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Final Confrontation

Page 18

by D. Brian Shafer

  Lucifer’s aura suddenly manifested as Jesus spoke these words. Kara and Pellecus backed a bit away from the purplish haze that was beginning to shine around him indicating his extreme anger.

  “Abraham is our father,” Zichri affirmed, to the approval of the priests. “I already told You that.”

  Jesus shook His head.

  “If you were Abraham’s children, then you would also do the things Abraham did. But instead, you are determined to kill Me, a Man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. Abraham did not do such things.”

  He looked straight at Lucifer and added, “You are doing the things your own father does.”

  “The only Father we have is God himself!” Zichri protested. The others gathered around Zichri now to support him. Many angels moved in to protect Jesus, should it come to that. The disciples were becoming increasingly tense as well.

  Lucifer, still seething with anger, called out to his angels.

  “This is exactly what was called for! I could not have planned it better myself!”

  Jesus said to the agitated group of priests, “If God were your Father, you would love Me, for I came from God and now am here. I have not come on My own; but the Father sent Me.”

  He then pointed to the priests, but spoke through them and right into Lucifer’s heart: “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks the language he best understands, for he is a liar and the father of lies!”

  Zichri was muttering “Blasphemer!” under his breath.

  A few of the priests began to pick up some of the stones which had been discarded earlier. The disciples moved in to protect Jesus and fight if necessary. Jesus simply continued speaking.

  “And yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe Me! If you truly belonged to God you would listen to what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God!”

  Zichri rallied the priests and began speaking loudly so all in the court would hear him.

  “You are a Samaritan and demon-possessed, aren’t you?!”

  Jesus looked intently at Zichri and the others.

  “I am not possessed by a demon,” He said, “but I honor My Father and you dishonor Me. I am not seeking glory, but there is One who seeks it, and He is the Judge. And I tell you the truth, if anyone keeps My word, he will never see death.”

  Zichri looked at the others in stunned silence. That was it! He had crossed the line of reason. He really was possessed by a demon.

  “Listen to me, Jesus,” said Zichri, speaking now in a lecturing tone as a parent would speak to an unruly child. “I now realize You are demon-possessed. And here is why: Abraham, our father, died many years ago, as did the prophets. How can You say they never tasted death? It is even recorded they died and were buried with their fathers. But You say that if anyone keeps Your word, he will never taste death?”

  Zichri was clearly playing to the crowd, as he dramatically asked Jesus, “Are You greater than our father Abraham? He died, and so did the prophets. Who do You think You are?”

  Jesus was silent for a moment. He looked about Him at the faces of the priests and patrons, holy and unholy angels—all waiting for His response.

  “Your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing My day. And I tell you that he saw it and was glad.”

  Zichri scoffed.

  “You are not yet fifty years old, but You are telling us you have seen Abraham? What sort of nonsense is this?”

  Lucifer glanced over at Kara and Pellecus.

  “They certainly are not taking this well, are they?”

  They smiled at him.

  “I tell you the truth,” Jesus continued, “before Abraham was, I AM.”

  The court was silent.

  Zichri, realizing he had been played for a fool, looked to the ground where a stone lay. He picked it up and the others did likewise. It was time to deal with this blasphemer. The Host suddenly moved in around Jesus, forming a shield that would not allow the priests to find Him. Somehow, He vanished into the crowd!

  “Find Him!” Lucifer ordered.

  “Find Him!” Zichri ordered.

  But Jesus simply walked out of the Temple under cover of the multitude of angels who hid Him. Lucifer could not believe He had slipped by once more. The commotion had attracted the attention of temple guards who were moving in to clear the area.

  “Twice now the crowds were ready to rip Him to pieces,” Kara complained. “And once again He merely walks out!”

  “These fools cannot even find themselves,” said Lucifer, looking at the priests dashing about here and there and asking people where Jesus had gone. Some looked behind the colonnades, others near the place where the offerings were received. But Jesus was nowhere to be found.

