Nicholas 02

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Nicholas 02 Page 32

by Renee Larsen

  Emily looked at her. “I think you’re pregnant.”

  Danielle frowned. “I don’t think so.”

  Emily nodded. “I’ll bet a thousand dollars on this one.”

  Danielle frowned. “Humans get pregnant, vampires do not.”

  Emily smiled. “This vampire did,” she said patting Danielle’s stomach. “Wait a while. You’ll all see I’m right.”

  Danielle looked from Nicholas to Derek. “What do you guys think?”

  Derek chuckled. “When blue eyes bets money it’s pretty much a sure thing.” he said smiling.

  Danielle smiled and looked at Nicholas. “And you, Drac?”

  Nicholas smiled. “Mom’s not normally wrong.”


  Danielle came down the stairs dressed in a purple ball gown. The gown was princess cut and backless to the waist with thin spaghetti straps that crossed in the back. The front of the gown came to the neck with a teardrop shaped key hole. The neckline and key hole were surrounded by rhinestones.

  Nicholas looked up when he heard the rustle of her skirts. “You look pretty yummy tonight.” he said as he walked towards her taking her hand.

  “Thank you kind sir.” she said smiling.

  Nicholas looked at the family. “We have to go; you guys collect Gram and Grandpa. Your table is center stage and Danielle will be sitting there waiting for you. Don’t dawdle, it’s almost eight and the party begins at nine.” he said then added, “I hope they aren’t dressed like tacky tourists. You should have seen them last night.” he chuckled.

  Danielle looked at Nicholas, “I need to feed.” She released his hand and quickly walked into the kitchen opening the refrigerator. Nicholas, Derek and Emily stood in the doorway watching her. In a matter of seconds she downed eight bags of blood which is seven more than she normally drank.

  Emily smiled and silently said Derek; this will truly be the first vampire child.


  Nicholas stood stage left waiting for the introduction twirling his black silver tipped cane as he waited. The introduction came and he walked confidently, arrogantly onto the stage. The curtain opened and he smiled. “Good evening, welcome, I’ll sing a bit and then there will be dance music for our enjoyment. I’ll be back on stage at eleven-thirty to sing for you and count down the New Year.” He looked down at the Orchestra leader, “Maestro,” he said softly and the music began.

  Nicholas looked at the audience as he sang. Everyone was dressed in their finest clothes. His eyes fell on the table in front of the stage. Danielle looked spectacular in purple and rhinestones, his mother in brilliant Christmas red, Claire in black, and Tanya in vivid blue. Gram wore navy blue and looked beautiful. She must have been quite the looker as a younger woman. He smiled and walked down the stage runway and down the steps. He extended his hand to Danielle. She took his hand and he guided her onto the stage. As he continued to sing he silently said, you’re the most beautiful woman here, sing with me. The music for All’Improvviso Amore began and their voices filled the room.

  At ten thirty Nicholas exited the stage and joined his family. The curtain at the back of the stage lifted and a dance band began to play. Nicholas looked at Beth, “May I have this dance?”

  Beth smiled. “I’d be honored.” She said pushing her chair back. Nicholas led her to the dance floor.

  Joe smiled as he watched Nicholas dance with his wife. He looked at Danielle, “Poor Beth, she loves to dance and I’ve never been good at it. The last time I danced with my wife was at our wedding.”

  Danielle stood up and reached for Joe’s hand. “Come with me, I’ll give you a crash course so you can dance with your wife tonight.”

  Joe shook his head no. Danielle squeezed his hand. “Please…” she begged.

  Joe looked towards Emily hoping she’d bail him out but instead she smiled and said, “Go Joe, Danielle has taught each of us something in the last week.”

  Joe pushed his chair back and followed Danielle onto the dance floor. She took his arm and wrapped it around her back, then took his hand in hers. “Okay Joe, just follow my lead, it’s a one, two, three beat.” Within a few minutes Joe was smiling as he danced with Danielle.

  The song ended and Nicholas and Beth walked over to them. Joe looked at Beth. “Danielle showed me some dancing, if you can lead I’d love to dance with you Beth,” he said smiling.

  Beth looked into his eyes. “I can lead,” she said taking his hand in hers.

  Danielle and Nicholas walked back to the table and sat down. Emily took Danielle’s hand. “You actually got him to dance. I’m amazed. I remember when I was a child my father always danced with Beth while Joe and I played silly little games. Look at them, they look so happy.”

  Danielle smiled. “They do look happy, Emily this was such a good idea.” Danielle looked at Gerry, “Since my husband hasn’t asked me to dance, would you?”

  Gerry stood up. “I’d love to.” He took Danielle’s hand and led her to the dance floor.

  The evening was full of laughter, friendship and love. Each of the women danced with each of the men and at eleven fifteen Nicholas took Danielle’s hand and then Emily’s hand. “Come on, we’re all going up on stage. This New Year, I want to be with my family.” He said escorting his mother and wife onto the stage followed by Derek, Beth, Joe, and the rest of the group. When they walked behind the curtain the stage was set like a living room with big comfortable overstuffed furniture and a Christmas tree. He led Emily and Danielle to the couch. “Relax everyone, this will be nice.” Everyone took their seats and the curtain went up. Nicholas walked to center stage and tapped his cane. The music began and once again Nicholas’ voice floated through the room.

