Nicholas 02

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Nicholas 02 Page 20

by Renee Larsen

  Danielle watched Nicholas as he walked onto the stage. She held her breath for a moment and then smiled proudly as the music started. Nicholas walked center stage and began to sing. After each song applause rang through the theater. The curtains closed and Nicholas appeared in front of Danielle. He wore his Phantom mask and extended a gloved hand to her. As she accepted his hand the orchestra began to play. His voice filled the auditorium as he led a very pregnant Danielle onto the stage. He held her hand as he sang and pulled her against him singing to her as he ran his hand over her swollen stomach and up to her neck. When he finished the song he turned her in his arms and kissed her. The audience went wild as he led her to the edge of the stage. “Ladies and Gentlemen, this beautiful, very pregnant woman is my wife.” He looked down at her. “Sing with me…” he said as the music began.

  The song ended and Nicholas lifted a rose from a table handing it to her. “Thank you Danielle,” he whispered as the curtain came down.

  Danielle grinned at him. “Drac, that was a dirty trick.”

  Nicholas pulled her against him kissing her and at that moment the curtain went up and the applause got louder. Nicholas took her hand and bowed. “Thank you all for coming.” He said and the curtain went down again.

  “Drac I think they liked it,” Danielle said happily.

  Nicholas listened for a moment. “Wanna sing one more with me?”

  Danielle smiled. “What shall we sing?”

  Nicholas grinned. “How about All’Improvviso Amore?” Danielle nodded and they walked through the curtains. Nicholas bent down and spoke with the orchestra leader and then stood up. The music began. Nicholas walked behind Danielle and wrapped his arms around her and began to sing. He kissed her neck. “Sing for me” he whispered and her crystal clear voice filled the room.

  After taking a quick bow they walked off stage. Nicholas was giddy from performing and the response of his audience. “That was fun,” he said laughing. “

  Danielle smiled happily. “You sounded wonderful tonight.” She squeezed his hand affectionately.

  Derek, Emily, Gerry, and the rest of the family joined them. Emily smiled proudly. “Beautiful, it was beautiful.”

  Derek nodded in agreement and then took Danielle’s hand. “You look radiant tonight.”

  Danielle smiled and hugged him. “Thank you.”

  Danielle looked at Gerry who broke out laughing. Danielle, your hug did him in. He’s aroused, Gerry said silently veiling his thoughts to all but Danielle.

  Danielle glanced at Derek’s crotch and turned to face Nicholas blushing. “Drac, I’m really hungry.”

  Nicholas looked around. “Let’s go in the dressing room, Nick, can you make sure everyone clears out while I feed her?” Nick nodded and he and Tanya disappeared.

  The family went into the dressing room and Nicholas went to the refrigerator and pulled out a bag of blood. He punctured it with a straw and handed it to Danielle. “Drink up darling we have a reception party to attend at the Plaza. The press will be there, many humans will be there and our friends will be there.

  Danielle looked at him. “A party?” she asked her voice filled with uncertainty.

  “Invitees only, no one else will be permitted,” he said watching her.

  “Drac, what if…”

  Nicholas smiled. “No party crashers. This is going to be fun. It’s for the limited press and our friends.”

  Danielle finished the bag and tossed it into the trash. Derek looked at everyone. “Let’s go so Nicholas can do the press thing and we can party.”

  They arrived at the Plaza within minutes and walked into the ballroom. The press snapped photos as they entered.

  “Danielle, go with my parents and Gerry, I’ll do these interviews quickly and join you.” Nicholas said as he placed her hand in Derek’s. They walked to a table and sat down. Danielle scanned the room listening to Nicholas’ interviews. She looked a bit lost without him.

  Derek smiled as he took her hand. Mrs. Burnes, would you like to dance with the old Mr. Burnes?”

  Danielle looked at Emily who smiled and said silently Go ahead he has a thing for pregnant women, it makes him feel protective. Danielle smiled and took Derek’s hand. He led her to the dance floor and took her in his arms dancing her slowly across the floor.

  Gerry sat next to Emily. “Em, he’s too much isn’t he?” he said laughing.

  Emily laughed. “I wish I could get pregnant again, it would make him so happy.”

  Gerry nodded. “Hey, you look pretty fetching tonight, would you like to dance?”

  Emily smiled. “I’d love to.” They stood up and walked to the dance floor.

  Colin walked over to their table. Merrek, Claire, Eve, Frank, Nick, Tanya and Tony sat watching the dance floor. Colin sat down. “You all look amused. What’s up?”

  Merrek looked at Colin grinning. “Derek’s dancing with Danielle.”

  Colin looked over and watched as Merrek said, “He’s too damn much. He’s being the perfect gentleman but he’s getting hotter by the second.”

  Claire squeezed Merrek’s hand. “And Emily will reap the benefits when they’re alone.” She said laughing.

  Nicholas walked up to the table and sank into a chair. “Where is everyone?”

