Nicholas 02

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Nicholas 02 Page 8

by Renee Larsen

  Emily sat next to Nicholas and rested her hand gently on his knee. “They have her restrained. What happens now? How can we help you find your’ innocent.” She whispered.

  Nicholas looked into her blue eyes. “Mom, call the others. Get the listeners, find out where she is. Use everything you can to find her. Mom, she truly is an innocent. We need to help her even if she never sees me again.”

  Emily leaned over kissing his cheek. “I already have. You know where we are if you need us.”

  Emily looked at Gerry. “Ger, stay here in the guest room as long as you need to.” He nodded and turned away from her. She leaned down hugging him, trying to comfort him. “Come on, I’ll help you make the bed up.” She said gently taking his hand.

  Nicholas lay on his bed listening, trying to find Danielle. Desperately hoping to hear her voice to know she was still alive. He closed his eyes envisioning them on the stage standing together, holding her against him, singing together as one voice. He sang softly to himself hoping she would hear him and find comfort. Hoping she would somehow understand that he would do everything he could to find her.

  Emily watched Derek as he paced back and forth across the bedroom. “Derek, you’re wearing a hole in the carpet.”

  Derek looked at her. “Em, how do we get to Jen. What does she hold more precious than her daughter? If we could come up with something, someone, what ever it is, maybe we could break her and she’d tell us where Elizabeth is.”

  Emily reached out grasping his hand. “Derek, Nicholas is broken, but Gerry is devastated and I’m coming up with a big zero. Funny, Jen and I grew up together she’s lived among us for the past twenty-three years and now I can honestly say I don’t know her.”

  Derek sat on the floor in front of her. “How do we fix this?” he asked.

  Emily shook her head. “Until Danielle can somehow pay attention to her surroundings, be calm enough to tell Nicholas something that will help us I don’t think there is anything we can do.”


  Danielle looked around the room, she was thankful that when they left they forgot to turn off a dim light in the hall. She tried to find something, anything that might give her an idea of where she was. Her body ached, blood seeped from the wounds in her neck and wrists. She tried to remember how she got to this terrible place. She was in a room covered with tile. There were metal sinks, and several metal doors that looked like refrigerator doors. Then she spotted an autopsy table at the far end of the room. Oh dear god, I’m in a morgue. The girl, she’s familiar, where do I know her from .She closed her eyes drifting into a fitful sleep She heard Nicholas singing softly. He was holding her trying to comfort her with his voice.


  Nicholas walked to the holding area. He opened the door and stepped into the hallway. Jen sat uncomfortably on a stool and was chained to the wall. She looked up when he entered. “Nicholas, I’m so glad to see you. You have to make them release me.” She said calmly.

  Nicholas stared at her not believing what he just heard. “Jen, why would I ask them to release you when I was the one that ordered this?” he asked.

  Jen looked confused as she asked “Why would you order this? I took care of you as a child.”

  Nicholas shook his head. “Jen, where’s Elizabeth? If you know, you need to tell me. You need to tell me now.”

  Jen shook her head. “I don’t know where she is.”

  Nicholas frowned. “You knew last night. You said a lot last night. You’ve destroyed Gerry’s feelings for you. My mother would just as soon spit in your face then to talk to you. Right now I’m your only hope. Right now I’m your daughter’s only hope. If the innocent dies then you and your daughter have no hope. We have you and it’s just a matter of time before we find Elizabeth. If you want to save yourself and your daughter you need to tell me everything you know. Tell me now.”

  Jen sat shaking her head no.

  Nicholas looked at his watch. “Jen, in about half an hour the sun is going to come up. In about ten minutes we will be exposing your foot to the elements. When the suns rays touch your bare foot it will first feel very hot, your flesh will begin to blister as the sun touches you. The blisters will break and new ones will bubble up as your foot blackens and the intense heat eats through your flesh, the muscles, and bone. We’ll pull your leg in from the sun minus your foot. Later we’ll do it again with your other foot, then your legs, then your arms. The pain will be intense, maddening. It won’t stop until the innocent is released or you’re dead.” Nicholas paused looking at her, observing her reaction to his words. “Jen, no one will stop it. No one will rescue you. It’s the law. It’s the consequence for torturing innocents.”

  Jen looked at him. “Nicholas, I haven’t done anything.” She said pleadingly.

  Nicholas frowned. “Where’s Elizabeth. That’s all I want to know. Where did she take Danielle?”

  “I don’t know.” Jen cried.

  Nicholas turned to leave. “Jen, you’re wasting precious time. Once they start they will not stop. Last night you knew where she was. Last night you told us all that Elizabeth was Andre’s daughter. Last night you told Gerry that you were with him to find a weakness in our family. Heed my warning…My father may have been remiss at times when it came to punishing the crimes for torturing innocents… I will not be. You have ten minutes. I’ll be back; if you don’t tell me what I want to know you will suffer for your daughters crimes. I can assure you, without any doubt you will be begging for mercy. I will show no mercy.” He opened the door and stepped outside.

  Nicholas walked back into the house to find his parents sitting in the living room. Derek looked up. “Did she tell you?”

