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The Circus Boys on the Mississippi; Or, Afloat with the Big Show on the Big River

Page 2

by Edgar B. P. Darlington



  "Have you had any trouble with Diaz, Teddy?"

  "Who's he?"

  "The new Spanish clown."


  Teddy Tucker's face grew serious.

  "What about him, Phil?"

  "That is what I am asking you. Have you had anymisunderstanding--angry words or anything of the sort with him?"persisted Phil Forrest, with a keen, inquiring glance into theface of his companion.

  "Well, maybe," admitted the Circus Boy, with evident reluctance."What made you think I had?"

  "From the way he looked at you when you were standing in thepaddock this afternoon, waiting for your cue to go on."

  "Huh! How did he look at me?"

  "As if he had a grudge against you. There was an expression inhis eyes that said more plainly than words, 'I'll get even withyou yet, young man, you see if I do not.'"

  "Wonderful!" breathed Teddy.

  "What do you mean?"

  "You must be a mind reader, Phil Forrest," grumbled Teddy,digging his heel into the soft turf of the circus lot. "Can youread my mind? If you can, what am I thinking about now?"

  "You are thinking," answered Phil slowly, "that you will make meforget the question I asked you just now. You are thinking youwould rather not answer my question."

  Teddy opened his eyes a little wider.

  "You ought to go into the business."

  "What business?"

  "Reading people's minds, at so much per read."

  "Thank you."

  "I wish you'd read the mind of that donkey of mine, and findout what he's got up his sleeve, or rather his hoofs, for methis evening."

  "Do you know of what else you are thinking?"

  "Of course I do. Think I don't know what I am thinking about?Well! What am I thinking about?"

  "At the present moment you are thinking that you will do to Diazwhat he hopes to do to you some of these days--get even with himfor some fancied wrong. Am I right?"

  "I'll hand him a good stiff punch, one of these fine springmornings, that's what I'll do," growled Tucker, his faceflushing angrily.

  "Teddy Tucker, listen to me!"

  "I'm listening."

  "You will do nothing of the sort."

  "I won't?"


  "You just wait and see."

  "Since we started out on our fourth season with the SparlingCombined Shows this spring, you have behaved yourselfremarkably well. I know it must have pained you to do so.I give you full credit, but don't spoil it all now, please."

  "Spoil it?"

  "Yes. You must remember that this is now a Big show--larger thisseason than ever before, and you must not expect Mr. Sparling toexcuse your shortcomings as he did in the old days."

  "I'm not afraid of Boss Sparling."

  "You have no occasion to be, as long as you do your duty andattend to business. We owe him a heavy debt of gratitude,both of us. You know that, don't you, Teddy?"

  "I--I guess so."

  "What is the trouble between you and Diaz?" persistedPhil Forrest, returning to his original inquiry.

  "Well," drawled Teddy, "you know their act?"


  "Throwing those peaked hats clear across the arena and catchingthe hats on their heads, just like a couple of monkeys."

  "I didn't know monkeys ever did that," smiled Phil.

  "Well, maybe they don't. The trained seals do, anyhow."

  Phil nodded.

  "They--the Spaniards--were doing that the other day when I wasgoing out after my clown act. I had picked up the ringmaster'swhip, and as one of the hats went sailing over my head I justtook a shot at it."

  "Took a shot at it?"

  "Yes. I fired at it on the wing, as it were. Don't youunderstand?" demanded the lad somewhat impatiently.

  Phil shook his head.

  "I hit it a crack with the ringmaster's whip and I hit the markthe first shot. Down came the hat and it caught me on the nose."

  "Then what did you do?"

  "Knocked it on the ground, then kicked it out of the ring,"grinned Teddy.

  "Of course you spoiled their act," commented Phil.

  "I--I guess I did."

  "That was an ungentlemanly thing to do, to say the least.It is lucky for you that Mr. Sparling did not happen to see you.Do you know what would have happened to you if he had?"

  "He would have fined me, I suppose."

  "No. You would have closed right there. He would have had yousent back home by the first train if he had seen you do a thinglike that."

  "I don't care. I can get a job with the Yankee Robinson show anytime, now."

