Nicholas 02

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Nicholas 02 Page 11

by Renee Larsen

  Danielle smiled. “It’s nice to meet you Colin.” She looked at Derek and Emily “I’m so glad Nicholas’ parents told you and that you were able to come. It will be nice having family witness for us.”

  Derek smiled. “Hey, my little brother is getting married. Of course I’d be here.”

  A puzzled look crossed Danielle’s face. “I thought you were twins?”

  Derek chuckled. “We are, he’s my little brother, I was born first.”

  Nicholas looked at his petite future bride. “Shall we take care of the formalities? Then we can chit chat.”

  Colin nodded. “Where are we doing this?”

  Nicholas pointed to the doors leading into the auditorium. “Right though here.

  Nicholas walked to the auditorium doors and opened them. The stage was lit with huge ornate candelabras; the stage still looked like the Lair from the Phantom songs they sang months ago.

  Danielle gasped then smiled. “It’s so beautiful,” she said squeezing his hand. They walked down the aisle and up the steps to the stage.

  Nicholas looked at Colin. “Can you stand here” he said guiding Colin to a raised area at the back of the stage. Colin stood in place and reached into his pocket pulling out the ceremony Emily had typed and prepared for him. Nicholas looked at his parents and Danielle. “Be right back, I need to get chairs.”

  Derek chuckled “We can stand.”

  Nicholas looked at him “Are you sure?”

  Emily looked at him “Nicky we’ll stand.”

  Nicholas looked down at Danielle. “Well, are you ready to do this?”

  Danielle nodded. “Yup.”

  Nicholas reached into a stone shaped prop and pulled out four red roses tied together with a black ribbon. He handed them to Danielle. “He’s pleased with you.” He laughed. “I couldn’t resist since we’re getting married in the lair.” Nicholas stood beside Danielle, Derek stood beside Nicholas and Emily beside Danielle.

  “We’re ready when you are Sir Colin,” Nicholas said happily.

  Colin performed a simple human ceremony. He did a much better job than when he married Emily and Derek twenty-six years ago. Nicholas reached into his pocket pulling out the diamond wedding ring and slipped it on Danielle’s finger. She still hadn’t noticed that it was not the plain gold band they had bought. She was too wrapped up in the moment and how absolutely perfect her life felt at this moment. She took Nicholas’ gold band from her middle finger and slipped it on his finger.

  Colin smiled and said “I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

  Nicholas took Danielle in his arms and lifted her off the floor kissing her. He set her back on her feet. Derek smiled as he watched them. Nicholas had never looked so handsome or so happy, and Danielle was glowing with happiness. They made an adorable couple. Nicholas was six foot two and Danielle couldn’t be more than five foot two.

  “Congratulations little brother” he said hugging Nicholas and added silently Son, I’m so happy for you.. He released Nicholas. “Hey, can the big brother get a hug from the bride?”

  Danielle walked over to him. “Of course you’ll get a hug” She hugged him breathing in his cologne. In a split second she had a vision of green eyes looking at her, she was a small child and then the vision ended. She swayed a bit.

  Derek steadied her. “Danielle, are you ok?”

  Danielle smiled. “Yes, I’m fine it must be the excitement of the evening.”

  Emily walked over taking her hand. “Oh Danielle, your rings are beautiful.” Danielle glanced down at her finger seeing not the gold wedding band but a four solitaire diamond band. She lifted her gaze to Nicholas to see his blue eyes smiling at her.

  “Drac, what did you do?” She asked softly smiling at him.

  Nicholas lifted his hand to show her that the gold band he had bought her was on his pinky. “I bought two. One for when you want to feel glamorous and one for every day.”

  Danielle moved closer to him and stood on her toes. “Kiss me Drac.” Nicholas leaned down to kiss her noticing Derek’s eyebrow go up.

  Silently Nicholas said, she’s called me Drac for months because I found a cape in the basement and did my best Bela Lugosi impersonation. She doesn’t have a clue he said as he kissed her.

