The Hunger of Sejanoz

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The Hunger of Sejanoz Page 5

by Joe Dever

  Turn to 113.

  [11] If you do not possess a Bow, it seems unlikely that you will be able to make effective use of the Arrow of Atonement against the Autarch. You may decide that you have had a chance after acquiring the Arrow of Atonement to also find a Bow (mark the Bow on your Action Chart, discarding another Weapon if necessary), that you are still able to use the Arrow of Atonement without a Bow, or that not having a Bow leads to a failure to accomplish your mission. Use your best judgement.


  You thank Vannar and promise that you will use the weapon wisely. He smiles benignly, and then he offers to show you a swift way to reach the surface of Zanaza. You accept his offer and follow him into the adjoining chamber where he opens a concealed panel in the wall. Beyond, you see a narrow flight of steps which ascend to an oval door.

  ‘That door leads to the streets,’ he says. You ask him if he wishes to leave with you, but he shakes his head firmly in reply.

  ‘Now that you have put paid to the robbers, my home is my own once more. I shall stay here.’ You bid farewell to Vannar, and then you climb the steps and leave through the oval door.

  On your return to the caravan encampment, you discover that everyone is asleep except the sentries. Before you settle down to rest, unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

  To continue, turn to 247.


  Splashes of the creature's caustic blood and saliva draw wisps of smoke from the sleeves of your tunic. Quickly you run to a geyser pool and wash this vile fluid away before it eats through to your skin. As you are cleaning your clothes, you notice to your dismay that the caustic fluid has eaten a hole in your Belt Pouch and you have lost half of your coins.

  You must reduce your current total of coins by half. Remember to make the necessary adjustment in the Belt Pouch section of your Action Chart before continuing.

  Turn to 2.


  The fight comes to an abrupt end when you deal the last living creature a mighty blow to the base of its deformed head. As it falls lifelessly to the ground, Sergeant Yeng rushes to check that his men have also survived intact. Cautiously you inspect the bodies of the slain beasts and quickly determine that all three are of Agarashi descent. They have probably come down from the Hyunsei foothills in a desperate search for prey, for the corpses are emaciated by hunger. Sergeant Yeng confirms your suspicions. He tells you that long ago, during the Age of Eternal Night, this land was stalked by Agarashi — the hellish creations of Agarash the Damned. When Agarash was destroyed by the Elder Magi, his creations were scattered across the wilderness and plains of Chai. The descendants of these beasts are still alive today, hiding in hills, burrows, and caves. They do not usually attack travellers unless driven by disease or famine.

  Using your tracking skills, you quickly determine that there are no other creatures like these in this vicinity. Only then do you and the troopers remount your horses and continue along the highway towards the Javai Forest. A few miles short of the forest you discover a freshwater spring which is forded by the highway. It is an ideal site for a night camp, and so you send one of Yeng's men back to the caravan to tell them that you shall await their arrival here.

  During your wait for the caravan, unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

  To continue, turn to 45.


  You wrench the spike of ice from your leg and force yourself back onto your feet. Chan is close behind you, and both of the angry ice-creatures are now perilously close behind him. As you stagger and stumble headlong through the dense undergrowth, bolts of ice whistle through the branches with spectacular effect.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

  If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 228.

  If it is 5–9, turn to 43.


  Once you have rounded up your horses, you return to the caravan and report what has happened to the Khea-khan's advisor, Kau-Doshin. The wise old counsellor tells Chan that the column must continue east along the highway without further delay. Going by the descriptions of the creatures that you encountered in the copse, he determines that they were Krakalla, a powerful breed of Agarashi he thought resided only in the Dammerdon Mountains, north of Bhanar. ‘I fear they may be part of the Autarch's army,’ he says. ‘If my suspicions prove correct, then we are in far graver danger than I dared imagine.’

  Galvanized by his encounter with the fearsome Krakalla, Chan wastes no time in getting the caravan rolling once more. Later, an overnight camp is pitched on the highway itself, near a sleepy hamlet called Sansei, and the following day you make swift progress on the sun-baked highway.

  Shortly before noon of the third day of your journey to Rakholi, the caravan column crests the rim of a wide valley that lies 50 miles from the banks of the Tkukoma. Spread out before you now is the Vale of Nahba, a spectacularly strange region of the Chai Plain that is punctuated with hundreds of bore holes and geysers. Great columns of steam and scalding water are hurled skywards, driven by the pressure of gases escaping from deep below the surface. Some of the fissures descend for miles, passing close to the planet's molten core.

  The highway traverses this alien landscape and, as darkness approaches, you find yourself at a place near the eastern rim of the vale. A night camp is established here among the bubbling pools and hollows, and an evening meal of poached eggs and steamed fish is prepared. After supper, you settle down and try to get some sleep, despite the constant distraction of the eerie noises that echo across this strange valley.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

  If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 288.

  If it is 5–9, turn to 30.


