Nicholas 02

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Nicholas 02 Page 33

by Renee Larsen

  Danielle was almost finished, when Derek handed Nicholas a full glass, taking the empty. They fed her twelve bags of blood. Danielle sank to the floor and looked at them. “This is terrible; I can’t tell you how bad it feels.”

  Emily walked in and sat on the floor next to her putting her arm around Danielle’s shoulders. “I always described it as a sharks feeding frenzy.”

  Danielle thought about it for a minute and nodded. “That’s probably the best description,” she said softly.

  Emily looked at Nicholas. “We have to keep her fed and you’ll need to have a stocked refrigerator in your room. If she’s drinking twelve bags this early, you’re going to have to stay upstate until this slows down.” She looked at Danielle and squeezed her shoulder. “It will slow down, I’m just not sure when. You feel better now?”

  Danielle nodded and reached for Nicholas’ hand. “Help me up, I need to put the twins to bed,” she said.

  While Nicholas and Danielle put Alexis and Alexander to bed, Derek sat quietly listening to reports about Jen. She had not left the house since she arrived; there had been no communication with anyone. There was some distant talk amongst the others that Elizabeth’s mother was not one of them and no one was to help her, they didn’t care if she was dead. Derek silently gave orders that they were to continue listening and watching her. They were also to listen to the others and report back.

  Emily sat next to him. “Quirky one, why so pensive?”

  Derek smiled wrapping his arm around her. “I was listening. I’ve gotten several reports on Jennifer.”

  Emily rested her head against his shoulder. “And?”

  Derek turned to look at her. “She hasn’t made contact with anyone, hasn’t left the house, and the others want no part of her. Em, what’s your gut on this?”

  Emily shook her head. “I don’t know. Up until this Elizabeth stuff started I would have trusted her with my life, we grew up together. Maybe I need to go talk to her.”

  They were interrupted when Nicholas walked into the room. “Who mom?”

  Emily looked up at him. “Jen, we need to figure out where she actually fits in on this whole thing.”

  Nicholas sat on the floor by the Christmas tree and plugged it in then looked at his mother. “When she was in the holding area and I walked in, she acted like she had no idea why she was there. Mom, what if I ordered her hurt and she was innocent?”

  Emily frowned. “Nicholas, we all heard her that night, we all know what she said.”

  Derek stood up and walked to the window looking outside. “I want to meet with her, I want Nicholas with me.”

  Nicholas turned looking at his father. “What do the listeners say?”

  Derek turned to face Nicholas. “They said she hasn’t left or contacted anyone.”

  Emily stood up and walked over to Derek wrapped her arms around her waist resting her head against his back. “I’m coming with you.”

  Derek turned and kissed her. “We go unannounced when the sun goes down. Come, let’s go to bed. The Sun is up and I’m tired.” He looked at Nicholas, “Be ready around eight. Make sure Danielle is fed, and that Gerry is with her. Now go to bed.”

  Nicholas laughed. “Yes sir.” he said laughing and followed them up the stairs.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Nicholas, Derek and Emily left at eight in the evening to go to Boston to meet with Jen. It was an unannounced visit as planned. Derek knocked on the door. A few minutes later the door opened.

  “Derek, Emily, come in.” Jen said opening the door to allow them to enter. “Nicholas, come in, I’m sorry I didn’t see you.” Jen said stepping away. They walked into the house taking note of their surroundings. The house was neat and clean. “Please sit down.” Jen said nervously. One by one they took seats. Jen looked at Derek. “Derek, I want to come home; I swear I knew nothing about what Elizabeth was doing to Danielle. I didn’t know where she was being held.”

  Derek frowned. “Jen, we all heard you say she was in a morgue. We all heard you describe what was happening to her.” He said shifting his position in his seat.

  Jen looked into his eyes. “Derek, I will do anything to prove myself to the family. I never wanted anything to happen to you or Nicholas or anyone in the family,” she said looking down at her foot.

  Nicholas stood and walked towards Jen. “Does your foot still bother you?”

  Jen looked up at him. “Not as much as being alone. Not as much as being without Gerry and the rest of you.” She said the sadness evident in her voice. She looked at Emily. “Em, we’ve been friends since we were children… please…” She turned away to hide her tears.

  Derek took her hands in his. “Jen, we’re going to leave, we’ll be back in a few days to talk some more.” He released her hands and stood up. Emily and Nicholas followed his lead and they disappeared.


  Nicholas lifted Lexie tossing her into the air and catching her. “How’s daddy’s girl?” he asked hugging her against him. Lexie giggled and wrapped her arms around Nicholas’ neck. “Were you a good girl for Mommy and Uncle Gerry. He looked at Danielle. “How are you feeling tonight?”

  Danielle looked up from changing Alex. “I’m good. Ya know we need to go back to the jewelers for ring sizing and to see if the items I ordered came in.”

  Nicholas set Lexie on the floor and sat on the bed next to Danielle. “We’ll go before we go back to New York,” he paused and added casually, “I put the theater up for sale; I sent an email to Kathy, Dad’s assistant and told her to dump it. We need to be in a better place to raise the twins.”

