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After I Fall (Immortal Billionaires Book 1)

Page 3

by Melissa Sercia

  “You should have told about table three,” I bit back.

  Tori cocked her head to the side to get a better look through the dining room and let out a deep sigh of annoyance. “Oh, it’s them. I didn’t realize they were here. Still, that’s no reason for you to throw a tantrum at me. You need to grow a thicker skin if you’re going to make it in this business.”

  I wasn’t trying to make it as a server. Someday I’d be in the kitchen, far away from the rude antics of vapid rich boys. But I did feel a little bad for taking it out on Tori. “Sorry. I thought…never mind. Who are they?”

  “Friends of the owner. I don’t think they are as tight with Ozi as they think they are, but they still come in here every weekend acting as if they own the place too. Look, don’t worry about them. I’ll get their drinks. Can you go in the back and check on the food for table six? They ordered their steaks well done but are bitching that it’s taking longer than five minutes to cook them. Fucking people.” She was already bee-lining over to Max before I could respond.

  The rest of the night was more of the same. Every time a couple or group would pay and leave, another would be sat in their place. It was like a revolving door. There was a line out the front, at least twenty people waiting around the maître de podium, and not a single empty seat at the bar and its surrounding bar tables. And it was only 8 PM. We had at least two more hours of this. My feet burned and I didn’t need to look in a mirror to know that I’d sweated off half of my makeup. I didn’t know how this night could get any worse.

  It was almost eleven PM before the last couple finally left. Max set a glass of French Bordeaux in front of me while Tori organized her receipts for the night. “So how was your first night, country girl?” Ugh thanks, Tori, now everyone was calling me that.

  “It was fine,” I replied. Actually it was one of the most exhausting and frustrating nights of my life.

  Tori handed me a twenty-dollar bill. “Thanks for your help tonight.”

  “Oh, I can’t take that. I’m in training.” The last thing I wanted was for her to bitch about how she had to tip me too.

  “Whatever, just take it. Aside from a couple major screwups, you did manage to get a souffle out without dropping it.” She winked at Max who put his head down as he laughed.

  I could feel my cheeks burning. It was bad enough that she gave me bad directions all night, but now she was making fun of me in front of the other staff members. I couldn’t wait to get home and crawl into bed. I downed the rest of my wine, shoved the twenty into my apron pocket and slid off the bar stool.

  “Where do you think you’re going, country girl?” Tori cooed.

  The muscles between my shoulder blades tightened. “Home. Unless there’s anything else you need me to do?”

  Tori and Max burst out laughing just as three other servers sauntered up. Max rested his elbows on the bar, gazing back at me with half amusement, half pity. “Hate to break this to ya, Raven, but you aren’t going home for a while.”

  Before I could ask him what he was talking about, Enzo appeared. “Okay, bambinos, you know the deal. The cars will be out front in five minutes. Freshen up and look presentable. I don’t want to keep Ozi waiting.”

  What in the world? I must have looked like a deer caught in the headlights because Enzo’s eyes widened at the sight of me. “Oh, Raven, I’m so sorry I forgot to tell you. Ozi is throwing one of his famous parties tonight. He doesn’t like to hire outside caterers. It’s very simple, just passing out drinks and small bites. You’ll get paid double your hourly wage.”

  I was going to be sick. The newly formed blisters on my feet were making it hard to stand, let alone work an entirely other shift. But with the double pay, I could get ahead on some of my bills. Besides, if I said no, how would that make me look? I was the new girl and half the staff already thought I was a joke. If I crawled home while they all went and worked another shift, I’d never earn their respect. Not to mention the owner would wonder why his most recent new hire was already slacking off.

  “Of course, Enzo. I’ll just go freshen up.” I forced a smile and tried not to look like I was going to pass out.

  “Grazie, Raven! I know you’re tired, but I appreciate you being a team player.”

  As I sulked into the ladies room, I couldn’t help but overhear Tori giving the rest of the staff a play by play of how slow and incompetent I was. Ugh this was going to be a long night.