  Colin pointed to the dance floor. “Your father is dancing with your wife, your mother is dancing with Gerry and the rest are out there dancing too. How’d the interviews go?”

  Nicholas grinned. “I think very well. We’ll know when the papers come out. This could go real well, would you excuse me, I’d like to dance with Danielle before she’s too tired to dance.”

  Colin nodded. “Go tell your father I said it’s time he dances with your mother.”

  Nicholas walked onto the dance floor and tapped his father’s shoulder. Derek turned to see Nicholas. “I’d like to dance with my wife, and Colin told me to tell you it’s time you danced with mom.”

  Derek handed Danielle to Nicholas and walked over to Gerry. “May I have my wife back now?” Gerry nodded and after handing Emily to Derek he walked back to the table.

  Nicholas took Danielle in his arms. “Did my father behave himself?”

  Danielle rested her head against his chest as the danced. “He did. You guys really give him a hard time.”

  Nicholas chuckled. “Danielle, he’s my father and he’s always found pregnant women hot.” He kissed her neck. “Actually, I find pregnant women pretty hot myself. Especially you.” he said softly against her ear.

  “Drac, you wouldn’t by chance have a treat in your jacket pocket would you?” she asked with a distressed look on her face.

  Nicholas looked at her. “You need to feed?”

  Danielle nodded. “It just hit and it’s hitting hard.” Nicholas led her from the dance floor and out of the ballroom. They quickly exited the hotel and found a deserted area and disappeared.

  They reappeared in the apartment. Danielle’s hands were shaking and she was doubled over with hunger. Nicholas led her to the couch. “Sit, I’ll get it.” He disappeared into the kitchen and returned with a full glass and several bags for refills. She took the glass drinking it down quickly.

  “More,” she moaned. Nicholas refilled her glass and watched as she gulped it down. She looked at him .“Drac, more, I need more.” She moaned as her trembling hands pushed the glass in his direction. Nicholas took the glass into the kitchen and refilled it. He grabbed a few extra bags and brought it back to her. She frantically took the glass and drank it down. “More” she gasped. Nicholas refilled the glass again and she drank finally slowing down. When she finished the glass she set it on the table and sighed. “Oh my, that was an experience I don’t care to have happen again,” she said leaning against him. She looked up at him through her eyelashes. “Thanks, we’d better get back before we’re missed.” They stood up and disappeared, reappearing on a dark street a few blocks from the hotel.

  When they re-entered the ballroom the family looked at them as they approach
ed. Nicholas smiled and silently said, an eight bag feeding frenzy Nicholas pulled the chair out for her and Danielle sat down.

  “I was starving.” Danielle said looking at Emily. Gerry stood up and walked to Danielle’s chair. “Dance with me,” he said grasping her hand. Danielle took his hand and stood up.

  The rest of the night was spent laughing and dancing. At four thirty they walked out of the hotel and down the street to a newsstand. Nicholas picked up several papers and they continued to walk back to the theater. “It’s late, stay at the theater; there are plenty of dressing rooms so you’ll all have privacy.” Nicholas said as he turned the key opening the doors.

  They sat in the living room as Nicholas read the reviews. Most were good a few were not so good. Nicholas set the papers on the table and leaned back in the chair. Danielle sat with Derek and Emily on the couch. She took Derek’s hand and placed it on her stomach. “Grandpa, can you feel her kicking?”

  Derek nodded. “Yes I can,” he said smiling.

  Nicholas looked at Danielle questioningly. “Her?”

  Danielle smiled. “I have no idea, but it’s a fifty-fifty shot,” she said giggling.

  Danielle looked at Emily. “Wanna feel? He or she is kicking up a storm tonight.” Emily reached over placing her hand on Danielle’s stomach. The baby kicked again and

  Emily smiled. “Active and strong, that’s good.” She sat back and looked at Nicholas. “Nicholas, you better get some baby stuff. The baby will be coming soon.”

  Nicholas smiled. “Mom, we want to have the baby at the cabin. I’ll do this show for a few weeks and then we’ll come up to the cabin.”

  Emily nodded. “How about we fix up your old room, you stay there until the baby is born, then you can go to the cabin. It would just be better if we were all close.”

  Danielle looked up. “How about at the Pods.”

  Emily laughed. “Actually that’s the ideal place. All we have to do is have Doc there.”

  Danielle stood up looking at Nicholas. “Drac, I’m going to crash.” Nicholas jumped up and took her hand. “You need to eat first.”

  Danielle shook her head no. “I’m stuffed.” She kissed his cheek. “You guy’s have fun. See you later.” she said as she walked into the bedroom.

  Nicholas waited and then smiled. “Be right back she needs help with the zipper on her dress.” He stood up and walked into the bedroom.


  The next few weeks flew by. Nicholas sang to a sold out house every night. Danielle was now five months pregnant and it was time to go to the family and prepare for the birth of their child.

  Nicholas ran his hand over Danielle’s stomach as she slept. He leaned over kissing her belly and then her lips. “Wake up sleeping beauty; we have things to do before we leave for upstate.” He said softly.

