Nicholas 02

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Nicholas 02 Page 7

by Renee Larsen

  Derek stood up. “Nicholas, come to the house. Elizabeth is a cold heartless bitch.” Derek pulled Nicholas to his feet as he veiled his words to Emily. Em, he’s broken. He needs both of us. He needs you; you can give him a woman’s point of view.

  Emily misted into the field. “Nicholas” she said softly.

  He looked up. “Mom, I failed.”

  Emily folded him in her arms. “Nick, you haven’t failed. She’s thinking that’s all. Honey, you swept her totally off her feet. She’s feeling like her feet have to touch the ground before she can commit to you. Give her time. It may take a while; you may find her back in your bed tonight. It just depends on her.”

  Nicholas looked into her blue eyes. “Mom, I planted the seed, she’s ripe.”

  Emily sat in the field pulling Nicholas next to her. “Honey, you have more than one seed, and think of the delights of planting the seed. If she bleeds before its given life then you’ll have the pleasure of planting another. Don’t rush it. Enjoy the gardening. Planting can be great fun.” She said lightly.

  Nicholas hugged her. “Mom somehow you always have a way of putting things into perspective for me.”

  Emily returned his hug. “Son, all good things come to those that wait. I thought your father was dead while you grew inside me. I loved your father deeply but wouldn’t commit until they day I thought he was dying. I grieved for many long months before your father came back to me. I cried myself to sleep night after night. I prayed he’d come back to me. Like human society, that wants instant gratification our Vampire society has also fallen into that trap. You need to be patient. Your redhead will come around. Come let’s feed; then you go home and get on with your life.”

  Chapter Three

  Nicholas sat on the bed feeling drained and tired. The sun was peaking over the horizon and today like yesterday and too many days before he had no show to rehearse or perform. He had no Danielle to make love to. It had been almost two weeks of waiting for the phone to ring, to hear the key in the lock. “Killer, come,” he called as he stretched out and turned on the television. Killer jumped up on the bed and rested his head on Nicholas’s stomach. Nicholas ran his hand through Killers thick fur. “Killer, you miss her too don’t you?” Nicholas said softly. Killer licked his hand and closed his eyes.


  Elizabeth laughed evilly as she approached the Fed Ex drop box. She smiled as she pulled the handle and deposited the overnight package in the box. “Nicky, I have your little songbird” and disappeared.


  Danielle lay unconscious tied to a table. She had puncture marks all over her body. They had been using her for food. They would feed then let her body rebuild and feed again. Tonight they would let her wake up. Tonight she would be awake when Elizabeth and her two friends fed.


  The bell rang at the theater but Nicholas slept through it. He awoke to Killer growling that deep guttural growl that meant danger was near. Killer and Nicholas walked slowly through the theater not finding anyone. At the delivery door there was an overnight envelope that had been pushed through the mail slot. Nicholas picked up the envelope and opened it. He reached inside pulling out a lock of strawberry blonde hair. He lifted the lock of hair to his nose. It was Danielle’s. Something was wrong; very wrong. He disappeared and reappeared in his bedroom where he quickly changed his clothes. “Killer lets go.”


  Nicholas and Killer reappeared in Danielle’s apartment. Nicholas looked down at Killer. “Danielle has a cat. Leave him alone, don’t hurt him.” Nicholas saw that her apartment had been ransacked. The keys to the theater and his apartment were on the floor buy her overturned purse. “Rusty, come here, I’ll feed you.” He called noting that there was no food or water in his dishes and his litter was filthy. He grabbed a garbage bag and dumped the litter into it and tied the bag closed. He poured fresh litter in the pan. He picked up Rusty’s dishes and put down clean dishes with food and water. He knew Rusty was okay, there was no smell of death. “Rusty, I put food in your dish” he called hoping the orange cat would appear. He turned and walked into the living room. Killer was stretched out on the floor lying nose to nose with Rusty. Rusty looked at Nicholas and meowed. Nicholas sat next to Killer on the floor and reached out to the cat. “Rusty, where’s your mommy, let me see what happened so I can find her.” He said softly. Rusty rubbed his head against Nicholas’ hand.


  Danielle moaned in pain. Her body ached, she felt stiff. She couldn’t move. As awareness of her surroundings began to come into focus panic began to build deep inside her. She looked around the room trying to figure out where she was. The room was dirty. Her hands were tied to a pole over her head and her legs were tied to a pole at the opposite end of the cold metal table she was strapped to. She looked down at herself; she was dressed in a thin, blood stained hospital gown. She tried to focus her eyes but she couldn’t shake the drugged feeling.

  The door to the room opened and the light directly above her came on. It was blinding white light. Elizabeth walked over to the table “You’re awake” she said as she grabbed Danielle’s chin roughly turning her face towards her. “Open your eyes. I want you to know who has you.” Danielle opened her eyes. She looked at the pretty blonde girl holding her chin, digging her fingernails into her flesh. Elizabeth smiled “Do you recognize me?” she asked.

  Danielle frowned. “No, I don’t” she said weakly.

