The Hunger of Sejanoz

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The Hunger of Sejanoz Page 4

by Joe Dever

Kai Grand Guardians who possess this Discipline are able to use their advanced knowledge of Herbmastery to produce explosive compounds from simple organic materials.


  Through the use of this Discipline, Kai Grand Guardians are able to protect themselves from the effects of storm-force winds by creating a sphere of calm air around their bodies. Initially this protective bubble lasts for one minute, but duration steadily increases as a Grand Master ascends in Kai rank.

  Grand Huntmastery

  Kai Grand Guardians with this skill enjoy increased mobility when travelling across all types of terrain, whether on foot or on horseback. This improved ability can be very useful when used to outdistance a pursuing enemy.


  Kai Grand Guardians who possess mastery of this Discipline are able to attack up to three enemies in psychic combat simultaneously.


  Kai Grand Guardians who possess this Discipline are able to exercise a defensive psychic skill known as Mindblend. This cloaking ability enables a Kai Grand Guardian to protect their mind and also prevent it from being detected by a hostile psychic probe.


  Grand Masters who have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian are able to use the following battle-spells of the Elder Magi:

  Splinter — This causes breakable items such as bottles, jugs, mirrors, windows, etc., to shatter to pieces. The range of this spell increases as a Grand Master rises in rank.

  Flameshaft — This causes the tip of any Arrow, or Arrow-like missile, to burn fiercely with a magical flame which cannot readily be extinguished by normal means.

  Sun Knight

  If you are a New Order Kai who has attained the rank of Sun Knight, you will now benefit from improvements to the following Grand Master Disciplines:

  Grand Weaponmastery

  Sun Knights with this Discipline are able to wield two-handed weapons (i.e. Broadsword, Quarterstaff, and Spear) with full effect using only one hand.

  Grand Pathsmanship

  Kai Sun Knights with this skill are able to repel at will all normal-sized insects within a radius of three yards. The range and number of insects so affected increase considerably as a Grand Master rises in rank.


  Sun Knights who possess this skill are able to repair serious wounds sustained by creatures other than themselves. By the laying of hands upon the affected creature's body, a Sun Knight can cause an open wound (or other serious injury) to mend itself. The speed at which this healing process takes place increases as a Grand Master rises in rank.


  Sun Knights who possess this Discipline are able to communicate telepathically over great distances. Initially the range of this ability is approximately 100 miles, but this distance increases as a Grand Master rises in rank.

  Grand Nexus

  Sun Knights who possess Mastery of this Discipline are able to feign death. By placing themselves into a state of suspended animation, outwardly they are able to achieve all semblance of being truly dead. However, whilst in this state, the only sense that a Sun Knight retains is the ability to hear.


  Sun Knights who have this Discipline are skilled in the art of chiromancy — the ability to tell fortunes from the skin creases and patterns found on the palms of hands.


  Sun Knights who possess mastery of this Discipline are able to use their musical skills to launch sonic attacks against any individual within audible range. The effect of a sonic attack is dependent upon the target creature's sensitivity to sound (i.e. a deaf creature would be unaffected by such an attack).


  Grand Masters who have reached the rank of Sun Knight are able to use the following Brotherhood Spells:

  Halt Missile — This causes any projected or hurled missile (e.g. arrows, axes, crossbow bolts) which may pose an immediate threat to the life of a Sun Knight, to cease its flight and remain stationary in mid-air. The effect of the spell lasts for 2–3 seconds, allowing the Sun Knight time in which to move away from the missile's line of flight. Initially only one missile can be affected by this spell, but the number increases as a Grand Master rises in rank.

  Strength — By casting this spell, a Sun Knight is able to greatly increase his or her physical strength for a short duration. It can be used to lift or move heavy objects, or to effect a temporary increase in COMBAT SKILL and ENDURANCE scores whilst fighting an enemy.

  Sun Lord

  If you are a New Order Kai who has attained the rank of Sun Lord, you will now benefit from improvements to the following Grand Master Disciplines:

  Grand Weaponmastery

  Sun Lords with this Discipline are able to cause the metal edge of any non-magical weapon to ignite and burn fiercely. When a Weapon thus affected is used in combat, it inflicts an additional 1 ENDURANCE point loss upon an enemy in every successful round of combat. This ability cannot be used with a wholly wooden Weapon such as a Quarterstaff.


  Sun Lords who possess this Discipline are able to cause living plants, e.g. grasses, bushes, flowers, weeds, rushes, to entwine themselves around the limbs of hostile creatures, thereby hampering their free movement. Sun Lords are able to target only one creature in this way. An additional creature can be affected for every level a Grand Master rises above the rank of Sun Lord.


  Sun Lords who possess this skill are able to cause the outline of their bodies to become blurred and indistinct. By so doing, they can greatly increase their chances of avoiding magical and/or non-magical missiles directed at them.

  Grand Huntmastery

  Kai Sun Lords with this skill are able to see, with acute accuracy, light in the infrared spectrum, i.e. they can see the complex patterns generated by heat in near or total darkness. They can also see light in the ultraviolet spectrum.