  "Not if you were to be discharged from this outfit forbad conduct. I don't wonder Diaz is angry. Did he sayanything to you at the time?"

  Teddy nodded.

  "What did he say?"

  "I didn't understand all he said. Some of it was in Spanish,but what I did understand was enough," grinned the boy.

  "Strong language, eh?"

  "Phil, he can beat the boss canvasman in that line."

  "I am surprised, Teddy Tucker."

  "So was I."

  "I don't mean that. I am surprised that you should so far forgetyourself as to do such a thing. I don't blame Diaz for beingangry, and I warn you that you had better look out for him.Some of those foreigners have very violent tempers."

  "Well, he didn't tell the boss, at any rate."

  "No. Perhaps in the long run it might have been better for youif he had. Diaz is awaiting his opportunity to get even with youin his own way. Look out for him, Teddy."

  "He had better look out for me."

  "Don't irritate him. Were I in your place I should go to theclown and apologize. Tell him it was a thoughtless act on yourpart and that you are sorry you did it--"

  "I won't."

  "As you please, but that is what I would do."

  "You--you would do that?"

  "I certainly would."

  "And let him give you the laugh?"

  "That would make no difference to me. I should be doing what isright, and that would be satisfaction enough, no matter what hesaid or did after that."

  Teddy reflected for a moment.

  "Well, maybe that would be a good idea. And if he won't acceptmy apology, what then--shall I hand him a--"

  "Smile and leave him. You will have done the best you could tomake amends."

  "All right, I'll apologize," nodded the Circus Boy. "I'll shed atear or two to show him how sorry I am. Want to see me do it?"

  "I should say not. You will do it better provided I am notlooking on, but for goodness' sake don't make a mess of thewhole business. It would be too bad to make an enemy of one ofyour associates so early in the season. Think how uncomfortableit would be for you all through the summer. He has not beenwith us long enough to become used to your practical jokes.Perhaps after he gets better acquainted with you, he may notmind your peculiar ways so much," added Phil, with ashort laugh. "Now run along and be good."

  Teddy turned away and slipped through the paddock opening, infront of which the lads had been standing just outside the tent,leaving Phil looking after him with a half smile on his face.

  The Circus Boys were again on the road with the Great SparlingCombined Shows. This was their fourth season out, and thereaders will remember them as the same lads who in "THE CIRCUSBOYS ON THE FLYING RINGS," had made their humble start in thecircus world. During that first season both lads haddistinguished themselves--Phil for his bravery and coolheadedness, Teddy for getting himself into trouble under allcircumstances and conditions. They had quickly risen, however,to the grade of real circus performers, the owner of the showrecognizing in each, the making of a fine performer.

  In "THE CIRCUS BOYS ACROSS THE CONTINENT," it will be recalledhow Phil and his companion won new laurels in the sawdust arena,and how the former ran down and captured a bad man who had been athorn in the side of the circus
itself for many weeks through hisefforts to avenge a fancied wrong. By this time the boys hadbecome full-fledged circus performers, each playing an importantpart in the performance.

  It will be recalled, too, how Phil and Teddy in "THE CIRCUS BOYSIN DIXIE LAND," advanced rapidly in their calling; how Phil wascaptured by a rival show, held prisoner on the owner's privatecar, and later was obliged to become a performer in the ring ofthe rival show. His escape, his long tramp to rejoin his ownshow, followed by the battle of the elephants--will be wellremembered by all the readers of the previous volumes inthis series.

  During the winter just passed, the lads had been attending thehigh school at Edmeston, where they made their home, working hardafter school hours to keep themselves in good physical conditionfor the next season's work.

  Spring came. The lads passed their final examinations, and, withtheir diplomas in their pockets, set out one bright May morningto join the show which, by this time, had come to be looked uponby them as a real home.

  They had been on the road less than two weeks now, and werelooking forward with keen anticipation to their summer under thebillowing canvas of the Great Sparling Shows.

  "I think I _will_ take a peep to see how Teddy is gettingalong with his apology," decided Phil, turning and enteringthe paddock. Then he stepped quietly into the dressing tent.

