something Priscilla will love,” Mitch recommended.

  “Perfect.” Sheriff Underwood nodded before softly patting the small foot pressing against the stark white sheet. Without another word, he turned and walked silently from the room.

  Alone once again, Mitch sat next to still figure in the hospital bed. The stark lighting made her look paler and more fragile. Standing, he switched off the light over the head of her bed. Settling back into the uncomfortable hospital chair, he held her hand and just watched her breathe.

  Looking up, Mitch said a silent thank you before leaning forward to lower his head onto one scratched forearm and allow himself to fall into a light sleep. His military training would allow him to wake instantly if Priscilla made the smallest sound. He would guard her forever if she would let him.

  Chapter 23

  A tender hand caressed the side of his head and paused to brush the hair from his eyes. Mitch raised his head to meet those big blue eyes he loved so much. “Hi,” she whispered. “You didn’t have to stay all night.”

  “I’m not leaving your side, sugar,” he answered, leaning forward to press his lips softly to hers. “How are you feeling, Little girl?

  “Like I’ve been run over by a truck but never happier in all my life. I’m really free now, aren’t I?” she whispered as if afraid to jinx her luck.

  “You’re free of everyone but me, sugar.”

  She smiled at him and nodded. Moving slightly, she winced and collapsed back to the bed. “Could I have something to drink?”

  Mitch lifted a nearby cup to her mouth and watched her drink thirstily. A small rivulet of water escaped from the corner of her mouth. Quickly, he grabbed the edge of the sheet and dabbed her mouth dry. “Sorry, sugar. If I had a bottle, it would make it much easier.”

  “Shhh!” she whispered as she looked nervously at the curtain separating her from the next bed.

  “She just went down for some tests. We’re alone.” Mitch smiled at her embarrassment.

  “Oh.” She looked down for a minute before her eyes shyly met his again. “I wish I had a diaper too. Can you help me to the bathroom?” When he nodded, she allowed him to remove her covers and help her slide from the bed. Hobbling slowly to the toilet, she relied on his supporting arm to help her. Together, we can do anything, she thought, smiling up at his concerned face.

  When the attending doctor came to talk to them, he shared that Priscilla’s ribs were severely fractured in several locations. There were risks that damaged bones could puncture a lung or blood vessel if she was not careful to allow herself to heal. Her oxygen levels had stabilized overnight, so she would be allowed to go home if she would stay sedentary and avoid further injury.

  Mitch promised him that he would wrap Priscilla in bubble wrap to keep her safe. The Little girl’s resulting laugh at that visual image brought tears to her eyes as her sudden motion jarred her ribs. The concerned Daddy rubbed her back slowly and promised never to make her laugh again. Observing the sweet exchange, the doctor quickly decided his patient would be well taken care of by the bearded man who obviously loved her deeply.

  When finally all the forms were completed, and Priscilla was allowed to leave the hospital, Mitch made one quick stop. He picked up anything she might need at the pharmacy in town before heading home to SANCTUM. Priscilla slept most of the way home, only waking as they stopped at the gate barring the entrance.

  When Mitch negotiated through the locked gate, and they were securely inside, Priscilla let out a deep breath of relief. Responding to her Daddy’s questioning look, the Little answered, “When Mark took me away from here, I feared I’d never get to come home again.”

  His large hand dwarfed her slender thigh as he rubbed her leg to comfort her. “I would have moved heaven and earth to bring you home with me.” Mitch’s deep voice rang with sincerity. “Losing you was not an option.”

  Priscilla dropped her chin and nodded. Immediately Mitch stopped the SUV, even though they were just a few feet from their home. He cupped her chin and gently lifted it until their eyes met. Those big blue eyes he loved so much were shiny with tears.

  “Sugar, what’s wrong?” he asked as he wiped away the silvery trails left by her tears.

  “I love you so much. I couldn’t believe I just found you, and everything was taken away from me again. I even lost Lia,” she lamented.