  Sun Lords who possess mastery of this Discipline are able to launch a Kai-blast — a pulse of intense psychic energy which is capable of affecting both psychically active and inactive enemies. This form of psychic attack is very effective, more so than a usual Kai-surge, Psi-surge, or Mindblast. It can cause an enemy to lose between 2 and 18 ENDURANCE points in one attack. A Kai Sun Lord using Kai-blast determines the damage inflicted on an enemy by picking two numbers from the Random Number Table. These numbers should be added together (a ‘0’ = 1) and the resultant total equals the damage inflicted. However, use of a Kai-blast will reduce a Sun Lord's ENDURANCE points total by 4. It cannot be used in conjunction with any other form of psychic attack.


  Sun Lords who possess this Discipline are able to alter their body weight in order to walk successfully upon different kinds of surface, e.g. water, mud, lava, and quicksand. Time duration — and degree of surface difficulty — increases as a Grand Master rises in rank.


  Grand Masters who have reached the rank of Sun Lord are able to use the following battle-spells of the Elder Magi:

  Penetrate — This increases the penetrative energy of any Arrow, or Arrow-like missile, launched by a Sun Lord.

  Energy Grasp — This spell enables a Sun Lord to discharge a powerful electrical force into anything he or she touches. It is similar in effect to the Brotherhood Spell Lightning Hand. It differs in that it is easier to control and channel the resulting energy. It also requires the actual touching of an object or enemy to effect the spell.


  Kai Sun Lords with this skill are able to direct their musical abilities to disrupt the structure of inanimate breakable objects, e.g. glass, ceramics, urns, flasks, causing them to explode violently. Any person or creature in close proximity to the destroyed object risks injury from flying fragments.

  Sun Thane

  If you are a New Order Kai who has attained the rank of Sun Thane, you will now benefit from improvements to the following Grand Master Disciplines:<
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  Sun Thanes who possess this Discipline are expert in the art of hypnotism. By the use of a hypnotic stare, they are able to cause susceptible creatures (up to three individuals at any one time) willingly to carry out their orders. The number of creatures so affected — and the duration of the effect — increases steadily as a Sun Thane advances in Kai rank.

  Animal Mastery

  Sun Thanes with this Discipline are able to command an animal to fall asleep at will. Some hostile animals may be able to resist this command; however most will be affected by it in some way. The duration of effect and the number of animals which can be affected at one time will increase as a Grand Master rises in rank.

  Grand Huntmastery

  Kai Sun Thanes with this skill are able to protect themselves from the effects of being struck by natural electrical discharges, i.e. lightning.


  Sun Thanes who possess this skill are able to conduct a Kai Exorcism. This ritual will banish any evil supernatural force that has taken possession of any goodly creature or object.


  Sun Thanes who possess this Discipline are able to accelerate greatly the oxidation (rusting) of ferrous metals simply by touch alone. The longer the metallic item is touched by a Sun Thane, the more damaging will be the effect.

  Grand Pathsmanship

  Sun Thanes who possess mastery of this Discipline are able to alter the temperature of water by touch. By using this skill they are able to transform water into ice and vice versa. The volume of water affected and the duration of effect both increase as a Grand Master rises in rank.


  Sun Thanes who possess this Discipline are able to erect a special psychic defence called Mindfort. A Mindfort defence greatly reduces the effects of any psychic shock that would normally paralyse or weaken a lesser mortal.


  Grand Masters who have reached the rank of Sun Thane are able to use the following Brotherhood Spells:

  Slow Fall — By casting this spell, Kai Sun Thanes are able to slow their rate of free-falling to three feet per second, thereby avoiding damage upon landing while the spell is in effect. The duration of the spell is limited at first, but it steadily increases as a Grand Master rises in rank.

  Breathe Water — Using this spell, a Kai Sun Thane is able to breathe underwater for ten minutes. The duration of effect increases as a Grand Master rises in rank.

  The nature of additional improvements and how they affect your existing Grand Disciplines will be noted in the Improved Grand Master Disciplines section of future Lone Wolf New Order books.

  New Order Wisdom

  Grand Master, you are about to embark upon a difficult and dangerous mission. The aged Khea-khan of Chai is one of Sommerlund's oldest and most venerable allies. He is physically frail, yet he is revered almost like a god by his loyal subjects. Only he can rally the New Kingdoms to rise up and defy the mighty armies of Autarch Sejanoz. He must be escorted swiftly and safely to Tazhan, for if he is captured or slain by the enemy then all hopes for peace in Southern Magnamund will be dashed.

  During your mission you may encounter many strong and wily adversaries. Your journey across the Great Lissan Plain will be fraught with danger at every turn, so remain on your guard at all times.

