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Nicholas 02

Page 5

by Renee Larsen

  As Derek danced her back to Nicholas he said, “Your secret is safe with me.” Danielle looked towards Nicholas and when she spotted him she smiled. Derek felt her heart quicken when she picked him out of the crowd.

  Derek handed her off to Nicholas and pulled Emily into his arms. He looked at Nicholas “Little brother, Emily and I are leaving, enjoy your night. See you tomorrow.”

  Nicholas looked at Danielle. “I’m going to walk them to the door I’ll be right back.”

  Danielle squeezed his hand. “Hurry back ok?” Nicholas nodded and quickly kissed her cheek then walked to the door with his mother and father.

  “Do you approve?” Nicholas asked anxiously.

  Emily smiled. “She’s lovely, and she’s in love with you.”

  Derek looked at Emily. “How do you know that?”

  Emily laughed. “Derek, all you have to do is look at her eyes when she looks at him.”

  Nicholas looked at his father. “Do you approve?”

  Derek hugged Nicholas. “Yes son, I approve.”

  Nicholas breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you, see you tomorrow.” He kissed Emily’s cheek and then Derek’s. “I’ve got to get back to Danielle,” he said as he turned back towards the table.

  Nicholas sat down. “Did you miss me?” he asked happily.

  Danielle smiled, “Yes, I did.”

  Nicholas leaned closer kissing her gently. Danielle took his hand. “I can’t believe how much you and your brother look alike. The only difference I could see was the color of your eyes. His are emerald green and your eyes are a clear beautiful almost sapphire blue.”

  Nicholas chuckled. “That’s pretty much the only difference except for the fact that I can sing and he can’t. What did he say to you?”

  Danielle laughed. “He told me you were difficult to work with. He said a lot of people think you’re an ass when they work for you.”

  Nicholas looked at her sheepishly. “Do you think I’m an ass?”

  Danielle wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him as she pressed tightly against him. “I don’t kiss asses like I kiss you.” She drew in a deep breath and kissed him again intensely. “Nicholas, I think I’m in love with you… I know it sounds crazy, but I feel content and happy when I’m with you.” Then she shook her head as she realized what she had just said. “Oh shit, I can’t believe I just said that. I…”

  Nicholas silenced her as his lips pressed hungrily against hers. He then kissed her neck feeling her pulse, hearing the blood rushing through her veins. He kissed her ear, “I’m in love with you.” He ran his tongue along her ear then down her neck. He pulled her tightly against him. “I want to make love to you, I want to touch you.” He said softly running his hand under her skirt. Danielle moaned pressing against his hand as he sank his fangs into her neck. As her sweet blood flowed into him he showed her them necking heatedly against a wall in the club. She was against the wall, his knee between her legs his tongue stroking hers. She moaned clinging to him. He retracted his fangs and silenced her moan kissing her.

  They left the club and walked the street back to the theater. Nicholas unlocked the door and relocked it as he led her up the stairs to the apartment.

  Danielle yawned. “I’m sorry, I feel drained.”

  Nicholas took her hand and led her to the bedroom. He handed her a tee shirt. “Go change and then we’ll sleep.” Danielle walked sleepily into the bathroom and changed. When she returned to the bedroom Nicholas was sitting on the bed in sleep pants. She admired his muscular chest and strong arms as she walked towards him. She sat next to him resting her head on his shoulder her lips gently caressing it.

  Nicholas kissed the top of her head. “Climb in and I’ll cover you up. I’ll sleep on the couch.”

  Danielle took his hand. “Stay. Sleep with me. Hold me.”

  Nicholas climbed into bed next to her and pulled the covers up; he curled up against her back as he wrapped his arms around her kissing her neck softly. “Sleep, we have a big day tomorrow.” Nicholas knew he had taken to much blood from her, she needed sleep; he would feed her later.

  Nicholas awoke to Killer barking happily. Nicholas knew that his mother was here. She was the only one Killer got that excited over. He kissed Danielle gently. “Danielle, wake up. It’s late, we have to get going.”

  Danielle opened her eyes. “What’s wrong with Killer?” she asked sleepily.

  Nicholas kissed her nose. “Nothing, he’s happy which means my fa…brother and his bride are here. I’ll entertain them while you shower. I’ll get you some sweats and tee shirt to put on ok?”

  Danielle smiled pulling his face to hers kissing him. “Go, I’ll be out in a few minutes.” She said as she sat up.

  Nicholas walked into the living room closing the bedroom door. Emily and Derek sat on the couch along with Merrek, Claire, Nick, Tanya, Gerry, Jen, Elizabeth, Frank, Eve and Tony. “Hi” he said brushing the hair from his face. He leaned down kissing his father and mother and then hugged everyone else.

  Derek looked at him. “You told us to come early.”

  Nicholas chuckled. “I did. I’m glad you’re here. Hey Danielle is gonna come out soon; don’t give her a hard time. All we did is sleep.”

  Gerry looked at him. “Nicholas, you’re a big boy now you don’t need to explain yourself.”

  Nicholas frowned. “I don’t want anyone embarrassing her especially for something we haven’t done yet. Remember, Dad is my twin brother ok?”

