Nicholas 02

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Nicholas 02 Page 21

by Renee Larsen

  “A baby shower!” Emily said happily. Danielle squeezed Nicholas’ hand smiling happily. He reached down and lifted the first package handing it to Danielle. She ripped the paper off the box and opened the lid. She lifted a quilted crib blanket in yellow with a soft fuzzy teddy bear in the center.

  “Drac, look how cute, feel this teddy, he’s so soft.” She said happily. Nicholas took the blanket, kissed her cheek and handed her another box. As she opened the second box Nicholas folded the blanket and set it aside. Danielle lifted the lid and found baby sleepers.

  One by one they opened the gifts and found everything they could possibly need. When all the packages were opened and the trash gathered Derek walked over to Danielle and offered her his hand.

  “There’s more, come on you two.” Danielle took his hand and he helped her to her feet. They all walked into the bedroom.

  Nicholas looked at the bed and started laughing. “Killer, you’re in trouble now, moms here.” He said as Emily walked into the bedroom.

  “Killer, get off that bed” Emily said smiling. Killer immediately jumped off the bed and ran to Emily nudging her. Emily reached down. “Yes Killer, I still love you” she said running her hands through his thick fur.

  Derek walked to two French doors and pulled them open. “We added this in the last few weeks.” He said as he ushered Danielle and Nicholas through the doors into a nursery complete with crib, dresser, and changing table. The little room was painted a pale but bright yellow and had teddy bears in all colors and textures on the walls. The furniture was rich cherry wood. There was even a rocking chair with a matching ottoman.

  Danielle gasped. “This is so adorable. Thanks guys, I couldn’t have done better myself. I love it” She walked to the wall touching the different texture of each teddy bear. “Drac, come here, you have to feel these. It’s so cool.”

  Danielle turned to Emily and hugged her. “Thank you so much,” she said as her eyes welled up with tears of happiness. Next she hugged Derek and then Claire and Merrek, Nick and Tanya, Eve and Frank, Tony and Gerry and then she hugged Nicholas as she looked at everyone. “I really can’t thank you enough; I just don’t know what to say.”

  Gerry walked over to her and kissed her cheek. “The smile on your face is thanks enough, sweetheart.”

  Nicholas looked at everyone. “Thanks, it’s great and my wife is beside herself. She’ll be touching and feeling everything for days.”

  Tanya took Danielle’s hand. “We’ve already washed everything so we’re ready.”

  Danielle smiled. “What can I say, thank you again.” She said sinking into the rocking chair. She looked up at Nicholas. “Danielle needs a treat Drac.”

  “How big a treat?”

  Danielle grinned. “Like earlier today, please hurry.” She said holding her stomach.

  Emily frowned. “Feeding frenzy?”

  Danielle nodded as the hunger intensified. “Drac, hurry it’s getting bad.”

  Nicholas returned with eight bags of blood and one full glass. He handed the glass to Danielle and she gulped it down. Her hand trembling she gave the glass back to Nicholas. “Oh God, hurry,” she moaned as he refilled the glass. She gobbled it down and pushed the glass at him again. “Drac, its worse, hurry,” she moaned. He poured more and returned the glass to her.

  Derek went into the kitchen grabbed another glass and had it filled before Danielle finished. He handed it to her taking the empty and handing it to Nicholas. “Refill it, she’s not slowing down” Derek said. Nicholas traded a full glass for the empty and refilled the empty glass having it ready for her. She handed him the empty glass and took the full one and drank this one slowly.

  Danielle finished it and set it down. “I don’t like that.”

  Emily rubbed her shoulder. “It’s a terrible feeling isn’t it?”

  Danielle nodded. “It’s like your being torn apart inside. You can’t think about anything but feeding.,”

  Nicholas knelt in front of her taking her hands in his. “Let’s go in the living room, I have the perfect movie for my father. He’ll love it.”

  Danielle looked at him. “Which one?”

  Nicholas chuckled. “Fearless Vampire Killers. I think is what it’s called. I found it in your collection and watched it a while ago.”

  Danielle thought for a moment giggled. “Derek, you’re gonna love this one. Drac, help me up, Gerry, get Doc, he’ll be in stitches over this one,” she said laughing.

  Once everyone was settled and comfortable Nicholas pressed the play button and sat back wrapping his arm around Danielle as she leaned against him. Within minutes of the movie starting, they were all laughing. It was such a campy movie with gay vamps, trampy vamps and vamp hunters that freeze solid.

  Derek looked at Nicholas. “This is the best, worst, Vamp flick I’ve ever seen. I have to get this.” He said laughing.

  Nicholas brushed his lips against Danielle’s ear and whispered, “I knew he’d love this.”

  Danielle turned looking up at him. “We’ll have to get him a copy or give it to him,” she whispered. Nicholas kissed the top of her head and they went back to watching the movie and Derek.

  Derek and Emily were the last to leave in the morning. Nicholas walked them to the door and thanking them for everything and closed the door behind them. Danielle looked at him. “Babe, help me up.”

  Nicholas helped her to her feet and looked around the room. “This was nice they did so much for the baby.”

