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Daring Daddy (Montana Daddies Book 5)

Page 14

by Laylah Roberts

  That was a hard one for her. But she nodded.

  “Three. You need to talk to me. Tell me if there’s anything I need to do to help you. If there’s something that makes you uncomfortable, even if it’s something small, I want you to promise to talk to me.”

  “Communication is hard for me,” she told him.

  “I know. If there is anything I can do to help make it easier, tell me.”

  She gave him a nod.

  “Good girl.”

  “That’s all?”

  “That’s all for now,” he told her. “When we get back to normal, we’ll have a chat about how fast you drive your car and skipping meals. I know you won’t be skipping meals while we’re here because I’ll be monitoring that.”

  She sighed. “Jeez, kind of wondering what I signed up for here.”

  “I can guarantee you that at the end of this, you will be healthier than you ever have been. Go get into your workout clothes.”


  Working out was hell.

  It didn’t take long until she was puffing away and sweat had her clothing sticking to her skin. Gross. Yuck.

  “I hate this.” She glared over at Zeke or as he was now to be known, the torturer.

  He grinned, obviously not sharing her sentiment. In fact, the asshole looked like he was enjoying himself.

  “I hate you.”

  “No, you don’t,” he said cheerfully.

  “This is the happiest I’ve seen you.”

  “Then you obviously weren’t looking at me when I had my face between your legs earlier.”

  She froze. He did not just say that. Seriously.

  And of course, she hadn’t been looking at him. She’d been too focused on trying not to pass out from the pleasure.

  She felt herself growing bright red where she lay on a workout bench, trying to do some arm curls.

  Suddenly, Zeke was in her vision, standing over her. “Tell you what, baby girl. You give me ten more of those on each arm and after this workout I’ll eat you out as a reward.”

  Fuck. Yes.

  “Okay,” she squeaked.

  He did it again. He gave her another of those heart-stopping grins. Then he leaned down and kissed her. “You are too cute for words.”

  She really, really wasn’t.

  She’d definitely never thought of herself as a good person. She could be putting Zeke in danger, her brothers were no doubt going out of their mind with worry, and all she could focus on was how hot Zeke looked in his workout clothes. And when he bent over and those shorts molded to his tight ass. . .

  Well, the heat flooding her had nothing to do with her workout. She watched him take a long drink of water from his bottle, he’d been making certain she stayed hydrated as well, of course.

  “Ten more on each arm, princess. Unless you don’t want me to eat your pussy.”

  He was killing her.

  But she moved her arms, curling them up in turns. By the time she’d finished, her arms were shaking. He’d been right. She had needed this.

  Damned if she was going to tell him that, though.

  “Good girl,” Zeke told her, moving over to her. He took the weights from her. They were only ten pounds each, but they could have been a hundred they felt that heavy to her.

  He set them down and then leaned over her to kiss her. His lips were heavy against hers. Her body stirred, heat building in her core.

  “I need to shower,” she told him when he pulled back.

  “Nope,” he told her. “Hot tub after this. We need to make sure you don’t get too sore.” As he spoke, he was moving to the end of the bench. Then he grabbed hold of her hips and drew her down the bench until her hips were at the edge.

  “But I’m all sweaty and gross.” She donked her forehead with the palm of her hand. “I cannot believe I just said that. Never tell a man you’re gross, Eden. Idiot.”

  “Eden, look at me.” He waited until she was staring up at him. “You could never be gross. And I don’t want you calling yourself names, remember?”

  She groaned and he lifted her legs up in the air to place several sharp smacks on her bottom.

  “Ouch! Ow! Sorry!”

  “Good.” He lowered her legs, his gaze filling with heat. “And I’m not waiting any longer to taste you.”

  “It’s only been a few hours since you tasted me,” she pointed out. Not that she was complaining.

