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Rebecca's Way

Page 2

by Rynna Cress

  The smile returned to Mackenzie’s face, but it wasn’t his usual smile, the one that practically made Rebecca’s blood boil. There was something softer in his features, something almost hopeful.

  “I’d like that. Thank you.”

  Rebecca nodded and turned towards her room, cautious not to let her stare linger on his for too long. “And Mackenzie,” she said without looking back, “if you come anywhere near me tonight, I’ll cut your fucking balls off. Got it?”

  He swallowed, nodding. “Yeah. Got it.”

  “Good. Now sleep it off. We’ll… talk in the morning.”

  He couldn’t see it, but in spite of everything, a smile was beginning to form on Rebecca’s face.


  Rebecca’s “couch” was really just an ornate, antique wooden bench adorned with cushions. It certainly wasn’t designed with sleeping in mind. And yet Mackenzie, fueled by the booze in his system, had slept like a rock through the night, snoring lightly from beneath Rebecca’s cashmere blanket. Standing across the room from him in her black silk bathrobe, sipping her morning coffee, she had to give him at least a little bit of credit – he had gone straight to sleep, without any further attempts at intoxicated seduction. But then again, it was hard to be impressed by a drunk man’s ability to pass out.

  Still, his heavy slumber did have its usefulness… She took another sip of her coffee, then set the mug down and moved across the room, kneeling down beside him. He continued snoring, asleep and oblivious to her presence, even as she reached out and traced a delicate finger around his lips. Mackenzie had wanted a chance at her “other side” – well, he was about to get it.

  Without another though, she reached into the pocket of her bathrobe, removing a large, red ball gag, and deftly brought it to Mackenzie’s open mouth, carefully sliding the ball in place behind his teeth. His eyes fluttered open in confusion, but by the time he had come fully awake, she had already fastened it tight behind his head.

  “There,” she said, satisfied. “Now, we can really talk.”

  Mackenzie gave a muffled grunt of confused protest, staring up at her, flabbergasted. And this was before he tried to move, before he realized…

  “Easy now,” she cooed. “I like this bench. Wouldn’t want you to struggle with your cuffs and scratch it up.”

  Panic beginning to appear across his face, Mackenzie lifted his head and looked down at his feet, finding handcuffs locking his ankles to the far arm rest, matching the pair connecting his wrists to the arm rest above his head.

  He struggled to protest, but a mouthy, “Mmmmfff!?” was about as much as he could muster. It was a sound that brought a glimmer to Rebecca’s eye.

  “Shhh. I’ve heard what you have to say, and slept on it. Now, it’s my turn to talk. Can you be a good boy and try listening for a change?”

  Mackenzie just stared at her as if he were looking at her for the first time. Unsatisfied, she pulled the blanket off of him and grabbed his crotch through his jeans, clenching her fingers until his face was twisted with pain.

  “I asked you a question, and I expect an answer,” she said, squeezing harder and harder as she spoke. “Now, can you be a good boy and try listening for a change?”

  Mackenzie nodded vigorously, practically whimpering through his gag as she finally relented.

  “Good,” she said. “That’s a start.” She moved to an armchair beside the bench and took a seat, crossing her legs and finishing the last of her coffee before resuming her focus on her captive.

  “Now, Mackenzie, you have a behavior problem. Your success has given you the impression that arrogance and selfishness come without repercussions, and in this city, in this industry, maybe that’s true. You don’t control yourself because you don’t have any reason to control yourself. You can be a miserable ass, and still get everything you want. Well, that isn’t how it works with me.”

  She stood back up and untied her robe, slipping it off over her shoulders and draping it over the chair. Mackenzie couldn’t help but stare at what was underneath – a tight black leather corset, a skimpy pair of panties, and nylon stockings running up the entirety of her smooth-skinned legs. Rebecca smiled softly at the sight of him staring at her.

  “Do you like what you see, Mackenzie? Is this still what you want?”

  Mackenzie nodded, eyes still wide.

  “Do you still think you can ‘handle’ me?”

