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Scold's Passions

Page 13

by Marie Hall

  "Xavier?" Gerald rode up and forced him to stop on the road.

  "Brice?" Jon called and set his hand on Xavier's arm. "What was said?"

  "Something about Io?" Mark concluded. "Breathe, Xavier, you must take a breath."

  He'd not known he held his until Mark spoke. The first one he drew in made his head spin. It felt more like he'd left a fight he'd not clearly won and now needed to ready to fight a bigger battle. But this was different in he'd no idea who to count as friend and who as foe. Worse, he'd no idea if Io was only the prize alive or was her death also seen as a victory? She'd already been the target of an assassin's blade as a child. If her death was the ultimate prize, he could be taking her right into the lion's den.

  "Brice?" Jon called again.

  Xavier took in a deeper, calming breath. He wouldn't become one of those people who over thought what was needed. He'd not made his name or fame by entering battle with his head over his sword. Plans could be made and held to, but in the midst of the war cries, it was little more than strength and speed that foretold of victory. He was no hero, but he was a warrior, and that was what Io needed.

  Pulling his shoulders back and settling deeper in the saddle, he lifted his chin and assumed the mantle he carried with ease. "We have a fight ahead of us," he said. That said it all.

  Chapter 9

  Io shifted the baby in her arms again and tried to pull Frog off her leg. The busy market area unnerved them both, even with the huge escort around them. Galand was well established and wealthy. The shops and booths boasted wares and works to suit all needs. Io only sought the apothecary's shop, though. Xavier said he thought it to be near the end of the street, one off the center of the town. The men with her forced everyone to step back so the going was easy, or would be if Frog would stop tripping her. She reached down and pulled his arms from around her leg again.

  "Hold my hand; we will not be separated," she said with as much cheer as she could. It was a little strange how, in the last few days, none of the men were taking the care of the children upon them. Frog was quite distressed by Luther's rebuff and Fox spent hours sulking that his training had all but stopped. No one was willing to leave camp, and Gerald even scolded the boy for going off on his own to practice with his bow.

  All these changes, and Xavier still sent her off to find something that may help the baby. She'd tried to speak on it with him, but he changed the subject or told her it was no matter to be concerned with. No one advised, so for now, she let it be. Perhaps it was more a matter to do with the king or something at court. None of that was anything for her to worry about.

  "Here, my lady," Roth called and pointed to the doorway of the small shop.

  Io left angry and disappointed, barely an hour later. The two women in the shop were less than helpful and became nasty when they realized, first, that Io was not the child's mother, and second, that she wasn't going to simply let them do what they pleased to him. She all but slapped the one when it was suggested they cut the baby's ear off to stop him tugging at it.

  She was left now with the hope Xavier was correct and someone at court could help the little boy.

  "Io," Frog called, and Io looked down to see him pointing.

  As if he knew just when to appear, Io saw Xavier walking toward them, an older man at his side and an easy smile on his face. She watched as the man leaned over and said something and Xavier tossed his hands in the air and laughed.

  "Io," Xavier said as he approached, his smile becoming a look of concern. "Ah, you did not find anything to help him?" he asked as he bent and lifted Frog to his hip. The grubby boy wrapped his arms around Xavier's neck and pressed his face into his shoulder.

  "Not unless you think cutting off his ear a good cure?" Io grumbled.

  "I do not," Xavier assured her, turning toward the older man who was now rubbing Frog's back and trying to get him to look up. "Perhaps Grizel will know?" Xavier seemed to be addressing the man.

  "I am sure; she's with Margarette, so you can ask when we find them," the man said, a bit distracted now that Frog was peeking at him. "I thought you said you wed only two years ago?"

  "These are not mine," Xavier answered but when Io sent him a hard look, added "I mean they are mine now," he corrected.

  "From your first marriage then?" the man asked, clearly addressing Io.

  Io felt her mouth drop open and heard Xavier laugh. "They are not hers, either, I mean, they are now. My wife has a habit of collecting up every loose running child and bringing him or her home with her. She should be made to have a sign warning all mothers not to leave their children long unattended, lest she lay claim to them," Xavier finished then winked at her. Actually winked. With his only good eye. She heard her teeth snap together when she shut her mouth and huffed at him.

