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Nicholas 02

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by Renee Larsen


  (The Vampire Burnes Tale Continues)


  Renee Larsen


  Copyright © 2008 by Renee Larsen

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of the author.

  ISBN 978-0-557-02864-1

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to any persons either living or dead, events or localities are entirely coincidental.

  This book is dedicated to my husband Michael. Though he has yet to read one of my books, he is my biggest supporter and he

  encourages me daily.

  Chapter One

  Nicholas stood on the stage listening to audition after audition. Women of all ages and sizes took turns marching up onto the stage to sing; first independently and then a duet with the famous, very handsome Nicholas Burnes. Most of them never made it to the duet. Nicholas was a perfectionist and the women auditioning were all far from perfect. He glanced at the front row to see one more woman waiting to audition as he listened to a Carol Higgins sing her solo. About halfway through her song he tapped his cane loudly on the floor. Ms. Higgins stopped singing and looked at him.

  Nicholas smiled politely. “That was not acceptable, you are dismissed.” He turned to the young woman still waiting to audition. “Next,” he said loudly.

  Danielle Robbins walked to the side of the stage and up the steps. Nicholas watched as she approached. She was about his age, thin but not scrawny. She wore a plain black dress that did nothing for her figure. Her hair was strawberry blonde and was pulled into a pony tail. Nicholas gave her a strained smile as she handed him her bio and contact sheet. “Ms. Robbins, what will you sing for me this evening?” He inquired.

  Danielle smiled nervously. “I'd like to sing a song called Mi Mancherai, if that would be satisfactory.” She glanced up at the very tall and handsome Nicholas Burnes. His thick, wavy, almost black hair hung just below his collar. His blue eyes were like the color of a clear lake on a summer afternoon.

  Nicholas smiled. “Finally, someone will sing something I'm actually interested in hearing.” His blue eyes locked on hers momentarily. “Please begin.” He tapped his cane on the stage floor and the musical accompaniment began.

  Danielle began to sing; she didn't really know what she was singing about, but the melody and words were almost seductive and she loved the sound of it. She was about halfway through the song when Nicholas walked up beside her and began to sing along with her.

  Nicholas stepped back. “Ms. Robbins, I am sure you have heard of my reputation. I’m a perfectionist. My reputation is one hundred percent accurate. I am demanding and arrogant. I have one month to put a show together for some very influential people. Rehearsals will be every night from eight o’clock until whenever I feel we are finished. If you think you can handle my demands for perfection and the grill of the rehearsals show up tomorrow evening. If you come one minute after eight don’t bother coming through the front door. We will discuss your pay if you show up tomorrow.” Nicholas turned, walked off the stage and down the aisle of the auditorium. He glanced over his shoulder back at the stage. “Ms. Robbins, can I expect to see you tomorrow?” he called.

  “I’ll be here and ready to perform before eight Mr. Burnes,” Danielle said watching as he walked out the doors. She walked down the steps to where she had been sitting and picked up her coat and purse.

  A pale skinned blonde man walked up to her. “Ms. Robbins, if you are planning on being here tomorrow take these copies; they’re music and lyrics he’ll expect you to know.”

  Danielle took the sheets of paper. “Thank you.”

  The blonde man looked at her and smiled. “You have a great voice; you and Mr. Burnes sang together beautifully tonight. Good luck tomorrow.” He turned and walked away.

  Danielle walked out of the theater into the cold December air. She pulled her thin coat tighter trying to keep the cold out. She walked to the corner and waited for the bus. She hated being out this late at night alone. It wasn’t safe, but she couldn’t afford a cab. She had to conserve her money until she got paid. Finally the bus pulled to a stop in front of her. Shivering she climbed the steps, paid the fare and sank into a seat. She was tired. She had worked the breakfast and lunch shift in the diner, rushed home and showered then dressed and made her way to the theater for the audition. Mr. Burnes was well known in classical music circles. Anyone that worked with him for any length of time seemed to make a name for themselves and she hoped she would be that lucky. She was tired of struggling for every dollar she made. She hated being a waitress but had no choice. Her father had left her mother when she was seven and since then her life had been one struggle after the other.


  Danielle walked into the auditorium at seven thirty and walked towards the stage. She took a seat in the front row and pulled the papers given to her the night before from her bag and began to study them. She wanted to be as prepared as possible. She really wanted to impress Mr. Burnes.

  Nicholas walked down the isle and took the seat next to Danielle. “Good evening, I’m surprised you came back.”

  Danielle turned to face him. “I told you I’d be here. I just hope I’ll meet your expectations.”

  “So do I. Shall we begin?” Nicholas chuckled. Together they walked up onto the stage. He tapped his cane on the wooden floor and watched as a man sat at the piano and another lifted a violin. “Gentlemen, Ms. Robbins, let us begin with All’Improvviso Amore. He looked at Danielle. “I will prompt you when to sing. There is going to be a lot of interaction between us. I will be touching you, dancing with you and holding you. You do dance, don’t you?”

