Power Play (Nashville Assassins: Next Generation Book 2)

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Power Play (Nashville Assassins: Next Generation Book 2) Page 15

by Toni Aleo

  “What is your favorite color?”

  I shut the door behind me as he walks backward, bringing me with him. The last guy I touched this much was Maxim, but he never looked at me the way Boon does. “This goes against everything I’ve ever been taught, but it’s green.”

  He laughs. “I thought you Adlers bled purple?”

  I grin. “Exactly, but I love green. Especially green-flavored candy. Though, I can’t eat much candy.”

  “Why?” he asks as he turns so that he can walk normally.

  He brings me into his side as I say, “I have a thyroid thing, and sugar makes it angry. I’m not supposed to eat gluten or too many carbs either, but I’m at the point where I feel I need to live my best life.”

  “Wes has a gluten allergy. He eats it and pisses out his ass for hours on end.”

  “That’s unfortunate. On many levels.”

  “It is,” he agrees. “I feel for the dude because I love me a sandwich.”

  “Right? A meatball one is bomb.”

  He waggles his brows. “You like balls, huh?”

  I smack his chest, laughing as we head inside and to a booth. When he sits beside me, I’m giddy at how close he is. He wraps an arm around me as we look over the sushi list. Once we have our rolls picked, we order some sake to go with them and then settle into the booth together. He picks up my legs, draping them over his as our eyes meet. “Favorite color?” I ask, and he nods.

  “Blue,” he says simply. “Like the color of your eyes.”

  “Nice line,” I tease, and he grins.

  “I felt so,” he teases back with a wink. “You have three brothers and Shelli, right?”

  “Yes, huge family. I have two real cousins and then two friend cousins. Holidays are insane at my house. You?”

  “Just me and my mom.”

  “No siblings?”

  “Nope. I mean, Wes and Aiden are like my brothers, but no blood. Just me and Mom.”

  “What’s her name?”

  “Tina. She’s the best. She raised me all by herself. No help at all. When she got pregnant by my father, whom I’ve never met, her parents put her out.”

  I widen my eyes. “I couldn’t imagine. My mom’s family is awful. I think I’ve met my grandma like twice, but my grandpa is great. My dad’s family are the best people in the world. There are seven of us, but we all feel like we’re the favorite. They’re awesome—” I pause when I realize I might be bragging. Shit. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be—”

  “Shouldn’t be what? Sharing your family with me? That’s bullshit. I’m glad you have that. I wish I did, but my mom loves me enough for a billion people. I’m okay, I promise. I want to know this stuff about you.”

  “Do you want to meet your father?”

  He shakes his head. “No. He didn’t want me. I don’t want him. Really, my mom is amazing.”

  “She sounds incredibly strong.”

  “Hell yeah, she is. She’d give you the shirt off her back. Just a damn good woman.”

  I smile. “My mom is amazing, and my dad is too.”

  “I know. You got some legendary parents.”

  “Yeah, it’s hard to live up to their legacy sometimes.”


  “I always worry that I’m not doing them proud. Like, Shelli is Shelli. She was successful before she was sixteen. Owen and Evan were drafted first round at eighteen. Quinn is already promised to a premed program. And then there is me. I feel like I’m the sucky Adler.”

  He’s squinting at me.

  “What?” I laugh, and he shakes his head.

  “You are the youngest power play coach we’ve ever had, and you’re a female. Most hockey folks don’t think females are good enough to be in our sport, but all they gotta do is listen to you on the ice to know you own that shit. You’re amazing, Posey. Just as successful and legendary as your whole family.”

  My heart jumps into my throat. “You think so?”

  “I know so.”

  I let out a relieved breath. “Maybe I am.”

  He kisses my cheek. “You are.”

  I lean my face into his lips, and he kisses me once more as I ask, “Did you always want to be a hockey player?”

  “No. Actually, I wanted to be an astronaut, but I’m scared of heights.”

  I press my lips together, trying not to laugh. “I feel that could pose a problem.”

  “A bit. So I decided to skate like everyone else. I was good growing up, which is why I was able to do it. No one made my mom pay because they wanted me on their team.”

  “That’s amazing. You went third in the draft?”