  “Someone is waiting for you at home, Priscilla. How about if you dry your eyes, and we’ll go see who it is?” he suggested.

  “Lia? Did you find Lia?” Her eyes brightened with hope.

  “A beautiful doll who is definitely not smelly is waiting for you in your crib. She has been very worried about you. You’ll have to be careful with her. She was injured in her fall as well,” Mitch answered with a concerned tone.

  “Hurry, Daddy. I need to make sure she’s okay,” Priscilla urged as she dashed away the last of the tears from her eyes.

  Once at the house, Mitch firmly warned her to stay in the SUV and that he would come to help her out when she would have bounded from the vehicle. He lifted his Little into his arms cautiously and carried her into the waiting house. Walking directly to the nursery, he leaned over the crib to pluck Lia from inside before relinquishing her to Priscilla’s eager hands.

  As she talked to the doll and examined her for injuries, Mitch silently thanked Beau for coming over and wrapping the doll’s torso in a small elastic bandage. The two could recover together. He laid Priscilla on the changing table and carefully removed her clothing. After wrapping her bottom in a diaper, he pulled his old t-shirt over his Little’s head to cover her own elastic bandages.

  Priscilla’s eyes drooped lower and lower. She had a lot of healing to do before he could rebuild her energy. For now, she needed to sleep and rest. Mitch tucked his two invalids into bed and covered the Little and her doll with a soft blanket before lowering the lights. They were both asleep before he quietly closed the door.

  Chapter 24

  Six weeks later, Priscilla was a transformed Little girl. Her previously pale, hollow cheeks were suntanned and painted with a healthy glow. Her ribs were almost entirely healed, and she could run and play to her heart’s content. She loved SANCTUM and everyone inside.

  Carrie Covington had worked with the lawyer handling Priscilla’s new property and monies when the will was settled. Once Mark was no longer in the picture to contest it, the legalities were quickly completed. Her uncle’s house was quickly sold to a development company that planned to raze the massive mansion with its sad memories to create a large apartment complex. Priscilla had insisted on donating money to equip the facility with a large play area for the children who settled there so that everyone could play outside in the sun.

  Carrie’s Daddy, Thomas Covington, had driven her several times to SANCTUM to visit. They both regretted that their professions required them to be in a large city instead of moving to join the growing community. Priscilla hoped they would continue to visit. She had a feeling they would. Many residents were pleased to know a lawyer that understood their lifestyle—especially if the Littles approved of her.

  Today was a special day. It was the day that her Daddy had promised her. He had taken excellent care of her as she healed. However, he had kept a very tight rein on himself, and although he had pleasured Priscilla with his mouth and fingers, he had not made love to her.

he doctor had warned them that her ribs would need to heal for six weeks before she participated in any vigorous activities. He had actually given them a list. The fifth activity had been highlighted, sex. At the top of the list was the date she could resume all activities if she were pain-free. She was also urged to see her personal physician.

  When Priscilla had tried to convince her Daddy that they didn’t really need to wait six weeks to have sex, Mitch had merely gotten out a calendar and circled the date in red. Each day, Priscilla had crossed out another day as she recovered.

  Yesterday had been the last waiting day. Priscilla felt her Daddy move in the large bed next to her. He’s awake! The Little girl scooted over to the edge of the bed to lay her doll on the floor next to the bed. With that task done, she quickly rolled to her Daddy’s bulky body and jumped on top of Mitch. With an uff, the breath escaped from his lungs, and his body started shaking below her.

  “Daddy! It’s been six weeks. I’ve been so good. I’ve drunk my milk and eaten my vegetables. Will you please make love to me again?” she begged.

  Mitch forced himself to stop chuckling. He glanced over at the clock. It was actually five in the morning. He had been expecting this attack at a minute after midnight. “Hmmm,” he muttered as he ran his fingers down her ribs. He squeezed her ribcage gently. “Does that hurt?”