  As the fog that fills the room begins to dissipate, you stoop to retrieve your Kai Weapon from the hand of a dead tomb robber. You carefully wipe its blade clean before sheathing it in your scabbard. (You may now restore the details of your Kai Weapon to your list of Special Items.)

  A brief search of this room reveals a large amount of stolen graveyard booty, but there is nothing here of any practical value to you. To one side of the room's brick fireplace you discover a bolted door, and you sense that someone is being held captive in the room beyond. Cautiously you draw back the bolt and tug on the door handle. As it creaks open, you are assailed by a revolting smell that even your Magnakai Discipline of Nexus cannot counter. Burying your mouth and nose in the sleeve of your tunic, you take your first tentative step into the gloomy chamber beyond.

  Turn to 240.


  Yeng unsheathes his army dagger and presses its razor-sharp blade to the prisoner's throat. ‘Talk now, you dog — or you'll never talk again,’ he growls. The prisoner grits his teeth and refuses to answer.

  ‘Here, let me try, Sergeant,’ you say, as you ease the dagger from Yeng's hand. ‘I can see our friend is not afraid of death.’ You speak the words slowly, and hold the blade so that the light of the campfire is reflected directly into the prisoner's eyes. ‘But there are many things that are worse than death.’

  You raise your left forearm and slowly you draw the sharp blade across the back of your wrist. Blood trickles from the open wound, and those nearby gasp with fearful amazement.

  ‘Just think on this, my friend. If I'm prepared to do this to myself, what will I be prepared to do to you, eh?’

  Suddenly the man's nerve breaks. Cold sweat beads on his forehead and falteringly he beings to talk.

  Turn to 210.


  You are convinced that an innocent man is being accused of a crime he did not commit. To help find the true culprit, you concentrate upon your Kai Sixth Sense and then you look in turn at each person who is gathered here. Slowly your eyes are drawn to Shavane, and your stomach churns when you feel waves of evil radiating from an amulet that she wears on a chain around her neck. You cannot
see the amulet for it is covered by her silk jerkin.

  If you wish to snatch the amulet from her neck, turn to 256.

  If you wish to demand that she reveal it, turn to 117.


  Your Kai skills reveal to you that the centre of this bough is riddled with dry rot. If you were to use this wood to prop up the axle, there is a very real danger that it will collapse under the weight of the carriage. Using your improved Kai Discipline, you are able to reverse the effects of the rot that has eaten into the core of this bough and restore its strength. Once you are satisfied that the process is complete, you help the troopers to place the bough into position.

  Turn to 252.


  Determinedly you follow the robbers' trail deep into the heart of the ruined city. It leads you to the cellar of a derelict tavern where a hole in the wall gives access to an ancient tunnel. At the end of this tunnel you come to a T-junction where two smaller passageways head off to the left and right. Fresh tracks can be seen in the dusty ground leading away in both directions.

  If you possess Grand Weaponmastery and have reached the rank of Kai Grand Sentinel, turn to 144.

  If you do not possess this skill, or if you have yet to attain this level of Kai Mastery, turn to 107.


  Your shaft sinks deeply into the creature's ghastly hide, yet it does not prevent the loathsome worm from spitting its caustic saliva at you once more.

  The corrosive saliva splashes your left arm and, within seconds, this vile fluid eats through the cloth of your tunic and sears your flesh: lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

  Aided by your Magnakai Disciplines of Nexus and Curing, you hold back the pain and recover in time to launch another attack upon this burrowing horror.


  If you win this combat, turn to 8.


  As the carriage draws level with your horse, you leap from the saddle and scramble onto the roof. You are drawing your Kai Weapon from its sheath when one of the monsters lashes out at you with its razor-sharp talons. You shield your face with your free arm, but its cruel claws slash your unarmoured limb: lose 4 ENDURANCE points. You must now fight them.

  Illustration II—The evil creature lunges towards you with its teeth bared.

  Chagarashi: COMBAT SKILL 42 ENDURANCE 38

  Ignore any ENDURANCE loss you may inflict upon your enemy in the first two rounds of combat, due to the effectiveness of its initial attack.

  If you win this combat, turn to 280.


  Chan drags you to your feet and helps you to press on through the tangle of foliage. Soon the densely-packed trees confound your hulking pursuers and you are able to outdistance them. When you sense that it is safe to halt, you throw yourself down upon the cool earth and fight to catch your breath. Chan throws himself down close by, and you can tell that he is shocked and saddened by the ferocity of the encounter and the loss of his favourite stallion. But he proves himself to be resilient and, within the space of a few short minutes, he is back on his feet and ready to go.

  ‘Come, my lord,’ he says, resolutely. ‘We must press on. Let us flee this accursed place.’

  Turn to 121.


  Kumal smiles and bids you good evening. After an hour, the dancing and music stop when the Khea-khan retires to his tent to sleep. Bazan posts his personal bodyguards at the entrance to ensure his imperial guest's safety, and both you and Chan are invited to inspect them. Once you are satisfied that Xo-lin is in good hands, you retire to your own tent to rest.