  “Yes, my beautiful stalker—”

  I snort. “Shut up. I follow that stuff. I like knowing who’s up-and-coming. You went to Boston, right?”

  “I’m so flattered that you stalk me,” he teases, his eyes playful. “Give me your love flower—”

  “Love flower?” I snort, but he ignores me.

  “And stalk me. You’re making me feel all kinds of special.”

  “I hate you,” I say, and he laughs. “Is that where you met your ex?”

  The mention of her makes his grin fall. “Yeah, freshman orientation.”

  I lean on my hand, watching him.

  “We were just friends in college. I was drafted before I graduated, and we hooked up when I went back to campus for my coach’s retirement celebration a couple years later, right before I left the Devils. We got engaged about a year later.”

  “She said you don’t show emotion? Which is why she cheated?”

  He nods. “Yeah, that’s her excuse. But Wes thinks it’s the fact that this life isn’t for her.”

  I press my lips together, nodding in agreement. “It takes a special woman, that’s for sure. I’ve seen wives come and go, being around this sport. Not too many can handle being without their spouse up to ten months out of the year.”

  “Yeah, she hated it. She tried to make me choose between my career and her.”

  “What the hell?” I said, my brows touching. “That’s shitty. I really don’t understand that. Both of the guys my cousins dated wanted them to give up everything for them, and it drives me wild. We all work so hard for what we want, and then to just completely throw it away for someone is beyond me. I would never ask someone to give up their dreams for me.”

  “Agreed,” he says with a long sigh. “It is what it is. I’m happier now.”

  I press my nose into his jaw. “It’s because of me.”

  He laughs, trapping my head with his arm. “Maybe.” He kisses my nose and then the side of my cheek. “Anyone special, other than fuckface?”

  I scoff as he lets me go. “Nope. I’m not joking when I tell you everyone I dated wanted my sister.”

  He makes a face. “I don’t understand that. I mean, don’t get me wrong. Shelli is awesome. But if I were attracted to her, I wouldn’t go after her sister. Shelli doesn’t seem like the type to date someone you’d date.”

  “She isn’t,” I agree before taking a sip of my sake. “I guess they were dumb.”

  “So dumb to want her over you.”

  I give him a side-eye. “It’s okay. I know she’s prettier than me.”

  He actually whips his head around to me. He looks like a meme, his jaw hanging open and his eyes wide, the whites of his eyes showing. “Are you serious?”

  “Yes,” I laugh. “Stop looking at me like that.”

  “You seriously think that?”

  “I don’t think. I know.”

  “That’s the biggest bullshit I’ve ever heard.”

  I shrug. “What? It’s true. Shelli is the stunning, curvy one with really pretty eyes. She is insanely talented and so hockey-smart. She’s a showstopper. Everyone loves Shelli.”

  He doesn’t say anything at first; he just looks into my eyes. Then he looks away, shaking his head. “I’m speechless.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Because it’s not true.”

  “Yes, it i
s. She’s amazing—”

  He turns to face me again, his eyes capturing mine. “I don’t doubt that. She’s one cool chick. But, Posey, for me, she has nothing on you. You walk with this confidence that I’ve never seen before. You are strong, you are smart, and you don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks. You’re going to do what you want.” He reaches up, taking my jaw in his hand as my heart pounds in my chest. “I have never seen such beautiful blue eyes. Your lips are begging to be kissed all the time. And when you smile…fuck, Posey…I swear, my world stops. On the axis, just stops. You are the most beautiful person—yes, I said person, not woman—I have ever seen, and there is no changing my mind.”

  I’m out of breath as he brings me close to him. “Oh.”

  “Yeah, and if I have to tell you that every day for you to believe it, I will. I’ll even have shirts made and wear them every day.”

  I grin. “You can’t do that.”

  “I can and I will, because you are. Now, believe it.”

  As I get lost in his hazel eyes, I can’t help but feel it’s gonna be entirely too easy for me to fall in love with Boon.

  I just hope I’m enough for him to fall for in return.