  Merrek looked at Derek “He is smitten.”

  Nicholas glared at him. “Merrek please…don’t do this to me. I’m tense enough as it is.”

  Merrek stood up and put his arm around Nicholas. “Hey kid, I wouldn’t think of screwing your love life up. I’m thrilled you’ve found someone.”

  The bedroom door opened and Danielle walked into the living room. Killer ran to her side taking her hand in his mouth and brought her to Emily. “Hi Danielle, I guess Killer doesn’t know we met last night.”

  Danielle returned her smile. “I’m glad you and Derek are here it means a lot to Nicholas.” Her eyes took in the other occupants of the room.

  Emily stood up. “Let me introduce you to the rest of the family. This is Merrek and his wife Claire, Gerry and Jen, Elizabeth, Nick and Tanya, Frank and Eve.”

  Danielle smiled shyly. “Hi it’s nice to meet you.”

  Nicholas came up behind her handing her a cup of coffee. “How are you feeling?”

  Danielle turned to face him. “I’m good. I was so tired last night.”

  Nicholas put his arm around her. “I’ll fix you breakfast in a minute ok?”

  Danielle touched his hand. “You entertain, shower what ever, I’ll cook.” She said then turned to everyone else in the room. “I’m going to fix eggs and bacon who would like some?” One by one they declined.

  Once Danielle was in the kitchen Elizabeth walked over to Nicholas. “You’re attaching yourself so early in life? I think you’re foolish. There is so much more out there.” She whispered.

  Nicholas looked at her. “You’ll fuck anything; I won’t. I don’t know how you turned out the way you did. We were raised better than that.”

  Elizabeth smiled wickedly. You should experience the dark side of this gift. It’s quite enlightening. Our little family is so boring just like you.” She said and started to walk away from him.

  Nicholas grabbed her arm roughly. “Elizabeth, get the hell out of my home and my theater. Don’t bother coming back.” He growled.

  Elizabeth looked at him. “And what will dear mommy and daddy think if you throw me out?” she asked.

  Nicholas forced a smile. “Elizabeth, leave on your own accord. I know what you’re into. So why don’t you just go and enjoy the dark side. Don’t make me have you escorted out.”

  Elizabeth laughed. “You’re ball less just like the rest of this family and your music sucks. I’m leaving.”

  Nicholas smiled. “Don’t let the door hit you in the ass.”
  Nicholas watched as Elizabeth looked at the family. “I’m leaving. I’m not into this shit.”

  Gerry stood up. “Elizabeth you can’t leave. Nicholas has worked very hard on this.”

  Nicholas walked over to them. “Let her go Gerry.” He said and then mumbled silently, she’s not welcome here. Unfortunately he veiled his thoughts from everyone but his mother and father.

  Derek looked at Nicholas “Nicholas let me see the suit you’re wearing tonight.” Derek demanded.

  Nicholas looked at his father. “Can this wait a minute, until Elizabeth leaves?”

  Derek looked at him. “Nicholas, now.”

  Nicholas mumbled “Damn” and started towards the bedroom.

  Silently Elizabeth called after him. That’s right, go with daddy you big pussy and she disappeared.

  Nicholas closed the bedroom door and sat on the bed looking at Derek. “Dad, how can two people, raised in the same surrounding, by the same people come out so different? She’s a slut; she dabbles with the dark ones. Dad she’s going to cause all of us trouble.”

  Derek looked at him seriously. “Nicholas, that’s not very nice to say about her.”

  Nicholas frowned. “Go ahead, defend her, but I’m telling you she’s trouble. I’ve followed her several times to different places. I’ve seen who she’s been with. Dad, I loved Elizabeth like a sister until a few years ago but as of this moment she is not welcome in my theater or home and if I were you she wouldn’t be welcome near the family.”

  Derek hugged Nicholas. “It took a lot for you to say all this about her. We all know. She’s been followed. We’re working on either reining her in or kicking her out. Gerry and Jen are pretty fed up too. Now my son, this is your night. Let’s enjoy it.”

  Danielle set the table for two and then walked into the living room. “Since you don’t want to eat can I bring you a drink or something?”

  Emily stood up and walked over to her. “No thank you. We ate before we came here, but thank you.”

  Danielle frowned. “I’m starving but I feel odd eating when no one else is.”

  Emily smiled. “You won’t be alone, Nicholas will be right out.”

  Nicholas walked into the kitchen a few minutes later. Danielle looked up. “Is something wrong? You look stressed and you can almost cut the tension in the air with a knife.” She said as he sat next to her.

  “No, nothing’s wrong now that Elizabeth is gone. She’s such a bitch. I kicked her out.”

  Danielle frowned. “I’m sorry, on this night, of all nights.”

  Nicholas took her hand in his. “I’m so glad you’re here. You have a calming effect on my nerves.”

  Nicholas looked at his watch and then over at Danielle who was sitting with Emily, Claire, Tanya, Eve and Jen. “Danielle, you need to get dressed. We’re on in half an hour.” He looked at Emily. “Mo…Emily, can you help her?”

