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Nicholas 02

Page 31

by Renee Larsen

  Gerry grabbed several bags of blood and walked outside. Jen sat on the steps her head in her hands. Gerry sat next to her. “Here, feed, it will give you strength.” He said handing her a bag of blood. She bit into the bag and drank it down quickly.

  “Thank you,” she said softly looking at him.

  “Here, have more,” he said handing her another bag of blood. She again bit into it drinking it down. Gerry looked at her, “Jen, I spoke with Derek; he said we’d talk after the New Year. You need to find a safe place to stay until then. When he’s ready to meet and talk to you I’ll call to you.” Gerry longed to fold her in his arms and hold her against him, wanting to ease her pain. Jen smiled weakly not saying anything. Gerry stood up. “Jen I need to go inside, here take my jacket so you keep warm.” Gerry took off his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders. He turned to go inside. “Jen, you broke my heart. I loved you and you betrayed me.” He whispered.

  Jen reached for his hand, “Gerry, I loved you the day I met you. I love you still and I swear on my life I have not, nor would I ever betray you and the Family.” She stood up releasing his hand. “I want to come home. I’ll do what ever I have to, to prove my love and loyalty. Bye, I’ll wait to hear from you. Thank you for the jacket.” She turned to leave.

  “Jen, stop,” he said taking her hand. “Where will you go?”

  Jen smiled, “I’ll find a cave or something to stay in for a few days.” She said softly.

  Gerry dug into his pocket and pulled out a key putting it in her hand. “There’s a house near Boston, we looked at it a long time ago. I bought it, go there, it’s warm, furnished and you’ll be comfortable. No one knows of the house.” He put the key in her hand and went inside.

  Derek looked up when Gerry walked into the room. “Did she leave?”

  Gerry nodded. “Derek, we need to talk about this, I need you to meet with her. You’ll know if she’s lying. I can’t tell, my love for her gets in the way. I sent her to the house in Boston so she’ll be warm. She was going to stay in the caves.”

  Derek was silent as he called to his followers and the listeners. Jen is in Boston, listen around the clock and report. I want her watched and followed. I want to know who she meets with, talks to and what she’s doing. He said silently. He turned his attention back to Gerry, “Nicholas and I will meet with her when we get back from the island. You are to make absolutely no contact with her unless I say it’s ok. Gerry, I’m doing this for your protection, you understand don’t you?”

  Gerry nodded. “I do, thank you Derek for giving her a chance.”

  Derek gave him a strained smile, “Gerry, she was part of the family for years. Of course I’ll give her a chance.”


  The family arrived on the island on December 30th. Nicholas and Danielle left the children with Emily and Derek and made their way to the hotel where Beth and Joe were staying and where Nicholas would be performing to ring in the New Year. They walked through the lobby to the main ball room. Nicholas pulled the door open and they went inside. “Good Evening.” Nicholas said as he made his way towards the stage. “Babe, sit here while I run them through the paces.” He said and then walked on stage. The Orchestra was in place and ready. Nicholas looked at the orchestra, “Gentlemen, ladies, I’m Nicholas Burnes. Anything you’ve heard about me and what I expect is true. I demand perfection if my name is involved in a performance. So be prepared, make sure your instruments are perfectly in tune, and make sure you keep the tempo. Shall we begin?”

  The orchestra leader nodded and the music began. Nicholas walked to the edge of the stage and began to sing. Halfway through the song the familiar silver topped cane slammed down on the stage. “Someone is out of tune. Fix it now. I’ll be back in ten minutes. I know what’s expected of me and I expect the same from all of you. I have all night so unless you want to be here until morning I suggest you have everything tuned and in order when I return.” He jumped down from the stage and walked over to Danielle extending his hand. She took his hand and they walked out of the ballroom.

  “Drac, I can’t believe you heard something out of tune. It really sounded good,” Danielle said as they walked outside to the pool bar.

  Nicholas chuckled. “One of the cellos is slightly out of tune. It makes me crazy to hear an out of tune instrument,” he said as he pulled out a stool for Danielle to sit on.

  “When are we supposed to meet your grandparents?” Danielle asked as he sat beside her.

  “They should be here any minute; we’ll have a drink and invite them into the rehearsal.” Nicholas said taking her hand and bringing it to his lips kissing it.

  “Frank and Eve volunteered to watch Lexie and Alex tomorrow night so we’ll be able to spend New Years Eve together. It will be fun, and Mrs. Burnes, be prepared to sing a song or two with me.”

  Danielle smiled innocently “Is that a request or a demand Mr. Burnes?”

  Nicholas put his arm around her. “A demanding request,” he chuckled.

  Danielle looked out over the pool area. “Oh my, look at your grandparents,” she whispered.

  Nichols looked up and began to laugh as he waved at them. He leaned close to Danielle. “My grandparents are now the epitome of the phrase Tacky Tourists,” he chuckled. Joe wore shorts, sandals with socks and a bright tropical print shirt. Beth wore a tropical print dress with sneakers.

  Nicholas stood up and kissed Beth on the cheek “Hi Gram, have my seat,” he said helping her onto the bar stool. Joe sat next to Beth.

