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Nicholas 02

Page 27

by Renee Larsen

  Danielle took his hand. “So do you, how are you doing?”

  Gerry squeezed her hand. “I’m ok, let me take a quick peak at Alexander.” he said as he reached up peeling the blanket away from his face. “You’re awake,” he said smiling. Alexander giggled and hid his face against his mother’s neck then coyly looked back at Gerry.

  Danielle smiled. “They’re a little shy.”

  Gerry’s brow furrowed. “What color are his eyes?”

  Danielle looked at Alex. “Alexander, show Uncle Gerry your eyes, show him what a handsome boy you are.” Alex turned and looked at Gerry then hid his face again.

  Gerry smiled. “Something’s a bit odd.”

  Danielle gave his hand a quick squeeze. “Gerry, I’ve got to get him out of these clothes, see you in a few minutes.” She said releasing his hand.

  Derek and Emily were admiring Alexis as she slept when Danielle walked in. “Hi, this one’s awake, let me get his jacket off and then you can admire him. He’s quite the looker,” she said almost laughing.

  Danielle removed Alex’s jacket and hat and then set him on the floor by Killer and Rusty. “Ignore him, after a few minutes he’ll decide it’s time to make friends. He’s much more outgoing than his sister is.” Derek and Emily watched him as he lounged against Killer giggling. “Alex, go see Grandpa and Grandma,” Danielle said pointing to Derek and Emily. Alexander looked at his mother. “Go ahead, Alex, go say hi,” she said. He looked at Emily and then at Derek. Danielle sat next to him on the floor.

  Alexander looked at Derek. “da”

  Danielle hugged him. “Yes he does look like your daddy, go say hi.” she coaxed.

  Emily looked at Danielle. “Are his eyes two different colors?”

  Danielle smiled nodding her head. “Quite odd, don’t you think?”

  Emily nodded. “Odd… but quite striking. What about Lexie?”

  Danielle looked up at Emily. “She has the same color eyes as Nicholas.” She glanced at Nicholas as he walked into the room. “Hi Drac, did you get everything out of the car?”

  “Yup” Nicholas shrugged off his jacket and walked over to his parents kissing each of them. “Has Alex warmed up to you yet?”

  Derek shook his head, “Not yet but he’s eyeing us pretty well.”

  Nicholas chuckled, “This should screw up his little head. He won’t quite know who his father is. We better make sure we don’t wear the same color shirts in front of them.”

  Emily sat on the floor next to Danielle anxious to hug her grandson. Danielle picked Alex up and sat him on her lap. “Alexander, look at Grandma’s pretty necklace,” Danielle said as she reached out for Emily’s pendent. Alex followed Danielle’s hand with his eyes. “Pretty, isn’t it?” Danielle said softly.

  Alex reached out to grasp the pendent. “No, baby, don’t touch, just look at it.” Danielle whispered as she tickled him. He giggled happily and leaned towards Emily wrapping his arms around her neck. “Bingo, we get him friendly and when Lexie wakes up it won’t take her so long.” Danielle said as Emily hugged her grandson. When she released him he looked at Killer and pushed away from Emily and crawled over to Killer.

  Nicholas sat on the floor beside Danielle with a ball in his hands. “Here’s the plan, we roll the ball back and forth, Dad, Gerry, come on lets play.”

  Merrek and Claire walked into the room “What are we playing,” Merrek asked.

  Gerry looked up as he sat next to Danielle. “We’re playing ball with Alex so he warms up to us before his sister wakes up. Come on, sit on the floor.” Derek sat by Emily, Claire sat next to Gerry and Merrek sat beside her.

  Nicholas showed Alex the ball. “Alex, look” he said rolling the ball to Derek. Derek rolled the ball to Alexander. He picked it up and looked at his father. “Go ahead Alex, roll it to Grandpa,” he said pointing to Derek.

  Danielle lifted Lexie into her arms and carried her into the bedroom. “Nicholas, I need your help,” she called as she laid Lexie on the bed. She removed Lexie’s clothes, changed her diaper and dressed her in footie pajamas. Nicholas stood in the doorway. “Hey can you set up the porta crib for them, she’s out for the count,” Danielle said quietly. Nicholas set up the crib and lifted Alexis laying her in the crib and covering her up.

  “Danielle, you know if she sleeps all night one of us will be up all day.”

  Danielle nodded. “I know and guess who it will be.” she said wrapping her arms around his waist.

  “Maybe we should wake her up and let her play.” Nicholas said hugging her.

  “You might be right, you do it, and I’ll go warn your parents that she may be a little bitch on wheels for a while.” Danielle said.

  Nicholas chuckled. “But she’s our little bitch on wheels and I love her to death. Go warn them, maybe she’ll surprise us.”

  Danielle walked into the living room. Derek held Alexander on his lap and was playing with him. “Guys, Nicholas is going to wake up Lexie. She’s not a pleasant child if she hasn’t had enough sleep. She’ll calm down once she’s up for a bit, but she can be a real little witch.” Danielle said.

  Gerry laughed. “You’re exaggerating; she can’t possibly be like that.”