  He hesitated, but nodded again.

  “Are you sure? Because if this is what you want, we’re going to do it my way. You can’t control yourself, so I will be in control. Complete control. You’ll be held accountable for everything you do, and punished accordingly. If you really can handle all of that, then and only then, will you be rewarded in any way whatsoever. Still interested?”

  Mackenzie nodded again, but Rebecca wasn’t satisfied. She bent down, loosening his ball gag and letting it slip down around his neck. “Say it. Tell me.”

  “Yeah,” he said, a nervous smile flickering to life on his face. “Hell yeah.”

  SMACK! Striking like a snake, she slapped his cheek, her hand quickly grabbing hold of his jaw, her nails digging into his skin, holding his face to look her straight in the eye.

  “It’s ‘Yes, Mistress.’ And you need to be clear – I’m not talking about getting you off or fulfilling your kinky desires. I will use you as I see fit. I’ll hurt you, degrade you, humiliate you, violate you – whatever it takes to mold you into the person I want you to be. Like you said last night… a person who deserves a chance with me. You said that’s what you’re wanted, and if we’re to proceed, you’d better believe I’m going to make you prove it.”

  Mackenzie nodded, unable even to blink when looking at her. “Okay… I mean - yes Mistress…”

  Rebecca smiled, cocking her head. “Suit yourself.”

  She got up, moving across the room to a piece of luggage she had wheeled out. Unzipping it, she began to root around inside, searching for something out of Mackenzie’s line of sight. His breathing quickened and his pulse began to race a little as he wondered what the hell he’d gotten himself into…

  “Ah yes,” she said, “here we are.”

  She returned to him, wordlessly unbuttoning his fly, then tugging his jeans and underwear down his thighs, making quick work of exposing his cock. Realizing just how vulnerable he was, Mackenzie began to feel genuine fear, combined with the unfamiliar feeling of shame, given the fact that his cock was completely flaccid. It didn’t help that Rebecca was fidgeting with a small, mysterious plastic device, loosening a screw – Mackenzie couldn’t even begin to imagine what it was for.

  He didn’t have to wait long, though. With a completely nonchalant air, Rebecca slipped the clear plastic device around Mackenzie’s cock, snapping it shut and locking an attached plastic ring around the base of his balls. She tightened the screw until the fit was snug, then took a small key dangling from a chain around her neck, inserting it into the device and turning it with a gentle click.

  “What the fuck is this?” Mackenzie asked, quickly adding, “Mistress.”

  “This is a chastity device,” she replied, slipping the key back around her neck. “Your cock is too much of a controlling influence on you, so we’ll be taking it out of the equation.

  “What? For how long?”

  “For the foreseeable future.”

  “Are you fucking joking?”

  Rebecca made a pouty face, then quickly stuffed the ball back into his mouth and retightened the gag. “Poor Mackenzie. So much to learn. Your language, for instance…” she grabbed his balls again, already bulging out from the confines of the chastity device, and squeezed them until he was wincing uncontrollably, “it’s completely inappropriate…

  “I’d ask you to apologize,” she said, squeezing even harder, “but you’ve shown that you can’t handle having the gag out yet. And you know what that means?”

  She released his balls, ignoring his deep sigh of relief, and leaned in, wrapping her hand aro
und his neck and running her tongue up his cheek, landing on his earlobe.

  “It means you need to be punished,” she whispered, her voice overflowing with sadistic delight.


  Forced chastity was a powerful thing. With the key to Mackenzie’s freedom dangling from her neck, nestled safely between her round breasts, Rebecca knew she’d have complete control over her new toy. She uncuffed him from the couch, coolly reminding him that his release from device was contingent on good behavior – then, she commanded him to stand and undress. The look in his eye as he obeyed was the same, unchanging stare, as if he couldn’t quite wrap his head around what he was looking at. He’d always imagined himself bedding the buxom beauty, finally breaking through her defenses and unlocking her affections, but he never would have guessed that it would have gone anything like this…

  “Come on, all of it,” Rebecca barked at him, snapping him back to attention. “You’re a show-off… Nudity shouldn’t be a problem for you.”

