Power Play (Nashville Assassins: Next Generation Book 2)

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Power Play (Nashville Assassins: Next Generation Book 2) Page 16

by Toni Aleo

  “I’m about to tear this thong off you.”

  She moves her fingers along my scalp. “Then I’m taking a pair of your boxers home.”

  Done. I rip the fabric off in one tug, and then I’m face-to-face with her glistening center. I press my lips to her mound and inhale deeply as her cries of pleasure fill my room. “Sit down,” I demand, and she does as I ask. I press her thighs apart before pushing them wider with my shoulders and opening her up for me. She’s even prettier than I remember. She falls back onto the bed once my mouth captures her slick lips. I’m met with the most unbelievable cry that has me harder than a boulder.

  I try to keep my wits about me, running my tongue over her lips, in them, and along them, but it’s extremely hard. She tastes so good. Feels so good. I find her clit, swirling my tongue around it over and over again, her moans getting louder with each swipe of my tongue. When she tries to lift her legs, I hold them in place at her ankles, consuming her sweet center as if she is the meal I’ve been craving my whole life. When she shatters, it’s violent. Her entire body shakes, thrashes, as she screams my name. Loudly.

  It’s the most heavenly sound I’ve ever heard.

  Better than the goal horn, for sure.

  I lick up her swollen lips before I stand between her legs, kicking off my pants and pushing down my boxers. I reach for the nightstand drawer, getting a condom as I gaze down at her beautiful, flushed body. She’s gasping for breath, her hands on her stomach as she tries to draw in breath. Her eyes are squeezed shut, and she looks fantastic. So damn good. I sheathe myself as I watch her, squeezing my balls as my own breath catches.

  “I kill you?”

  She grins, moving her hand to her forehead, still at a loss for breath. “I’ve never come that hard.”

  “You’re welcome,” I say with a smirk as I crawl on top of her. I cover her burning body with mine, our bodies flush as I bury my cock in her wet center. I cup her face in my hands, taking her mouth with mine. I wanted to be the one to draw the kisses out of her, but she takes the lead, probing my mouth with her sweet tongue. She opens her legs, and I fall between them, my cock pressed firmly into her sex. When she tears her mouth from mine, she runs her teeth along my jaw and chin.

  She kisses the spot beneath my chin and whispers, “Can I get on top?”

  I don’t even answer her; I roll us over, and she giggles the whole way. It’s so innocent and perfect, I almost come. I have never been with anyone like her.

  She rises up on her knees and presses her hands into my stomach. “Or I could suck your dick.”

  My body goes taut. “Have you done it before?”

  She shrugs. “Yeah, but I did it because he expected it. I’ve never wanted to do it until now.”

  Oh, balls, we’re fucked. “I don’t think I can handle that right now, and I don’t want to come all in your face and scar you forever.”

  Her eyes widen. “That’s called a facial, right?”

  I grin. “Yeah.”

  “Is that hot to you?”

  “It can be,” I say, sliding my hands up and down her thighs. “With the right person.”

  She purses her lips slightly. “I don’t know how I feel about that. I don’t do well with things going up my nose.”

  Laughter bubbles in my throat, and I let it out in a boisterous explosion. I cup the back of her neck and bring her head down to mine, kissing her lips.

  She smiles against my lips before she asks, “Are you laughing at me?”

  “No, I’m just over the moon with how cute you are.”

  She side-eyes me. “I feel like you’re laughing at me.”

  I kiss her again. “Maybe a little.”

  She smacks me, and I roll us back over. “Hey! I wanted to be on top.”

  “Nope. I want to be in control.” She tries to roll us over, but I overpower her. When she looks up at me, I grin down at her and whisper, “You’re all mine.”

  Heat flashes in her eyes. “Fine, but you’re mine too.”