  I smeared the steam off the mirror with a fuzzy towel, admiring my own reflection. While guiding a thick glob of hair gel through my black waves, I slicked them back off my tanned forehead. I dabbed my favorite cologne along my neck—a mix of spice and sandalwood, rubbing some into my chest as well. It was no wonder mortal women couldn’t keep their hands off me. Immortality had made me into a god. Made my body strong and chiseled, my features striking with piercing brown eyes and long black lashes. It was almost unfair to human men.

  The vein in my neck throbbed. My pectoral muscles twitched and constricted. I needed to drink before I went downstairs into a room full of delicious snacks. And I wasn’t referring to the food. I reached for the blood bag I’d retrieved from the cellar earlier and tore into it. The room temperature blood oozed down my throat like molasses, except it tasted like a bottle of wine that had been left open for too long—sour like vinegar. I got it down as fast as I could, chasing it with a shot of bourbon.

  Curling my upper lip, I watched the two sharp fangs retreat slightly into my gums, making their points even with the rest of my teeth. While they weren’t noticeable, there were these tiny little nerve endings that sent titillating sensations throughout my body, similar to an orgasm. They were extremely sensitive and coupled with the ecstasy and taste of fresh blood, it was a big part of the exquisite gratification.

  And when I’m coming and feeding at the same time…fuck it was the best feeling in the world. I used to think love was until it weakened me. Or rather, the lack of reciprocated love had. Too much loss and pain could do that to you. Make you bitter and cold. I had never loved anyone the way I loved Camille. And I never wanted to again.

  So the parties were for my amusement. For my entertainment. When the reality of my existence was too much to bear, the exhilaration and beauty of painted faces, glittered skin, and intoxication was what I craved. Sometimes more than anything else. But blood was better than love. Blood was bonding. As was death and it did not taste the same anymore. Neither did the booze or the women. All of it had lost its shine and luster. But I was afraid of who I’d be if I stopped any of it.

  I headed downstairs to see my penthouse springing to life. The scent of garlic and puff pastry wafted through the air. Staff buzzed around setting up food stations and opening bottles of wine. The guests would be arriving soon. And to their delight, I had pulled out all the stops. I needed extra distractions tonight to keep me from remembering the anniversary of her human death. I couldn’t let myself go down memory road again. It would only lead to destruction—of myself and those around me. It was one hundred years ago, but it felt like yesterday. One of the downfalls of living forever.

  Enzo arrived with the Dolce Sale staff and sent them directly into the kitchen to load up their trays with flutes of sparkling wine and hors d’oeuvres. I didn’t bother to greet them. I wasn’t in the mood for pleasantries and small talk just yet. Instead, I walked to the glass ledge of the terrace and took in the view of the city and wondered how many women would try to end up in my bed tonight. Maybe I’d let them all have a piece of me. Would that be enough to help me forget?

  Within minutes, the first of my guests started to arrive and I headed over to them, mustering up all my charm and sex appeal on the way. A lanky blonde, accompanied by some greasy financial guy, strutted up, meeting me half way. She blew air kisses and fluttered her eyelashes. “Ozi, what a fabulous home you have.”

  I flashed her a toothy grin. “It’s more of a lion’s den than a home, bella,” I teased. “But I’ll take it. Go see Max over there at the b
ar. Tell him I sent you.” I winked and I swear her nipples hardened instantly. Fuck, this was so easy.

  The string quartet had set up on the terrace and had begun playing. They were the best in the industry, I was told. While their violins and flutes blasted out, making top forty hits sound like classical masterpieces, the city lights sprawled out behind them. It was like a page out of a magazine or a dark fairytale. The penthouse was enormous, it was hard to believe the owner lived here all by himself.

  I wound in and out of the glittering crowd in awe. Every face I passed looked like it had been photoshopped. If only my friends in Maplewood could see this, they wouldn’t believe it. I barely did. These people didn’t exist in real life. But here they were, in the flesh. They were gorgeous and they knew it. I weaved in and out unnoticed. They took the flutes of sparkling Ozi wine without so much as a nod or facial acknowledgement. They were used to pretending staff were invisible. I actually liked it. It kept me from having to make idle small talk with strangers.