  “No,” she assured him as she vigorously shook her head in denial.

  “Then …” he drew the word out as if he was contemplating her request. Without warning, Mitch rolled her over so that he pinned her sweet body underneath his bulk. He supported most of his weight on his forearms before he dipped his head to capture hers.

  Seducing her lips with his, Mitch showed her his eagerness to make love. He lifted his head to meet those blue eyes that had captivated him when he first met her. “I never thought six weeks would ever end. I hope you don’t have anywhere to go, sugar. I may keep you here all day.”

  “Okay, Daddy!” She nodded her head eagerly before reaching up to pull his lips back to hers, driving all thoughts of playfulness from both of their minds.

  Their bodies strained together. Mitch lifted his body from hers to strip the t-shirt away and whisk her dry diaper from her hips. His controlling hands held her pinned to the mattress as he looked at her beautiful body. No longer undernourished and frail from lack of exercise, her body was petite but healthy.

  He lowered his lips to her breast as his hand moved to cup one slightly fuller mound. He tenderly kissed the side before licking a bewitching trail to the tight pink nipple. As she shivered below him, his teeth nipped dangerously at the sensitive peak, drawing a moan from her lips as she curved her short fingernails into his muscled shoulders.

  Turning slightly to encourage him to pay attention to her other breast, Priscilla forced her hands away from his shoulders to run her fingers over his broad chest downward to trace the ridges of his abdominal muscles. She heard his breath freeze in his lungs as her fingers brushed through his crinkly pubic hair. Using just one fingertip, she traced a line along the side of his erection and around its velvety tip.

  She eased herself out from under his looming body. Holding his passion-darkened eyes with hers, she turned around so her head was near the rigid staff she had been trying to get close to for weeks. She winked back saucily at him before turning to kiss the tip of his penis. She had never done this before, but she’d read a lot of romance novels.

  She grabbed each of his thighs to hold on to as he rolled onto his back, once again pulling her with him. Gasping as he lifted her to lie above on his torso, her legs automatically spread to each side of his head. Embarrassed to have her sex pressed to his face, Priscilla tried to move away from him.

  “Whack!” his hand landed sharply on her pert bottom. “You wanted to play, sugar – so do I.” Raising his mouth to her suddenly drenched body, his tongue began to taste her sweetness. Mitch allowed his mustache and beard to brush against those wet, pink folds. Her immediate response of rubbing her body against his caresses encouraged him to bring her more pleasure.

  Mitch could feel her warm breath brush against his aroused body. He moaned against her body when her small tongue lapped eagerly at the head of his shaft. She was going to kill him.

  Priscilla tried to concentrate on the rigid erection before her, but Mitch’s skilled caresses kept capturing her attention. Tugging her mind back to her explorations, she allowed her fingers to cradle his heavy sac. Running her fingers over the tight skin, she enjoyed hearing his sharp intake of breath and knowing she was bringing him pleasure as well. To experiment, she tugged softly at the heaviness in her hand.

  With a roar, Mitch lifted her above his body and turned her back around to face him. Laying her gently on her back, he kissed her roughly before growling, “You pushed me too far, sugar. Now, you’ll have to deal with the consequences.” Rolling to grab a condom from the nightstand beside him, Mitch ripped open the packet and rolled it onto his straining erection, aware that curious eyes watched him closely.

  “Please,” she answered, not at all concerned by his bluster. She was fascinated by the sight of his hands on his shaft. The display evoked a rush of slick fluid between her legs as she watched him smooth on the condom. She reached a seeking hand to his flat stomach with a small sound revealing her arousal.

  Mitch trapped her hand against his body as if her eager touch would be too much. Murmuring, “I know, sugar,” he rolled over into the heat between her legs as he pulled her hand to wrap around his low back. He quickly moved her thighs to either side of his and positioned the broad head of his penis against her body. Leaning forward, Mitch captured her lips in a hard, possessive kiss as he pressed his erection inside. When her hand raised to cup the back of his head, he began to stroke in and out of her body.