  Chapter Sixteen


  We stuff our faces with sushi galore and share one sake since I want to be able to get it up once I get her into my bed. I look over at Posey, grinning. This has been one of the most unreal dates I’ve ever been on. I’m unsure if I was dating the wrong women or what, but Posey has my undivided attention. She talks with such passion about everything, but I am noticing that we don’t talk about her. It’s always her family, her friends, cousins. But now she is sharing about her travel team.

  “They wanted me to go into the Olympics when I was fifteen, but I didn’t want it.”

  “For real? I would have thought you’d have done that.”

  She shakes her head, leaning back into the booth. “I love hockey. I love the smell of the ice and the feel of it. I love shooting the shit out of the puck and getting that goal, but I hate skating.”

  I pull back in disbelief. “You’re kidding.”

  “No. Seriously. I hate it. It hurts my little pinkie toe, and I hate that.”

  “That’s like Hockey 101.”

  “Exactly, which is how I got obsessed with the non-skating part. The game itself. The different plays. It all excites me. But skating…skating makes me irate.”

  I chuckle. “You’re insane. It’s my favorite part. You’re basically flying.”

  She shakes her head, her face a little red from the sake. “I don’t want to fly. I want to come up with ways to win.”

  I move my hand along the booth, cupping the back of her neck. I run my thumb over her jaw, and as I gaze at her, I don’t understand how she can think anyone is better-looking than she is. To me, she’s perfection. I love the shape of her jaw. The thickness of her cheeks and lips. Her nose is a cute little button, and those eyes, they’re unstoppable. I love how she has baby-fine hairs all over her head, not staying back in her ponytail. I love her neck, her collarbone… Fucking shit, she’s just beautiful. “You’re pretty.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Stop,” she laughs, but I bring her in, squishing her face against my shoulder before I press my lips to hers. When I pull back, I look down into her squishy face and grin.

  “Do you have to go home?”

  Her eyes fall a bit as she licks her lips. “Are you asking me to come over?”

  “I am, if you want. I don’t know how you fee—”

  “I feel fine,” she says simply, snuggling closer to me. “And yes, I want to.”

  Heat rushes through me, and my cock springs to life. It’s been hard to sit beside her and not consume her. I wanted to get to know her, though, and I have. I know all her favorites, and she knows mine. I’m sure there is a ton more we have to learn about each other, but I know I like her. I like her a lot. I think it’s her drive and her passion that really blow me away. I love how when she talks to you, she looks you right in the eye. Into your soul. Or maybe that’s just me, and I’m completely okay with that. I want to be the only one she looks at like that. “Wanna get out of here?”

  She nods against my chest. “Yeah.”

  Awesome. I let her go to dig into my pocket for my wallet, and I notice she is texting someone. “Texting Mommy?”

  She gives me a dirty side-eye. “I can go home.”

  I scoff at her. “You want me just as much as I want you.”

  Looking up through her lashes, she says, “You think so?”

  I lean in, nipping at her nose. “I know so.” I press my lips to her top lip. I drop my voice and whisper, “I bet if I put my hand up your skirt, you’d be dripping wet for me.”

  She leans into my mouth, her nose pressing to mine. “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “I would dare,” I challenge, sliding my hand up her thigh. “And you wouldn’t stop me.”

  A soft moan leaves her lips when I reach her inner thigh. “But lucky for you, I have restraint.”

  I pull back as she snorts. “Says the guy who took me on a desk.”

  I nod, so sure of myself. “And I’d do it over and over again, lovely.”

  She bites my bottom lip. “I’d let you.”

  Before I can devour that mouth of hers, I hear, “Ew! Get a room!”

  She looks away, even though I was just going to flip the bird to the person who decided to comment on our behavior. But then I see it’s her cousin—Ally, I think she said. Posey giggles and then flips her the bird.

  That’s my girl.

  “You’re just jealous,” she says, leaning on the table.

  Her cousin laughs. “Maybe. But look who I just picked up.” She moves out of the way, and this massive dude is behind her wearing black-rimmed Harry Potter glasses. Talk about a doofy-looking dude. He throws up his hands in a jazz hands motion, and Posey squeals. She slides out the other side of the booth and runs to him, wrapping her whole body around him.

  And I mean her whole body, the way I want her to do to me.

  I blink as they hug tightly. I tell myself this guy is obviously a relative, but he sure does look like Brooks’s little brother. “Asher! I’ve missed you so much!”