  Shortly before dawn, you are awoken by one of Bazan's servant girls. She prepares for you a hot bath with scented oils, and while you are bathing she brings you a platter of cold meats and exotic fruits. When the time comes you feel a little sad to have to leave Rakholi, but you know that you must continue the journey to Tazhan without delay.

  Bazan and all of his servants turn out to bid the caravan farewell. As parting gifts, he presents the Khea-khan with a pair of magnificent horses, both prime Lissanian stallions. He also pledges to do everything in his power to delay the enemy until the caravan reaches Tazhan, and he vows to join with the New Kingdom armies upon the Khea-khan's return to Chai. Kau-Doshin conveys to him Xo-lin's thanks, and then you set off on the three-day journey to the ruined city of Zanaza.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

  If the number you have picked is 0–3, turn to 217.

  If it is 4–6, turn to 64.

  If it is 7–9, turn to 163.


  The force of the explosion sends you tumbling backwards from the battlements to land heavily on the ground below: lose 5 ENDURANCE points.

  If you have survived this injury, turn to 281.


  Hurriedly, you recite the words of the Brotherhood Spell Invisible Shield, and sweep your hand before your face with a circular motion. Kronar's arrow strikes the invisible shield created by your spell, and shatters harmlessly into a hundred pieces. Chan flattens himself to the neck of his horse to avoid the other arrow, and its barbed tip grazes his shoulder.

  Turn to 112.


  Gradually the pain in your lungs becomes unbearable and you exhale the last of your breath. As they fill with water, you slip into a state of unconsciousness from which you will never be revived.

  Sadly, your life and your quest end here.


  As the dust clears, you peer over the battlements and magnify your vision. You see that the enemy has a steam-cannon, and you shout a warning to Captain Kasarian who is standing near the main gate. He orders his men to retreat from the battlements to minimize the risk of casualties. The garrison troops obey his command and take up new positions at arrow slits along the base wall. There they await the enemy's advance; they do not have to wait very long.

  If you wish to stay on the battlements, turn to 133.

  If you decide to descend the steps to the main gate, turn to 59.


  As the bandit falls dead at your feet, Sergeant Yeng and his comrade come crashing through the foliage and leap into the hide. Yeng is amazed that you have put paid to the bandits so quickly, and when he turns them over with the toe of his boot, he quickly identifies them as members of the gang led by Captain Kronar — the renegade Chai army officer. Yeng raises his sword to finish off the unconscious bandit but you stay his hand.

  ‘We'll take this one back with us,’ you say. ‘He may be of more use to us alive than dead.’

  Your return to the encampment with a prisoner causes quite a stir. Captain Chan is anxious to question the man, and he orders Yeng to throw a pail of cold spring water over him, but this fails to revive the unconscious bandit. Then you approach the man and use your Kai healing skills in an attempt to restore him to consciousness. A small circle of curious courtiers gather to watch, and they gasp with amazement when he suddenly awakes with a start. With fear-filled eyes, the man returns the stares of his captors and begins to beg for mercy.

  Sergeant Yeng slaps his face with the back of his calloused hand and demands that he identify himself. Immediately, the bandit clamps his jaw shut and refuses to utter another sound. You use your psychic skills to probe his mind and discover that he is unusually strong-willed and resilient. You sense that he would be unlikely to break under physical torture.

  If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use it, turn to 80.

  If you possess Kai-surge and wish to use it, turn to 231.

  If you possess neither of these skills, or if you decide not to use them, turn to 13.


  Your Arrow strikes one of the worm's vital organs and then the creature swiftly retreats into its bore hole, shrieking hideously.

  To continue, turn to 2.


  You detect the faint outline of dusty footprints leading across the chamber to the opposite door. You are eager to follow them, but your Kai Sixth Sense is making you feel uncertain tha
t it is safe to do so.

  If you choose to ignore your Sixth Sense and cross the chamber to the door opposite, turn to 168.

  If you decide to heed your Sixth Sense, you can turn back and explore the other passageway by turning to 290.


  You call upon your Magnakai Discipline of Psi-screen to repel this sudden psychic attack, and slowly the pain retreats from your skull: lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

  To continue, turn to 147.


  The tip of a barbed arrow rips open the padded upper sleeve of your tunic and scrapes a furrow of flesh from your shoulder. The sudden pain makes you cry out, but you quickly recover your composure and use your Kai healing skills to staunch the flow of blood: lose 1 ENDURANCE point.

  To continue, turn to 40.


  You are awoken in the middle of the night by the noise of a powerful hissing explosion. You reach for your Kai Weapon and leap to your feet, but as your vision adjusts to the darkness, you feel scalding hot water pouring down upon you from the heavens. Suddenly you realize that you are caught in the falling deluge from an exploding geyser, and you are in very real danger of being boiled alive where you stand.


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