  “Still, this sets a dangerous precedent that these priests must deal with,” reasoned Lucifer. “In fact, I believe it is beginning already.”

  They strolled over to where Zichri stood, Berenius beside him, speaking into his mind the urgency of this situation. Immediately, Zichri called Aziah and another priest to his side. They moved over to where they could be alone—or so they thought.

  “You see what this Man is doing?” Zichri fumed. “The people are beginning to be taken in by Him. Perhaps it is time we bring Caiaphas in on this.”

  “The High Priest?” Aziah asked. “He told us to deal with these sorts of…”

  “This is no ordinary religious interloper,” interrupted Zichri. “This Man poses a real threat to the nation. We must find a way to bring Him down. For the good of the nation, we must speak with Caiaphas!”

  As they left, Lucifer turned to the others. By now he had calmed down to the point his aura had vanished. He summed it up for them.

  “This bodes well for our cause,” he said. “With the introduction of the High Priest, this takes the game to an entirely different level. These idiotic disciples will be completely out of their element. Caiaphas’ intervention will also mean the involvement of Herod and possibly even Pilate.”

  “My lord,” said Pellecus. “I realize the Jews hate this Man. But their hatred for the Romans and their disdain for the Herodians makes it a difficult proposition that they will form an alliance.”

  “On the contrary,” interjected Lucifer. “The Herodians and the Pharisees shall be forced into this alliance by their common hatred and recognized threat of Jesus. They both know that should the peace be broken the Romans might put an end to it all.”

  He looked at them.

  “A common enemy makes for uncommon alliances—even unholy ones. The Pharisees and the Herodians will put aside their hatred for each other because of the greater threat posed by Jesus. I would say that it looks as if the stakes have just gotten much higher in our little drama.”

  Chronicles of the Host

  Galilee Farewell

  True to Lucifer’s sordid thinking, the Pharisees began having informal discussions with the Herodian Jews. The High Priest, Caiaphas, determined to remain aloof at this time, although he did ask for regular updates on the Jesus problem. Lucifer continued fomenting hatred among the Jews while maintaining an ever-increasing influence upon Judas Iscariot—asserting that the combination of pressure from the outside and dissent from within might prove a lethal combination.

  As for Jesus, He bade a final farewell to the familiar countryside and people of Galilee and began a course that would eventually take Him to His appointed destiny in Jerusalem. At the time, of course, the Host assumed He was on his regular circuit of ministry, preaching from town to town, and making His way to the Holy City in order to celebrate the Passover as He was inclined to do. It wasn’t until later we discovered that the Passover He would soon be celebrating was His own…

  The little city of Bethany lay on the southeastern slope of the Mount of Olives, and was situated about two miles east of Jerusalem, on the road to J
ericho. The disciples were happy to see the lights of the city and hoped the others who had gone on ahead to make arrangements for food and shelter had been successful.

  “I’m famished,” complained Peter, whose hot, dirty feet were aching. “I hope Bethany is more hospitable than its name suggests!”

  Andrew ambled up beside him with mock concern. He put his hand on his brother’s shoulder and said, “Come now Peter. What better place for a man as miserable as yourself to visit than a city called ‘house of misery’?”

  As they spoke they could see James and John in the distance. With them was a tall, middle-aged man. The man introduced himself as Lazarus from Bethany. He went straight to Jesus and spoke.

  “My sisters and I would be honored to have You and Your men in our home,” he said. “They are preparing Your dinner even now. Come. Come all of you!”

  “Thank you Lazarus,” said Jesus. “And may the Lord bless your home.”

  “And your sisters’ cooking!” Peter added, as they all laughed.

  Martha and Mary welcomed Jesus and the others into their home. Lazarus was an important man in Bethany, and his house reflected this. But for all their importance, they were a humble family who lived quietly and enjoyed the company of others.