  Elizabeth laughed exposing her fangs. Smelling the fear in her prey always made her hungry. Elizabeth leaned close to Danielle and smiled. “How about now?” she asked showing Danielle her long sharp canine like teeth. The smell of fear permeated Elizabeth’s senses. She lifted her head momentarily then sank her fangs into Danielle’s neck. Danielle screamed as Elizabeth’s fangs punctured the skin on her neck. She felt fangs sinking into her wrists and screamed again and again. Elizabeth lifted her head blood dripping from her teeth. “Stop, I want her alive.” She said to the others.

  Danielle whimpered in the darkness. Dani’s afraid. Niklas Dani’s hurt, the bad men are back. Niklas send your daddy to help me…you promised me he’d come and help me if they came back Dani’s afraid, Please send your daddy they’re hurting me. She drifted into unconsciousness.


  Nicholas sank to his knees holding his head; a child was calling for help. The voice haunted him, he knew it. She was terrified, she was in pain. Dani’s afraid, please send your daddy. They’re hurting me. Was the last thing she said. He looked at the clock; it was a couple of hours before dawn. “Killer fly” he said and they disappeared. He landed in the pasture and rushed to the door pushing it open calling to his mother.

  “We’re upstairs Nicholas,” Emily called. Nicholas ran up the stairs and into his parent’s bedroom. Derek was watching TV and Emily sat in the bed with her laptop. Emily smiled. “Hi honey, what’s up?”

  Nicholas sat on the bed. “Mom, I’m hearing voices in my head. There’s a child calling for help.”

  Emily closed the laptop. “What is the child saying?” she asked.

  Nicholas frowned. “She said I promised that dad would help her.” Emily frowned shaking her head. Nicholas’ hands went to his head again. “It’s happening again.”

  Niklas, please send your daddy, I hurt. Dani hurts and it’s very dark and cold. Please tell your daddy to hurry. As he heard the words in his head he repeated them verbatim to his parents.

  Emily looked at Derek “Derek, she’d be Nicholas’ age, not a child any longer.”

  Nicholas looked at his mother. “Mom who are you talking about?”

  Derek stood up and sat next to Emily taking her hand. “Dani was that cute redheaded child you pulled from the closet. She was about three.” Derek looked at Emily “Em, could it be?”

  Emily looked at Nicholas. “When you were a baby we rescued a little girl. Her name was Dani. You would talk to Dani silently. You communicated with her until you were about seven. Then it just abruptly stop
ped. She would call to you when she was frightened or hurt. You always told her your daddy would help her if the bad man came back.”

  Nicholas shook his head. “I don’t remember.”

  Niklas please send your daddy they’re biting me. The table is cold and …Niklas she’s got big teeth she’s biting me… it hurts.

  Nicholas clutched the sides of his head and moaned. “Mom help me it hurts I can feel her pain.”

  Emily climbed off the bed and walked over to Nicholas. “Honey, listen to me. Telepathically ask Dani where she is. You were very connected as children. She’s frightened so talk to her as if she’s a child.” Nicholas looked up at his mother. “Nicholas, concentrate. Try and talk to her.”

  Nicholas closed his eyes. Dani, where are you; tell me so my daddy can help you. He said. There was no reply.

  Nicholas stood up and reached into his pocket pulling out a small envelope. He handed it to his father. “Dad, I got this Fed X tonight. It’s Danielle’s I know it is.” Derek opened the envelope and pulled out the lock of hair.

  Derek looked at Emily, then the hair. “Em, what was Dani’s name? Do you remember?”

  Emily thought for a few moments. “I don’t remember. I just remember the red hair and vivid blue eyes. She was a sweet child with a dusting of freckles across her nose. She was adorable.”

  Nicholas looked at his mother. “Mom, she had freckles like this?” He ran his fingers along his nose and onto his cheeks. “Not a lot of freckles, just enough to be really cute” he mumbled. Emily nodded.

  Nicholas looked up. “Dad, Elizabeth has Danielle. Dani is Danielle. When she was in the closet, did someone smack her in the face and then close the closet door again? Mom is that what happened?” Nicholas asked frantically. Emily nodded. “Mom, Killer and I went to her apartment tonight. It was ransacked. Hell Rusty even let me touch him. He’d been alone a long time with no food or water. He actually made friends with Killer.” Nicholas looked at Derek. “Dad, if Elizabeth has her she’ll torment her and kill her. We have to find her.”

  Nicholas sent out an all out distress call to the family. Demanding they appear as quickly as possible. He stood up and walked down the stairs followed by Derek and Emily. Gerry, Jen, Nick, Tanya, Claire, Merrek, Frank, Eve and Tony all came running through the door covered from head to toe.

  “What’s the problem Nicholas” Merrek asked after he saw that Derek, Nicholas and Emily were alright.

  Derek looked at Merrek. “We have a serious problem. Gerry, where does your daughter hang out these days?”

  Gerry looked at Derek. “I have no idea. The last time I saw her was when she left the theater. I’m done with her.” Emily watched Jen carefully as Derek questioned her.

  Merrek looked at Emily, veiling his thoughts. What’s happening Emily.

  Elizabeth has Danielle; we have to find her.

  Jen looked at Derek. “I have no idea where Elizabeth took Danielle.”