  Nicholas sang several songs and then looked at his watch. “Ladies and Gentleman, five more minutes until 2031. He walked over to Danielle taking her hand. “Sing with me.” He led her to the center of stage. With the tap of his cane the music began. Nicholas wrapped his arms around her as they sang. The song ended and Nicholas again looked at his watch. “Okay the countdown begins, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, Happy New Year everyone!” Smiling he took Danielle in his arms kissing her. “Happy New Year Freckles.”

  Danielle returned his kiss. “Happy New Year, Drac.”

  The family gathered around them hugging, kissing and saying Happy New Year. The curtain behind them went up and the dance band began to play. Nicholas looked into Danielle’s eyes. “Let’s show these people how to dance,” he said smiling. He led Danielle off the stage and onto the dance floor.

  The party ended at four in the morning. Derek and Emily escorted Beth and Joe to their hotel room and then returned to the house. Nicholas and Danielle were on the couch playing with the twins when they walked in. “Great show, Nicky,” Derek said as he unfastened his tie.

  “It was fun; I think Beth and Joe enjoyed themselves immensely.” Emily said.

  Nicholas smiled. “I know we had fun, I like doing one niters, I’m thinking about selling the theater and moving to the cabin.”

  Danielle looked up surprised. “I thought you loved that place?”

  Nicholas tickled Alex. “I do, but I think the kids would be better off in the country near the rest of the family.”

  Danielle set Lexie down and stood up. “Oh God,” she mumbled as she ran to the kitchen.

  Nicholas handed Alex to Derek and followed her. “Danielle?” As he rounded the corner into the kitchen Danielle stood by the refrigerator guzzling down one bag of blood after the other. She downed ten bags and looked at him. “We need to go to New York, where the cows are. I’ll deplete the food supply pretty quickly at this pace.”

  Nicholas hugged her. “We’ll go to New York next week. Let’s put the kids to bed.”


  Danielle woke up slowly, pleasurably as Nicholas kissed her, running his hands over her body as he lifted her chemise over her breasts. He drew her nipple into his mouth. “Nicholas,” she said softly.

las looked into her eyes smiling. “I’m sorry; did I wake you?” He kissed her neck and then covered her mouth with his as he pushed her sleep pants off her hips.

  Without warning there was a loud crash as the window in their bedroom shattered spewing glass all over them and in the cribs. Danielle screamed. Nicholas rolled off the bed pulling her on the floor beside him. “Get dressed, I’ll get the kids.” He reached for her sleep pants tossing them to her. He crawled to the first crib then stood up lifting Lexie into his arms and then quickly made his way to Alexander’s crib. He lifted him out of the crib and made his way back to Danielle. “Are you hurt?” Danielle shook her head no. “Crawl to the door and get into the hall I’ll be right behind you.” Danielle nodded as she took Lexie and crawled to the door opening it. Nicholas followed with Alexander pulling the door closed.

  Derek and Emily walked into the hall pulling their robes closed as did Gerry, Merrek and Claire. Danielle stripped the sleeper off of Lexie to examine her to make sure she wasn’t hurt as Nicholas examined Alexander.

  “Nicholas what happened?” Derek asked.

  Nicholas shrugged, “We were in bed and the window shattered blowing glass all over the bed, into the cribs, all over the place.” He wrapped his arm around Danielle protectively. “You sure you’re okay?”

  Danielle nodded. “Something is going to happen. I feel it.” She stood up holding Lexie. “Emily, take her, Derek, take Alexander.” she said handing Lexie to Emily.

  Derek watched her closely. Her nails had extended and her fangs were poking from between her lips. “Nicholas, Gerry, go with her. She’s ready to attack.”

  Danielle opened the bedroom door. She flipped the light switch and surveyed the room. On the bed only a fraction of an inch away from where her head had been was a brick. “It’s a good night for hunting.” She licked the saliva dripping from her fangs. “Killer, Mishka come” She called and turned towards the stairs. “Keep the twins safe.” she said as they disappeared.

  “Come out, come out, where ever you are.” she yelled. Nicholas and Gerry were at her side.

  Nicholas reached out touching her arm. “Danielle, calm yourself.”

  Danielle turned to face him. “No, they could have hurt my children; I’m going to finish this,” she snapped. She stopped pointing out over the ocean. “There!” “They’re over the water.” She lifted into the air. Danielle watched as Nicholas and Gerry approached the four Vamps floating over the ocean.

  They intently watched as Nicholas approached. They didn’t see Danielle. She grabbed one of them and sank her fangs into his neck draining him; then without hesitation she decapitated him. She grabbed another. “Who sent you?” she hissed.

  “This is for what you did to our Elizabeth.” hissed the big man she held.

  Danielle released him. “Face me big man. If you’re planning on killing me, face me.” She growled.