  Mary was a natural hostess and loved to see to the comfort of her guests. She had the men sit and provided water and towels for them to wash their feet. Lazarus was also a wonderful host and a friend to everyone. The men warmed up to him quickly, and he particularly enjoyed the company of Jesus. Mary, the eldest sibling, was focused on the details of the dinner and after a brief introduction, scurried into the back of the house to prepare the meal.

  The men gathered in the central room and sat about on large cushions and mats provided by Mary. She gazed at her brother with interest, as this was the first time since their father died that Lazarus had shown any real interest in conversations about the Lord. Lazarus was dumbstruck as Jesus spoke so naturally about a coming Kingdom and a Father who loved him very much.

  Lazarus was asking all sorts of questions—things which he never discussed with his sisters. How deep her brother now seemed! As the conversation continued, it was as if Lazarus and Jesus had known each other for a very long time. Mary was pleased her brother was getting to know such an important Man.

  “Mary!” came a call from the kitchen.

  Mary tried to ignore her sister’s summons. She knew she should help Martha out in the kitchen, yet something held her there at the feet of Jesus…listening to all He was saying.

  “Mary, please come in here!”

  Mary turned her head toward the kitchen, where she could hear her sister scuffling around. She started to get up, but the look in her brother’s eyes as he listened to Jesus, and the wonderful words this Holy Man was speaking gripped her mind and spirit.

  “There you are!”

  Martha walked into the room, interrupting the discourse. Everyone looked up at the woman whose hospitality they were enjoying. She excused herself for the interruption, then spoke to Mary.

  “Would you please come into the kitchen with me? Those figs are in need of some attention!”

  Mary looked at Jesus apologetically and started to get up. He smiled at her and gave her an “it’s OK” look and she sat back down. Martha was incredulous.

  “Lord, You are welcome in this house,” she said to Jesus. “And my brother is obviously enjoying your company. But why must You hold my sister in here when I need her in the kitchen and at the table?”

  Jesus smiled at Martha and said, “Dear Martha. You are indeed quite a hostess and wanting to make sure everything is done just right. And I appreciate that. Yet there is really only one important happening in this house right now.”

  He looked down at Mary.

  “Your sister has chosen something much more valuable—something that shall never be taken away from her.”

  Martha didn’t quite understand, but she nodded her head and, looking at her brother one more time, excused herself. Lazarus got up.

  “Hold on, Martha, I’ll help you.”

  When they left the house of Martha and Mary the next day, the disciples thanked the women for their wonderful hospitality. Lazarus stood with Jesus. He had not only met the King of Kings—he felt he had made a friend in Jesus as well.

  “Thank You for coming our way,” he said. “I… I have been in want of a friend.”

  Jesus looked tenderly at the man.

  “You are no longer in want of a friend,” he said. “I shall always be your friend.”

  Lazarus hugged Jesus and bid Him a final farewell. He stood next to his sisters as the group left. Mary noticed a tear in his eye, as the three walked back into their house.

  “How very interesting,” said Berenius. He had been following Jesus ever since he departed from Galilee under Kara’s orders. “Jesus has found a friend.”

  “What does that matter to us?” said Korah, whose disgrace at Gadara found him now an aide to Berenius. “We are to follow Jesus and look for any signs of vulnerability.”

  “You fool,” said Berenius. “We just witnessed a vulnerability.”

  “What, Lazarus?” he asked.

  “Friends make one vulnerable,” said Berenius. “Friends require thought and emotion and responsibility. Not since the death of John has Jesus really felt close to another. Oh I know He has His disciples. But they are merely tools of the trade. No—this Lazarus is someone special to Him.”

  “Shall I tell Kara?” asked Gadara, desperate to get back in Kara’s good stead.

  “Not yet,” said Berenius. “I suggest we first tell Rugio.”


  “Yes, Korah. Rugio is our commander of spirits of infirmity. I have a feeling that Lazarus will soon become ill.”

