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After I Fall (Immortal Billionaires Book 1)

Page 13

by Melissa Sercia

I shifted out of park and continued driving. A thousand dark and paranoid thoughts raced through my mind. I was too frazzled to even speak them aloud. Why would Enzo buy Raven a plane ticket to Italy and not tell me about it? But more importantly, why would he keep her name off the record?

  The maple tree lined road curved as we climbed up the hill to the farm. I pulled into a shady spot under one of the trees and killed the engine. As I thought about everything—Enzo, the Monroes, how they treated Raven—a rage that I’d buried deep clawed its way to the surface. There was also the issue of the hacker and if any of it was tied together.

  My gloved fingers tightened around the steering wheel. I stiffened further at the touch of Cassius’s hand on my shoulder. “Are you about to do what I think you’re going to do? I’m fine with it, but just let me know so I can clean it up quick.”

  I released a long drawn out breath, feeling my muscles relax and loosen as I did so. “No, I’m not going to hurt them.” I murmured. “But I want to.”

  Cassius ran a hand through his long dirty blond hair. “Maybe Enzo has a good explanation.”

  “For lying? No. Fuck that. I will deal with him when we get back. I’ve given him everything, including my trust and loyalty. I expected the same from him.”

  “That still doesn’t explain anything. Why would he take an interest in this girl? Why keep it a secret?”

  “That’s what we’re going to find out.” I jerked the car door open and jumped out. It was time to pull out all the stops and get to the bottom of this. “Wait here. They’ll feel less threatened if it’s just me.”

  “I’ll be here if you need me. Try not to lose your temper, please. I really like this suit.”

  A gray-haired woman answered the door within four knocks. “Can I help you?” She looked me up and down the same way the bartender had at the Rusty Nail.

  “I hope so.” I clenched my jaw and reminded myself to stay calm. I needed to know the truth more than I needed to punish them. “I’m here about your daughter.”

  Her eyes narrowed at me. “Meadow ain’t here right now. What do you want with her?”

  I chuckled and did my best not to show my annoyance. “Your other daughter. Raven. I have a few questions.”

  Mrs. Monroe wiped her hands on her apron. “Is she in some kind of trouble? We haven’t heard from that girl in weeks.”

  Shocking. “She’s very ill. In fact, she may need an operation. I’m here to find out more about her medical history. Maybe even run some tests on the rest of you so I can get a better picture of her genetic makeup.”

  “Ain’t you kind of young to be a doctor?” She eyed me skeptically.

  I flashed her a warm smile. “I’m flattered, but I’m much older than you think. Now, what can you tell me about your family’s medical history?”

  Mrs. Monroe shifted back and forth on her feet, tapping against the doorframe with her nails. “How sick is she?”

  I had to go full board on this one. “It might be fatal. She has a rare disease that we know very little about. Anything you can offer would be appreciated.”

  She chewed on her lip. “Look, mister, there’s not much I can help you with. She ain’t really mine. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t say anything to Raven. She doesn’t know. Wouldn’t want to put that added stress on her with the sickness and all.”

  That was easy. She really didn’t care for Raven. I could see the disdain in her eyes. Blood or not, she raised her. How could she not have one ounce of love for her? “Well, this is an interesting turn of events. Any idea how we can get in contact with her birth parents?”

  She shook her head. “She was left on our doorstep with a note that said to never look for them. Someone wanted her hidden. I didn’t want to keep her but my husband was getting tired of me not being able to get pregnant. So we took her in. A couple years later, my miracle baby, Meadow was born. Sorry I couldn’t be much help.”

  “Oh you’ve helped plenty. By any chance…do you still have the note?” A gut feeling wrenched in my stomach.

  “Yeah, hang on a second.” She disappeared inside and left me standing on the porch. After ten minutes or so of me fixating on a broken shard of glass that stuck out of the lamppost, she emerged with a crumpled piece of paper.

  I could feel the color draining from my face. “May I keep this?”