  Danielle’s expression dropped. “A little; actually, very little.”

  Nicholas frowned. “You’ll learn. You don’t have a choice. When I hold you, touch you and dance with you I expect you to look like you enjoy it. I actually expect you to act like you love my touch. Do you understand?”

  Danielle nodded feeling unsure and a bit frightened. What exactly did he mean when he said he would be touching me, She thought. Nicholas smiled. He heard her thoughts.

  Nicholas tapped his black cane to the floor and then leaned it against the piano. The music began. Nicholas’s voice was pure and filled with emotion. Danielle stood facing him not knowing what was expected of her. He reached for her hand pulling her against him. A small gasp escaped her lips as he pressed his hips against her. He continued singing without missing a beat. As he held her tightly against him he listened to the beating of her heart, the rushing of the blood flowing through her veins. He ran his hand down her back then released her still holding her hand. “Sing” he said looking into her eyes. Her voice filled the room. Nicholas’s voice blended beautifully with hers. He pulled her back against him and together they finished the song.

  Nicholas released her. “Your voice is beautiful, but you’re stiff. It feels like I’m holding a piece of wood. You need to loosen up. I won’t bite.” He chuckled and then added, “I won’t touch you inappropriately, so relax.” He looked over at the musicians in attendance, “Again, from the top.”

  They worked on that one song until three in the morning. Nicholas sat on the floor. “Gentlemen, you are dismissed for the night. Be here at eight tomorrow.” Danielle started to walk off the stage. Nicholas rapped the filigreed silver ball of his cane on the floor. “Ms. Robbins, you are not finished yet.”

  Danielle stopped and looked back at him. “Excuse me?”

  “Now you need a lesson or two in body language. Maybe even some dance.” Nicholas said walking towards her.

; Danielle frowned. “Mr. Burnes, can we do this...” She was cut off abruptly by the sound of the cane tapping on the floor.

  Nicholas stood up. “Ms. Robbins, this performance has to be perfect. I won’t take no for an answer.” He said walking towards a CD player. He pressed play and grabbed her hand. “Dance with me Ms. Robbins.” He said pulling her into his arms.

  Danielle felt self-conscious. She hadn’t danced in years. He pulled her against him. “Relax, close your eyes and feel the music.” He said softly breathing in the scent of her hair.

  Danielle closed her eyes as he led her around the stage. His arms felt wonderful, the dance combined with the music was almost seductive. He was the best looking man she’d ever seen. He wore well fitted black slacks and a white tux shirt that was open at the neck. His black hair hung on loose waves and he smelled so good. Her thoughts were interrupted when she stepped on his foot.

  “Damn, you’re a klutz!” Nicholas said gruffly.

  Danielle pushed away from him. “I’m sorry. It’s very late, I’ve been on my feet since five yesterday morning and I have to be at work at five this morning. I’m sorry, I can’t do this. I can’t work all day and all night too,” she said turning way from him as started down the steps to the right side of the stage.

  “Stop,” Nicholas yelled after her.

  Danielle turned. “I can’t. I’m sorry.”

  “Ms. Robbins, what do you earn at your day job, a couple of hundred dollars every few days? Quit that job. I’ll pay you a thousand a week if…you learn to dance with me.” Nicholas said.

  Danielle’s mouth dropped. “Did I hear that right?”

  Nicholas nodded. “Go home, sleep, and be here at seven tomorrow night. We have rehearsals. He reached into his pocket as he walked towards her. He pulled a hundred dollar bill from his pocket, took her hand and put the money in it. “Take a cab tonight. It’s not safe for you to be walking the streets of New York alone at this hour.”

  Danielle sat in the back of the cab trying to figure this man out. One moment he was an arrogant pompous ass and then the next minute he’s like a prince. Shaking her head she climbed out of the cab and walked up the seven flights of stairs to her apartment. She undressed and pulled on a tee shirt and collapsed on the bed. She reached for the phone and called the Diner telling them she had a family emergency and had to go out of town for a week or so. She hung up the phone and fell asleep.

  Danielle was on stage, he pulled her into his arms running his hands up her body to her neck. A moan escaped her lips. He turned her in his arms and caressed her neck as he sang. His vivid blue eyes with their penetrating gaze stared into hers. She moaned again in her sleep as he ran his tongue along her neck sending shivers of excitement through her. She sat up her breath coming quickly, her heart racing. She looked around the room, her room; she lay back against the pillows and closed her eyes.

  Danielle awoke at noon. She gazed around the room lazily. Her orange cat Rusty was stretched out next to her. She ran her hand over his back. “When was the last time we slept till noon honey boy? Come into the kitchen and I’ll feed you.” she said softly as she leaned over kissing his head. She scratched the top of his head and got out of bed. She made her way to the kitchen and as she opened the can of food for Rusty her thoughts drifted momentarily to her dream. “Rust, breakfast is served.” She called. The cat came running into the kitchen and rubbed affectionately against her legs. Danielle set his dish on the floor and sat next to him petting him as he ate. “Rusty, he’s the most incredible man; his voice caresses my soul. Do you suppose I could ever be that lucky?” She laughed as she stood up and walked into the bathroom to shower. She was going to take some of the money he had given her and buy herself something pretty to wear.