  "As if she is the only one with the habit," Roth said in her defense as he stepped up and inclined his head toward the man Io still didn't know. "Lord Duexmount, it is excellent to see you in such good health."

  "Still hoping I drop dead?" the man said but with a good deal of humor.

  "Not I," Roth said with the same mock insult in his tone as he used when Io questioned his actions.

  "Duexmount?" Io asked to confirm the name. "This is the man you trained under?"

  "Poor training I see, as he is still without manners," the man said, stepping up and taking one of Io's hands in his own. "I did my best, fine lady, but he is a bullish oaf. It is a wonder he has not knocked you down and stomped on you already."

  She watched Xavier's head drop and shake. The man must also have had something to do with the training of Xavier's older brother, for Alexander said much the same to her about Xavier. He took the teasing well enough. "I have so far found his bullishness to be to my advantage," Io said and let the innuendo be taken as it would.

  Xavier's head jerked up and a smile split his face as rancorous laughter ensued. "And now you can see why she has my heart," he said, stepping up to place a kiss on her cheek. "Thank you, my lady."

  "Well enough you thank me properly, tonight?" Io said and shrugged as more laughter filled the street.

  "Unseemly," Xavier breathed, and Io felt a heat curl in her stomach. "But let me introduce you, so I am not whipped for lack of manners. "Lord Searle Duexmount, Lady Io Desmond," Xavier said as her hand was lifted and Searle placed a kiss in the air above her knuckles. "My wife," Xavier concluded with such pride it surprised her, sending heat lower than her belly.

  "Such a pleasure," he said as he pulled Io closer and placed a real kiss on her cheek. "You cannot know how happy I am to know there was a woman born who can not only tolerate my boy but make him so happy, he loses his wits." He placed a second kiss on her cheek then whispered in her ear, "Thank you."

  "You cannot know how happy I was to learn when he came to train under you, he found his own happiness again." Io said, recalling the discussion she'd with Jon some time ago.

  "I am sure I gave him purpose, but happiness… not like what I see now." The man stepped back and let Xavier step up to set Frog back on the ground beside her. The child was reluctant to let go and his arms needed to be pried off. And not a moment too soon, for Xavier barely stood when Io was suddenly being shoved back and encircled by several men.

  Shouts and grunts and a cloud of dust combined with the chaos of the scene unfolding around her. Xavier was taken to the ground by two men, at least as large as he, and the three of them now fought in the street. But it was like no fight Io ever witnessed. For it didn't seem anyone was trying to defeat anyone. There was a struggle, but more for the upper hand and not victory.

  "Get off me, you horse's arse," Xavier yelled, shoving one man away and kicking at another. "Will you never pass the age of ten?" he complained and charged one man, taking him down to sit on him as the second climbed on Xavier's back. "Ack, you are as fat as a cow," Xavier yelled as the weight of the man on his back bent him forward.

  "Fat?" the man yelled and punched Xavier in the side. It wasn't even enough to make
her husband grunt. And a moment later, Xavier sent the man to the ground.

  "Yes, fat and soft," Xavier answered, shifting to place a knee on the second man's chest. "Yield?"

  "Never." A short struggle ensued where he tried to displace Xavier, but either he wasn't trying hard, or he truly couldn't.

  "Enough," Lord Duexmount yelled, grabbing Xavier by his shirt collar and dragging him up. "I know a fine leather smith a street over." The threat was enough to get all three to their feet and standing in line. But Io saw their shoulders shaking with mirth and the way they tried to hide smiles in their attempt at contriteness.

  "What have you to say now?" Searle chided, and Io saw him lift his fist and hide his own smile.

  "Sorry, sir," one said, followed by two more from the other man and Xavier.

  "You three are a plague," Duexmount grumbled, even as some shoving started up again. Xavier, being the last to break rank and shove back, sent one man stumbling into the second and they both went to the ground.