  “Sure. To tell ya the truth, I don’t even know why I kept it. Maybe as a reminder of just where she really came from.” Her face was hard, weathered by decades of outdoor physical labor.

  I turned to leave but something stopped me. I just couldn’t walk away. I spun around. “Aren’t you even the slightest bit concerned? You did raise her.”

  She avoided my gaze and stared out into the valley. “There was something not quite right about that girl. I knew it from day one. She ain’t one of us. Never was. Now you best get on your way before my husband comes home with his shotgun.”

  For a split second, I wanted to show this miserable woman what a real weapon was. That her silly little shotgun was no more deadly to me than a toy. I imagined the look on her husband’s face when he pulled up to find his wife bleeding out. The look of anger then fear and shock when he realized his bullets wouldn’t work on me. And then finally, the look on his face when my demon face was the last thing he’d see before he died. In a quick moment, all these thoughts flashed through my mind and left.

  “Today’s your lucky day, mam.” She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. Confusion froze on her face. I stuffed the note in my pocket and left without a glance back.

  Cassius raised an eyebrow at me as I got back in the car. “Well?”

  I handed him the note. “Raven was left on their doorstep when she was a baby with a pile of cash and this note…”

  Cassius drew in a sharp breath as he read it. “Shit…the signature. Deveraux. But this means—”

  “That Raven is a descendant of Camille’s and her real parents are either dead or vampires.” Suddenly the world felt like it was getting smaller and closing in on me. I loosened my tie and took a deep breath.

  Raven was in more danger than I thought.

  I woke up to three missed calls from Ozi and one from my mother. No messages. I hadn’t heard from her since I left Maplewood and I hadn’t bothered to call either. I sent her a quick text when I first got here to which she never replied. She was probably calling to make sure I didn’t show up to Alex and Meadow’s wedding. Wouldn’t want the ex-girlfriend messing up her favorite daughter’s precious day.

  I groaned as I kicked my feet out of bed. I had an old fashion hangover and a bad taste in my mouth from my encounter with Camille. I started to dial Ozi back when I got interrupted by a knock on the door. A knock that quickly turned to banging as I dragged myself toward it.

  “Raven, you in there?”


  Shit. I was hungover and looked like crap. “Give me a second,” I yelled through the door. I scrambled around to find my robe. Ducking into the bathroom, I splashed some water on my face and combed my hair up into a top knot. I dabbed some concealer under my eyes and swiped on a couple coats of mascara. We were definitely not in the stage of our relationship where I felt comfortable letting him see me like this.

  A few minutes later, he was practically breaking in the door. “Hold on. I’m coming,” I yelled.

  I pulled open the door and found a very disheveled Ozi standing in the entrance. “I’ve been calling you all morning.”

  “I was sleeping. Sorry. Where’s the fire?” My head was pounding and I was in no mood for his arrogance.

  “Raven…I don’t know how to tell you this, but I think you might be in danger. When you didn’t answer your phone, I assumed the worst.”

  He wasn’t making any sense. “What are you talking about? Why am I in danger?”

  “Raven, I have a lot of enemies. Those who want to hurt me. Enemies who might fuck with you to get to me. There are other things you don’t know. Things about your family—”
/>   “My family?” I snapped. “You are starting to really freak me out, Ozi. What is going on? Tell me you’re not doing some illegal shit.” His pacing was making me nervous and the tone of his voice was unhinged.

  He grabbed my wrists. “Raven, I just need you to trust me. I can protect you but I need you to come stay at my place for a while. I will explain everything. I will…show you everything.”

  How could I trust him when I barely trusted myself? “We can talk right here. I was willing to be patient with you but now you bring up my family and tell me that I’m in danger. You sound crazy. Especially after what Camille told me…”

  His eyes widened. “You talked to Camille?”

  “She approached me.” Better to just rip off the bandage.

  “Where? What did she say? What did she want?”

  “At a bar. You failed to mention that she was your ex. She said you betrayed her. Did you? Did you cheat on her?” I wanted to hear him say it if it were true. I really wanted it to not be.

  His eyes darted around. “Yes. No. I mean, it’s not what you think.”