  Once everyone had a glass and a decent helping of small bites, I and another server stood alert by the floor to ceiling French doors that separated the living room from the terrace, now wide open for foot traffic to pass through. I breathed in the crisp fresh air, listened to the sounds of car horns and sirens erupting from down below. We were thirty floors up and this view of the city was even more spectacular than the one from my apartment. It was breathtaking.

  I looked across the terrace at all of the too perfect faces and froze. The most beautiful man I’d ever seen in my life was just a few feet away. He laughed and leaned into a group of pretty blondes. He was tall and muscular with black hair and brown eyes. His black suit was tailored to him like a glove and looked expensive. Oh shit. It was him. Ozi. The owner of Dolce Sale…my new boss. His pictures did not do him justice.

  I willed myself to look away. I didn’t want Enzo or any of the other staff members to catch me gawking at him. I tried to focus on the skyline but my gaze kept wandering back over to this gorgeous specimen of a man. Men didn’t look like that in Maplewood. Sure we had our share of handsome boys next door, but not like this. This man could make women do whatever he wanted. I was getting dizzy just thinking about it. Why was he making me feel tingly all over? I didn’t come here for that.

  It had only been a year since Alex broke my trust and my heart. I didn’t know if I’d ever be ready to love again, let alone even date. I was so empty inside… What would I even have to offer? The betrayal left a wound so deep, I wasn’t sure the bleeding had ever stopped. But damn, Ozi was sexy. The way he licked his full lips with each sip of his whiskey, it was giving me all kinds of wicked thoughts. Like what else that tongue of his could do.

  I spun around toward the bar and cornered Max.

  “Do you have the next round of drinks? I’m getting bored out here.” Truth was I needed something to drag my attention away from our hot boss.

  “Okay, girl. I see you.” He winked as he handed me a tray of old fashions. Oh dear god. Did he see me salivating over Ozi? I was mortified. I stared down at my tray and wished I could disappear into one of the glasses. The whiskey was a creamy caramel color, offset by the dark juicy black Italian cherry and bright orange peel.

  I immediately started drifting in and out of the crowd, passing out drinks like they were candy. The guests didn’t hesitate, lapping them up like water. I kept my back strategically turned away from Ozi. The last thing I needed was to get flustered and drop this entire tray of drinks on some spoiled socialite. I wasn’t a clumsy person but Ozi made me nervous. There was something about the way he leaned into the woman he was chatting with. The way his lips hovered over her ear as she threw her head back in laughter at whatever charming thing he had said. I bet he smelled good too. Stop it, Raven. Get your head in the game.

  The music seemed to get louder with each strum of the violin and it reverberated through me, enchanting me like a dream. What time was it? It had to be close to midnight. I stifled a yawn and went back toward the bar to fill up my tray.

  “Raven, there you are. Don’t wander too far, I’d like you to meet the owner later,” Enzo said. “If I can ever pull him away from that blonde over there.”

  I followed the direction of his gaze and felt all the blood rush to my cheeks. I had completely forgotten that I’d have to meet him. Of course he would want to meet his new employee. How was I going to keep my cool when just one look at him sent my pulse racing? Shit.

  Within an hour, the terrace was filled with beautiful people in designer clothes, gathering to partake in my free food and booze. As vapid and dull as most of these people were, they temporarily filled a void that would allow me to pretend I was like them for the night.

  “Mr. Fabiano, is everything to your liking?” Like a ghost, Enzo appeared out of nowhere. If I didn’t know for certain that he was human, I would have sworn he was a vampire.

  “Si, Grazie, Enzo. You have outdone yourself as usual.” Enzo had been with me for thirty years. He knew me better than anyone.

  “We have a new girl here tonight. She interned at Ozi Wines in Italy. She is a little out of her element, but catches on quick,” Enzo said.

  I glanced around the terrace and spotted her. It was easy to do because I made a point to know every single person who worked for me. I had a file on each of them. The new girl’s back was turned but I could see she was petite with a perfectly tight ass and long black hair that was swept up into a ponytail. “You’ll introduce me to her later, no? What’s her name?”