  “Nicholas, I can’t thank your parents enough for this,” Joe said as he took Beth’s hand.

  “We’ve been having so much fun,” Beth said happily.

  “We’re like kids on our honeymoon.” Joe said chuckling.

  Danielle smiled, “Nicholas is performing for the New Years eve party tomorrow night. We have a table reserved for all of us.”

  Beth giggled happily, “We haven’t been out on New Years Eve in years, I can’t wait.”

  Danielle felt Nicholas breath on her neck as he brushed his lips against her ear, “We have to go.”

  Danielle looked at Beth and Joe. “Nicholas has to get back to rehearsal, would you like to watch him or stay out here until he’s finished?”

  Joe stood up. “Let’s go, I’d like to watch the notorious Nicholas Burnes in action.” he said smiling. Nicholas helped Beth from the stool and they walked together to the ballroom.

  Nicholas walked up on stage. “Is everything in tune?” he asked as he surveyed the orchestra. He watched as they all nodded. “Good, then let us begin,” he said tapping his cane lightly on the stage.

  Once again the music began and the song Per Te floated through the ballroom like a gentle breeze caressing your flesh. Danielle sat on the edge of her seat watching, listening feeling the goose flesh as it ran up her arms. She closed her eyes and listened as she mouthed the words without uttering a sound. She opened her eyes as he finished the song.

  Beth took her hand, “You fell in love with his voice didn’t you?”

  Danielle smiled, “I fell in love with the whole package. Even his arrogance, but his voice touches my soul.” The music started and Nicholas was singing Caruso.

  Beth smiled. “I love this song,” she said falling silent to listen to her Grandson.

  Nicholas walked off the stage and took Danielle’s hand leading her to the stage. He helped her onto the stool that was there for his use.

  “Nicholas?” she questioned. He smiled putting his finger to her lips. The music began and this time he sang in English, The song was called “When you say you love me.” He looked deeply into her eyes as he sang holding her hands in his. When he finished the song he helped her off the stool taking her in his arms kissing her.

  Nicholas looked at Beth and Joe. “I really love this little redhead,” he said smiling then he turned back to the orchestra, “Let’s try Alla Luce Dal Sole” he said as he led Danielle back to her seat next to Beth.

  Nicholas ran the orche
stra through all the music he planned on singing and then graciously dismissed them. He walked over to Beth, Joe and Danielle. “Well, do you think it’s a good show for a New Years celebration?”

  Joe stood up taking Nicholas’ hand. “Son, you have a fine voice, hearing you sing gave me goose bumps and made Beth tear up. I’m very proud of you.”

  Nicholas smiled “Thanks, it means a lot to me that you think I’m good.”

  Joe smiled. “Nicky you’re better then good.”

  Nicholas draped his arm around Danielle’s shoulders. “Wait until you hear my wife. She has the voice of an Angel.” Nicholas said proudly then added, “Tomorrow night I’m going to drag her upon stage to sing a couple of songs with me.

  Beth reached out taking Nicholas’ free hand and Danielle’s hand. “I can’t wait,” she said smiling affectionately up at her tall handsome grandson.

  It was three in the morning when they returned to the family house. The family had the twins in the heated pool. Danielle looked at Nicholas, “Let’s go in the pool.”

  Nicholas smiled. “You go ahead, I have some things I need to tend to, if I finish in time I’ll join you.”

  Danielle looked into his blue eyes. “Can I help you?”

  Nicholas shook his head no. “Go swimming, you’ll love the slides. When you’re finished in the pool I’ll feed you.” he said as he playfully swatted her behind.

  Danielle ran upstairs and put on a swim suit then headed out to the pool. She made her way to the deep end and climbed up on the diving board and dove into the water coming up in front of Gerry who was playfully bouncing Alexander in and out of the water. She extended her arms, “Alex, come to mommy so Uncle Gerry can swim.”

  Alex turned and jumped from Gerry’s arms into hers. Danielle kissed him. “Hey little man, did you have fun?” she asked. Alex babbled in baby talk and glanced around looking for Lexie. He pointed in her direction and yelled at her. Lexie saw Danielle and struggled in Derek’s arms trying to get to her.

  Derek held her “Alexis, calm down, I’ll take you to Mommy.” he said walking towards Danielle. “Where’s Nicholas?” Derek asked as he approached.

  Danielle shrugged. “He said he had some things he needed to tend to.”

  Derek looked at Alex. “Alexander, come to grandpa so Lexie can see mommy.” Alex looked at Derek giving him a big smile then he leaned towards him reaching for him.

  “Dani, take Lexie.” Derek said as he took Alex. Lexie hugged Danielle giving her a wet sloppy kiss.

  Danielle looked at Derek, “Do you suppose we could give them swimming lessons? Babies are supposed to be able to learn to swim at very young ages?”

  Derek nodded, “I suppose we could. We just have to figure out how.”

  Within a short time Derek, Danielle, Emily, Gerry, Merrek Claire, Nick and Tanya all stood in a small circle. Gerry clapped his hands together as he said, “Alex, come to uncle Gerry, come on boy, you can do it.” Derek released Alex and watched as he sank under water. He reached down pulling him up and into his arms. Alex looked into Derek’s eyes and smiled then pushed away from Derek landing in the water again. Again he sank under water but then came bobbing back up near Gerry.

