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The Hunger of Sejanoz

Page 9

by Joe Dever

  By mid-afternoon the caravan enters a sparsely wooded area. In some places the branches of the surrounding trees form canopies over the highway which provide a welcome respite from the blazing sun. While passing through one of these leafy tunnels, your Kai Sixth Sense alerts you to a hidden danger. You warn Chan and he heeds your advice; fearing an ambush by Kronar's gang, he sends out an order to his men to be extra vigilant. Nervously, you scan the surrounding trees for a visible sign of danger, yet your keen eyes detect nothing unusual. Then suddenly a cry rings out. You glance over your shoulder and, to your horror, you see three monstrous creatures grappling with the driver of Princess Mitzu's carriage. They have dropped out of the canopy of branches as her wagon passed beneath their secret hiding place.

  Simultaneously, you and Captain Chan turn your horses about and gallop headlong towards the stricken driver. The man is fighting bravely, but his ghoulish attackers have injured him badly and his strength is fading fast. You must act swiftly if you are to save his life and spare Princess Mitzu from these three monstrous ambushers.

  If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use it, turn to 141.

  If you possess Magi-magic and wish to use it, turn to 132.

  If you possess Kai-surge and wish to use it, turn to 219.

  If you possess none of these skills, or if you choose not to use any of them, turn instead to 18.


  Fort Vlau is under attack. A large force of Bhanarian cavalry has breached its outer wall and fierce fighting rages around its inner keep. You magnify your vision and quickly realize that the attacking force is being directed from a small hill to the south of the fort. Perched atop this hill you can see a command post, comprising an officer's tent and a wooden flag-tower. By means of flags waved by a signalman, the Bhanarian officer is directing his troops to attack the weakest sections of the beleaguered stronghold.

  Chan orders the caravan off the highway and into the tall plains grass. You consult with the captain and sense that he is anxious about this unforeseen situation. The caravan is especially vulnerable stranded out here on the plain, and there seems to be little chance of finding sanctuary in the fort at present. Chan appears despondent, but you tell him not to give up hope for you have a plan — an especially bold and daring plan.

  Turn to 236.


  You search the grassland around the rear of the carriage but you are unable to find the toy soldier anywhere. Your Kai Sixth Sense tells you that someone has already found the discarded toy before you. Cursing this misfortune, you abandon the search and return to your night shelter.

  Turn to 239.


  You see Xango fall from his horse as it gallops across rough ground at the approach to the wooded rise. Kronar and his companion immediately rush to his aid and, while they are distracted, Chan signals to the caravan to move forward.

  The drivers whip their teams and the carriages come trundling along the highway at a speedy pace. You wait patiently until they have passed your position, and then you turn your horses about and follow on behind. By the time Kronar has made sure that his brother is alive and well, the caravan has passed safely out of range of his intended ambush.

  Turn to 40.


  The Autarch shrieks with agony as the Arrow of Atonement skewers his heart. As he collapses to his knees, you rush forwards to drag the frightened young boy away from Sejanoz's rapidly decomposing body. For centuries his unnatural powers have preserved his cadaverous frame and held time at bay, but within the matter of a few seconds, time wreaks its vengeance upon the demonic Autarch. His flesh and bones disintegrate to a fine dust that seeps through the rubble and earth and disappears without trace.

  Turn to 286.


  The trees seem unnaturally quiet and chill as you follow the pebble-strewn highway into the heart of this unnamed forest. Steadily the temperature drops as you ride deeper into the pines, until frost dusts the branches and frozen puddles appear on the road ahead. You sense that evil magic is at work here and you tell Chan that it would be wise to go no further. He heeds your advice and you rein your horses to a halt. But as you are turning them about, you are shocked to see that something is now blocking the road behind you.

  Turn to 235.


  You utter the words of the Brotherhood Spell Net and point your hand at the attacking creature. You dare not launch any destructive magic at the beast for fear of injuring the trooper, and you can only pray that this spell will be effective.

  A gout of sticky fibres gushes from your hand and engulfs the beast and its prey, instantly halting its ferocious attack. Hurriedly you dismount and unsheathe your Kai Weapon in time to counter an attack from the other two horrors.

  Chagarashi: COMBAT SKILL 44 ENDURANCE 40

  You may add 1 to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of this combat as Sergeant Yeng is fighting the same enemy.

  If you win the combat, turn to 97.


  You thread your way through a maze of narrow tunnels until you reach a low-ceilinged burial chamber. Here you see Kau-Doshin lying crumpled on the floor. Blood is trickling from between his lips and you sense that he is close to death. Carefully you cradle his head and he gasps with the pain of his many wounds. Barely able to speak, he points to an arched doorway at the far end of the hall and says: ‘Please … save … them!’

  Turn to 108.


  Shavane adamantly refuses to show the amulet. She accuses you of being in league with Trooper Yankin and says that you are a foreign agent of the enemy. Her accusations find no favour with Captain Chan and he swiftly steps forward and tugs the chain from around her neck. Shavane shrieks in protest, and desperately attempts to snatch it back from the captain. But he skilfully holds her at bay with his left hand as he raises her amulet aloft in his right. The crowd gasps with astonishment when they see that Shavane's amulet bears the tiger's-head emblem of Autarch Sejanoz.