  Danielle wrapped her arms around him. “They did; it’s wonderful.”

  Nicholas took her hand. “Let’s go to bed, you can stretch out and maybe get comfortable. You’ve been squirming all night.”

  Danielle nodded “I can’t seem to get comfortable tonight. Its like the baby is pressing on all my insides.” She said rubbing her belly. They walked into the bedroom. Danielle lifted her shirt over her head and pushed her maternity jeans off. She draped them over a chair and walked into the bathroom. She returned a few minutes later in a red silky night shirt. “Much more comfortable” she said as she sat on the bed watching Nicholas undress. “I love your back, Drac.”

  Nicholas turned smiling innocently. “What about my front?”

  Danielle took his hand. “I love your back, your front, everything about you. Now come to bed.” She said softly. He leaned down kissing her and helped her get situated in bed moving pillows to support her stomach and her back. He got into bed and pulled the covers up. As he clicked the remote turning on the TV, Danielle snuggled up against him as close as she could and they watched TV.

  Chapter Twelve

  Nicholas awoke just after sunset. He dressed quickly and wrote a note leaving it on his pillow and disappeared. Several minutes later he reappeared in the theater apartment. Oh fuck, this place has been trashed he thought as he looked around. He quickly went into the bedroom and grabbed his laptop. The whole apartment had been vandalized. The leather furniture cut to shreds, the televisions smashed, the bed cut with all the stuffing pulled out their clothes shredded. He walked through the apartment quickly knowing he needed to leave before who ever did this came back. As he walked towards the door he spotted a scribbled note taped on the door. He ripped it from the door and disappeared. He reappeared in a field in upstate. Unfolding the note he read it the scribbled text.


  My followers are growing, you’ll never see your child born; imagine my glee at the thought of killing your pregnant wife. This is not an idol threat. I know where you hide and we’ll find her, then you, then your family. Time is short Nicky, Elizabeth will rule.

  Love and Kisses Liz

  Nicholas folded the letter and was stuffing it in his pocket when he heard Danielle’s screams. She was screaming his name, she was in pain. Nicholas called to his parents Go to Danielle, I’ll be there in a few minutes, something is wrong she’s screaming, Elizabeth is back she trashed my apartment. Get to Danielle quickly Elizabeth threatened her and the baby.

  Derek spra
ng for the bed calling the rest of the family He grabbed Emily’s hand and they quickly made their way to Nicholas and Danielle’s pod. They could hear her screams as Derek opened the door. All seemed normal but Danielle was now whimpering. Emily ran to the bedroom. Danielle was in bed, she was sweating profusely and obviously in great pain.

  Emily turned back towards Derek. “Get Doc now.”

  Emily approached the bed. “Dani, what is it?”

  “Emily, it hurts so bad…”

  Emily sat on the edge of the bed. “What hurts


  Another contraction was coming and Danielle grabbed Emily’s hand. “Oh God,” she moaned trying to catch her breath. Emily placed her free hand on Danielle’s stomach. It was rock hard. She lifted the blankets and saw the bed was wet. She reached Under Danielle’s night shirt cutting the sides of her panties with her finger nail then covered her up again.

  “Honey, the baby is coming. I know it hurts, it hurts a lot. Bring your knees up, it will help. Doc is on his way.” Emily said gently. Danielle was out of breath and another contraction was starting. “Dani, another one is starting, grab your knees and push. Come honey, push.” Emily said as Nicholas appeared. Emily said silently, be calm, everything is okay, your child is being born. Emily looked at Danielle “Come honey, here comes another one, push.” Nicholas climbed onto the bed behind her straddling her. She leaned heavily against him. Danielle moaned as another contraction took hold. Emily lifted the blanket and looked. “Nicky, you need to help her push, I think one or two more and the baby will be born. Danielle, push, push hard” Emily said as Doc burst into the room.

  Doc quickly examined Danielle. “Push the head is almost out, push, push, push, breath, okay one really hard push.” Nicholas pushed Danielle’s body forward helping her push the baby out. Doc quickly took the baby and clearing its nose and eyes and laid it on Danielle’s stomach. He looked at Derek. “Get the scissors, and navel clips from my bag.” Derek dug through the bag handing Doc the items he asked for, He quickly fastened the navel clip and cut the cord. “Derek, get me a clean towel.” Derek ran to the closet and returned with a towel handing it to Doc. Emily looked at Danielle. “She’s beautiful, Danielle. She’s got her daddy’s dark hair.” Doc handed the baby to Emily who held her up for Danielle and Nicholas to see.

  Danielle reached out touching the baby’s hand then gasped. “It’s starting again, oh God,” she moaned.

  Nicholas looked at Doc. “What’s wrong?” he asked his voice filled with concern.

  Doc frowned as he pressed on Danielle’s stomach. “Danielle, you’re not done, there’s another baby in there. Nicholas next contraction, push her forward. Danielle cried out and Nicholas pushed her forward.

  “Dani, push. Come on baby, you’re almost there, push hard.” Nicholas said lovingly.