  He grinned at Korah who finally understood what was happening.


  “Just so,” said Berenius. “Jesus will soon discover it isn’t prudent for a Messiah to make friends!”


  “I saw Satan fall from heaven.”

  Jesus stood with His disciples as the seventy men assembled themselves. Flush with the fruits of a successful ministry in the surrounding countryside, the men were eager to share their experiences. Jesus had sent the seventy out in pairs to preach the gospel, heal the sick and deliver the oppressed. Now they had returned and awaited further instruction from their Master.

  Nearby, Michael stood with several warriors. The sense of mounting danger with the seething hatred of the Jews, and growing opposition to the ministry of Jesus from the officials in the Temple had made Michael wearier than ever. He determined to escort Jesus personally through the remainder of His ministry.

  With Michael was the archangel Gabriel, whose announcement to Zechariah about the birth of John the Baptist seemed so far away. The two archangels watched as the men, authorized, sent out by the Lord as “lambs among wolves” now exchanged stories on the miraculous power of God to heal the sick and send demons scattering. Opposite the archangels stood Lucifer and his aides. They had become increasingly obvious, especially since the death of John. Lucifer, like Michael, understood that the ministry of Jesus would soon reach a breaking point, and he wanted to be there when it happened. Michael noted Lucifer’s presence.

  “I sometimes wonder why the Lord tolerates such insolence,” he mused, looking at the fallen angel who had taken so many holy angels with him.

  “Jesus simply ignores him,” said Gabriel. “But he is becoming increasingly bold. I have noticed he is becoming quite close to Judas now.”

  Michael looked at Judas, who at this moment was enjoying a laugh with a fellow Judean over some humorous mishap during an attempt to heal a woman. He seemed quite at home right now.

  “Gabriel, will Judas betray?” asked Michael. “Or will he stay true?”

  Gabriel shook his head.

  “Who knows what the heart and mind of man might do?” he said. “That’s what this war is all about. Of cou
rse Lucifer is a master at compelling creatures to switch sides in the heat of battle.”

  “Remember Serus,” encouraged Michael. “He was with Lucifer until the last moment. But the Lord was able to preserve him. Perhaps this Judas will listen to his heart as well.”

  “I’m afraid that he already is listening to his heart,” said Gabriel. “And that is what concerns me.”

  “Look at them,” sneered Kara. “The two archangels come to watch over their Lord.” He scoffed. “As if He needed watching over.”

  “But that’s what archangels do, Kara,” said Lucifer. “They watch things. The problem is that they watch and watch and watch…”

  They laughed.

  “Don’t mistake Michael’s absence of late as a sign of inactivity,” cautioned Pellecus. “He is not one to remain idle.”

  “True, Pellecus,” said Lucifer. “But he is recently interested in the day-to-day events surrounding Jesus, whereas in the past he watched from afar. I believe he knows the game is almost up.”

  Lucifer glanced in the direction of Rugio. “Of course there are always a few surprises in store.”

  Rugio nodded.

  “The sickness is taking hold, my prince.”

  Kara and Pellecus caught each other’s eye with the unsettled look of not having been a part of something important. Lucifer glanced at the two of them.

  “Patience, my friends,” he soothed. “Rugio is working on a little project I hope will present both a dilemma and a test for our Messiah-to-be.”

  Rugio remained impassive.

  “It involves a dear friend of Jesus,” he continued.

  “A dear friend?” queried Kara. “Who does Jesus hold dear beside His disciples?”

  Lucifer turned his head toward Jesus and said the word, “That simple brother of Mary in Bethany.”

  “Oh,” said Kara casually. “Him.”

  They were speaking of Lazarus.

  As the noise of the crowd began to subside, Jesus moved in among them. His disciples moved in with Him, looking for any sign of an assassin or any other enemy who might make an attempt upon their Rabbi. One man, a Galilean named Joshua, made himself heard above all the others who were coming near Jesus.


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