  Turn to 74.


  You abandon your attempt to open the sealed portal and return to the caravan. The repair of the damaged wheel has nearly been completed, and within the hour the caravan column is moving eastwards once more. An overnight camp is pitched on the highway itself, near a sleepy hamlet called Sansei, and the following day you make good progress along the sun-baked trade road to Rakholi.

  Shortly before noon of the third day of your journey to the tented city, the caravan column crests the rim of a wide valley that lies 50 miles from the banks of the Tkukoma. Spread out before you now is the Vale of Nahba, a spectacularly strange region of the Chai Plain that is punctuated with hundreds of bore holes and geysers. Great columns of steam and scalding water are hurled skywards, driven by the pressure of gases escaping from deep below the surface. Some of the fissures descend for miles, passing close to the planet's molten core.

  The highway traverses this alien landscape, and as darkness approaches, you find yourself at a place near the eastern rim of the vale. A night camp is established here among the bubbling pools and hollows, and an evening meal of poached eggs and steamed fish is prepared. After supper, you settle down and try to get some sleep, despite the constant distraction of the eerie noises that echo across this strange valley.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

  If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 288.

  If it is 5–9, turn to 30.


  You call to Sergeant Yeng to fetch some blasting powder from the fort's armoury. He carries out your order and returns swiftly with a keg of gunpowder. You pour a handful into the crack beneath the portal and set a fuse. Then you light it and retreat to a safe distance. There is a dull boom and the door creaks open amidst a cloud of dust and blue-tinged smoke. The coughs and cries of the entourage can be heard echoing throughout the distant corridors of this labyrinth. Fearing that it may already be too late to save the Khea-khan and his family from the clutches of Autarch Sejanoz, you
and Sergeant Yeng rush along an arched corridor in search of them until you come to a junction.

  If you possess Grand Pathsmanship, turn to 246.

  If you do not, turn to 167.


  ‘I shall summon Kau-Doshin,’ interjects Shavane. ‘He'll know what to do.’

  Quickly the nurse leaves the carriage. While she is gone you retrieve the potion from your Backpack and administer a little to the boy, diluted with some water. The Prince is beginning to revive when the court counsellor arrives and takes charge. He thanks you for making the boy comfortable and then he asks you to leave so that he may have room to prepare ‘a proper potion’ to counter the poison. As you descend the steps of the carriage, you hear the door slam shut behind you.

  (Remember to erase the Potion of Klorva from your Action Chart.)

  If you wish to return to your night shelter, turn to 239.

  If you wish to search for the toy soldier that Shavane threw away, turn to 111.


  Upon emerging from the forest, you are sighted by Sergeant Yeng. He is leading a party of scouts that are scouring the tree-line in search of you. It is nearly dark by the time you return to the caravan, and Kau-Doshin is gravely concerned to hear of your deadly encounter in the forest. He orders that night camp be made on the highway and, on Chan's advice, he agrees that the caravan will have to travel across country tomorrow to avoid the perilous timberland.

  Next day, the journey proves to be much harder than Kau-Doshin could have imagined. The caravan is forced to slow its speed for fear of breaking an axle as it crosses the uneven grasslands. You and Captain Chan now ride the horses that were given to Xo-lin by the nomad chief, Bazan. They are fine thoroughbreds, fleet of foot and highly disciplined.

  During the afternoon, you come upon a narrow stream and Chan orders the caravan to halt so that the horses may be fed and watered. You are sharing a loaf of bread with one of the troopers when suddenly you hear a shrill scream of fright. It comes from Princess Mitzu's carriage and you sense that the young Prince is in danger.

  If you wish to investigate the scream, turn to 127.

  If you choose to ignore the scream, turn to 296.


  Together you and Chan make your way outside to the palace courtyard where the Imperial Caravan waits in readiness for the long journey east. It consists of three large carriages, each drawn by a team of eight horses, plus an escort of twenty Imperial Cavalry troopers clad in plain crimson tunics. The golden ornamentation that once embellished these carriages has been stripped away, and their fine lacquered sides have been painted a dun brown to camouflage their true origins. Chan approves of their ordinary appearance for it will be far less likely to attract unwanted attention on the long road ahead.

  With a deft flick of his kirusami, Chan motions to a stable guard to bring him his horse — a proud stable stallion. The young man complies, and he also brings an additional mount, a dappled chestnut mare. He hands the reins of this horse to you.

  ‘We'll ride together, my lord,’ says Chan, as he settles himself into his saddle. You mount your horse, and then together you watch in silence as the aged Khea-khan and his family arrive in the courtyard. Devoted attendants usher them into the middle carriage, and as soon as the doors are closed, Chan gives the signal for the column to move off. Slowly the carriages trundle through the gates of the palace and out into the city beyond, preceded by the Imperial Cavalry troopers. You and Chan follow behind the third carriage, and as you are passing through the gates, the last sound you hear is the collective sobbing of the Khea-khan's loyal servants, those he has had to leave behind.