  Danielle rested her head against his arm, “Are you sure you want to do that?”

  Nicholas nodded. “Babe, we’ve got two eight month old babies and if mom is right you’ll be having another before they’re two. If we live near the family we’ll always have help and babysitters.”

  Danielle took his hand. “What about your music? You’re not going to give that up are you?”

  Nicholas put his arm around her. “Absolutely not. I think it’s time for a new CD to be released, take a break for a while and then do some one night concerts. I want to enjoy the kids while they’re young.”

  Danielle turned looking to look at him. “What happened with Jen?”

  Nicholas shook his head. “I’m not sure. Dad’s gonna make that decision. I’m staying out of it.”

  Danielle looked up at him. “What’s your gut feeling about her?” she asked.

  Nicholas thought for a moment and then replied, “I don’t think she was involved. I can’t explain what she said that night but I don’t think she was involved.” He paused for a moment and added, “Dani, I think I burned her foot almost off and she was innocent. I’m not sure how I should feel.”

  Danielle took his face in her hands. “Drac, you did what you felt you had to.” she said kissing him.


  The next day the family went to the jewelers picked up the rings Danielle had ordered and returned to New York. Nicholas and Danielle went to their cabin with the children and had them undressed and in bed as the sun came up. They sat in the living room curled up on the couch watching the news and snuggling. “Drac, feel this.” Danielle said taking his hand and pressing it against her stomach. “Feels kind of round doesn’t it”

  Nicholas ran his hand over her stomach. “Maybe, but it’s hard to tell through your jeans and sweater.”

  Danielle rested her head against his shoulder. “When are you going back to see Jen?” she asked.

  Nicholas shook his head. “I don’t think I will. I think I’ll leave it up to my mother and father. I have some work to do and dad’s contractors will be showing up the day after tomorrow.”

  Danielle looked at him. “Why do you have contractors coming?”

  Nicholas smiled. “I’m having some rooms built. We need two more bedrooms and I need a recording studio. Not a big one. I figure since we’ll be living here for a while we may as well be comfortable and have ro
om to grow. I want each of the kids to have their own rooms and I guess we’ll need to make the loft private for when the kids are older,” he said.

  Danielle giggled. “Better have three bedrooms built just in case mom’s right.”

  Nicholas nodded. “Come on the news is over, let’s feed you and go to bed. I’ll show you the computer drawings later,” he said as he stood up.


  Weeks turned into months, the addition to the cabin was complete and Danielle’s belly was rapidly growing. Spring was in the air and the woods and fields surrounding the cottage were filled with wild flowers. In the evenings, just fore dusk and again just before dawn they could stand on the balcony off their bedroom and see many woodland animals with their new offspring.

  On one such evening there was a knock on the front door. Nicholas walked downstairs and opened the door. “Hi, come in, I’ll get Dani.” he said to his parents and Gerry.

  Derek nodded. “The rest of the family will be here soon. Hey has Mishka and Snow been around? I haven’t seen them tonight.”

  Nicholas nodded. “They’re prowling the woods; we saw them a few minutes ago. Let me get Danielle, if you want to see the kids, they should be awake. I’ll be right back.” Nicholas turned and headed back upstairs.

  Emily walked into the nursery to find Alex and Lexie standing in their cribs. “She lifted Alex setting him on the floor and then lifted Lexie. “Can grandma have a kiss?” she asked as she sat on the floor next to them. Alex climbed up on her was hugging her as Lexie crawled onto her lap.

  Derek walked into the room. “How are my babies?”

  Alex released Emily and toddled towards Derek. “Pa pa” he said excitedly as Derek scooped him up tossing him into the air and catching him.

  “Alex, you’re getting bigger every time I see you.” Alex hugged his neck and rested his head contently on Derek’s shoulder.

  “Em, lets get them dressed before everyone gets here,” he said walking to Alexander’s dresser.

  When the family was gathered Derek stood up. “We need to have a family vote. As much as I could make this decision alone, we’re all involved and I’d like to hear how you feel about Jennifer coming back into our circle. She’s been alone since Christmas, she has contacted no one. The listeners report that the others consider her an outcast and isn’t welcome in their circle. She swears that she knew nothing of what Elizabeth was doing to Danielle and she did warn us.” Derek paused as Alexander grabbed his leg and reached up to him. Derek picked him up. “Young man, Papa was talking.” he said smiling as he held him. He looked around the room. “Anyway, Emily and I have been to see her several times. Nicholas has been to see her once. She wants to come back. Now, if you have questions, ask, then we’ll vote.” he said as he sat on the floor with Alex.

  Merrek stood. “First I think we need to know how Gerry feels. Does he want her back? Does he trust her?”

  Gerry looked at the family. “I’m lonely; I love her, but will respect the vote. Do I trust her? Not sure but I think she’s telling the truth.”

  Claire looked at Danielle. “Danielle, how do you feel about this?”