  Nicholas shook his head. “Dad, I don’t know if I can do this.” He said as he sat down.

  Emily looked at Nicholas. “If you can’t, I will. I’m so tired of fighting for peace, and to think someone we thought was our own has done this.”

  Nicholas frowned. “Mom, she was your best friend.”

  Emily looked at him. “Not any more. In my eyes, she’s no better than Jacque was.”

  Nicholas stood up and began to pace. “I’ll do it, this is my battle not yours.”

  Derek stood up and grasped Nicholas’ shoulder. “Nick, your battle is our battle. You’re not alone.”


  Gerry walked into the holding area. Jen looked up and smiled at him. “Oh thank god, you’ve come to release me.”

  Gerry shook his head no and slid down the wall sitting on the floor across from her. “How could you betray everyone? How could you betray me?”

  Jen looked at him. “Why have I betrayed you? What have I done?”

  Gerry looked into her eyes. “Jen, you laid with Andre, you pretended to be what you are not. You led me and everyone else to believe that Elizabeth was mine. I should have known better. My hair is black, yours is red. Where did we get a blonde daughter? Last night you said you did it to find our weakness for the other side. Jen, I can’t help you. I love you and hate you at the same time. Nicholas won’t play games. You know him well enough to know that. If he say’s he’s going to punish you, he will and I’ll be haunted by your screams.”

  Jen stood up taking a step towards him. “Gerry you can stop him.”

  Gerry shook his head no. “You and you’re bastard daughter can possibly stop him. I can’t and God forgive me, I won’t. Jen, please tell him where Elizabeth took Danielle. Tell him before he starts.” Gerry stood up and walked away.

  Jen sat quietly trying to gather strength and courage. She knew Nicholas was about to burn the flesh from her foot. At this moment she hated the little bastard and wanted him to suffer. Yet she wanted to live. She called to Elizabeth hoping she would give the prince his drained and ravaged princess. Elizabeth they know, not where you have her but they know what you are doing. They think I’m involved and plan to follow the law in punishment. I have maybe five minutes before it starts .Elizabeth; I don’t want to die a piece at a time. Help me.

/>   Nicholas walked into the holding area with two Vamps unknown to Jen. He looked at Jen. “The sun comes up in a little while, anything you want tell me?” He asked casually. Jen shook her head no. Nicholas looked at the two Vamps and nodded his head then turned and left the room.

  They walked into the small room she was held in and pulled some bricks from the wall. The biggest of them took her right foot and pushed it through the hole. He fastened the steel restraint to hold her foot in place. “Last chance lady” one of them said. Jen again shook her head no. “Open your mouth, we don’t want to listen to you” She obeyed knowing they would force her mouth open if she didn’t. They took a balled up sock and stuffed it in her mouth.

  Jens eyes were wild with fear; she could see daylight would soon be upon them. Elizabeth, please Elizabeth don’t let them do this to me she begged silently. Her daughter did not reply. Her daughter slept in a dark basement far below the morgue where Danielle was held captive.

  The two Vamps shook their heads “Lady, change your’… you still have a couple of minutes.” Again Jen shook her head no. “Have it your way,” they mumbled and left the building.

  Jen watched as the sun slowly crept along the ground closer and closer to her foot. She felt the first ray touch her toes, it felt warm almost pleasant. It didn’t hurt. They were wrong, it won’t hurt me like they said it would She thought to herself. She laughed as the panic and fear began to subside. Silently she called to Nicholas and Derek. You were wrong, my flesh is not burning, Suddenly her foot ached, it burned, and she could feel the blisters forming. Then her screams came, gut wrenching screams as the flesh on her foot blistered, turned black and disappeared.

  Gerry covered his face sticking his fingers in his ears trying to silence the tormented screams of his wife. Nothing blocked the deafening horrible screams that escaped her silently. Emily sobbed holding fast to Derek as he held her against him. Nicholas ran to the bathroom. Bring her foot in from the sun he ordered and then threw up. Finally the screams stopped.


  Elizabeth awoke to the horrible screams of her mother. Elizabeth, please release her they’re hurting me. She heard her mother scream and then the screams from the intense pain that ripped through her.

  Elizabeth cried calling to her mother but there was no answer. She knew her mother lived, she just didn’t know what the outcome would be. She had to decide, was it worth saving her mother and getting Nicky later or to forfeit her mother and finish what she started. She laughed knowing that Danielle was near death. She wouldn’t even be half a meal at this point. She’d give Danielle’s drained shell back to him. Allow time for her mother to rejuvenate and strike again.

  Silently she called to Nicholas. Your princess will be in the alley behind the theater as soon as the sun sets. Bring my mother to me.

  Nicholas frowned. I’ll give you your mother when we have the innocent and we are sure she’s human and still alive. Once this is confirmed your mother will be left in Central Park by the old zoo entrance. Nicholas waited for the reply. There was silence.

  Nicholas walked to the holding room and looked at the two guards. “Wrap her foot carefully. When she starts to wake up inject her with this,” he said handing them a syringe, then added “It will help ease her pain.” Nicholas crouched down next to her. “Oh Jen, I’m sorry you had to go through this. It will take time, but your foot will regenerate. We all loved you…” He stood up and returned to the main house.