  Illustration VIII—The Imperial Caravan leaves the palace courtyard.

  To continue, turn to 58.


  You return Prince Kamada to his mother and help carry the Khea-khan from out of these perilous catacombs. You are met by Captain Chan at the portal entrance, and he is greatly relieved to see that the Imperial Family are still alive. But when you tell him that Sejanoz is dead he can hardly believe his ears. ‘Ishir be praised! At last, after 3,000 years, our continent is free of that accursed tyrant!’

  Turn to 300.


  For nearly an hour you wander the tented streets of Rakholi, enjoying the sights and smells of this strange nomad-city. During your exploration, you are able to buy food at a cost of 1 Gold Crown (= 10 Ren) per Meal, Arrows at 1 Gold Crown for two (= 5 Ren each), and Rice Wine at 1 Gold Crown per bottle.

  If you choose to purchase any of the above, remember to make the appropriate adjustments to your Action Chart.

  To continue, turn to 268.


  You leap over the bodies of the slain Bhanarians, and leave this chamber through a hole in the far wall. You thread your way through a maze of narrow tunnels beyond, until you reach a low-ceilinged burial chamber. Here you see Kau-Doshin lying crumpled on the floor. Blood is trickling from between his lips and you sense that he is close to death. You carefully cradle his head and he gasps with the pain of his many wounds. Barely able to speak, he points to an arched doorway at the far end of the hall and says: ‘… save … them!’

  Turn to 108.


  ‘Of course, your majesty,’ you reply, sympathetically. Then you retrieve the Xi-die from your pocket and pass them to the anxious Princess. She is familiar with their use, and she breathes on them for several moments before casting them onto the marble tabletop.

  Carefully you examine the resulting position and facings of the dice, and you swallow hard when you see that they reveal a disturbing prediction.

  Turn to 101.


  You hurry to the carriage and discover Princess Mitzu consoling her young son who is shivering with fright. Chan is nearby, holding a dead serpent by the tail. You swallow hard when you see that it is a scarlet viper, a notoriously poisonous snake. One of Chan's troopers is being restrained by two of his comrades, and he is pleading his innocence.

  ‘What is going on?’ you ask.

  Chan explains that the Prince disturbed the viper which was asleep under the covers of his cot.

  ‘He is lucky to be alive,’ says Mitzu, hugging him close. ‘His cries alerted Captain Chan and me, and when we arrived, we found Trooper Yankin inside the carriage. I suspect he is an enemy agent, one of the Autarch's spies.’

  ‘I'm not, I swear it!’ retorts the accused man. ‘I was nearby when I heard the Prince scream. I rushed into the carriage to save him. I thought he was being attacked.’

  You stare directly into the accused man's eyes and your Kai Sixth Sense tells you that he may be speaking the truth.

  If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use it, turn to 152.

  If you possess Kai-surge and wish to use it, turn to 230.

  If you possess neither of these skills, or if you choose not to use them, turn to 244.


  You retrieve your Kai Weapon from the hand of a dead tomb robber, and wipe its blade clean before sheathing it in your scabbard. (You may now restore the details of your Kai Weapon to your list of Special Items.)

  A brief search of this room reveals a large amount of stolen graveyard booty, but there is nothing here of any practical value to you. To one side of the room's brick fireplace you discover a bolted door, and you sense that someone is being held captive in the room beyond. Cautiously you draw back the bolt and tug on the door handle. As it creaks open, you are assailed by a revolting smell that even your Magnakai Discipline of Nexus cannot counter. Burying your mouth and nose in the sleeve of your tunic, you take your first tentative step into the gloomy chamber beyond.

  Turn to 240.


  As the prisoner is led away, you ask Captain Chan what he intends to do with the man.

  ‘He's our hostage now, our guarantee of a trouble-free journey past the forest tomorrow. I'd wager Captain Kronar will stay his hand when he sees that we have his little brother prisoner.’

sleep well and rise shortly before dawn to help prepare the horses for the road ahead. A mount is assigned to the prisoner, and he rides with you and Captain Chan at the head of the caravan column. The highway skirts the perimeter of the Javai Forest, and within an hour of leaving the ford, you catch sight of something in the distance that makes your senses tingle. To your right you see a wooded rise that runs parallel to the highway. You question the prisoner and he confirms that this is where his brother Kronar has prepared the ambush.

  Chan orders the caravan drivers to halt and await his further signal, and then together the three of you ride ahead. Xango's hands are tied behind his back and a noose is slipped over his head. This is attached to a trailing rope which is fastened to the horn of the captain's saddle. If Xango should attempt to escape, he will either strangle himself or break his neck when the rope is pulled taut.

  Suddenly you see two riders appear on the crest of the rise. They dismount and then disappear among the folds of the woodland. Minutes later they reappear atop a hillock, now no more than 30 yards distant. Instantly Chan recognizes that one of them, a tall man dressed in a padded tunic of scarlet and black silk, is Captain Kronar. You watch with growing trepidation as Kronar unslings a bow from his shoulder, draws an arrow, and takes aim in your direction. Moments later his companion copies his leader's actions.


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