  Colin pulled an official looking certificate from his coat pocket. “Nicholas, Danielle, we need to sign this to make it official.” He said setting the certificate on a smooth surface. He signed his name and handed the pen to Nicholas. One by one they signed the certificate. Derek and Emily signed as witnesses. Colin folded the certificate and put it in an envelope handing it to Nicholas.

  Derek cleared his throat. “Do you have plans for the next few hours?”

  Nicholas looked at him. “Why?”

  Derek smiled. “I kind of took some liberties. Merrek, Claire, Tanya, Nick, Frank, Eve, Gerry and Tony are all at NY Retro waiting to congratulate you and toast the Bride and Groom.”

  Danielle replied before Nicholas could. “Then New York retro it is. I’ll have to get my jacket.”

  Nicholas took her hand briefly. “Stay here, I’ll go up.” Danielle nodded.

  As Nicholas was walking up the aisle Danielle called after him. “Drac, feed Porky for me. Killer too”

  Nicholas chuckled. “I’ll be back in a flash.”

  Nicholas returned with two Black wool coats. “Here you go” he said holding it open so Danielle could put it on.

  “Where’d you get this?”

  Derek chuckled. “Its moms isn’t it Nicholas?”

  Nicholas nodded. “You can’t wear a snow parka with this beautiful dress.” Danielle put on the coat and Nicholas slipped on his. He lifted the four roses. He pulled two from the small bouquet and broke the stems off. He put one in Danielle’s hair and put the other in the lapel of his suit jacket. “Let’s party.” he said taking her hand and leading the procession into the lobby and out of the theater.

  They walked into the semi private back room at the Retro. The family all stood holding up champagne glasses.

  Gerry smiled.“To the groom and his beautiful bride.”

  Nick spoke up next. “Hey Nicky, that was your cue to give Danielle a little smooch.”

  Nicholas smiled and wrapped his arms around Danielle kissing her. When the kiss ended he looked at her. “Let me have your coat so you can show off the great dress.” Danielle smiled and slipped the coat off handing it to Nicholas. He draped it over a chair with his and took her hand. “May I have this dance?” Danielle nodded and they walked out onto the dance floor.

  Frank looked at Derek. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen Nicky looking so happy. He’s actually beaming.”

  Derek chuckled. “He is isn’t he?”

  Merrek and Claire stood up. “We’re going dancing be back in a few.” Merrek said leading Claire to the dance floor. Derek, Emily and Colin took seats near the head of the table. Derek looked at his family and then at his son and new bride. It feels so good being together at such a happy event. My son is thrilled with life and I’m thrilled you’re all here to celebrate with us. Remember, she’s not become yet. So I’m still playing twin, he said silently.

  Nicholas and Danielle returned to the table and sat down. “Champagne?” Frank asked. Danielle nodded as Frank poured the champagne into their glasses.

  Danielle smiled. “Thank you.” Then she looked at everyone at the table. “Thank you all for doing this on such short notice. I know having you all here makes Nicholas very happy.” She said raising her glass to her lips.

  Tanya leaned closer. “May I see your rings?”

  Danielle smiled and extended her hand.

  “They’re beautiful, did you pick them?”

  Danielle looked at Nicholas. “No, Drac, I mean Nicholas did.”

  Nicholas smiled as he silently said not changed…Drac is a pet name that has to do with a joke.

  Derek stood up and walked over to Danielle. “Dance with me?” Danielle stood up and he took her hand leading her to the dance fl

  Nicholas looked at Emily. “Mom, I have to feed. I’ll do it quickly and come back.”

  Emily smiled. “Go.”

  Derek and Danielle finished the dance and returned to the table. Danielle looked around “Where’s Nicholas?”

  “He’s in the bathroom. I think a nervous stomach.”

  Danielle frowned. “Is he ok?”

  Emily smiled. “He’ll be fine. He’ll be back in a few minutes.

