Nicholas 02

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Nicholas 02 Page 10

by Renee Larsen

  When Nicholas came out of the bathroom Doc was examining Danielle. “Doc, what’s wrong with her? I left the room for maybe ten minutes. She started screaming and when I came in she was covered in vomit. I picked her up and she stopped screaming but her expression hasn’t changed.” Nicholas said watching Doc shine a pen light into her eyes. Doc finished examining her and looked at Nicholas.

  “Don’t leave her alone. She’s kind of asleep now. Someone needs to stay with her at all times. From what your father has told me, it sounds like she’s starting to remember her ordeal.”

  Nicholas nodded and sat on the bed. “What do we do?”

  Doc frowned. “Nicholas, she’s been through hell. They tortured her; they drained her, let her body rebuild and drained her again. She was tied unable to move for who knows how long. Since she’s been back we refilled her, and now she’s got her period and she’s bleeding again. We’re going to refill her again and hopefully she’ll snap out of this. It’s going to take time. Be patient. She’s not like we are. She’s human, she’s fragile.”


  A week passed and Danielle was growing stronger every day. She was able to get up and walk around and the bruises on her body were beginning to fade. Derek and Emily along with Gerry, Claire, Merrek, Nick and Tanya had gone to her apartment and packed what wasn’t broken and brought it back to the theater.

  The family sat in the living room watching a movie. Danielle had joined them. She sat watching Emily. She looks so familiar. Something about her is so familiar, even her name is familiar. I remember her from a long time ago…. She turned her gaze to Derek. I remember those green eyes, they were kind, there’s something about his smile. Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt Nicholas’ arm slipping around her. She leaned against him resting her head against his shoulder.

  Chapter Five

  It was mid afternoon two months after Danielle had been returned. The family had gone back upstate but Derek had guards in place that constantly patrolled the theater. Their job was to protect Nicholas.

  Danielle looked into Nicholas’ sleeping face. He looked so handsome, so relaxed. She leaned over kissing him lightly. His arms encircled her pulling her closer, returning her kiss. He opened his eyes and smiled. “I’ve missed that.”

  Danielle leaned over kissing him again. “I have too.”

  Nicholas ran his hand up her back “What are we going to do about it” he asked.

  Danielle smiled down at him “I think I’m well now. I think I can resume normal activities and right now I want you to hold me, kiss me. I want to feel you pressed against me. I want to be like it was before…” Nicholas pulled her against him kissing her gently. She hungrily pressed her lips to his her tongue caressing his. He ran his hand under her sleep shirt gently rubbing her back as they kissed again. His hand traveled down her back and into her panties following the curve of her buttocks.

  Danielle got to her knees pulling her sleep shirt over her head and off dropping it to the floor. She lay on her side facing him running her fingers though his hair as she kissed his neck.

  Nicholas pulled her against him. “Can you feel what you do to me” he said pulling her hips against his, pressing his erection against her. His hungry mouth pressed hers. He moved his leg between hers as he lowered his mouth to her breasts teasing her nipples with his tongue. His penis rubbed against her, excited her. Nicholas’ tongue stroked hers feverishly as his hips moved against hers. He ran his hand from her breast down her stomach slipping his fingers into her panties fondling her. She pressed her sex against his fingers as he moved them over her.

  “Nicholas” she moaned softly as her excitement grew to his touch. His lips drew her nipple into his hot mouth as he pushed her panties down with his free hand. His lips moved down her body as he guided her onto her back. His tongue replaced his fingers as he pushed her panties down and off. The sound of her whimpers, the feel of her caress, the smell and taste of her arousal was exciting him more with each passing moment. He pushed I’m licking at you, stimulating you as he moved up her body sucking on her breasts as he pushed his pants down. His lips covered hers as he thrust into her. Their hips moved unison; they clung to each other. Danielle massaged his buttocks as he moved within her. Her swollen lips found his as her body shuddered in orgasm. Nicholas felt her hands gently caress his testicles sending him into orgasm.

  Nicholas rolled off her pulling her against him. “I’ve missed holding you, making love to you. Danielle, I’m crazy in love with you.” He said softly against her neck. She kissed his forehead as she ran her hands over his back.

  “Well what do we do now?” she asked.

  Nicholas was puzzled by her response. “What do you mean?” he asked wanting desperately to hear her say she loved him.

  Danielle kissed his lips tenderly. “I’m crazy in love with you, too. So what do we do now?”

  Nicholas smiled happily. “Are you up for an impromptu lets get married thing? No guests, just you and me.”

  Danielle hugged him. “Yes, I am.”

  Nicholas grinned. “Let’s get up and dressed. We’ll go and find you something pretty to wear.”

  Danielle rested her hand against his chest “Slow down Drac, we need to get a license and the license office is closed.”

  Nicholas pulled her against him. “Not for us, I have friends in high places. Trust me.”

  Nicholas, how are we going to do this?” she asked resting her head against his shoulder.

  “Danielle, go shower and fix your hair. By the time your ready I’ll have the arrangements made, alright.”