  Danielle smiled. “You’ll see.” They sat quietly and then the crying from the bedroom began.

  Nicholas sat on the bed with his crying daughter. “Lexie, look around, we’re visiting, can’t you be a good girl,” he said rubbing her back. “Do you want a cookie…Danielle come in here please.” he called.

  Danielle looked at Gerry. “Was I exaggerating?” she asked as she stood up looking around the room. “Rusty, come help me,” she said to the cat as she walked towards the bedroom. Danielle walked into the room with Rusty and Killer following her. “Lexie, look who’s here,” Nicholas said bouncing her on his knee. “Babe, she’s not calming down.”

  Danielle walked over to the bed. “Lexie, come to Mommy.” Danielle said reaching for her.

  Lexie wrapped her arms around Nicholas and her crying got louder. “Drac, she doesn’t want me, I’ll leave, see if you can get Rusty on the bed. He usually can get her in a better mood. I’ll see if I can find something for her to drink.” Danielle turned and walked away.

  Everyone looked up when Danielle walked in the room. “She’s such a good baby, but wake her up and she’s a terror.”

  Derek looked at Emily. “Em, take Alex, let me go see if I can help Nicholas.” He handed Alexander to Emily.

  Derek walked into the bedroom; Nicholas looked like he was at his wits end. Derek knelt down in front of Nicholas. “Lexie, come to Grandpa.” Derek reached for her taking her in his arms. He stood up and walked her around the room. “Lexie, look, this little doggy was your daddy’s” he said as he picked up a small rather beat up stuffed dog. Lexie looked at the dog and then at Derek. “Here, I’m sure your daddy won’t mind if you play with this,” he said softly handing the toy to Lexie.

  Nicholas sat shaking his head. “Dad, how the hell did you do that. She’s stopped crying when you stood up and walked with her.

  Derek laughed. “I’m strange, and she’s not sure what she can get away with. Let’s introduce her to your mother.” Derek carried Lexie and they went into the living room.

  The family played with the twins for the rest of the night and into the morning and then they all went to bed.

  The next evening when everyone was awake and the children were fed Emily looked at Nicholas. “Take Danielle out tonight, we’ll watch the twins. You two haven’t had much alone time.”

  Nicholas smiled, “Are you sure, they can get quite rambunctious.”

  Emily frowned, “We raised you and survived.”

  Nicholas nodded, “Okay, I’ll take you up on your offer; I’d like to have an evening alone with Danielle.”

  Emily smiled, “Good, now bring the kids to us and go out and have fun.”


  Danielle and Nicholas walked out into the cold night air. “What would you like to do?”

  Nicholas asked. Danielle looked around, “I think I’d like to see Bar Harbor. I’ve never been here before.”

  Nicholas took her hand and led her down the property to the large boulders along the coastline. “It’s really pretty here, and we have a full moon to light our way. We’ll walk along the coastline and then I’ll take you past moms shop. Maybe it will be open. It’s where mom and dad met. I can introduce you to Joe and Beth if they’re there. They’re kind of like moms other parents. Their getting old and Mom really can’t visit them anymore because she looks the same as she did twenty five years ago.” Nicholas said smiling.

  They sat on one of the boulders overlooking the ocean. “Drac, this is amazing, look way out there, there’s islands.”

  Nicholas put his arm around her. “When I was a kid, I would go out there; maybe we’ll do that before we go back to the city. Come on lets go into town, we can come back later and sit on the rocks.” He said pulling her up.

  They walked quickly into town and down the maim street. “Oh good, the shop is open. Don’t say anything about mom and dad being here. It’s just me and you. Don’t mention the twins either okay?” He said as he reached for the door and pulled it open, the familiar bell rang.

  Beth looked up. “Nicky, is it really you, my you do look just like your father when he was a young man.” She said smiling.

  Nicholas dropped Danielle’s hand and walked around the counter hugging the old woman. “Gram, you haven’t changed a bit, you’re just as beautiful as always were.” He said as he kissed her cheek affectionately. “I’d like you to meet my wife.” Nicholas said motioning towards Danielle. “Gram this is Danielle.”

  Danielle smiled and took the old woman’s hand. “I’m so pleased to meet you; Nicholas has told me so much about you.”

  Beth smiled at Nicholas. “She’s pretty and she has manners.” She said winking at Nicholas. She turned her attention back to Danielle. “So Danielle, what do you do?”

  Nicholas chuckled. “She’s a singer like me. We met when I was rehearsing in the city. She’s got quite a voice and she’s a good dancer.”

  Beth smiled. “You both look very happy,”

  Danielle smiled. “We are, he’s a good man and he loves me.”

  Beth laughed a bit. “And do you love him?”

  Danielle squeezed her hand gently. “Very much.”

  Beth nodded. “Good, now how long are you going to be here, and where’s your parents, I haven’t seen them in quite sometime.”

  Nicholas frowned a little. “We’ll be here a few days, Mom and Dad are fine. I was hoping they’d come up here for the holidays, but I’m not sure they will.”

  Beth looked around the shop. “Nicky, I’m getting too old for all this. I think we need to sell it. It’s not bad in the summer but my old bones don’t like the cold anymore.”