  Danielle sighed. “I’ll be back; I’m going to the ladies room.” Danielle started across the dance floor towards the restroom and was snagged halfway across the floor.

  “Drac, you feeling better?” He took her in his arms to dance with her.

  Nicholas walked up to the table and sat down. “Where’s my bride?” he asked lightly.

  “You were just dancing with her; how could you lose her?” Derek replied.

  Nicholas frowned. “Dad, I was feeding.” They all stood simultaneously and then the commotion from the other room drifted to their ears; the screams, people asking what happened. Nicholas ran towards the dance floor pushing his way through the crowd. “Move” he snarled pushing people out of the way.

  Danielle lay in the middle of the dance floor. Nicholas immediately spotted the punctures in her neck and the blood seeping from the wounds. He squatted down scooping her into his arms. “Danielle, Danielle wake up!” She was limp; he could barely hear her heart beat. She hung in his arms like a rag doll as he carried her towards his father.

  Dad, please help me, I don’t know what to do, her heart is stopping, Dad I don’t know how to change her. Help me, don’t let her die Nicholas pleased silently.

  The family quickly formed a circle around Nicholas. Derek took Danielle in his arms and disappeared. Emily took Nicholas by the hand. “Come, we need to leave. We need to get back to your apartment now.” They too disappeared.

  Merrek looked at Frank and Eve. “Pay the tab and meet us at the theater quickly.” Merrek, Claire, Nick, Tanya and Gerry walked quickly out of the club and into a deserted alley and disappeared.

  Chapter Six

  Derek laid Danielle on the floor in the living room. He quickly ran his nail over his wrist and put it against her lips. He pushed her Danielle, your still here, drink, drink deeply. If you want to be with my son you must drink .Come on Danielle suck life’s blood into you.

  Nicholas and Emily appeared as Derek tried to coax her. “Nicholas, get over here, talk to her tell her to drink. Hurry she’s fading quickly.

  Nicholas cut his wrist and held it next to Derek’s. Their blood joining as it dripped onto her lips. “Mom open her mouth, mom hurry please I have to have her with me.” Nicholas was crying, blood tears dripped down his face. “Danielle, please, for me, open your mouth, please drink or you’ll die. Drink. If you leave me I don’t want to live. Please Dani, suck on my wrist, suck on my father’s wrist, please.”

  The family misted onto the room and watched. Tanya looked at Emily. “Tilt her head back, open her mouth. Move; I’ll do it.” Tanya quickly tipped Danielle’s head back and pushed gently at her chin opening her mouth.

  Derek and Nicholas’ blood flowed into her mouth. “Swallow Danielle, swallow” Nicholas said frantically. Danielle drew in a deep breath, her hands grabbed Nicholas’ wrist and she held it to her lips sucking his vampire blood into her. Derek pushed Nicholas away and put his wrist to her lips knowing his blood was older, stronger, Danielle latched on and sucked.

  Nicholas picked her up and laid her on the couch pulling a throw over her. He looked at the others. “I will kill that little bitch and all her followers.” He said with more conviction than he had ever had. Nicholas looked at Gerry. “I’m very sorry, but she’s not going to get away with this. She’s attacked Danielle twice to get to me. Who’s next?”

  Gerry looked at him. “Nicky, I’m with you. She’s not one of us. I raised her as my own but somehow I knew she wasn’t mine.”

  Danielle moaned in pain clutching her stomach. Emily took Nicholas’ hand. “She’s becoming. She’ll be in pain for a while but she’ll be ok. We’ll stay with you until it’s done.”

  Nicholas sat on the floor beside the couch taking her hand. “Dani, you’ll be okay. We’ll explain it all to you later.”

  Danielle looked at him. “God, my stomach. Nicholas it hurts so bad….”

