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The Raven & the Wolf

Page 5

by Melissa Rodriguez


  Do you know your enemy?

  Some would say they know the names of their enemies, but would never say the name of their greatest enemy.

  Which would be the one that stares back at them in the mirror.

  The biggest enemy you have is yourself. The doubts and fears that linger within your own mind are what hold you captive through these times.

  As I walk through this valley

  I fear no evil for I am the shadow that brings death upon you.

  When you visit my valley

  do not fear for you may travel safely if it’s not our time to meet.

  As you walk stay upon the path do not stray away for you may

  get lost in the darkness forever to stay.


  When you breathe in your first breath death stands beside you.

  As you go through your life death walks by your side like a friend you cannot see.

  Death sees your life and patiently waits for your time.

  As you reach the ending of your life death sits beside you and lays their hand upon you letting you finally see them as they look upon you with a warm smile as they let you know it’s time for your soul to move onward from the physical plane you have walked upon.

  Death will lead you to your light walking by your side every step of the way creating conversation as you talk about the life you lived for they have seen it.

  When death brings you to your light they smile and hug you like a friend who is saying goodbye.

  Death does not frown nor weeps as you leave for they know you are leaving behind your sufferings to rejoice with those who have left before you.

  Before you cross over they wish you the best in the afterlife, as they walk back to start the cycle again with someone new.

  Remember me on the days you have forgotten.

  Remember me on the days that are hard.

  Remember me even though my time has come to say goodbye.

  Remember me for I shall always remember you.

  Remember me for I shall always come back on the day of Dia De Los Muertos for I shall bring our family with me.

  Remember me for I shall wait for the day I can hold you in my arms.

  Remember me for every tune of the guitar you hear for I shall be by your side.

  Remember me for I shall always hold you up even though I am not there.

  Remember me for I shall always love you with everything in me.

  Remember me for I wait to hear your stories of the life you lived.

  Remember me for the day you have forgotten will be the day I fade away.

  Remember me for if you pass along our story together I will live within our family for generations to come.

  Remember me for I shall live through your memories.

  Remember me for I wait by the gates with our family to show you around your new home.

  Just never forget to Remember Me.

  Dark Skies

  The day starts out so bright, as the sun kisses its creations to give them more life.

  She whispers in the ears of those who walk on her planet to wake them up for their day. She brings them light and hugs them with such warmth.

  Through the day she smiles down as she watches from above.

  The hours pass as the day starts to weigh heavy with all that she has seen.

  Her mood starts to change as the dark clouds come rolling in bringing darkness across her lands.

  Her anger shows through the rumbling of thunder and lightning. As it slowly turns to tears that soak her world.

  She weeps for all that she has seen as she leaves to let her great love take over the night for she needs to escape to the other side of her world.

  When you think about the life your living do you notice if you are really living your life or just constricting yourself to your daily routine like a ball and chain strapped to your ankle.

  Do you ever take the time to just look at the world around you to watch the sunrise to watching the sunset to make way for the moon to shine at night with the stars surrounding the sky like nature’s diamonds.

  To have the experience of getting lost in the moment to let go of everything in your life in that exact moment for peace and clarity to re-energize your soul from all the chaos in your life.

  We need to make memories and experience this world around us every day, because you only have this one life to experience it.

  This love started out so beautiful and full of life.

  We would steal kisses and speak nothing but love for each other as we lived our lives together.

  Years have passed and the words of love you used to speak to me have turned to words of hate.

  The hands that held me with such love have turned against me with such rage.

  The person I used to love is no longer the same person I once knew, but has turned into this monster that I wonder if this monster was always you.

  This home that once held nothing but love and passion now holds nothing but fear and damage.

  These bruises left behind in a fit of rage have begun to heal and I know that I can no longer hide what you have created.

  When you return I will no longer be here for you to take your rage out on for I know I am worth more than that.

  My life will move on and I will forget all of what we once had for the love I have found has finally shown me what true love holds.

  Demons plague our world every day from within us, but these demons do not last.

  These demons whisper, asking how can anyone love you when you don’t even know what love is. You grew up in domestic violence and that’s all you will know.

  But these demons do not last.

  These demons tell you that no one will care if you’re gone, and if you were, they won’t even miss you. You’re nothing but a burden. Kill yourself you’re useless. But in the end, these demons do not last.

  These demons tell you to go get another fix. You need it and your nothing without it. But these demons do not last.

  These demons tell you that you will go nowhere and that you will be nothing in this world. But these demons do not last.

  So you see in the end, you are stronger than these demons, and you can overcome what they say to you because, in the end, you are worth something.

  You can be loved and love in return. People do love you and will miss you, you are better than that fix, and you can become anything you want when you put your mind to it.

  For your demons do not last.

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for joining me on this journey and for reading the pages that hold a piece of my soul, my heart, and my mind. I hope that the words within this book have helped you, and have entertained you. I am forever grateful that you have chosen to pick up this book and read the pages within it.


  Melissa Rodriguez




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