  Nicholas sat on the counter and pulled Danielle up beside him. “Gram, if you wanted to stop coming here why didn’t you call us?”

  Beth smiled. “I like coming… but I think Joe and I need to slow down a bit. Hell Joe’s almost seventy five, the old fart.” She giggled.

  Danielle looked at Beth. “I saw a coffee shop a few doors down, can I get you anything, I’m going to see if they have Hot chocolate.” She said jumping off the counter.

  Nicholas dug in his pocket and handed her money.

  Beth smiled. “I’d love a hot chocolate, with extra whipped cream, please.”

  Danielle walked to the door. “Be right back,” she said as she walked back into the cold night air.

  As she walked towards the coffee shop she called to Emily. Mom, how are the kid’s, are you guys going crazy yet she asked and waited for the answer.

  Emily replied that everything was fine. Danielle smiled I met Beth; she’s such a sweet woman. She misses you. Maybe we could do something with makeup, she’s pretty old and I think she really wants to see you. Think about it, I’m going into a coffee shop, we’ll talk later.

  Danielle returned to the shop with three hot chocolates. They sat and talked for about an hour. Around eight-thirty Nicholas glanced outside. “Beth, I think it’s time to close, come on, I’ll help you and then Danielle and I will walk you home. It looks like it’s going to snow any second.”

  Beth stood up and hugged him. “You two go have fun, Joe will be here in about a half an hour.”

  Nicholas thought for a minute. “Gram, would you and Joe want to come to the house tomorrow night. It’s Christmas Eve; we’d love it if you could come. I’ll send a car for you. What do you say?”

  Beth hugged him again. “Nicky, I’d love that and so would Joe. What time?”

  Nicholas thought for a moment. “The car will pick you up at the house around seven-thirty, is that alright?”

  Beth nodded. “We’ll be dressed and ready, I can’t wait.” She said excitedly. Nicholas kissed her.

  Danielle smiled. “May I give you a kiss?”

  Beth took her hand. “You better.”

  Danielle kissed her cheek. “We’ll have fun tomorrow night.”

  Nicholas and Danielle walked hand in hand down the street. “Drac, your mom and dad are gonna be pissed with you for inviting Beth and her husband to the house.” Danielle said softly.

  Nicholas looked at her. “Babe, they’re old, they’re going to die, and they need to see mom and dad. We’ll just have to figure out how to age them, any ideas?”

  Danielle thought as they walked. “Lets go to a pharmacy before they close, I think I have a few ideas.” She said almost laughing. They walked quickly down Main Street and entered the pharmacy fifteen minutes before they closed. Danielle quickly went to the makeup isle. “Drac, go ask someone if they have that wax thing for arthritic hands.”

  Nicholas looked at her questioningly. “What?”

  Danielle smiled. “Babe, just go ask, you’ll see. Get the whole kit; it should be around fifty bucks.”

  They quickly walked around the store gathering supplies, paid for them and left. They walked casually and when they were sure no one was watching they disappeared. They reappeared in the bedroom, quietly set the packages down and disappeared again.

  They walked into a bar in Boston at midnight and found a table off in the corner. Nicholas sat next to Danielle. “So, tell me what your plans are?”

  “I bought spray gray to add to your dads temples and maybe a few streaks. We’ll melt the wax and add some makeup to color it. We’ll apply a thin layer to their faces and have them frown and smile to create some wrinkles. After Beth and Joe leave the wax will easily peel off.”

  Nicholas leaned over kissing her gently. “You’re a genius.”

  Danielle took his hand. “Drac, dance with me, we haven’t danced in a long time.” Nicholas stood up and led Danielle to the dance floor and took her in his arms.

  After hours of dancing and laughing Danielle frowned. “Drac, I need to feed, can we go?”

  Nicholas nodded. “Let’s go.” He took her hand and they left the bar. “Danielle, listen to the conversations you hear in the area. Listen for anything that sounds like trouble, and then we’ll feast.” They walked silently for several blocks listening. Nicholas smiled. “Got it, come, we need to go into that park over there.” Danielle squeezed his hand and they walked into the park. Danielle listened, hearing two men’s voices and a woman crying. Danielle felt her fangs extend and her nails sharpen. She followed Nicholas and spotted the two men. One stood guard as the other was about to rape a woman on the ground in front of them.

  Danielle pulled her hand from Nicholas’ and walked ahead of him. “Hey, leave her alone.” she shouted. The two men looked in Danielle’s direction. “I said leave her alone.” she yelled as she approached them.

  “Who’s gonna stop us, you?” They replied.

  Danielle smiled showing them her fangs. “Yes, now move away from her” Danielle said as she ran her tongue over her teeth. She looked at the woman. “Get up and get out of here.” . The woman started to say something but Daniell
e stopped her. “Get out of here while you still can.”

  The woman stood up and ran. Danielle turned towards the two men that would soon be her dinner. “Drac its time.” she said smiling again showing her teeth as she sauntered towards them. “No pleasantries for you.” she said as she grabbed the one with his pants around his ankles sinking her teeth into his neck. Nicholas grabbed the other guy as he started to run away.


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