  “Done deal, lovely,” I say, and then I kneel back on my haunches, taking my cock in my hand. When I guide it into her, disappearing in her tight center, my eyes fall shut as I find myself lost in pleasure. Like a lightbulb, though, the thought pops up that this is only her second time. My eyes spring open, but she’s arched up, her mouth parted, totally into it.

  Fuck. Yes.

  I take her thigh in one hand and her hip in the other before I thrust into her. A little meep leaves her lips, and I can’t see straight. I pull all the way out and bury myself back deep into her over and over again, my orgasm building, but it feels like hers is too. Posey squeezes my cock in the most satisfying way as her fingernails dig into my biceps. My hips bump her thighs, and I love how soft she is. It doesn’t hurt me, and she feels like home. The feel of her, how she holds me, and the sounds she makes blow up my world. When I come, I come with my whole body. I arch up into her, my heart almost coming out through my ribs as I groan loudly. She reaches up, her fingers running along my chest as she cups my neck. I lower my body to hers, and she wraps her legs around my hips as she nestles her face in the crook of my neck. I gather her in my arms as she kisses the spot behind my ear.

  “I like it better when you wear a condom.”

  I grin against her hair. “Considering this is only your second time, I feel you can’t make an executive decision yet.”

  “Maybe,” she whispers against my neck. “But I like when you come inside me.”

  “I do too,” I agree, nuzzling my nose in her hair. She runs her fingers along my back, and I close my eyes. “I can sleep like this.”

  “It is pretty great.”

  I roll over, bringing her with me, and gather her in close. “You weren’t planning on leaving, were you?”

  She meets my gaze. “I thought that’s how it goes. We have sex, I go home.”

  “No, not for us.”


  “I want you to stay with me.”


  I kiss the tip of her nose. “I gotta ask you something.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You haven’t had a thing for Asher or anything, have you?”

  She opens her eyes, giving me a dull look. “Not at all.” She narrows her eyes. “Have you been thinking that since we left?”

  “No. Just curious. I mean, if he’s anything like Aiden—”

  “He’s not. He’s a huge dork who always would rather have played Barbies with us—mainly to make our dreamhouse more lifelike with real lights and shit—than hockey with the boys. We’ve never had feelings for each other. Like, ever. He’s like a brother.”

  “Okay,” I say, but her eyes are still burning into mine. “Just asking.”

  “Are you jealous?”

  I swallow hard. I want to lie. I could lie, but I find that I can’t. “A little bit.”

  She cups my jaw, stroking her finger along my lip. “You have nothing to worry about, Boon.”

  I’ve heard that before. Even when Julia was fucking Phil, she told me that. Posey’s eyes, though, they make me feel like she is telling the truth. I feel like she only wants me. I only want her. I have to believe her because I refuse to lose her.

  “I’m digging you. Always have.”

  “Always have?”

  “Oh yeah. I’ve always liked your play, and I’ve always thought you were sexy.”

  “Well, I am,” I say against her jaw, grinning, and she snorts.

  “Really, I’m not that kind of person. Doing things out of spite after my first time, though, that’s apparently a new characteristic I didn’t know I possessed.”

  I laugh as I hold her close. “There are a lot of emotions that go along with that. That’s why we lose our virginity young, so that when we’re older, we don’t assume shitty shit.”

  “Don’t people still assume shitty shit?”

  “Oh, all the time, but I was trying to make you feel better.”

  We cuddle deeper as we both laugh softl
y. Her lips glide along my jaw as she asks, “Did you lose yours early?”


  Her eyes widen. “I was still playing with Barbies.”

  We share a smile as our lips move against each other. Not kissing, just teasing. “I was wild. My mom was always so busy, couldn’t really keep a close eye on me. I was banging the girl in the trailer beside mine. When her dad found out, he beat the living shit out of me. So my mom went and beat him.”

  “Oh. Oh my.”

  I nod. “Yeah, things calmed down when my coach took over.”

  She draws in her brows. “Took over?”

  “Yeah, I’d stay with him a lot after school, but my mom never missed dinner. Coach and his wife were really kind to us. We lost him about six years ago. I still talk to his wife regularly, though. She’s like a second mom.”