  Derek sat on the edge of the couch. “Danielle, the pain will stop soon.” They sat for hours waiting and watching as Danielle’s body changed from human to vampire. Finally she slept peacefully. Derek stood up squeezing Nicholas’ shoulder. “She’s become. Take her to bed and when the sun sets we’ll take her upstate and feed her. Unfortunately, we’ll be spending your wedding day in your apartment with you. The sun is up.”

  Nicholas hugged his father. “Thank you Dad. I didn’t know what to do. Thank you for bringing her back to me.” Then he hugged his mother kissing her cheek. “Thank you for knowing me well enough to help me through this.” Nicholas bent down and lifted Danielle effortlessly into his arms. “Sleep well, thank you, all of you.” He said as he carried her into the bedroom.

  Nicholas unzipped her dress and carefully pulled it off of her. He was amazed there was no blood on it. He hung it on a hanger and walked back to the bed. She looked beautiful sleeping in her sexy new lingerie. She had bought an ivory colored satin bustier with lace trim and matching panties that cut very high on her thigh yet barely covered her pubic hair. He rolled her onto her side and unhooked the bustier removing it then pulled the blankets over her.

  Nicholas removed his shirt and pants hanging the pants up and dropping the shirt in the laundry pile. He pulled the shade and climbed into bed beside Danielle. He leaned over her kissing her lips gently. “Sleep well Danielle, tonight you begin a new life.” He settled back against the pillows and fell asleep.


  Elizabeth looked at John when he returned “Did you do her? Did you kill her?”

  John nodded. “My mission was successful. I left her on the dance floor. Nicholas was nowhere around.”

  Elizabeth smiled. “They worked so hard to bring her back to health and now she’s dead and dear sweet Nicky is alone. I’m thrilled.” She walked over to her mother. “Mom, we got Danielle, she’s dead. Now we go after Nicky. Once we get him it will devastate the family and leave them weak.”

  Jen smiled at her daughter. “Elizabeth, don’t under estimate the Burnes blood line. It is strong.”

  Elizabeth looked down at her mother. “Not as strong as I am.”

  Jen frowned. “Heed my words daughter, or you will not be successful in your mission.”

  Elizabeth smiled sarcastically at her mother. “Heed my words daughter, Mom, that’s all shit. I will win, I will become the leader. I’m Andre’s daughter and it’s my right.” Jen nodded and looked away knowing there was no talking to her at this moment. No matter what was said Elizabeth would see it her way and no other.


  Nicholas awoke before Danielle. He went into the living room to join the others. “Will she wake up hungry? How will this all play out?” he asked.

  Merrek looked up. “Nicholas, every one of us was different. She may be starving. If that’s the case this may not go smoothly. We’ll just have to wait and see. We’re all staying to help with this because she has no clue about what happened last night. The last thing she’s going to remember is dancing with someone she thought was you. Hey, where’s her cat? Best bring him out here. If he starts hissing at her it will upset her.”

  Nicholas frowned. “Rusty won’t hiss at her.”

  Derek chuckled, “Wanna bet on that one? Cats don’t like Vamps. He hisses at you, doesn’t he?”

  Nicholas nodded. “So what do we do with him? It will kill her if he hisses at her. She loves that orange terror.”

  The bedroom door opened and Danielle walked into the room wearing Nicholas’ robe. “What happened last night? I was dancing and then I was in bed.”

  Nicholas looked to his fa
mily for help. He didn’t know what to say or how to handle this. He’d never changed anyone before. He smiled as she walked towards him. “Come sit and we’ll tell you.” He said reaching for her hand. She took his hand and sat on his lap. “Last night we got married because we’re crazy in love with each other. After the ceremony we went to NY Retro and partied. While you were dancing with Derek I went out for a few minutes. When I retuned I asked where you were. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy and asked how I had lost you when I was just dancing with you. We heard screams coming from the dance floor. I ran and found you on the floor. You were close to death. I lifted you into my arms searching for my family to help me, to stop you from leaving me.” Nicholas paused for a moment. He had to think what to say next.


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