  Danielle nodded. “Ok, I’ll go take the shower.” Danielle kissed him quickly and climbed out of bed heading towards the bathroom.

  Nicholas heard the shower. He leaned back against the pillows smiling as he called to his father Dad I need your help. Danielle and I want to get married tonight. She hasn’t been changed, but we want to do it. She can’t travel as we do.”

  Derek looked at Emily “Our son wants to get married tonight. How can we pull this off? Derek asked smiling.

  Emily smiled at him. “Derek how about Colin?” she asked.

  Derek laughed “And they’ll have the yada, yada wedding like we did.”

  Emily grinned “Do you suppose we could train him quickly.”

  Derek nodded. “You call Colin, and I’ll tell Nicholas.

  Derek called to Nicholas, Colin will do the ceremony, he married your mother and I. All you need to do is tell me where and when.

  Nicholas replied quickly, Dad will that be legal, and will Colin do it the right way. He has to know she’s still human.

  Derek chuckled and answered, we’ll make sure he has a printed copy of the ceremony and legality depends on if your human or Vampire. You’ll be legally married in the Vamp world. Don’t worry about it. It will all look very official. Now where do you want him?

  Nicholas smiled happily. Have him meet us at midnight out front of the theater. If you and mom happen to be walking by…I’m sure it would be alright with Danielle. Midnight, see you then. Danielle’s done with her shower.


  Danielle walked into the bedroom in Nicholas’ robe “You’re next.” She said smiling.

  Nicholas grinned. “How long before you’re ready to go?” he asked.

  She crawled up on the bed next to him and kissed him. “My hair is dry; all I have to do is put on my clothes.”

  Nicholas reached into her robe caressing her breasts. “I’ll get showered, we’ll get you something pretty and then we’ll come back here to be married.” He leaned over kissing her. “Get dressed I’ll be out in a few minutes. Nicholas stood up and went into the bathroom.

  Danielle pulled on a pair of Jeans and a sweater and sat on the floor next to Killer and Rusty petting them. The two of them had become best of friends over the past few months. Killer was stretched out on the floor and Rusty was draped over him.

  Nicholas reappeared dressed and ready to go. “Lets go, we have thin
gs to do.” He said taking her hand pulling her to her feet.

  Danielle looked around the room. “Shoes, I need shoes.”

  Nicholas walked into the closet and came out with western boots. “Here you go; unfortunately it’s all we were able to salvage.”

  Nicholas opened the door and they stepped out into the cold evening air. “You want to walk or take a cab?” he asked as he locked the theater and draped his arm around her.

  “I want to walk. It’s the first time I’ve been out since that night. The cold air feels good.” Danielle replied. They walked several blocks looking in store windows.

  As they passed a high end ladies shop Nicholas took her hand. “Come on lets look in here.”

  They walked into the shop and were met by a sales lady. “Can I help you find something?” she asked sizing up Danielle.

  Nicholas smiled. “She needs something pretty; something special. We’re getting married.” He said as Danielle squeezed his hand.

  The sales lady smiled. “Okay. I think I can help you with this. If you sit down, and your fiancé comes with me to the fitting rooms we’ll see what we can do.” Danielle smiled, took off her jacket and handed it to Nicholas then followed the sales lady.

  Danielle tried on seven dresses. The seventh was the one she loved. The sales lady looked at her. “This dress was made for you. You look beautiful.”

  Danielle smiled “I feel beautiful even in cowboy boots.”

  The woman looked at her. “What size shoe do you wear? We sell it all. We even have lingerie if you need that.”

  Danielle’s eyes twinkled with excitement and happiness. “Can you go tell Nicholas how much this is and make sure it’s okay before we get too far with this.” The saleswoman nodded and walked out of the fitting room and over to Nicholas.

  “Sir, your fiancé wants your approval on the cost of her dress. The dress is five hundred dollars.”

  Nicholas smiled. “You tell her she can get what ever she wants. This happens once in a lifetime.”

  The saleslady smiled. “I’ll tell her.”

  An hour later Danielle and Nicholas walked into a jeweler to pick out rings. Nicholas looked at the rings in the case and pointed to simple gold bands.

  Danielle smiled. “Perfect, I won’t have to worry about getting mugged with that.” She said happily. The jeweler sized their fingers and told them to come back in an hour.

  They walked out of the jeweler and Nicholas stopped. “Wait here, I forgot something.” He turned and walked up to the counter. The jeweler looked up at him. Nicholas chuckled and pointed to a diamond engagement and wedding set. “That set too. You have my credit card ring it up. Have everything in a bag when we get back, I don’t want her to know I bought it.”

  He turned and joined Danielle. “Hungry?” he asked.

  Danielle nodded. “Drac, I’d like a nice fat hamburger and French fries.” Nicholas wrapped his arm around her. “Let’s go, I know the perfect place. It’s not far.”

  They arrived back at the theater at eleven o’clock and walked up the stairs to the apartment laughing. Nicholas opened the door and carried the bags into the bedroom. “We need to get ready, we only have an hour.”