  “That’s sweet.”

  “Yeah,” I agree. But the pain is still there. When Coach Mike died, I didn’t see myself coming back from it. I never knew my dad, and then I lost the man who had stepped in for him, so it was rough.

  But my mom always told me, “You learn to live with the pain of loss,” and I have.

  “I’m sorry to bring up Asher, Posey. I was in my head. I don’t want to lose this.”

  “I know. But remember, we’re gonna communicate.” She runs her thumb along my jaw, and I can see that she wants to lighten this moment. “I’m going to communicate that I want to do what we just did again.”

  I smirk at her. “That’s a given. That’s why you’re not leaving.”

  “Oh, I thought it was because you wanted someone to cuddle with.”

  “Well, duh. But mostly because I love your sweet thighs,” I say, and she laughs.

  “Whatever. They’re dimply.”

  “Those are holders for my fingertips. I need them for how hard I plan on going.”

  Her cheeks fill with color. “Promise?”

  “Easiest promise I could ever make,” I say with a nod, my nose sliding along hers. My heart is beating furiously in my chest, and I want nothing more than to never move from this spot. I haven’t ever wanted anyone as much as I want Posey. That won’t scare me either. It can’t, not when she is grinning at me the way she is. Not when her fingers are gliding along my back the way they are. Not when her eyes are telling me she wants only me. It’s a pretty unbelievable feeling.

  One I’ve never felt before.

  One I refuse to let go of.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I know I don’t have much to compare it to, but sleeping with Boon… Well, it’s absolutely amazing.

  There is something about being woken in the middle of the night by earnest kisses and sensual touches. I’ve never experienced that. The all-consuming need to wake someone out of a dead sleep to have them. But I did last night. Boon beat me to it every time; I don’t even know if he slept. When we did sleep, though—since we agreed we were both too hot to cuddle—my knee would have to be right at his back. He’d grab my calf or my thigh, squeezing, almost as if making sure I was there. It was sweet and made me feel all kinds of special. He takes such care with me. His touches are sweet, except when he’s taking me to oblivion. Those touches aren’t soft. They’re rough, just how I want them. I love the feeling of a strong man, and Boon is exactly that.

  All man.

  All hard.

  And all mine.

  It intrigues me how he can be so stoic and harsh away from me, but with me, he is kind and loves to talk to me. He laughs so much, and his smile is unstoppable. Just like his hands. He can’t keep them off me. Like, even now, we’re still in bed, but I’m almost in his lap. My thighs are against his as my toes curl along his lower back. I have my plate on his knees, and he’s holding his as we eat the breakfast we made together. I made the waffles, and he made the bacon and eggs. I’ve never cooked with a man, so I’m unsure if this is something only Boon does, but whenever he wasn’t scrambling or frying something, his lips were at my neck.

  He makes the butterflies come alive inside me, and no one has ever done that to the level he can achieve. It feels as if the butterflies are moving in my skin, my lungs, my stomach, and definitely my brain. He makes it really hard to think clearly, and I love it. I love not holding back or trying to figure out what to say next. With Maxim, it wasn’t like that. Not only was there a language barrier, but I was trying so hard to hide my feelings that I was scared to say certain things. With Boon, I don’t want to hide any of what I am feeling. I want him to know, and he wants me to know the same thing.

  Again, I know I have no real experience in a situation like this, but I think Boon is a different kind of man. A man you don’t find often. One you should sink your claws into and never let go.

  It kind of horrifies me.

  What is this feeling, and can I handle it? I don’t know. I just don’t know.

  “When do you need to leave?”

  I lick my lips free of syrup. “In an hour. I’m trying to figure out what I’m going to do.”

  He cocks his head. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, if I go home in last night’s clothes, I have to explain to my parents. But if I go to work, I’ll have to explain to my colleagues. I’m unsure who I want to answer to.”