  It wasn’t. Mackenzie knew that in a city as shallow as Los Angeles, his jaw-dropping good looks were among his greatest assets, right up there beside his talents as a writer. His body was, simply put, incredible, and he worked hard each and every day to keep it that way, with a strict workout regimen and a stringent, healthy diet. It was practically a necessity, given the amount he drank and partied, but in the end, it paid dividends. His skin was perfectly bronzed, his muscles pristine and chiseled… As he peeled his shirt off for Rebecca, revealing his broad, muscular abdomen, she couldn’t help but bite her lip. It took much more than a gorgeous body to fool her, but still, she could appreciate the obvious fun she was going to have with the micro-managed hunk of naked sex appeal standing before her. But this was no time to get distracted – Rebecca knew she had work to do.

  “On the floor,” she ordered him. “All fours – now.”

  As he obeyed, lowering himself into position, she moved to her suitcase, removing a long stainless steel paddle with filled with quarter-sized holes. Glaring down at him with the wicked hint of a smirk, she began tapping it in her hand.

  “For a year now, I’ve put up with your constant rudeness,” she said, bending down and unbuckling his gag, letting it fall loosely around his neck. “That ends today. Do you understand me?”

  Mackenzie couldn’t help but betray his nervousness with the shaky quality of his reply. “Yes, Mistress.”

  She stood back up beside him, slowly running the edge of the paddle across his ass and positioning her boot beneath his face. “Go on,” she said. “Clean it.”

  “You want me to… lick it?”


  Mackenzie clenched his jaw to hold in a whimper, sucking in a sharp breath, the tendons in his neck bulging. The paddle had connected with a sharp, stingy slap against his delicate backside, a sensation that was part fire, part ice, part electricity… and all pain.

  “I want you to worship it, just like you’ll be worshipping me, every inch of me. And I do mean every inch. Now lick, slave.”

  “Yes, Mistress,” he said, his voice still fearful, knowing that another stinging strike of the paddle could come at any moment.

  “That’s it,” she cooed, watching him run his tongue over the dull black leather, “get it good and shiny, and I’ll…”


  “…return the favor.”

  Mackenzie couldn’t stop himself from crying out, quickly following with a whiny, “What was that for?”


  “Consider it part of the debt you owe for treating me so rudely. And Mackenzie…”


  “…I don’t need a fucking reason to hurt you. Do you understand me?”

  Mackenzie was too busy sucking in another breath through his clenched teeth to respond.


  “I said do you understand me?”

  “Yes, yes Mistress!”

  THWACK! “Yes what, Mistress?”

  “Yes, I understand, Mistress!”

  THWACK! “Yes, you understand what, Mistress?”

  Mackenzie groaned, his ass quickly growing bright red, with veiny welts already beginning to form in the center of each cheek.

  “I understand… that I am yours to punish, Mistress.”

  Rebecca smiled. “Very good, Mackenzie. Now start licking the other boot.” She brought the paddle down against his ass again, gently this time, teasing him as he returned his tongue to the leather, enjoying the feel of him shuddering in anticipation beneath her.

  “Such a big, strong man…” she teased. “I wonder how much pain you can really take? I must say, so far, I’m not impressed…”

  Before he could respond or brace himself, Rebecca raised the paddle and brought it down four times in rapid succession, two hard slaps on each cheek. Mackenzie opened his mouth in a silent howl of pain, involuntary tears beginning to well in his eyes.

  “You’re… you’re gonna make me fucking cry, Rebecca…”

  She smiled at the trembling tone of his voice, then crouched down, taking his chin in her fingers and raising his face to look her in the eye.

  “Believe me, you’ll be crying long before I’m through with you, Mackenzie.”

  His mouth went dry at the cold, simple cruelty of her words, combined with her icy, unflinching stare. Part of him was furious – he relished control, and couldn’t remember the last time he had felt this helpless. Just get up and walk away, he started telling himself. It isn’t like she has you tied down. There’s nothing stopping you…

  And yet, there was something stopping him, something he couldn’t quite define. Whatever it was, it was a part of himself that he didn’t recognize, but still felt compelled to acknowledge and obey. It was something that Rebecca was bringing out in him, perhaps beating out of him.