  This time she was free to move. Automatically, her chest rose off the surface of the mattress to rub her breasts against the rough hair scattered across his chest. Those tight pink nipples seared his skin.

  Her body was so responsive to his touch. She lost her self-consciousness as pleasure filled her body. Her breath came in hot pants as she tried to enjoy all the sensations that besieged her. His massive staff stretched her almost to the point of pain. She enjoyed that edge.

  When his fingers slid between their bodies to brush that sensitive button at the top of her vagina, her body froze against him as she fought the orgasm that loomed over her. His low voice growled in her ear urging her to let go. How could she refuse him? Her body exploded in a burst of colors and feelings as she held on to him desperately.

  Over and over again, he pushed her into climaxes that left her gasping. When he finally allowed himself to join her, their bodies shuddered together as his ragged breath revealed the strength of his control that had allowed him to pleasure her repeatedly. Her passion-swollen lips scattered sweet kisses over his neck and chest before he lowered his mouth to capture hers.

  “You are mine, sugar,” he claimed her in a sated, low deep voice that thrilled her.

  Priscilla could only nod in agreement.

  Chapter 25

  She had forgotten to tell her Daddy that she was going to visit Lindy to play with her cute kitten, Snowball. When the phone rang at her friend’s house, and Josiah greeted Mitch by name, a sinking feeling filled her stomach.

  Lindy waved goodbye at the door when Mitch arrived a few minutes later to pick up his errant Little. The sad, knowing look on her friend’s face warned Priscilla. The silence filling the SUV was oppressive, but the look on her Daddy’s face advised her to stay quiet.

  Standing in front of him now in the warm kitchen, the thick wooden paddle on the table by his side mesmerized her. He isn’t going to punish me with that, is he? She could hear his words as he lectured her about being safe and telling him where she was at all times. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  When his hands began to undress her, Priscilla tried to twist away, thinking only to escape her punishment. “No, don’t spank me!” Priscilla begg
ed with tears in her eyes. Those large hands wrapped around her waist, holding her in place.

  “Did you ask for permission to go visit your friend?” Mitch quietly asked.

  “Nooo.” Her voice wavered as she answered.

  “Was this naughty?”

  “Ye…es,” she hesitantly replied.

  “Then you have earned a spanking. In addition, you will wear a reminder in your bottom for one hour. If you continue to be naughty, I will lengthen the time that the plug will remain inside you,” he sternly explained.

  Her eyes flew back to the table. How had she missed that ominous black case sitting next to the paddle? Her eyes widened as she looked up at him. “Plug?” Shelby and Lindy had spoken about wearing a device in their bottoms to stretch them in preparation for their Daddies to love them there or as an extra punishment. She had been sure her Daddy didn’t know about them. She was wrong.

  As her thoughts whirled in her head, Mitch removed her shirt and pushed her pants and diaper to her ankles, exposing her body to his view. When she started to wrap her arms around her chest, his stern look forced her arms to her side. Quickly, he lifted her to lie across his lap, and she clung to his leg. With dread, she heard him lift the paddle.

  Whack, whack, whack! Her Daddy began to spank her small bottom. Instantly, her white flesh began to burn and sting. Her fingernails dug into the thick fabric of his jeans as she bit her lip, trying not to cry out. Tears filled her eyes.

  Soon, she began to sob. “I’m so…orry. I’ll never leave without telling you where I’m going. I’m sorry!” Her voice trembled as her sides heaved with her tears.

  Chapter 26

  Mitch set the paddle down with a solid thunk on the table before lifting her from his knees to cradle in his arms. His Little girl clung to his chest as she sobbed, apologizing repeatedly. His hands smoothed over her back to calm her tears as he whispered reassurances to her.


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