  "Not I, sir," Xavier said as he moved over to stand behind Io like perhaps she was to protect him. "I am now a well settled, responsible man. Full of every lesson you ever lent me."

  Io couldn't help it, her burst of laughter rang out. "Is that what you are?" she asked when Xavier leaned around to glare at her.

  "Hold your tongue, scold," Xavier griped before wrapping his arms around her and pulling her back against him.

  "Need I rescue you from that monster, my lady?" one of the younger men, maybe the younger of the two, asked as he brushed the dirt from his clothes.

  "The lady has well enough control of Xavier," Duexmount stated and slapped at the back of the man's head.

  Io felt Xavier wince, even as the target cried out "ow" and ducked away.

  "What woman could control such a beast?" the second man asked, also brushing at his clothes and running his fingers through his hair to try and give himself a more noble appearance.

  Io felt Xavier step from behind her with a growl.

  She countered, stepping in front of him and issuing her own warning. "Settle." Well enough this seemed all in fun, but much more and someone might be hurt.

  That Xavier complied, seemed to startle all of them.

  "Father, I do believe you correct. Did she also give you that black eye?" the older one asked.

  "No, I gave him the split lip," Io snapped at the tone he used.

  "Rem, Tay," Duexmount warned as he stepped between the parties. "Lady Io, Xavier's wife."

  Mouths dropped open and staring ensued. "You devil of a son of a bitch, what did you ever do to deserve such a beauty?"

  "Tay," Searle admonished and hit the man in the back of the head again. Both Xavier and Rem winced. "Someone needs soap." With those words, Io knew exactly from whom Xavier had learned his wicked methods.

  "I was going to ask you to run off with me. I still will if this oaf does not please you," Rem said, dodging Duexmount's hand before it could land.

  "I thought you said you were here securing his," Xavier tossed his hand in Rem's direction, "engagement."

  "I will beg your pardon, Lady Io, for my sons' rudeness. Seems manners were not lessoned often enough in my home."

  "We did, I mean, we were, I mean I have…" Rem stammered as he stepped up to Io and placed a kiss on her cheek just as his father had. "I am engaged." He laughed and lifted Owl from Io's arms. The baby who'd been fussing constantly before all this commotion had become still during it, but for some reason had made a reach for Rem when he stepped up. "I am engaged, but not to such an angel as you have managed."

  "But you are engaged, so step over," Tay said as he very gently shoved his brother aside, clearly aware the man held a child now. "So if you cannot bear," he said, leaning in to also kiss Io, "this lout, speak up and we shall make good our escape." He boldly leaned in and gave her a second kiss.

  Xavier reached over her shoulder and shoved him back. "She is well enough pleased; go find your own. Though, I doubt anyone will have you."

  "Someone had him," Tay said, pointing to his brother. "All hope is not lost."

  "I cannot recall ever being so wanted as I am now. Is there something in the water here?" Io asked, turning into Xavier's arms and resting her head on his chest.

  "Any man worth the title knows a great woman when she's in his presence," Searle remarked, and Io saw heads nodding in agreement.

  "Still does not explain them," Xavier said, getting in the last cut but at the cost of a slap delivered to the back of his head. "Ow," he griped and glared at Io like he thought she'd have warned him.

  "It is probably in the blood," Roth said, and Io stepped back to look around, not understanding the man.

  She was sure Xavier was explaining it to her, but his words were distant and hard to hear over the ringing in her ears as she felt the blood rush away from her head and her legs start to shake. Air was impossible to draw in and as cold as she suddenly felt the tears burned as they tracked down her face. She tried to step back, to make her legs obey her command to run, but no part of her seemed in control and she felt herself hit the ground. The woman still came at them, and Io knew she was about to puke.

  "Io," Xavier yelled, causing her to risk taking her eyes from her nemesis long enough to find strength enough to take hold of his shirt and pull him closer. If it was to be her last moments with him, best she get as much from it as she could. "Io?" Xavier called again then looked back over his shoulder. She knew when he spied her. "Io, no. No, look at me. Io, look at me." She could rarely deny his commands, so she looked and the compassion and warmth in his eyes held her. "Listen to me. Are you listening to me?" Io nodded. "That is not Charlotte. It is not. Do you hear me?"