  The big burly vamp turned looking into Danielle’s blue eyes and growled. “I will kill you for what you did to Elizabeth. She was mine.”

  Nicholas had killed the one he was holding and rose up between Danielle and her assailant. “Danielle is mine. You’ll not have the opportunity to kill her.” Nicholas growled. Merrek disposed of the third vamp and came up beside Nicholas as Gerry flew to Danielle’s side.

  Merrek looked at their assailant. “I know you; you were with Andre all those years ago.”

  Anthony laughed. “You are correct. This time I will succeed.”

  Gerry started laughing. “You think you will.”

  Anthony was becoming furious, saliva dripped from his fangs. “You killed my woman, now I’ll kill yours.” He said as he lunged between Nicholas and Merrek.

  Gerry grabbed him by the neck before he touched Danielle. “You’re not going to hurt this woman,” he hissed.

  Anthony looked at Gerry. “You’re Elizabeth’s father and you’re protecting this red haired bitch?”

  Gerry tightened his grip around Anthony’s neck. “You are correct; I am protecting her. You are wrong calling me Elizabeth’s father. I raised her as my own; loved her, but she was not mine.” He said the rage building within him. Anthony pulled free and lunged at Danielle again grabbing her by the hair and yanking her higher into the air. Danielle went limp, she didn’t struggle; she waited. Danielle found the opportunity and brought her knee up slamming it into his groin as Nicholas and Merrek grabbed him from behind.

  “Gerry, do you want the pleasure? It might be a good release for you.” Nicholas asked.

  Gerry nodded and floated up in front of Anthony. “You should have left it alone,” he hissed as he ran his razor sharp nail along Anthony’s neck. “You can be with Elizabeth now,” he said as he plucked the head from the body and drop-kicked it into the ocean.

  Nicholas flew to Danielle. “Danielle?”

  Danielle smiled. “I’m fine,” she said turning towards Gerry. “Gerry, you okay,” she asked as she flew to his side. She lifted his wrist pointing to the bracelet. “See you are one of my protectors. Let’s go home.” she said as she reached for Nicholas’ hand.

  The four of them walked casually into the house. Derek looked up, “What a sight, three guys, each in a different style boxer and a beautiful woman in silk. What will the neighbors think?” he said laughing. Nicholas looked at Danielle, then at Gerry and Merrek and he too started laughing.

  Danielle looked around the room. “Where are the twins?”

  Derek pointed up the stairs. “Emily took them into our bed, she’s probably trying to get them back to sleep.”

  Danielle ran up the stairs and into the master suite. Emily lay on the bed looking at the twins as they slept. She looked at Danielle. “In a very short time you have grown into a powerful vampress. You’ve learned well,” she said softly.

  Danielle sat next to her. “You taught me well Emily, I’m sorry. It’s just hard to call you mom when you look like you’re my best friend.” Danielle laughed a bit and added, “Actually, you are my best friend.”

  Emily smiled. “I’m glad you feel that way, I feel the same, however, I do have that maternal thing going too because you married my son,” she said as she sat up and hugged Danielle.

  Danielle looked at her. “Em, do you really think I’m pregnant again?”

  Emily nodded. “I most certainly do.”

  Danielle smiled. “I kind of like the idea of being pregnant again. I always wanted a big family. You guys have given me a family that I never had. I see so much love and caring between all of you and it makes me so happy to be a part of this family.”

  Emily hugged her. “Dani, I think we both had messed up childhoods. I had a wonderful father that took great care of me. My mom was murdered when I was five. My dad tried his best. Joe and Beth were my dad’s best friends after we moved to Bar Harbor. Somehow, there was always something missing until Derek opened the door of the shop and swept me off my feet.”

  Danielle smiled. “We won’t be lonely anymore will we?”

  “Never again, I’ll always be here for you and so will everyone else in this family.” Emily said.

  Danielle and Emily walked down the stairs each carrying a child. Derek looked up and smiled. “You were up there a long time,” he said.

  Emily handed him Alex. “Yes we were. Girl talk you know,” she said smiling.

  Later that evening they met Beth and Joe at the hotel and then the family returned to Bar Harbor. When they walked into the house Derek took off his coat and took Lexie from Danielle. She removed her coat and ran into the kitchen to the refrigerator. Her hands trembled as she lifted the bag of blood to her lips. “Nicholas, I need your help,” she called as her stomach knotted in pain.

  Nichols ran into the kitchen to see her doubled over, “Danielle?”

  “My hands are trembling so badly I can’t bite the bag.” She said the distress in her voice apparent. Nicholas took the bag, opened it and poured it into a glass handing it to her. Her hands were trembling so badly the blood spilled from the glass.
  “Danielle, let me hold it. Here, drink,” Nicholas said holding the glass to her lips. She drank it down quickly. “Nicky, more, oh dear God, I need a lot more,” she moaned pushing the glass away from her lips. Nicholas refilled the glass and again held it to her lips.

  Derek walked into the kitchen, “Nicholas, toss me a bag and I’ll fill another glass.”


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