  Some of the material items that you find will be of use to you, but others may be red herrings of no real value at all. If you discover items during your mission, be selective in what you choose to keep. Pick your initial four Grand Master Disciplines with care for a wise choice will enable anyone to complete the quest, no matter how weak their initial COMBAT SKILL and ENDURANCE scores may be. Completion of previous Lone Wolf adventures (Books 1–27) may be advantageous, but it is not essential for the successful completion of this New Order adventure.

  May the Gods Kai and Ishir guide and protect you during your vital mission.

  For Sommerlund and the Kai!


  An electric hum fills the throne room of the Khea-khan's palace as the chosen courtiers and guards make swift preparation for the evacuation to Tazhan. In the midst of all this frantic activity, the aged ruler of Chai sits upon his ebony throne and confers with his trusted advisor, Kau-Doshin, the head of the Imperial Palace household. The lines etched deeply upon their faces convey the gravity of the hushed words that pass between them.

  In a far corner of the chamber you see Princess Mitzu consoling her tearful son, the five-year-old Prince Kamada. He is the Khea-khan's great-great-grandson, and he is next in line to rule Chai upon the death of venerable Xo-lin. Having comforted him and dried his tears, Princess Mitzu places the young boy into the charge of his matronly tutor, Shavane. Then Mitzu leaves the throne room, passing by Guard Captain Chan who is entering through its grand arched doorway. Dutifully, he clicks his heels and salutes as the Princess glides past him with regal grace.

  Chan scans the throne room and narrows his sharp almond eyes when he catches sight of you. The Guard Captain will be responsible for the personal safety of the Imperial Family during the overland journey to Tazhan, and as he strides across the throne room towards you, it is easy to see why this élite warrior has been entrusted with such an unenviable task.

  ‘Hail, Grand Master,’ he booms in greeting. ‘It pleases me greatly that you have chosen to accompany us to Tazhan. I welcome your valued assistance.’

  You return Chan's formal compliment and then ask him when the Imperial Caravan will be leaving.

  ‘Within the hour, my lord,’ he replies. He pauses to wipe away a trickle of sweat from the brow of his wide oval head, and then he says in a quieter tone: ‘I see you possess a fine Kai blade.’ His eyes glitter as he looks upon the Kai Weapon that is sheathed at your side. ‘As you can see, I am myself unarmed. Before we depart I must visit the Imperial Palace Armoury and equip myself. Would you care to accompany me? I trust you'll be impressed by the quality of Chai weaponry, and you'll be very welcome to take any item you find desirable.’

  If you wish to accompany Captain Chan on a visit to the Imperial Palace Armoury, turn to 237.

  If you choose to decline his offer, turn to 187.


  Captain Chan orders that lighted torches be dropped into the bore holes. His troopers comply, and soon you feel the tremors of explosions that occur when these burning brands ignite other Nahba Worms hidden deep in their underground burrows.

  Chan details every trooper to stand watch for the remainder of this night in case any worms have escaped the destruction. Fortunately for them it is a short watch; the sun breaks the eastern horizon within the hour, and soon afterwards the caravan is ready to leave this treacherous valley.

  Turn to 130.


  Six swarthy-faced tomb robbers emerge from the crypt, carrying sacks filled to bursting with stolen burial ornaments and treasures. As they clumsily load their ill-gotten gains onto their wagon, you take cover behind a fan-shaped tombstone. Suddenly the soft ground shifts beneath your feet and you feel yourself sinking. You grab the tombstone to steady yourself but, as you do so, you let slip a stifled cry of alarm. To your dismay, the robbers hear your cry and come rushing back to the graveyard to investigate.

  Illustration I—The gang of robbers emerges from the dark crypt.

  Turn to 225.


  After the blazing heat of the plains, the dark coolness of the catacombs comes as a blessed relief to the aged Khea-khan and his family. Kau-Doshin oversees the transfer of Xo-lin and his entourage from the caravan to their underground abode, and Kasarian helps make his imperial guests as comfortable as possible. When all of the family and the entourage are safely underground, Chan posts guards at the great stone portal.

  Turn to 154.


  ‘I shall endeavour to, your majesty,’ you reply, uneasily. You ask Mitzu for some details about the Prince, such as the place, the date, and the time of his birth. Then you look out across the balcony to the ni
ght sky and see that the stars are partially obscured by low clouds, driven on by a stiff easterly breeze. Conditions are far from ideal, but there are sufficient breaks in these scudding clouds for you to be able to discern the position of the constellations. Using your astrological knowledge of the heavens, and the information supplied by Mitzu, you discover to your dismay that the stars hold a disturbing prediction for her young son's future.

  Turn to 101.


  You catch up with the Autarch in a chamber heaped with rubble and earth. He is ascending the mound towards a hole in the ceiling that was made by the shells from his steam-cannon. You quickly draw the Arrow of Atonement to your Bow11 and command the tyrant to free the young Prince. The sound of your voice makes him spin around and curse you vilely through the visor of his tiger helm. Prince Kamada wriggles like a snake and suddenly he escapes from the Autarch's grasp. Before the evil Sejanoz can snatch him back, you release your Arrow of Atonement and send it whistling towards his foul heart.


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