  Derek frowned. “Why would you say that? What makes you think she has Danielle?”

  Jen smiled. “Why else would Nicholas call this group together. The prince has lost his princess.”

  Gerry looked at her. “Jen, what the fuck is wrong with you?”

  She looked up at him. “Nothing’s wrong with me.”

  Gerry grabbed her arm. “Jen, where’s Elizabeth?”

  Jen pulled her arm free. “She’s my daughter; I’m not going to send this lynch mob after her.”

  Nicholas grabbed her. “Tell me where she is!”

  Jen laughed. “Not a shot little prince.”

  Nicholas looked at her. “You were my friend once. What have I done to you? What has Danielle done to you?”

  Jen looked into his eyes. “It was always Nicholas. Nicholas could do no wrong and Elizabeth could do no right. Everyone looked after you and no one cared about Elizabeth.”

  Gerry grabbed her turning her towards him. “Jen, how can you say that? Everyone loved Elizabeth.”

  Jen laughed almost wickedly. “They won’t anymore.”

  Gerry looked into her eyes. “What’s gotten into you?”

  Jen glanced at Derek. “Andre. Andre is Elizabeth’s father.” She turned to Gerry. “I needed you to get into this family, to find a weakness. Well now we have the weakness, the princes’ princess.”

  Derek’s hand was around her neck as he lifted Jen off her feet. “Where is your daughter?”

  Jen laughed. “That’s for me to know; not you. Oh by the way, they’re using Danielle as a food donor. They drain her, build here up and drain her again. It’s a shame; she was such a pretty thing. She’s looking pretty bad the last day or so. After tonight she’ll look even worse because she’ll be awake when they feed on her. She’s got puncture marks all over her.”

  Emily looked at Derek. “What do we do?”

  Derek frowned. “Nothing right now, but we will tonight.”

  Gerry looked at Derek and Nicholas. “I had no idea.”

  Nicholas nodded and looked pleadingly at Jen. “Please Jen, please tell me where she is.”

  Jen laughed. “In the morgue Nicholas; she’s in the morgue. I’m just not telling you which one. When her veins can no longer provide nourishment they’ll start cutting her and feeding that way. They’ve got her tied to an autopsy table. She’s been drugged for weeks; when she gets dirty they hose her off.” Jen laughed insanely. Nicholas looked at his mother and ran up the stairs covering his mouth. They soon heard the toilet flush and he came back down the stairs.

  Nicholas looked at Gerry. “You might want to leave. Take Claire, Tanya, Eve and my mom with you. What they’re doing to Danielle will be nothing compared to what I’m going to do to Jen.”

  Jen looked at him. “You idiot, I have no heart, you can’t kill me that way.”

  Nicholas smiled “No, I can’t kill you that way, but I can expose tiny pieces of your body to direct sunlight and watch them burn off; first a foot, then a leg. Your lovely daughter is torturing a human. Now you’ll suffer her consequences. When I find Elizabeth she’ll suffer a worse fate than you. You’ll burn one small piece at a time.”

  Nicholas looked at Tony, Frank and Merrek. “Secure her. Make sure there is no escape.” Nicholas turned and walked up to his room followed by Killer.

  Merrek looked at Derek questioningly.

  “Do what Nicholas told you to do.” Derek walked over to Gerry squeezing his shoulder “I’m sorry it’s come to this. You know the law.” Gerry nodded.

  Jen looked at him. “Gerry, are you going to let them do this to me?”

  Gerry looked at her. “You and your daughter disgust me.” He turned and walked upstairs to join Nicholas.

  Jen then looked at Emily. “Em, you’re my best friend…”

  Emily walked over to her and looked her in the eyes as Merrek, Tony and Frank held her. “I was you’re friend. I never thought you would betray us. You’re no better than the evil bastard you laid with.” Emily shook her head. “Jen, you laid with him, then you helped Nicholas kill the bastard. What are you?” Emily turned and disappeared.

  Nicholas sat on the floor in the corner of his room. Gerry sat on the edge of the bed. “Nicholas, I’m so sorry, I had no idea. She’s never acted this way. We’ve all known Elizabeth has been a challenge the past few years. I never expected this from either of them.”

  Nicholas looked up at him. “Gerry, I’ve known Elizabeth has been explosive, but none of this was expected. I feel terrible for you. Your wife turns out to be borderline insane and your daughter has joined the other side.”

  Gerry looked deeply into Nicholas’ eyes. “Nicky, she’s not my daughter. She hasn’t been my daughter in years.” Gerry covered his face and turned away.

  Nicholas stood and walked over to the bed and sat beside him. “Gerry, maybe you should go away for a while until this is finished. Their punishment will not be pleasant for any of us to witness; but for you…”

  Gerry looked back at him. “Nicky, they know the punishment, they know wh
at they did. Now they have to pay the consequences.”

  Emily knocked softly. “Honey, may I come in?”

  Gerry reached over and opened the door.

  Emily looked at them. “I’m so sorry for both of you. Gerry…what can I say.”

  Gerry looked up at her. “Em, you’ve been a good friend for many years, you’re a great leader. It’s not your fault. All you did was the initial introduction.”


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