  “Right back at you,” he says, hugging her once more, and anger courses through my body. I don’t know who this dude is, but I sure as fuck don’t like him touching my girl. Wait. Is she my girl?

  Hell yes, she is.

  When he tucks her into his side, I squeeze my fist. I wait for her to push him away, but she doesn’t. She laughs at something her cousin says. When the guy looks at me, he holds out his hand. “Hey, man. Asher Brooks. Known Posey since I was born.”

  Ah, it is Aiden’s brother. I take his hand, shaking it a little harder than I mean to as I say, “Boon Hoenes. Nice to meet you.”

  “You too. Had to explain who I was because you had that look of death on your face. I just got here, can’t be killed yet,” he jokes, and Posey looks over at me, grinning.

  I get out of the booth as she smacks his chest. “I didn’t even know you were coming into town so soon.”

  I know they grew up together, but I don’t like how much they are touching. He seems completely unaffected by it, though, and so does she. That alone should make me feel better.

  It doesn’t.

  “Wasn’t going to, but Ally convinced me. I tried calling my brother. Is he boning your sister?”

  Posey scoffs. “No. I think he’s drunk.”

  “Ah, no wonder he isn’t answering.” He then hooks his thumb to me. “This guy looks cooler than that Maxim asshole.”

  She leaves his side to come to mine, taking my hand in hers. “He’s all right.” As I look down at her, I have to remind myself that she isn’t Julia. That I know she wouldn’t cheat on me. She’s too good for that.

  But I thought Julia was too.

  “All right, we’re out of here,” Posey says and starts to pull me along, but Asher stops her. He leans in to say s
omething in her ear, but then Posey’s cousin is talking to me.

  “I’m Ally, Posey’s cousin.”

  I shake her hand. “Hey. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “You too,” she says, and then she grins. “Take care of her.”

  “Will do,” I say. My eyes are totally focused on whatever Asher is saying in Posey’s ear. “Are you two together?”

  When all three of them start laughing, I find Posey and Asher are standing closer than I realized.

  Asher shakes his head. “No, man. She’s my best friend.”

  I raise a brow. I have a hard time believing that. I don’t think men and women can be friends. There is always that sexual pull. Or maybe that’s just my jealousy issue. I don’t know, but when Posey drags me toward her, grinning at him, the jealousy runs deep and hot. “Whatever. Just give up and get married and have babies.”

  Ally glares. “Bye, Posey. Bye, Boon. It was nice to meet you.”

  I wave good-bye, and once outside, Posey wraps her arms around my waist. I find myself asking, “What did he say to you?”

  She looks up at me, her eyes so sweet. “That he loves how happy I look.” She does look happy. Real happy. “I told him it’s because of you. You’re basically his new favorite person, he said.”

  Her words calm me, and I gotta remember this. I am not threatened by Asher. He’s known Posey her whole life, and it’s me who has made her happy. She’s mine. Completely mine, and when we get home, she’ll be even more mine. I lean down, kissing her forehead, and softly whisper, “Well, you’re mine.”

  “I am?”

  “Don’t ask it as a question. Just know it.”

  Her eyes darken, and as she presses her lips into my shoulder, I kiss her forehead.

  It’s not a question. It’s a truth. I just can’t let my jealousy get in the way.

  I think we started kissing the moment the door shut behind us.

  Posey’s lips are dangerous against mine as I walk backward toward my bed. I turn her in my arms, the backs of her knees hitting the end my bed as we yank at each other’s clothes. I pull her blouse up and over her head before throwing it behind me. She untucks my shirt and undoes my belt and pants as I unfasten her bra. I take one of her breasts in my mouth and the other in my hand, squeezing the nipple as she pushes my pants down my hips. Her head drops back as I suck on her nipple, needing to taste her peaks more than I ever could have thought. She spears her fingers into my hair as I run my teeth along the top of her breasts, licking the curve of them before flicking my tongue to each nipple. I kiss my way down her ribs, grabbing the waistband of her skirt and pulling it down her thighs. I scrape my teeth over her stomach, licking around her belly button before I kiss her hip and take her ass in my hands. When I don’t feel fabric there, I groan against her belly.


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