  Danielle smiled “I guess it’s true, they say when they’re real young they remember how to be under water from being in the womb. Let’s see how Lexie does. Merrek, call her.”

  Merrek clapped his hands together calling Lexie. Danielle looked at Derek, “Be ready to grab her okay?”

  Derek nodded. “Let’s do it and see how she does.”

  Danielle released her and she sank under the water coming up by Merrek who lifted her into his arms hugging her. “Good girl Lexie,” he cooed. They repeated this process for about an hour making the circle a bit bigger each time they released the twins into the water.

  No one saw Nicholas as he climbed the stairs to the slide. “Danielle, come up here.” he called.

  Danielle looked up and smiled seeing him at the slide. She shook her head no. “Come here, you won’t believe this.” They watched Nicholas come down the slide with Mishka following him.

  Nicholas swam to Danielle’s side. “What’s up?”

  Danielle looked at Merrek. “Drac, call your daughter and watch. Merrek let her go.”

  Nicholas called to Lexie and Merrek released her into the water. Nicholas watched in horror as she sank under the water. He started to reach for her but Danielle stopped him. “Just put your hands in the water, she’ll swim right to you.” Danielle said.

  Nicholas soon felt his daughter and lifted her out of the water kissing her. “So my munchkin, you can swim.” he said as he kissed her nose. Lexie giggled and pushed away from him slipping out of his grasp and into the water. She paddled to Emily who lifted her into her arms. “Wow, my daughter is a genius, she can swim,” Nicholas said proudly.

  Danielle laughed, “So is Alex, call him.” she said. Nicholas called to Alex and watched as he swam to him.


  Danielle was up and in the kitchen even before the twins woke up. She gathered the necessary items to make their breakfast and began cooking. She suddenly realized she was starving. She opened the refrigerator and pulled out a bag of blood drinking it down hungrily. She discarded the empty bag and pulled out another drinking it down quickly, “God, I’m starving.” she mumbled to herself as she reached for a third bag and then a fourth. Silently she called to Nicholas, Drac, come here, I need you, I’m starving, I think something is wrong with me; she sank down onto the floor reaching for yet another bag of blood.

  Nicholas walked into the kitchen finding Danielle sitting on the floor with six empty bags on the floor around her.

  “Danielle, what’s this?” he asked motioning with his hand.

  “Drac, there are four empties in the trash, I was starving.” she said finishing off the eleventh bag.

  Nicholas sat on the floor next to her. “Do you feel alright?”

  Danielle curled up on the floor resting her head in his lap. “I’ve never been so hungry, not even when I was pregnant.” she said closing her eyes. “I started making breakfast for the twins and that’s when it hit.”

  Nicholas stroked her hair gently. “Do you feel sick?”

  Danielle opened her eyes looking up into his. “I feel fine.”

  Nicholas leaned down and kissed her, “You’re sure you feel alright?” Danielle nodded and closed her eyes again.

  Derek walked into the kitchen in his boxers, “What the hell is happening in here?” he reached over turning the stove off then turned on the fan to suck the smoke out of the kitchen. “I thought the damn house was on fire,” he said looking at Nicholas and the empty blood bags surrounding Danielle who seemed to be asleep on the floor. Derek frowned. “Nicholas, did you hear me?”

  Nicholas nodded his hand absently playing with Danielle’s hair. “She called me, I found her on the floor surrounded by this.” he said motioning with his hand. Then he added, “There are four more empties in the trash.”

  Derek sat on the floor next to Nicholas. “We smelled smoke upstairs, is she okay?”

  Nicholas shrugged. “She said she felt fine. She was cooking breakfast for the twins and the hunger hit.”

  Emily walked into the kitchen coughing, “God, open a frigging door or something to get this smoke out of here.” she said opening the window above the sink and walking into the dining room opening the glass doors. She returned to the kitchen visually taking in the sight of her son sitting on the floor, his wife asleep with her head in his lap, empty blood bags surrounding her.

  “Well, it looks like we have a real vampire pregnancy beginning to blossom.” She said matter in a matter of fact fashion.

  Derek looked up at her. “Blue eyes no vampire has ever conceived a child.”

  Emily smiled. “There’s a first time for everything you know.” she said as she sat on the floor next to Derek. She reached out touching Danielle’s cheek as she said, “We’ll know soon enough. Nicholas, take her upstair
s and put her to bed.” she said as she looked at the stove. “God, she melted a pot.” Emily stood up and walked over to the stove. She tried to lift the melted pot from the burner. The pot came up with the burner. “We’ll need a new burner; this one’s going in the trash. Nicholas, take her upstairs.”

  Nicholas ran his hand over her arm. “Dani, wake up, let’s go upstairs to bed,” he said.

  Danielle opened her eyes and sat up. “I’m fine.” she said glancing around the kitchen. “Oh, I’ve made a terrible mess.” she said as she gathered the empty blood bags tossing then into the trash. She stood up and saw the melted pot and burner on the stove. “I don’t know what came over me.”


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