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Girl on Geek: A Lesbian Romance

Page 22

by Mia Archer

  "So to recap," Carrie said. "This emergency meeting is because Kaitlyn Morgan decided getting laid was more important than writing the next book, and more important than telling us, the people on the front line who are going to be hit with a bunch of questions about this, about her plans."

  I saw some people muttering around us. It was obvious they didn't particularly care for what Carrie was saying, but no one was saying anything. It made my blood boil. This bitch could take anything and turn it into a negative. I couldn't believe I'd actually listened to her yesterday!

  I still felt like an idiot when I thought of that, though I suppose the end result was way more positive than I ever could've imagined.

  A couple of people turned around as we walked through the door. And their eyes went wide. They started muttering and elbowing people next to them. The muttering and elbowing spread until the entire room was turning and looking at us instead of Carrie. The bitch, for her part, just stared at the crowd who was muttering rather than listening to her.

  Then her eyes moved to the back and she saw me. Her eyes narrowed, but then she saw Kaitlyn standing next to me and her eyes went wide. Her mouth opened in an "O" shape. Good. Let her be a little surprised. Let her be a little worried.

  The bitch.

  Kaitlyn gave a little wave to the room and then she stood tall. She made her way up to the front. Hopped up onto the stage and gestured for me to follow.

  Carrie opened her mouth as though she was going to say something, but then closed it very quickly at a nasty look from Kaitlyn. I suppressed the urge to giggle at that look. It was so much fun seeing that. And from the way Kaitlyn turned and smiled at me she was having some fun as well.

  Yeah, she was taking care of some long overdue business. Now that I'd seen how truly crazy and vindictive Carrie could be I could understand why.

  "Hi everybody!" Kaitlyn said. She clapped her hands together. Everybody said hi back and there were some smiles in the crowd.

  "So I know it's been awhile since I've come down and addressed all of you directly, but I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate everything you do, and how sorry I am that you're kind of getting hit with the brunt of my little announcement I made today."

  She reached out and took my hand. Pulled me closer. Held up my hand in hers.

  "By the way, this is Amber. My girlfriend!"

  The smile on her face and the happiness in her voice seemed infectious. At least it seemed to be infecting the room. Volunteers were smiling and laughing as they looked back and forth between us. There was none of the solemn silence that had been there when Carrie was addressing the room just a minute ago.

  "Hi Amber!" A couple of people shouted.

  I blushed and waved to the room. I hadn't expected to be introduced to a bunch of diehard fans like this, but I figured I was going to have to learn how to roll with these things if me and Kaitlyn were going to be a going concern.

  So I grinned and waved. A couple of people waved back at me. I saw a couple of guys giving me jealous glances, but whatever. I guess that was to be expected since I was the one who managed to land the hot rich author. It wasn't my fault she didn't swing their way.

  "I've been thinking a lot about all the work you guys do for me at these conventions," Kaitlyn said. "And I think it's not enough that you guys get free admission to the con. No, I'm thinking it's high time we make you guys actual employees of Elassa Corp. We certainly have the money for it!"

  There was more laughing, and a few disbelieving stares.

  "That's right! I want all of you to come work for me! At least during convention season."

  This time the excited muttering in the room had nothing to do with Kaitlyn's personal life choices. People were grinning and giving each other high-fives. I looked over to Carrie. She'd turned absolutely white.

  Kaitlyn went right on. "Of course this also means we're going to be officially taking over the informal volunteer system you guys had, but I'm sure nobody will have a problem with that if you're getting paid to do something you love, right?"

  There was more murmuring from the room, but the general reaction seemed to be that no, they didn't care at all. I grinned and looked over to Carrie again who was getting whiter by the moment. Yeah, I'm sure she could see the writing on the wall. I'm sure she could see what little power she had slipping out of her fingers.

  Someone else came through the back door. A girl wearing an Elassa corporate shirt. She had a pile of those same shirts in her hand. Another girl followed behind her carrying a stack of papers.

  "Of course it's too early to get the ball rolling for this particular convention, but I have some of my business people in the back with complimentary Elassa corporate T-shirts and job applications." She paused for a moment and smiled out over the crowd. "And don't worry. I'm sure almost all of you will be accepted into our new convention helper program!"

  At that last bit she turned and looked at Carrie. Fixed her with a huge grin. A huge grin that communicated exactly what kind of person wasn't going to be accepted into the new program. I leaned past Kaitlyn and gave her a little wave and a smile of my own.

  Carrie, for her part, had a look on her face that seemed pretty close to what I probably looked like yesterday when she was telling tales. When I'd felt like my entire world was crashing down around me. I probably should've felt some sort of pity for her, but I just couldn't muster it up. She was the one who decided it would be more fun to meddle, more fun to stir the pot. And so if the drama was coming back to bite her in the ass, well that was her own problem. Not mine.

  So I just grinned at her as Kaitlyn took my arm and we made our way back out. When we reached the door I turned and looked, and Carrie was still standing there on the stage, looking utterly defeated, as everybody else was streaming to the back of the room to fill out their application.

  When we were out of the room Kaitlyn leaned against the door and let out a giggle. "That was so much fun!"

  I took her by the hand and looked at the zombie apocalypse of rabid fans that was waiting for us down where more security had showed up to keep the tide back. If anything the crowd seemed to have gotten even bigger, but that was fine with me. I suppose this was my life now. We'd survived learning who Kaitlyn really was, we'd survived admitting to the world what we really were, and we'd survived someone trying to come between us and even gotten a bit of revenge.

  There was still plenty that I had to figure out, plenty that I would have to come to terms with, but there was one thing that I was certain of.

  Kaitlyn was mine. I was hers. And as long as I knew that, everything was right in the world.

  We walked out towards the crowd and our new future together.

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  Also by Mia Archer


  Night Terror is the greatest villainess in the world, and she has to find a way to defeat sexy new superhero Fialux. Oh, and she’s totally in love with her new archenemy. What could go wrong?


  A spacefaring captain on a mission of revenge finds lust and love in the unlikeliest of places out amongst the stars.




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