  “A few hours too long,” he muttered as he drew off her shorts and panties, carefully pulling them off each leg. She didn’t have shoes and socks on. May’s feet had been smaller than hers, and it wasn’t like she needed them since she’d been doing upper body and core workouts all morning. Then Zeke spread her legs wide and buried his face in her pussy, stealing every thought.

  “Ohhh,” she cried out. And then she didn’t care about the fact that she was all sweaty, because there was no way she wanted him to be doing anything other than what he was in that moment.

  He tortured her. Teased her. Licked at her juices. He ran his tongue over her entrance before journeying up to her needy clit. Her head thrashed from side to side, her hands scrambling for something to hold onto, to anchor herself. And then she screamed as he sent her flying.

  “While I make us both some lunch, we’re going to take care of one of the punishments you have coming,” he told her as he wheeled her back into the nursery. This room was set up for a princess. It made her a little uncomfortable, especially when she looked at the crib and changing table.

  He pushed her over to the desk. Then he crouched and turned her to face him.

  “While we’re here I want to show you that you don’t have to hide or be embarrassed by your Little. I hate that you don’t see yourself the way I see you. But I’m going to work on that. You know how I feel about you saying bad things about yourself, and we’ve got some punishment to attend to in order to show you how serious I am about that. You are going to write a hundred lines. There’s paper and pens on the desk.”

  “You want me to write lines?” She gaped up at him. Was he serious?

  “Yes. I want you to write, I will not say bad things about myself. Do you need me to write it down for you?”

  “No, I don’t need you to write it down for me,” she muttered with annoyance.

  “Good,” he said far too cheerfully for her liking. “I want you to stay here until I come back for you. I expect the handwriting to be neat. If I can’t read any of the lines, you’ll repeat them all.”

  She couldn’t believe it. “I think I’d rather have a spanking.”

  “Oh, there are still plenty of those in your future, you can bank on that.”

  Eden looked down at the page of lines in front of her with a scowl. She couldn’t believe he’d made her write lines. Like a naughty child. Damn him.

  There was a noise at the doorway and she moved her glare to Zeke. “I can’t believe you made me do this.”

  “Are you sulking, baby girl?”

  She shuddered as those words moved through her. She was dressed a little like a baby girl, in an outfit that Zeke had chosen for her. It was a simple, yellow dress. It had short sleeves and sat on her loosely. And it barely reached past her ass.

  Her bare ass since she wasn’t wearing any panties. Or bra. She’d worn it while working out earlier and hadn’t had a clean one to change into.


  “That’s good, I’m sure you wouldn’t want to re-do these. Only this time you’d be writing that you would not sulk for being disciplined for being a bad girl a hundred times.”

  Uh no. She wouldn’t like that.

  He picked up the paper and actually counted out the lines. “Good girl. They’re all here. Punishment is over. But if I hear you talking bad about yourself again, it’s going to be a hundred lines while sitting on a hot bottom, understand me?”

  “You’re so mean.”

  “Just protecting my girl. However she needs it. I’ve made us some lunch. Do you want to spend some time as Little E

  She swallowed heavily. Excitement and nerves strummed within her. She hadn’t thought about it consciously when she’d let her Little out last night. It had just happened.

  “I could try,” she whispered.

  She was rewarded with his smile. “Good. I have lunch all set up for my princess. Then while I’m cleaning up, I thought she could do some playing before she has her nap.”

  “I don’t need a nap. I slept last night.”

  “Barely,” he told her as he wheeled her right up to the dining table. “My baby girl needs lots of sleep to keep her nice and healthy. And a nap will make sure she doesn’t get grumpy and throw a tantrum. We don’t want that, do we, little one?”

  “No, Daddy,” she said quietly. The word slipping out surprisingly easy.

  She saw that there was a bamboo plate and cutlery set up already. The plate had a picture of a sunflower on it. It reminded her of the nightgown she’d worn last night and she wondered if that had been May’s favorite flower.