  Everyone was gathered in the living room when Nicholas returned. He felt their eyes on him as he walked to the fireplace and sat on the hearth. He looked up at them “Her foot is bad; I stopped it before it was gone. She’ll rejuvenate in time.” He said resting his head in his hands.

  Merrek sat next to him and wrapped his arm around him. “You did the right thing. It had to be done.” Nicholas said nothing but covered his face to hide the tears falling freely.

  After several minutes he looked at his family and sobbed “I’m no better than others. I tortured someone I love, someone in my own family.” He covered his face again as he cried.

  Gerry walked over and pulled Nicholas to his feet pulling him into his arms. “You did what was necessary. She’s not our family. She betrayed us all. You did what I don’t think any of us could have done.”

  It was four in the afternoon; it would be dark in an hour. Nicholas looked at his parents. “I need you to go to the theater, to the alley out back. Elizabeth said she would bring Danielle there. Once you have her make sure she’s alive, make sure she’s human. Get her to safety and let me know when this is done. I have agreed to surrender Jen to her if Danielle was alive.” Derek nodded.

  Chapter Four

  Derek and Emily stood in the shadows along with Gerry and Merrek. If there was an opportunity to grab Elizabeth they would. Two male Vamps landed carrying a very thin, strawberry haired woman in a hospital gown. They looked around making sure the alley was empty and dropped the unconscious woman on the ground. Chuckling they started to walk down the street talking of their desire to feed on someone else. Gerry and Merrek sprung into action and each decapitated their victim. Then grabbed the evidence and disappeared.


  Emily knelt by Danielle. She quickly assessed her and looked at Derek. “Call Nick with the Limo, She’d never survive a fly.” Emily took off her coat and lifted the frail girl into her arms wrapping her coat around her.

  Derek reached down lifting Danielle into his arms “Em, open the theater, the key is in my pocket.” She reached into his pocket pulling the key out and quickly unlocked the door. Derek carried Danielle inside and quickly up the stairs to Nicholas’ apartment. Emily locked the door and disappeared. She reappeared and opened the door running into the bedroom pulling the blankets down. Derek came in kicking the door closed with his foot and carried her into the bedroom. “Em, she’s filthy, we can’t put her in bed like this. She’s been laying in filth for god knows how long. Fill the tub quickly. Doc and Tanya and Nicholas are on the way with Killer and Mishka. We have to clean her before Nicholas sees her.”

  Emily quickly filled the tub as Derek watched. Emily took her coat dropping it to the floor. “Give her to me, then go through the drawers and find clothes for her.” Derek set Danielle in Emily’s arms and disappeared. Emily lowered her into the tub and removed the filthy gown tossing it into the trash. She turned her attention to the bruised, far too thin Danielle. After washing her once she drained the tub and refilled it washing her again. Tanya walked in. “Em, let me help.” She said taking the soap from Emily’s trembling hand. After washing her body again Tanya lowered Danielle’s head into the water and quickly washed her hair, then lowered her again rinsing the soap out. Emily stood ready with towels.

  They dried her gently and dressed her in a large tee shirt and a pair of Nicholas’ boxer shorts. They carried her to the bed laying her against the pillows and covering her.

  Emily looked at Derek. “How could Elizabeth have done this? How could anyone do this?” Emily asked as tears ran down her cheeks.

  Doc and Nicholas walked into the room together. Doc looked around. “Emily, Tanya stay, everyone else out.” He ordered. Nicholas started to speak but was silenced by Doc’s words “Out! Let’s give her some privacy while I examine her.”

  Derek touched Nicholas’ shoulder. “Come on son you can come back in a few minutes.” Derek led Nicholas out of the room.

  With Emily and Tanya at his side Doc examined Danielle. He looked at Emily. “She needs blood. They’ve got her pretty well drained. If we don’t get blood in her soon she will die.”

  Emily looked at him. “We have blood, how do we know which type.”

  Doc smiled and he quickly stuck a pin in Danielle’s finger. He put a drop of blood on a slide he had in his pocket and handed it to Tanya. “Hold this a minute.” He said going to his bag.

  Within minutes he knew her blood type. “Emily, we need O positive blood. We need it warmed and we need it now.” Emily nodded and left the
room. Doc inserted an IV needle into her hand while Tanya took the collapsible pole and extended it. She hung a bag of Glucose and a bag of saline and attached the tubing handing the free end to Doc.

  Emily returned with the blood. Tanya quickly took it and hooked the line into the bag attaching it to the IV flowing into Danielle’s body. “Doc, will she make it?” Emily asked.

  Doc shrugged. “We’ll know more in a couple of hours. We need to get fluids and blood into her. Emily, in my bag there’s a small bottle of Cipro and a hypodermic needle, can you get it for me?” Emily reached into his bag and found the antibiotic and needle bringing it to him. As he filled the needle he glanced at the bag of blood. “Emily, get another bag. Tanya, set that bag on full so it empties into her quicker.”

  Doc walked into the living room three hours later. “I think she’ll be okay. We need to feed her. I have no idea when she last ate. Nicholas, do you have soup? We can’t give her solid food.”


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