  He saw Teddy approach the clown, Diaz, who sat on his trunkmaking up his face before a hand mirror.

  Teddy halted a few feet from the clown, waiting until the lattershould have observed him. The clown glanced up, glowered, andslowly placed the mirror on the trunk beside him. He seemedastonished that the boy should have the courage to face him.

  Then Teddy, solemn-faced, made his apology. To Phil Forrest'slistening ears it was the most amazing apology he ever hadlistened to.

  "I'm sorry I made a monkey of you," said Teddy.

  "What!" fairly exploded the clown.

  "I'm sorry I made a monkey of you," repeated the Circus Boy in aslightly louder tone. "Maybe I wouldn't have done so if I hadhad time to think about it."

  "You make apology to me--to me?" questioned Diaz, tapping his ownchest significantly.

  "Yes; to whom did you think I was making an apology--to the hyenaout under the menagerie top, eh?"


  "I am sorry I made a fool of you, Mr. Diaz."


  "Yes, I guess you are about right. You certainly look thepart, and--"

  Diaz sprang up with a growl of rage, Tucker giving ground alittle as he observed the anger in the painted face before him.Before the lad could raise his hands to protect himself Diaz hadgrasped Teddy and hurled him across the dressing tent, where helanded in a pail of water.

  He was up in a twinkling. His face was flushed and his handswere clenched.

  No sooner had he gotten to his feet than he observed that theclown had started for him again. Teddy squared off, preparedfor fight. At that moment, however, there came an interruptionthat turned the attention of the enraged clown inanother direction.

  Phil Forrest quickly stepped between them facing Diaz.

  "What are you going to do?" demanded the Circus Boy in aquiet voice.



  "I punish the monkey-face--"

  "You will, eh?" howled Teddy, starting forward.

  Phil thrust his companion aside.

  "Go away. I will see if I can explain to him," cautioned Phil,turning to the clown again, just as the latter was making a rushat Teddy.

  "One moment, Mr. Diaz. My friend Teddy is not very diplomatic,but he means well. He apologized to you for what he had done,did he not?"

  "Yes," growled the clown.

  "Then why not call it square and--"

  "I punish him. I fix him!" roared Diaz, making a leap for Teddy,who had managed to edge up nearer to them.

  "You will do nothing of the sort," answered Phil Forrest firmly,again stepping between them.

  An angry light glowed in the eyes of the clown. For an instanthe glared into Phil's steady gray eyes, then all of a suddenlaunched a vicious blow at the boy.

  The blow failed to reach the mark. Phil dodged and stepped backa couple of feet.

  Another, as swift as the first was sent straight for his head.This blow the Circus Boy skillfully parried, but made no effortto return.

  "Mr. Diaz! Mr. Diaz!" warned Phil. "You forget yourself.Please don't do anything you will be sorry for afterwards."

  "I fix you!" snarled the clown.

  "I don't want to hit you, sir, but you may force me to do so."

  Phil had no time to warn the fellow further, for the clownbegan to rain blows upon him, though with no great exhibitionof boxing skill. Phil could have landed effectively anywhereon the clown's body had he chosen to do so.

  Instead, the boy slowly gave ground, defending himself cleverly.Not one single blow from the powerful fist of Diaz reached him,Phil exhibiting the wonderful self-control that wascharacteristic of him. He even found opportunity to warn Teddyto get out of the tent until the tempest had blown over.

  Teddy, however, stood with hands thrust in his trousers pockets,shoulders hunched forward, glaring at Diaz.

  "Don't you get in this now," breathed Phil. "Keep away!Keep away! I'll--"

  At that moment Phil stumbled over a trunk, landing on his headand shoulders. Quick as he was he found himself unable to turnover and roll away soon enough to get beyond reach of theangry clown.

  Diaz hurled himself upon the slender, though athletic figure ofthe Circus Boy, almost knocking the breath out of Phil.

  No sooner had he done so than something else happened. A bodylaunched itself through the air. The body belonged to Tucker.Teddy landed with great force on the head and shoulders of theenraged clown, flattening the latter down upon Phil with crushingweight, and nearly knocking Forrest senseless.


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