  She’d been thinking a bit about her. About how her life had been stolen from her when she was so young. It was so unfair. How people could just be taken like that from their loved ones.

  “Princess, you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m okay, Daddy.”

  He eyed her skeptically.

  “Were sunflowers May’s favorite?” she asked quietly.

  “I think they were,” he replied solemnly.

  She nodded.

  “Here, little one.” He placed some sandwiches on the plate. They were cut out in the shape of stars.

  “These are cute, Daddy,” she told him. She picked one up to check what was inside. Ham and cheese. She guessed she could deal with that.

  He poured her an apple juice. Into a sippy cup once more. She scowled at it. “Not a baby, Daddy.”

  “If you were a baby, you’d be getting a bottle,” he replied calmly, sitting across from her with his own mound of sandwiches and huge glass of juice.

  She grumbled to herself.

  “Little girl, better watch the wind doesn’t change and leave your face like that,” he lightly scolded.

  “Don’t be silly, Daddy. The wind can’t do that.”

  “Still, you don’t want to take the chance, do you?”

  No. She guessed she didn’t.

  After lunch, he wouldn’t let her help clean up. Instead, he brought out some toys from the nursery, including some dolls, a tea party set and a dollhouse and set them on the dining table in front of her. She looked at them skeptically. She was well aware she’d gone to sleep last night hugging the rag doll which was now sitting in front of her.

  “I don’t know. . .” Her Little and adult side warred at each other. Could she really sit here and play? Especially with him around?

  “I’m going to go and do the dishes. You can play if you like. You don’t have to.”

  She chewed her lip worriedly.

  But as he moved away, she stared at the dolls with some interest. She remembered her old dollhouse and how much she’d loved it. Before. . .she sighed. What would it hurt? Sure, she might feel silly but she could stop if that was the case.

  Zeke kept watch over her as he cleaned up. He didn’t think she was going to play, but as he finished up the dishes and put away all the leftover food, he saw her start moving around the furniture in the dollhouse.

  He’d give her a few minutes then push her a little more. He poured himself a cup of coffee and then refilled her sippy cup with water.

  He walked into the dining area. She stiffened as he grew near, but he didn’t say anything. Just placed the sippy cup on the table in front of her then sat across from her with his coffee and phone. He had some checking in to do, but he wanted to see if she’d relax enough to play with him near.

  When she saw he wasn’t paying her any attention, she went back to playing. Soon she was setting up a tea party for herself and her friends.


  He nearly startled at her demand.

  “Uh, yes, princess?”

  “My dollies need tea.” She held up the teapot demandingly.

  “Well, of course they do. How remiss of me. Tell your tea party guests that I do apologize.”

  She gave a regal nod then looked around at the three dolls she’d placed on the table in a circle. “Daddy says sorry for being such a bad butler.”

  He hid his grin as he grabbed the teapot and moved to the sink to fill it. When he returned, she reached up for it.

  “Uh-uh, what do you say?” he said teasingly.

  “It’s about time.”

  His brows lowered then he caught her grin. “You cheeky monkey.”

  She raised her eyebrows. “Daddy, you’re being rude. Please pour the tea.”

  “Well, at least you said please,” he muttered. “Someone is forgetting their manners.”

  She gave a nod then looked around at her dolls. “I’m sorry for Daddy’s bad manners.”

  He rolled his eyes at her silliness even though he damn near wanted to break out in song. This was the most at ease he’d seen her. He’d just have to be careful not to be too lenient with her because he was so happy to see her this way.

  “Daddy, we don’t have any cake.”

  He narrowed his gaze. “Shouldn’t that be, Daddy, please can you get us some cake?”

  “Daddy, please get us cake.” She grinned up at him. And he thought he’d fallen into some sort of trap. “Chocolate cake, please.”

  Oh, so she thought she was going to wheedle chocolate cake out of him. He moved into the kitchen and cut up an apple, bringing the plate of sliced fruit over to the table.