  Chapter Two

  Nicholas walked into his parents’ house in upstate New York to find his mother and father sitting in the living room. He walked over to Emily and gave her a kiss. “Hi mom, you look nice tonight.” His gaze turned to his father. “Oh shit, I interrupted something didn’t I?” Nicholas asked.

  Derek chuckled. “You’ve had that habit since you were three. Sit down, what’s going on that you’ve come home unannounced?”

  Nicholas frowned. “Dad, I need to talk to you privately, guy talk.”

  Emily looked at Derek “I’ll be waiting for you upstairs.” She walked over to Nicholas, “It was nice seeing you, come visit soon and bring your red head. Now give me a kiss and I’ll leave you alone.”

  Nicholas sat next to her. “Mom, how do you always know?”

  Emily smiled. “Because, you’re my son. When your two hundred years old, you will still be my son and I’ll still love you. Now talk to your Father.” She leaned over kissing Derek. “See you in a little while oh quirky one,” then walked quietly up the stairs.

  Derek smiled at his son. “Okay, spill the beans.”

  Nicholas seemed uncomfortable, edgy. “Dad, you know the thing I’m doing for the Vamps?” Derek nodded. “I auditioned probably two hundred women over a two day period. At about eleven thirty on the second night I watched a young, beautiful red head walk into the room. I was instantly hot for this woman. Dad, her voice, oh my God, she’s got such an incredible voice. I can’t wait until you hear her sing,” Nicholas said smiling.

  Derek grinned. “Nick, slow down. Give it some time. You’ve just met her.”

  Nicholas stood up and paced. He was so much his father’s son. They looked almost identical except for their eye color, their mannerisms were the same, and even their thought process was similar.

  Nicholas stopped pacing. “Dad, you had just met mom when you knew you had to be with her.”

  Derek stood up and walked over to his son squeezing his shoulder. “Nick, it’s different. I knew your mother for many lifetimes before I found her again.”

  Nicholas turned to face his father. “Dad, I snuck into her room tonight. I had to taste her. Her blood was sweet…the sweetest I’ve tasted.”

  Derek’s expression got serious. “Nicholas, you’ve got to slow down. Give yourself time to get to know her and no more bites.”

  Nicholas frowned. “Dad….”

  Derek sat on the couch again. “Nick, no more bites. It gets complicated. Wait until after the vamp affair. Okay?”

  Nicholas looked at his father, “Do I really have to wait that long?”

  Derek chuckled, “You, my son, are spoiled. You’re use to getting what you want, when you want it. Some things are very worth waiting for. Sometimes waiting makes you appreciate things more. Trust me Nicholas.”

  Nicholas hugged his father. “I will.” He said looking outside, and then added, “I guess I’m staying here. The sun is up. Kiss Mom for me and tell her I’ll see her before I leave this evening.” Nicholas and Derek walked up the stairs together. Nicholas went to his room closing the door.

  Derek walked into the bedroom to find Emily sitting on the bed with her laptop. She looked up when she heard the door and smiled at him. “We raised a good Vamp didn’t we?”

  Derek nodded and lifted the laptop putting it on the floor. “Did you hear it all?”

  Emily pulled his face to hers kissing him. “Yes I did. Our baby is growing up.”

  Derek returned her kiss and then started laughing. “Em, how weird is this. He looks like my twin. When you and Nicholas go out together people probably think you’re his lover…can you imagine what his red head is going to think if he brings her home to meet Mommy and Daddy.”

  Emily wrapped her arms around his neck. “Kiss me Daddy O, I’m nobody’s lover but yours and honey I want you.” Derek kissed her pushing her back on the bed.


  Emily was in the living room when Nicholas came down the stairs. “Hi honey.” Emily called.

  Nicholas sat next to her. “Mom, did dad tell you?”

  Emily took his hand. “Yes he did,” she said gently.

  Nicholas looked at her, “Do you agree with Dad?”

  Emily nodded. “Nicholas, y
our father and I are very compatible, very much in love. Most Vamps screw around all over the place; you’ve just not been around that kind of Vamp. You’ve been surrounded by a family that loves each other. Claire and Merrek, Frank and Eve, Nick and Tanya, Gerry and Jen, we all raised both you and Elizabeth. We all want you and Elizabeth to have the same love we have. You can’t rush it.” Nicholas stood up and began to pace. Emily smiled “Nick, sit, when you pace you look just like your father.” Nicholas sat across from her.

  Emily looked into his blue eyes. “Nicholas, if you think you want her for your mate… seduce her. Women love romance, women love kindness, seduce her with your touch; dance with her, caress her with your voice. Make her feel like she’s the hottest, most desirable thing on earth. Tell her she’s beautiful, be gentle with her.”


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