  "I know that look," the woman Io knew tried more than once to kill her said as she knelt down in the dirt beside them. "What did my harpy of a sister do to you, child?"

  Io whimpered and drew away from the woman's outstretched hand. "Io, this is not Charlotte. I swear it. Look at me." She did but only for a moment before again shifting her eyes back to the woman who sat in the dirt, hands folded in her lap, patiently waiting for Io to figure out things. Xavier shaking of her person brought her eyes back to him. "This is not Charlotte. Io. Do you hear me? Do you understand?" Io could only shake her head. She knew her eyes didn't lie; the woman before her was Xavier's mother. Only she was softly smiling, even seemed concerned.

  "It is," Io managed to breathe out and take in fresh air. That caused more tears to fall.

  "No, Io—" Xavier started, only to be cut off.

  "Here," the woman said, grabbing Io's hand and bringing it to her chest. She then covered it with her own and held it there. "Do you feel that?"

  Io nodded, and the woman reached out and gently wiped the tears off her face. "Yes? You feel that. I have a heart. Charlotte does not. I should know; I shared the womb with her."

  "Io, this is Lady Margarette Duexmount, my aunt. Io, this is my aunt, not Charlotte," Xavier was saying.

  "Yes, his aunt. I am not his mother," Margarette said, and Io detected a hint of sadness.

  "Neither is Charlotte," Xavier snapped. The woman pulled back a moment, surprise written in her expression before a big smile and more than a bit of satisfaction took its place.

  "Good for you, Xavier," she said and slapped his arm. "Good for you. She never deserved you." Io knew then, while they were exact in appearance, this woman shared nothing else with Charlotte Brice. The sob slipped out, but with it, relief slipped in. "Poor child, whatever did she do to you?" Margarette asked and helped Xavier as he got Io back on her feet.

  "She… dislikes me," Io said, not sure how appropriate it would be to say more.

  "You are in charge of a diplomat, Xavier?" Margarette asked, helping Io straighten her dress and brush off the dirt.

  "No," Xavier grumped but pulled Io against him. "Io just knows how to hold information until it is most useful. Charlotte tried to kill her," he said flatly, causing gasps from the rest of his family. "More than once."<
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  "For heaven's sake," the woman exclaimed, covering her mouth with both her hands and looking at them now for answers.

  "She did not believe me the best choice for her son. It was not unreasonable. She had selected a fine lady for him," Io said then cried out when Xavier's palm landed hard on her arse.

  "Choice? You have wed?" Margarette gasped. "You mean you managed not to let Charlotte chain you to that whore, Sabrina Blake? Wonderful. I wager she had a complete fit. I would have loved to have seen that." The woman's joy over Charlotte being thwarted seemed almost unnatural.

  "You might have, but for the fact she tried to kill my wife," Xavier grumbled.

  Margarette seemed oblivious to his words, though, as she bounced with giddiness. "Oh, your wife," she nearly squealed. "Your wife. I can hardly believe it," she said, pulling Io away from Xavier with force enough to send Io toppling against her. Her arms wrapped around her in an embrace that almost crushed her. "Oh, how wonderful," she said again, reminding Io this indeed wasn't Xavier's mother, whose first reaction to Io was to toss out insults and dismissals. She was now pushed back and held at arm's length. "And just look at her," she said with a glance at Xavier. "Such a beauty, such a fine structure. She is completely perfect." Io was again slammed against the woman's body and crushed in a hug.

  "I rather think so," Io heard Xavier say, but he sounded as if he was anticipating something more, something that he wouldn't like in the least. Margarette delivered almost before Io could prepare. But then she'd no reason to.

  "If he does not treat you like a queen, you tell me," Margarette told Io as she pulled her to her side and held her with one arm. "All the branches on my willow tree have grown back, and I will willingly sacrifice them all to beat him soundly."

  Her statement was met with groans from Xavier, but Io was so stunned, she said the first thing that came to mind. "What happened to your willow that the branches were gone before?"


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