  “What is this?” She frowned down at the plate.

  “It’s what little girls who don’t eat all their lunch get.”

  “But it’s a tea party.” She looked up at him pleadingly.

  “You’ll just have to use your imagination.”

  She sighed. A huge, put-upon sigh. “I’m sorry about, Daddy, Betty, Letty and Josephine. He just doesn’t know how to make a good chocolate cake.” She shook her head. “It’s hard to find the perfect daddy.”

  “Little brat.” He tickled her under the arms until she called out for mercy. Then he kissed her forehead. “You named the dolly?” He nodded at the rag doll to her right.

  “Yep, that’s Betty. Do you think that’s a good name?”

  “I think that’s a great name, princess. Now, I’m going out to make some calls. Yell if you need me. But otherwise, I expect you to stay here. Understand?”

  “Say please.” She grinned up at him.

  He shook his head. “I can see I’ve created a monster. Please stay here, little brat, until I come back to take you for your nap.”

  That made her frown. “Don’t need a nap.”

  “Yes, you do.”

  “Nope. Don’t.” She folded her arms across her chest. “Not gonna.”

  “Yes, you are. And any more arguments and you’ll have to sleep on your tummy.”

  She took in a sharp breath. “Daddy! I have company.”

  “It’s okay, I’m sure they’ve seen plenty of naughty little girls get their bottoms smacked over the years.” He winked at her as he left the room.


  “Eat your vegetables, Eden Celine,” Zeke said warningly.

  She stared down at the broccoli and corn on her plate with a sigh. Gross.

  She barely managed not to voice that out loud, though.

  “Now, with a face like that I’m thinking maybe you need to go straight to bed rather than have any ice cream and TV time. . .”

  “No, Daddy,” she said quickly. “I’ll eat them. Promise.”

  “Good, because I was looking forward to cuddle time on the couch.”

  It still amazed her this big, tough guy could say he wanted cuddle time. How could he be this perfect? Strong, sexy, and loving.

  She was coming to crave his brand of care and attention and that wasn’t necessarily a good thing. At some stage
, she’d have to find the strength to give him up.

  And that might well tear her in two.

  “Okay, Daddy.”

  He leaned in and kissed her forehead. “My precious baby girl. Thank you.”

  Earlier, she’d made a fuss when he’d put her down for a nap and she’d ended up over his knee, getting her butt warmed. And much to her surprise she’d slept for two hours. He’d put that weighted blanket over her again and she had to admit that the feel of it was like being enveloped in a warm hug. It wasn’t as good as a hug from Zeke, of course. But it was still a nice feeling.

  Once dinner was over, and she’d eaten enough vegetables to satisfy him, he carried her into the bedroom. “We’ll get you ready for bed before we snuggle on the couch.”

  He grabbed a different nightie from the one she wore last night. This was black and yellow striped.

  “I’ll look like a giant bumblebee,” she complained as he started stripping her.

  “I think bumblebees are cute.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Really, Daddy!”

  “Don’t you roll your eyes at me, little miss,” he said with mock-sternness.

  He raised her sweater and t-shirt up over her stomach and then started blowing raspberries on the soft skin.

  “Daddy, no!”

  “Best show me some respect, little brat. Do you remember who holds your ice cream privileges?”

  “Daddy, you can’t take away my ice cream privileges!” She stared at him in horror.

  “I can and will.”

  “But that’s so mean. Ice cream is a necessity.”

  He grinned at her nonsense. “A necessity?”

  “Uh-huh.” She nodded solemnly. “Ice cream makes people happy, without it they’d be sad and grumpy and then where would the world be?”

  “You’re absolutely right. I never thought of it that way.”

  She grinned at him happily, holding up her arms as he pulled off her first her sweater then t-shirt.

  “So, you agree that I should get ice cream every day. I mean, ideally I should get it for breakfast cause that way I’ll start off the day happy, see?”


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