  “Yes, Mistress,” he finally said.

  She gave a slight nod, then stood back up, slowly tracing the paddle’s edge up and down the tight crack of Mackenzie’s ass, admiring its perfect curvature.

  THWACK! THWACK! THWACK! Three more quick hits broke a sob out of the slave, a tear breaking free and running down his face. He buried his head against her boot, broken and ashamed.

  Then, Rebecca’s panties landed against his face.

  She had slipped them off, letting them fall down her legs, landing at her ankles. Carefully, she stepped her boots out of them, leaving them on the floor in front of Mackenzie’s face. He stared at them for a moment, catching his breath, then looked up at Rebecca standing tall over him, her neatly trimmed pussy hovering above on open display.

  “Go on,” she said softly, “put them in your mouth. I want you to taste how wet it makes me watching you suffer.”

  Mackenzie nearly gasped at the thought alone, and for a moment, hesitated from even looking away from her. There was something about the stern, simple hardness to her face, something almost like curiosity. Something almost like hope. She believed in him, he realized, or she at least believed in potential. Why else would he be here? The question was, did he believe? Did he even want to?

  Something inside of him already knew to the answers to those questions. Without a further thought, he took the panties and carefully balled them up within his mouth, immediately tasting the savory flavor of Rebecca’s undeniably aroused cunt.

  It was more intoxicating than any glass of whiskey Mackenzie had ever downed.

  THWACK! She gave him another hard slap, but this time, rather than cringing beneath her, he simply closed his eyes and bowed his head, ignoring the tears and breathing a slow breath. He was embracing the pain as it shot through his system, giving in to the powerlessness. And between his legs, within the uncompromising confines of the chastity device, his cock was bulging with painful futility, throbbing for an erection that Rebecca simply would not allow. Somehow, the slow, steady, crushing pain of denial only sent Mackenzie spiraling further and further down under Rebecca’s spell.

  Above him, Rebecca smiled, giving his ass a few more quick hits with
the paddle, admiring the bright red patches developing on each cheek. And as he continued taking his punishment in stride, she watched him bear each agonizing strike, accepting and owning the pain. A feeling of satisfaction began to grow within her.

  Breaking him would only be the first step.

  There were few things Rebecca appreciated more than karma – especially when she was the one playing the role of karmic enforcer. She leaned back in the bubbly tub, closing her eyes and enjoying her soak, a tall, ice cold mimosa in one hand, her other hand submerged between her legs, idly pleasing herself in the warm, sudsy water.

  Today was supposed to be a day spent running around, braving the weekend traffic and catching up on errands. A quick stop at the bank to drop off a deposit, a visit to the dry cleaners to pick up Ron’s favorite suit, and a detour on the way back to Trader Joe’s to restock her pantry. Easily two hours of running around, more if she hit traffic, or had to wait forever for a good parking spot at the grocery. But no, today would be a rather lazy day, because today, she had help.

  Today, she had a slave.

  After costing her an evening off the night before, it only seemed fair to send Mackenzie out as her errand boy, and it only seemed fitting for her to spend the resulting freetime in the tub. Of course, Mackenzie would need regular reminders of his place while he was out and about. Luckily, Rebecca had just the thing.

  She set her drink down, then reached for her smart-phone, quickly activating it and thumbing her way into a special app. She was beyond delighted to finally try out her toy – it had been sitting unused in her toy bag for nearly a month since she had purchased it, just waiting for the right opportunity…

  The app was simple enough. Rebecca had to enter a four digit pin, which allowed her to access a touchscreen dial and a single red button. She thumbed the dial up and down, finally settling on fifty out of one hundred. Seemed like as good a place as any to start. Then, she pressed the button, the phone vibrating in her hand as she held it down. A small, green checkmark appeared on the screen. The app had worked its magic.


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