  Emily smiled at Nicholas. “I’d be happy to.” She said as she stood up. Silently she said, be careful honey, you’ve almost blown our cover twice.

  Nicholas replied silently, do you think she caught it?

  Emily shook her head as she said “Come on Danielle lets get you dressed.

  Danielle and Emily walked into the bedroom. “Oh shit, my dress is in the dressing room downstairs.” Danielle said as she walked towards the door.

  Nicholas yelled. “Danielle, your dress is in the closet, I had it cleaned.”

  Danielle smiled and looked at Emily. “He’s so thoughtful. Sometimes it’s like he can read my mind.”

  Emily laughed. “Derek can read mine; he’s always been able to read mine. Now let’s get that dress on you.” Emily went into the closet and pulled out a beautiful gown in shades of bright red, vivid blue, and gold. It was the gown they found in the basement.

  Danielle laughed when she saw it. “I can’t believe he wants me to wear this one.”

  Emily grinned. “That’s Nicholas. He loves the ultra feminine look of the Victorian age. He doesn’t like the prudish look they had, but loves the ones like this one. Come on Danielle, you’ll knock his socks off.”

  Emily helped her into the dress. As she zipped the dress Emily said “Danielle, bend forward and pull your breasts into the cups and up.” Danielle did as she was told and Emily zipped the gown. “Okay, let me see.” Danielle turned around. “Oh my, he’ll be drooling. This dress was made for you. Its tight where it needs to be, exposes just enough, and the skirt falls into that full Victorian elegance. Let’s put some of your hair up.” Danielle sat on the bed as Emily started playing with her hair.

  The bedroom door opened and Nicholas turned his gaze to the door. Emily came out first and then Danielle stepped into the room. Nicholas smiled broadly as he looked her up and down. “Wow” he whispered then looked at her again. “Wow. I can’t wait to see you walk on stage.”

  The others had gone down to the auditorium to meet the guests and take their seats. Nicholas came out of the bedroom dressed in a black tux. He looked at Danielle. “Ready?”

  Danielle walked over to him. “Ready. I’m glad I don’t have to wear this long, it’s so heavy.”

  Nicholas pulled her against him. “Heavy yes… alluring, definitely.” He whispered as he lowered his lips to her breasts then traced kisses up her neck to her lips. He released her and smiled. “Let’s go have some fun.”

  Nicholas walked onto the stage and stepped out from behind the curtains. “Good Evening, I’m so happy you have all come to this celebration of twenty years of peace. My family welcomed you into the theater and now I welcome you. I will perform several solos and will then be joined by Miss Danielle Robbins for several songs. There is a special surprise for Emily and Derek Burnes after the intermission. Sit back and enjoy.” Nicholas stepped behind the curtain and the orchestra began the intro to his first song.

  The auditorium was silent as Nicholas’ voice filled the room. He walked along the stage as he sang acknowledging the vamps he recognized. He stopped directly in front of his family and finished the song. The vamps in the audience applauded as Nicholas took a few steps back and extended his hand to Danielle. She walked on stage slowly, nervously, until his hand folded around hers. Covering the microphone he said “Don’t be nervous.”

  Danielle’s eyes smiled at him. “Your touch calms me.” She whispered.

  Nicholas led her center stage. “Ladies and Gentleman, please welcome Danielle Robbins.” Again there was applause. Nicholas squeezed her hand. “Ready?” She nodded. He looked at the orchestra leader “Cinema Paradiso.” Nicholas sang the first verse, Danielle sang the second, and together they finished the song. Danielle was surprised when everyone in the auditorium stood and applauded. She looked at Nicholas smiling happily. He gave her a side hug and motioned for the audience to sit. “We’ll sing two more together if you’d like.” Again there was applause. After the two songs Danielle walked from the stage to the dressing room.

  Danielle fumbled with the zipper on the gown and finally got it unzipped. She stepped out of it and slipped on a robe. She walked to the closet to hang up the gown and get her outfit for the Phantom of the Opera songs. Danielle found a zippered bag hanging over the closet door with a note from Nicholas attached.

  I can’t wait to see you dressed as my Christine.

  Danielle unzipped the bag and gasped. Inside was an almost exact copy of the lingerie from the movie. It was delicate lace in a soft pale pink. There was a sheer camisole with delicate lace inserts accented with sequins, a bustier in satin with lace accents and a lace slip with deep slits on the side. She was amazed at the detail in each piece of the lingerie. She shrugged off her robe and took great care as she put the lingerie on. She pulled the pins from her hair, brushed it and turned towards the mirror. She had never worn anything like this before. She had never felt so sexy, so attractive.

  Danielle’s thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door and then she heard Nicholas. “Can I come in?” he asked.

  Danielle was giddy at
the thought of him seeing her dressed as Christine. “Come in,” she called. He opened the door and walked in. He was dressed for his part as the Phantom. He wore tight black pants, a long Victorian styled black jacket, black gloves, a brocade vest, cravat and a mask. His hair was combed back off his face.

  Danielle smiled. “Oh Nicholas, you look so hot.”


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