  “That is a tough choice,” he laughs, and I glare.

  “Thank you for laughing at my misery.”

  “Ah, I’ll make it up to you,” he says, and then he reaches over, sliding his thumb along my lip. “Syrup,” he explains before licking his thumb.

  It’s by far the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.

  Stunned, I fight for my next breath as I say, “What are you doing today?”

  “Nothing,” he laughs around a piece of bacon. “I was hoping you wouldn’t leave.”

  “Sorry. Gotta work.”

  “Totally understand. What are you doing after?”

  I look up at him through my lashes. “I don’t know. Did you want to do something together?”

  “Yeah,” he says simply. “We can go to a movie or dinner. Or both.”

  “I’m down.”

  “Cool,” he says as he takes another heaping spoonful of eggs. I made fun of him for having a spoon and fork to eat with, but after watching as he devours his eggs, I feel he may be on to something with the spoon. “Can I admit something?” he asks softly, and our eyes meet.

  I press my fork to my bottom lip. “Sure?”

  “I love that you eat.”

  I grin, unsure what he means. “I shouldn’t be offended, right?”

  “Not at all,” he says as he chews. “Seriously, Julia never ate, and I have a tendency to date women who don’t like food. You, though, you love food.”

  I nod. “I do. Very much.”

  He leans over, kissing my lips. “And I love that you do.”

  I snort. “I should probably skip a few meals. I haven’t had time to work out lately, and my ass is looking as if it belongs in the Guinness World Records for biggest booty.”

  “Not even kinda. Don’t you dare skip one meal,” he says sternly. “I love everything about you.”

  My lips quirk. “Love, eh?”

  His eyes meet mine, and they’re so dark. “I mean, I could lie and say, no, I just like your ass and thighs. But that is a damn lie. I love them. I do. I don’t care what that means or what it says about me. I think you’re so damn hot.”

  Now I’m the one leaning in, kissing him. He drops his spoon onto his plate, and his rough beard urges me to skip all my meetings and never leave this bed. I’d never do that, though, and he wouldn’t let me. “No one has ever said that to me. While my mom never said anything about my weight or how I was always thicker than Shelli, everyone else did. I was always the bigger twin, even though we’re not actually twins.”

  He makes a face as he leans back, eating a full piece of waffle. “That’s bullshit. You’re a ball of muscle and look nothing like Shelli. She looks like a pixie. You’re more a queen.”

Jesus. “Well, damn. Do you even like my sister?”

  He nods earnestly. “I love Shelli. She’s great. But you two are completely different. You have a full, round face, and she’s all angular. I think you’re hotter.”

  I curve my lips. “Well, that’s good since I’m in your bed, in your boxers.”

  He makes a face, truly upset I’m clothed. “Again, don’t know why we needed clothes to eat.”

  I snort. “I didn’t want to get anything on me!”

  “I would have licked it off.”

  I grin. “Exactly. And I gotta go to meetings soon.”

  “So rude, life getting in the way.”

  “Right? Don’t they know we’ve got things to do?”

  He holds out his hand to me. “Exactly!”

  I grin as he chuckles softly. “Anyway, you know how it is. If a girl isn’t lean, she’s fat. It’s annoying as hell.”

  He shakes his head. “My mom calls me husky, and I’m good with it. I love food, and I love my body. It’s strong and kicks ass on the ice—excluding on the power play,” he teases, and I smile.

  I run my hands up his thighs. “Well, I think you are insanely gorgeous.” I lean in, and he meets me halfway. His eyes are dark and intent on mine as our lips move together. “And yes, your power play needs help.”

  He laughs before kissing me again. I love how he smiles against my lips. How his nose touches mine and his beard tickles my jaw. When I pull back, he reaches for the syrup, drowning his waffle. I haven’t had real syrup in months, and I should be embarrassed by how much I put on my waffles, but Boon doesn’t seem to care about my sugar intake. Or his, for that matter. “Can I ask something?”


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