  “She warned me to stay away from you. Tell me she’s just a bitter ex-girlfriend and that there’s no truth to what she said.”

  He froze. Something flickered in his eyes—rage mixed with sadness. “I can’t. But Raven you need to understand something. Camille is dangerous. There are things you don’t know about us. That’s why I need you to come with me.”

  He moved toward me, but I backed away. “You know how I feel about betrayal, Ozi. You know how broken I’ve been since Alex did what he did to me. I can’t go through that again.” I was shaking.

  “It wasn’t like that. I would never do that to you. You have to believe me.” His eyes were sincere but then again so were Alex’s every time he’d told me he loved me. “I’m a lot of things, Raven, but I’m not a cheater. I’m far from perfect, far from anything you have ever seen, but even demons have lines they won’t cross.”

  I wanted to believe him. I wanted to run into his arms and forget everything Camille said. But he had so many secrets. And other than our obsession with ripping each other’s clothes off, he hadn’t promised me anything more.

  “What am I to you?” I asked.

  He slicked back his hair, turning away from me and toward the New York City skyline. “Something I wasn’t supposed to have,” he murmured.

  “What does that even mean? I want to let my guard down with you but everything about you tells me to run away. Why should I stay?” I was done beating around the bush.

  Ozi turned to face me, but kept his eyes averted. His demeanor changed. He was closing off, retreating within. “You probably shouldn’t. Your instincts are right. I’m a predator, Raven. The worst kind. But the best way to protect you, to protect what we have, is by us sticking together.”

  My heart raced. “I don’t understand.”

  He cupped my face in his hands. “I know. And I’m sorry for that. The truth is heavy and you may not be ready for it all at once. Please, Raven. Just come with me.”

  Every fear, every insecurity I had rushed forward. All the pain I tried to forget was back tenfold. Between his shady business dealings and his psycho ex-girlfriend, the secrets and lies would just continue. I was a fool to think Ozi and I could have anything different. “I can’t do this again. Just go.”

  “Raven, por favore, please.”

  “Ozi, I said go.” I bit my lower lip to keep it from trembling.

  He nodded in defeat. “The old me would have thrown you over my shoulder and dragged you out of here. But I don’t want to be that way with you. I will find a way to fix this, Raven. To fix us. Just stay away from Camille. I don’t know what I’d do if anything happened to you.” He squeezed his brows together, his eyes watery when they finally met mine, then turned and headed for the door.

  I held my breath until he was gone. Once I heard the click of the door and his footsteps fade, I exhaled out and collapsed into a heap on the floor. And the tears came faster than I was ready for.

  The rain came down hard like shards of glass shattering against the roof of my car, streaming down the windows like blood. I closed the partition so I didn’t have to make small talk with my driver. I pulled the brown leather flask from my coat pocket and took a swig. The taste of metal filled my mouth, sweet and bitter at the same time. The blood filled my veins, quelling my thirst, but did nothing to ease the rage that tore at my heart.

  I wanted to tell her everything. That I was a vampire, that she was adopted and related to Camille. But she would have thought I was crazy. Or rejected me the way Camille had. I wasn’t ready to turn her entire world upside down. For once in my eternally damned life, I did the right thing. The selfless thing. I let her go. If only she’d come with me… Maybe I would have had the courage to tell her more. It’s hard to trust someone who doesn’t trust you back.

  The car slowed to a stop outside of Dolce Sale. Peering out the window, I caught a glimpse of Enzo at one of the tables, a glass of wine in his hand and paperwork spread out before him. I had trusted him, confided in him, and given him wealth beyond anything he could have ever dreamed of. This betrayal stung the most. It was beyond friendship. We were like family.

  Cassius’s words echoed in my head—maybe he has an explanation…

  Maybe he did. But how could I ever forgive him for lying to me? For keeping secrets about Raven? I stepped out of the car, not caring about getting my thousand dollar suit wet, and walked inside my restaurant.

  Enzo looked up, startled. “Ciao, Ozi. I didn’t know you were coming by tonight. Everything all right?”