  Doc looked at Nicholas. “Okay get ready, one more good push and the baby will be out.”

  Danielle moaned as the next contraction began. Nicholas pushed her forward “Push baby, a big push, come baby, push.”

  Doc smiled. “It’s a boy, Derek another clip.” he said extending his hand towards Derek. Derek handed him the clip then walked over standing by Emily.

  “May I?” he asked reaching for his Granddaughter.

  Emily handed the tiny baby to him and looked at Nicholas and Danielle. “Twins, perfect little twins.” Danielle smiled weakly as Doc laid the second baby in Emily’s arms. Danielle reached out touching his cheek.

  Nicholas leaned around kissing Danielle’s cheek gently. “They’re beautiful Dani.”

  Doc looked at Nicholas, Emily and Derek. “Take the babies, clean them, dress them, and send in Tanya, we need to finish this and get her comfortable. She’s a tiny girl and just had two pretty good sized babies.

  Nicholas looked down at Danielle. She nodded. “Go, take care of Lexie and her bother, you’ll have to name him.” Nicholas climbed out from under her and followed his mother and father into the small Nursery.

  Emily looked at Derek. “Give Nicholas Lexie, and go get Tanya.” Derek complied.

  Nicholas sat in the living room holding his two precious babies. “Danielle’s named Lexie now we have to name you, my son.” He said as he gazed into their little faces.

  Gerry knelt in front of Nicholas. “May I hold one of them?”

  Nicholas smiled. “Take your pick, Lexie’s on the right and no name is on the left.” Nicholas said happily.

  Gerry reached out lifting Lexie into his arms. He sat on the couch contently holding her. Nicholas looked at his father. “Dad, dig into my right pocket, there’s a crumpled piece of paper, pull it out. We all need to be very careful, Elizabeth is on the prowl.” Derek reached into Nicholas’ pocket pulling out the crumpled note. He read it and passed it around the room.”

  Doc stepped into the living room. “Okay, Danielle is fine. She’s resting. She had a hard time and needed stitches. Claire mix formula up for these two little creatures. Let Danielle rest. She can nurse them later. I don’t think she’ll be able to nurse both of them. So it will be every other feeding for each child. Nicholas hand me your son, and go see Danielle. I need to examine both babies and make sure they’re okay.” Nicholas handed the baby to Doc and walked into the bedroom.

  Danielle smiled when Nicholas entered the room. “Two, who’d have thought we’d have two?”

  Nicholas sat next to her. “They’re beautiful. I like the name Lexie, what’s it short for?”

  Danielle smiled. “Alexis”

  Nicholas kissed her cheek. “How about Alexander and Alexis? We can call them Alex and Lexie.”

  Danielle looked at him yawning. “Drac, I’m very tired. You name him. Alexander is fine with me. We can call him Al, Zander, Alex” she said as she drifted off to sleep.

  Nicholas kissed her cheek. “We’ll name our son together later.” He stood up and walked quietly back to the living room.

  Killer was on the floor by Emily’s feet. Derek walked over and knelt next to him. “Killer, protect Danielle, now.” Killer immediately stood up and went to the bedroom door followed by Rusty. Nicholas opened the door and let them in.

  Nicholas sat down and looked at his parents. Derek held Alexander and Emily held Lexie. They were each being fed a bottle.

  “What about the nut case?” Nicholas asked.

  Emily laid a baby in Nicholas’ arms. “Here, feed your daughter” Nicholas took the bottle and fed his daughter. “You’re a little beauty. Your mother will be so happy when she holds you my little Alexis.”

  Emily smiled at her son. “Alexis is a beautiful name.”

  Nicholas smiled. “Dani said she was having a daughter and I guess she named her a long time ago.”

  Nicholas looked at his parents. “What do you think of the name of Alexander?”

  Derek smiled. “Alexis and Alexander, I like it. What does Danielle think?”

  Nicholas smiled down at Lexie as she curled her tiny hand around his finger. He looked at Derek.” She was too tired to think. We’ll talk later when she wakes up.”

  Nicholas looked at Emily “Mom take Lexie. I’m so on edge after the note and seeing the apartment in the city. If we hadn’t left early yesterday, God knows what would have happened. I need to be with Danielle and make sure she’s safe.”

  Emily reached for Lexie. “Go ahead; we’ve called in the guards. To protect all our properties and we have guards here too. Mishka and Snow will be here in a little while.” She said calmly.

  Nicholas sat on the couch in the bedroom with the TV on watching the news while Danielle slept. He was deep in thought about what he found in the city and didn’t hear Danielle call his name. She walked up behind him kissing his neck.

  “Drac, where are my babies? I want to see them.”

  Nicholas turned looking into her sapphire blue eyes. “Danielle, you shouldn’t be up yet,” he said taking her hand.

  Danielle smiled down at him. “I’m fine. Where are Alexis and Alexander?”

  Nicholas stood up. “Let me get you a robe, it’s chilly. Mom and Dad have them.” After helping her into her robe he put his arms around her. “Danielle, they’re beautiful, come they’re in the living room.” He said kissing her lovingly. Danielle smiled and took his hand.


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