  Danielle shrugged. “Not fair, I don’t know her. I will have to trust your judgment on this issue. If all of you are okay with it then so am I.” she said softly, and then added, “I count myself out of the vote. I’m going to take the kids into the kitchen and feed them.” She looked at Lexie and Alex. “Are you hungry?” she asked as she stood up. “Come into the kitchen with mommy,” she said taking Lexie’s hand. Derek set Alex down and watched as he toddled after Danielle. Nicholas stood up and looked at his parents. “I want out of the vote too.” He followed Danielle into the kitchen.

  Danielle looked up when Nicholas walked into the kitchen. “I’ll help you; I can’t be in on this vote either. When I think of what they did to you it makes me crazy.” Nicholas said as he took two bowls from the cupboard. He set the bowls on the counter.

  Danielle reached out and took his hand. “Nicholas, you need to vote, you are one of the leaders. You need to think of Jen. If she really didn’t know what was happening then she deserves a chance. Drac, I don’t think she knew.” Danielle said looking into his eyes.

  Nicholas frowned, “Dani, how can I be impartial?”

  Danielle smiled. “You and your parents are the fairest creatures I know, go, do what your gut tells you is right.” She turned to fix cereal for the children. She glanced back at Nicholas. “Drac, go.” she said but Nicholas didn’t leave. She set the cereal on the table and lifted Lexie putting her in her high chair. “Drac, how about asking your mom and dad if they want to baby sit tonight. I think we should go see Jen. Tell them we’ll vote tomorrow night.” Nicholas put Alex in his high chair and left the kitchen.

  Nicholas sat in the chair by the window. “Let’s put the vote off until later or tomorrow. Danielle wants to talk to Jen. Mom will you guys watch the kids for a little while?” he asked.

  Derek looked at the other family members. “I’m okay with voting later, is everyone agreeable?” One by one the family agreed.


  Nicholas and Danielle appeared in front of Jens door. Nicholas looked at Danielle. “Ready?” Danielle nodded and knocked on the door. The door opened.

  “Nicholas, Danielle, please come in.” she said almost happily. They entered and made their way to the living room and sat down. Jen sat in a chair across from them.

  “How have you been Jen,” Nicholas asked almost casually as his eyes took in every aspect of the room.

  “I’m okay. But I’m going a bit stir crazy being alone all the time.” She looked at Danielle. “You’re pregnant, how nice.” she said smiling.

  “Baby’s due in…oh hell I have no idea. The twins were born after about seven months, who knows when this one will come.”

  Jen smiled. “You and Nicky have twins? Derek and Emily never mentioned it when they visited. I’m very happy for you both,” she paused for a moment and then asked, “How’s Gerry?”

  Nicholas smiled. “He’s fine. He’s been a big help with the kids.”

  Jen nodded. “He was always good with kids, he use to play with you for hours and then when Elizabeth was born he was a doting father,” she said with sadness in her voice.

  Danielle glanced at her foot. “How’s the foot?”

  Jen looked at her. “It’s fine. One of the advantages of being a vamp is that if there’s anything left it will rejuvenate in time. What amazes me is it didn’t scar.” She replied, then looked at Nichola. “Nicholas, please, I want to come home. I’m so lonely. I miss everyone so much.” She looked away fighting tears.

  Danielle stood up and walked over to her. “Jen, we really don’t know each other but I have to ask you myself. Please look me in the eye.”

  Jen turned to face her; her eyes rimmed in tears. “Ask.”

  Danielle looked deeply into her eyes. “Jen, did you know that Elizabeth was coming after me, did you know what she was doing to me? Did you assist her in any way during my capture or when she attacked the family?”

  Jennifer looked into her eyes. “I swear on my life, that I knew nothing. I didn’t help her in anyway. I actually tried to stop her. I’m so sorry for what she did.” Jen looked at Nicholas. “Nicky, I’ve lost everything. My best friend, Gerry, my family and my daughter; I’m begging you, let me come home,” she pleaded covering her face as she cried.

  Nicholas looked at Danielle and then Jen. “Jen, we’re going to leave. You’ll have an answer tomorrow one way or the other.” Nicholas stood up and looked at Danielle. “Come on Dani, let’s go.”

  Nicholas sat down pulling Danielle onto his lap. He looked around the room. “I think we can vote now, are you ready?”

  Derek stood up. “Okay, here goes, all those in favor of letting Jen back in raise your hand.” he said watching for their response.

  Danielle slowly raised her hand looking around the room. Initially her hand was the only hand raised. “I don’t think she knew anyt
hing.” Danielle said softly. Nicholas was the second to raise his hand and Gerry was the third.

  Merrek looked at Nicholas. “Do you honestly think she was clueless?”

  Nicholas nodded. “I do.” One by one the others raised their hands.


  Derek looked at Gerry. “If you want her back, go get her. She will not be privy to everything until we are one hundred percent sure she is not a traitor.” he said.

  Gerry sprang to his feet. “Thank you.” he said as he turned and disappeared.

  Danielle smiled as she stood up. “Thank you, I couldn’t bear to see Gerry alone anymore. He’s been so miserable. Now, if you’ll excuse me I need to hit the refrigerator, I’m starving.” Danielle ran into the kitchen followed by Emily and Claire.


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