  Danielle wrapped her arms around his waist. “It will take me twenty minutes tops to get dressed.”

  Nicholas leaned down kissing her. You’re going to be Mrs. Burnes in about an hour. We can perform together as Nicholas and Danielle Burnes.”

  Danielle looked up at him. “That will be nice. I’ll know that the handsome Nicholas Burnes that so many women fantasize about; is mine.”

  Nicholas looked into her eyes. “And you’ll know that Nicholas Burnes’ fantasy is you.” He ran his hand down her back and over her ass squeezing it gently. “Ok, now let’s get dressed and go downstairs.” He said as he reached for her hand.

  When Nicholas finished dressing in his black suit, starched white shirt and black tie; he called to Danielle. “I’ll be in the living room.”

  Nicholas walked into the living room and took out the two diamond rings he bought. He slipped the engagement ring on his pinky and put the wedding band in his pocket. He silently called to his parents. Mom, Dad, is Colin on the way, does he have a print version of the human wedding ceremony to refer to and can we expect my brother and his wife at this affair. Talk quickly; Danielle will be walking out of the bedroom any minute. Nicholas sat on the couch and ran his hand over Rusty. “We’re becoming friends aren’t we Rusty. You’re a good cat.” Rusty looked at him and hissed. “Rusty that’s not nice” Nicholas said as he ran his hand over the orange cat again.

  Then Nicholas heard his mother. We’ll walk up with Colin, act like we met him down the street. He’s prepared; I’ve made sure of it.

  Nicholas smiled. Thanks Mom; see you in a little while. The bedroom door opened and Nicholas looked up. Danielle came out of the bedroom in an ivory lace strapless dress that hugged her body and flared out from below the hip. Her strawberry hair fell in soft loose curls down her back. Nicholas stood up. “You look like my bride.” he said smiling.

  Danielle looked at him. “Do you like it?” she asked as she turned around slowly.

  Nicholas took her hand. “I do. You look lovely.” Nicholas dropped to one knee still holding her hand. “Danielle, I’m a pretty traditional, old fashioned kind of guy. I love you and want to know if you’ll marry me?” he asked.

  Danielle smiled down at him. “You’ve already asked me that, I’ve already accepted.”

  Nicholas looked into her eyes. “Play along with me for a few minutes okay?”

  Danielle nodded. “Yes Nicholas, I’ll marry you,” she said almost laughing.

  Nicholas slipped the engagement ring from his pinky and slipped it on her ring finger smiling. “Now, we can get married.”

  Danielle looked down at her finger. Nicholas had placed a beautiful diamond ring on her finger. It had a large center solitaire with two smaller solitaires on each side. “Nicholas, this is so beautiful!”

  Nicholas took her in his arms and kissed her. “We need to get downstairs. Colin will be here any minute.”

  Walking down the stairs Danielle pulled Nicholas to a stop. “Who is Colin?”

  Nicholas smiled. “He’s a friend of my Fathers and has agreed to handle our wedding.

  Danielle smiled. ‘You amaze me. How did you pull this all together so quickly?” asked.

  Nicholas put his arm around her. “I have my ways.” He laughed as they walked down the stairs and through the curtains into the theater lobby. Nicholas looked at her. “Are you warm enough? It’s chilly in here.”

  Danielle squeezed his hand. “I’m fine for now.” She looked outside. “It’s looking like snow again. We’ve had a lot of snow this year.” She leaned against him as he draped his arm around her shoulder.

  “It does look like snow. Maybe we should go away for a few days. We could drive up state. I have a log cabin in the woods” Nicholas said as he gazed outside.

  Danielle looked up at him. “That sounds nice. We’d have to leave Rusty here, he doesn’t travel well. He cries the whole time he’s in the car.”

  Nicholas chuckled “Can’t leave Rusty, Killer would be beside himself. He’s been such a good mutt since Rusty’s been here. Maybe Rusty will be better with Killer in the truck next to him.”

  Danielle giggled. “We can try, but you have to promise you won’t throw him out of the truck if he carries on.”

  Nicholas chuckled. “I promise.”

  Nicholas saw Colin, Derek and Emily walking towards the theater. “Danielle, looks like it won’t be just you and me. Derek and Emily are with Colin.”

  Danielle smiled. “I’m glad, I love them to death. They’ve been very kind to me.”

  Nicholas squeezed her shoulder. “Step back a bit so the wind doesn’t nail you when I open the door.” Danielle stepped away from the door and Nicholas unlocked it and opened it. Derek, Emily and Colin came rushing in. Emily smiled at Nicholas I’m so happy for you son. Dan
ielle is such a wonderful girl she said silently.

  Nicholas smiled and hugged her kissing her cheek. “I wasn’t expecting you two but we’re happy you’re here.” He looked at Danielle. “Colin, this is Danielle, Danielle, this is Colin; he’s been a friend of my family for many years. He will perform the ceremony.”


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