  Enzo smiled wearily. No matter how old or tired he got, he refused to let me turn him. He said it was against his beliefs. Stubborn old bastard. Though, he never judged me for what I was. “Her name is Raven. She’s inexperienced, but she knows her wines and has an excellent palate.”

  “Good. Belissimo. I trust your judgement, Enzo. That’s why you handle all the hiring. You must see something special in her.” Enzo had a soft spot for wayward souls. Sometimes it worked out and they went on to have great careers in the food and beverage industry. And on the rare occasion they turned out to be psycho, he was the one that dealt with the restraining orders. Hopefully, this Raven girl wouldn’t turn out to be the latter.

  Enzo sighed. He looked to Raven, who still had her back turned, and then to me. “Promise me you won’t try to sleep with this one. She is very naïve and I think you would ruin her. She has dreams of becoming a chef. I wouldn’t want her getting distracted by your dick.”

  A tiny spurt of wine spewed out of my mouth as I burst out laughing. Enzo had never been the shy type, but that was the bluntest thing he’d ever said to me. I liked it. “You make me out to be some kind of sex monster,” I joked. “Relax, the days of me screwing the staff are long over. That was when, the eighties? In Paris? You must really like this one, old man.”

  Enzo’s cheeks reddened as he smiled sheepishly. “I do. She is different. This city will eat her alive if we don’t watch out for her.”

  It almost seemed like he was getting fatherly protective over her. Enzo never married and never had children, so maybe this was his way of adopting. I just hoped she didn’t disappoint him. “Listen, I’ll meet you at the bar in a few so you can introduce me to your new protégé. I need to make a couple more laps around the terrace before these assholes get too drunk to remember I was a gracious host.”

  As I continued to make my rounds through the crowd, my eye kept getting drawn back toward the new hire. I couldn’t explain it but I needed her to turn around. I wanted to see her face. The way she moved gracefully across the terrace drew me in. The curves of her hips and ass, bouncing as she walked, stirred something primal in me, reminding me I was a predator.

  I would look but not touch as I’d promised Enzo, but I needed to see more of her. I could sift out the scent of her blood amidst all of these people and it was intoxicating. Her blood was pure, sweet, but filled with nervous energy and a hint of mystery. And something else. Something familiar.

  My mouth wate
red the more I thought about her. I unbuttoned the top of my shirt as visions of tasting her began to choke me. I’d had plenty of blood before the party started but this woman’s scent was making my glands salivate. Just her sheer presence made me thirsty. Coupled with all the noise from a thousand conversations blaring in my ears—conversations I could hear from a mile away thanks to heightened vampire senses—it was dizzying.

  I darted in and out of the crowd, trying to make my way back into the main penthouse. If I were going to meet this woman, I would need more blood, or risk coming unglued in front of all these people. I’d always prided myself on being discreet and I’d had hundreds of years of practice, but her blood was getting to me as if I hadn’t fed in days.

  I was almost to the living room when one of my business associates cut me off. “Ozi, we need to talk. I found some weird shit going on with one of our accounts.”

  Cassius—a giant behemoth of a man covered in tattoos with long dirty blond hair that he swept back into a ponytail—towered over me. He was my business partner and an old friend, but he had terrible timing.

  “Cassius. Hello to you too. Can it wait? I need to pop into the storage room before I explode.” I needed to get at least one shot of blood in me before I unraveled.

  He looked me over, his gaze settling on the throbbing vein in my neck and nodded in understanding. “Get your shit right, Ozi. I’ll find you later.”

  I pushed past him and practically sprinted into the kitchen. I kept an emergency stash in the walk-in pantry and quickened my pace to get to it. My body was trembling and I couldn’t get in there fast enough. I quickly shut the door behind me and punched the code into the safe where I had hid the blood bags. I ripped into one and sucked every bit out as fast as I could. Slumping back against the wall, relief spread into my veins. My heart rate surged and then slowed back down to a normal pace. It was the blood that kept it beating. My liquid pacemaker.


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