  I clenched my fists at my sides. “That’s the funny thing about vampires, old friend. You never know when one of us is going to drop by,” I said through gritted teeth. “It’s time you and I had a little chat about Raven.”

  His face paled as he went for his glass of wine. I knocked it away before he could reach it. Glass shattered at his feet. I slammed my hands down on the table and lurched forward, landing inches away from his face.

  “Give me one good reason not to kill you right now.”

  Enzo cowered in fear. The first time he’d ever looked at me that way. “Ozi, I was only trying to protect you.”

  “Protect me from what? I’m a vampire. There’s not much I need protecting from,” I snapped.

  “Your heart. I was trying to protect your heart… Before you met Camille, she had other lovers.” His hands were trembling.

  This was going nowhere fast. “So? What does that have to do with me or Raven? Or you for that matter?”

  He swallowed hard. “I—I kept tabs on Camille. I wanted to make sure she stayed away from you. Twenty-two years ago, I learned that she had a bloodline. A line of descendants. Humans. And the only surviving one was Raven. Camille was after them. All of them. So Raven’s parents left her on a doorstep in Maplewood. A place that Camille would never think to look.”

  A twinge of anger was burning a hole in my belly. “Well, thanks to Cassius and an overly chatty hick bartender, I know all of that now. What the fuck, Enzo? Why would you keep this from me?”

  “I didn’t want to bother you with it. It wasn’t a concern. The last person you wanted to hear about was Camille. I just always made sure she was far away from you. If I thought she was going to be a problem, I would have told you. It just didn’t make any sense to worry you for no reason.”

  “What in the hell does that have to do with the internship at my winery?” I took another sip of blood from my flask. If I was going to kill him, it was not going to be from thirst.

  “Raven applied for it on her own. I can’t explain how or why other than fate. But she couldn’t afford to make her way over to Italy. I felt for her. It wasn’t her fault that she had been abandoned. That she was born from the Deveraux line. So I paid for the ticket and erased her name from the books so that Camille couldn’t track her there. Even though they changed Raven’s name to Monroe, I didn’t want to take that chance. I had no i
dea she would end up here in New York City five years later.”

  My head felt like it was going to explode. “Enzo, she doesn’t know anything about her own life. She doesn’t know that vampires even exist. If you hadn’t sent her to Italy, she’d still be safe in Maplewood.” I would have never known her but at least she’d be safe.

  Enzo hung his head and rubbed at his bloodshot eyes. “You of all people should know the world is a mysterious place. Maybe she would have found her way here regardless. Maybe it’s in her blood. This attraction to you. She could have been seeking you out her entire life without even knowing it. Circumstances in her life led her here. It’s not uncommon for a small town girl to want to move to a big city. Who knows? All I did was pay for her ticket to Italy. That’s it.”

  I slammed my fist on the table. “How am I supposed to ever believe another thing you say? How can I ever trust you again? You know all my secrets. All of them. But you chose to keep things from me. Things I had a right to know.”

  “You have to believe that I thought I was doing what was best for you. I’m sorry. Did you tell her?”

  I cursed under my breath. “No. She’s been through enough. And I’m not ready. I have to find a way to keep her safe first.”

  Enzo’s eyes filled with sadness. “Ozi, she’s not like Camille. She may have her blood in her veins, but Raven is her own person. She will not hurt you. You must trust her with the truth. You’re wrapped up in it just as much as Raven is. There’s no telling what Camille’s end game is. I know I told you to stay away from Raven before, but now I’m thinking you are the only one who can keep her safe.”

  Raven’s blood. The first night I saw her, at my party, her blood…it smelled familiar. It spiked my thirst. Of course. It all made sense now. It was the same as Camille’s. I needed to process all of this. Needed to figure out what to do next. “This conversation isn’t over between us.” I turned to leave.

  Enzo stood up from the table. “What are you going to do?”

  “Everything I can to keep her away from Camille. And you’re right. I have to tell her the truth about what I am. Even if it means losing her.”


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