  Danielle opened her eyes and smiled. “Drac, I’m so proud of you. Your shows were superb. You’ve been so happy for the last month; it’s almost a shame that we have to leave now. We don’t even know for sure if this birth will happen as soon as everyone thinks.”

  Nicholas smiled down at her. “Danielle, we can’t take a chance and you can’t go to a hospital, so it’s best we do this. You look like you could pop any second and I want to make sure you’re safe and protected. We still haven’t found Elizabeth. The family and friends have been searching for her but the vampire world is silent when it comes to her. She could appear at any moment and I don’t want you and our child unprotected. It’s time and New York can wait a few months for Nicholas Burnes to return. We don’t want to give them too much, they’ll tire of me.” Nicholas kissed her lips, her neck. “Danielle, I want you.” He almost moaned.

  Danielle pulled his face to hers pressing her lips to his. “I want you too baby, but how, I’m huge.”

  Nicholas smiled cupping her full breasts in his hands “We’ll figure out a way to do this,” he said kissing her again.


  Nicholas climbed out of bed. “Stay here I’ll bring you food, then we’ll shower and head north.” He kissed her gently and smiled down at her. “Be right back.” He turned and left the room returning a few minutes later with a large glass of blood. He sat on the edge of the bed handing it to her.

  “Thanks, Drac,” she said drinking quickly. She looked at him sheepishly. “More please.” Nicholas smiled and emptied two more bags into the glass. She quickly drank it down.

  “You need more don’t you?” Nicholas asked.

  Danielle nodded. “A lot more, I’m starving, please hurry.” Nicholas disappeared and returned with six more bags. He emptied them two at a time into her glass and she gulped them down quickly. She set the glass on the nightstand and leaned against him. “Lets get ready and get going then we can relax.” Nicholas stood up taking her hand and they walked into the bathroom to shower.

  Nicholas and Danielle walked into the meeting house to find the family gathered watching a movie.

  Derek looked up and smiled. “Danielle come sit by me,” he said extending his hand to her. Danielle took his hand and sat between him and Emily. Nicholas sat on the floor in front of Danielle.

  Gerry smiled. “Boy have you blossomed in the last few weeks.”

  Danielle giggled. “I’m as big as a house, and it’s getting harder to move around every day.”

  Emily placed her hand on Danielle’s stomach. “Is the baby still kicking a lot?”

  Danielle thought for a moment. “Actually today there hasn’t been much kicking.”

  Emily smiled. “They say when movement slows down that the baby is getting ready to be born.”

  Danielle absentmindedly played with Nicholas’ hair. “I hope it does come soon. I’m not real comfortable in anything I do.”

  Claire looked at Emily. “Em, I think she’s bigger than you were.”

  Emily looked at Derek. “Quirky one is she bigger than I was?”

  Derek tapped Nicholas. “Get up and help your wife up. I want to look at her.”

  Nicholas stood up and took Danielle’s hand. “Ready?” Danielle nodded and he pulled her to her feet.

  Derek stood up and walked around her studying her belly. He stopped in front of her. “May I?”

  Danielle smiled and nodded yes. Derek put his arms around her and then released her. He placed his hands on her belly and smiled. “Its official, Danielle is bigger than Emily was. I could get close to Emily, can’t get close to Dani.”

  Nicholas chuckled. “I can, can’t I baby?”

  Danielle swatted his arm blushing. “Nicholas stop.”

  Nicholas stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her kissing her neck. “Dad, is Doc here?”

  Derek nodded. “He’s staying with Gerry… hell he should be up here.”

  Gerry laughed. “He’s watching Interview with a Vampire. When I left he was hysterical laughing.”

  Derek grinned. “What a great idea, those old movies are so funny.”

  Emily looked at him. “You are sick, you know that don’t you?”

  Derek grabbed her pulling her into his arms kissing her. “And you, my dear, love me.”

  Emily kissed him. “Indeed I do.”

  Merrek glanced around. “Where’s the orange tornado?”

  Danielle smiled. “Rusty and Killer are in the pod. Probably all over the bed.”

  Merrek chuckled. “It’s a shame I kind of miss the little terror.”

  Danielle laughed. “Want Nicholas to get him?”

  Merrek shook his head no.

  Emily stood up. “Come down to your pod, we have a lot to show you. We’ve made some changes.”

  Everyone stood up except Danielle. She looked at Nicholas. “Hey Drac, fatty needs help.”

  Derek took her hands. “Come on fatty, I’ll help you.” He pulled her to her feet.

  “What did you guys do?” Danielle asked as Emily took her hand.

  “You’ll love it, it’s a surprise.” With Emily and Danielle leading the way they went down the spiral staircase to the
pod. They went inside and Emily led Danielle to the couch. “Nicky sit next to her.” Nicholas sat beside Danielle draping his arm around her. Claire, Tanya and Eve ran across the hall and returned their arms piled high with wrapped gift boxes. They piled them on the floor in front of Nicholas.


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