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Gigantic Variations

Page 5

by Maxwell Avoi

  I centered myself between his knees, staring at his shaft. I wasn’t sure that I would be able to get it into my mouth, as big around as it was, but I was willing to try. I kissed the head again and then wrapped my soft lips around it, sliding down it. I had to stretch my mouth wide to accommodate, but I found that I was able to fit him in. I started sliding my right hand up and down the part of his shaft that was still exposed while my other hand played with his balls. He groaned deeply and I went to work with my tongue and lips. I was slow, savoring every lick and every suck, and I felt him swelling inside my mouth. His groans continued and when I heard them get louder I eased back a bit to let him pull back from the edge. I went on that way for a while, bringing him to the point of explosion and then back. I figured we had all day.

  Finally he was panting and moaning with need, and I felt him trembling again. The effort of not simply pumping his hips was difficult for him. I didn’t want to strain him today of all days. I felt him reaching the tipping point again, and this time I didn’t stop. I kept sucking and bobbing, my hands as busy as my mouth. He gripped the rug, his strong fingers curling deep into the fibers, and his groan was the deepest yet when he finally came in my mouth. I thought he’d drown me but I swallowed it all without a murmur of protest. It tasted like peppermint.

  He pumped into me for a while, groaning and grunting the whole time, and when he was done I licked him clean. By the time I worked my way back up to face him he was already semi-hard again, and I felt nothing but pride in my skills and my body at the feel of him against my leg.

  We kissed again, this time without the urgency of the previous kisses. I giggled slightly at the feel of his beard tickling my throat, and he smiled back at me before he started kissing my neck. Then his beard was tickling my breasts, and my giggles turned to tiny gasps of pleasure. I started breathing harder and he took it as a sign of encouragement. He slid one strong hand down my belly until it was resting softly on the wet slit that he found down there. He circled the outside, stroking my inner thighs and my swollen lips while he gazed into my eyes and smiled. I smiled back, trying to keep from shaking, and when he inserted the tip of one finger into me I reached down and stopped him. This was his homecoming, and his pleasure was the important part here.

  I applied gentle pressure to his heavy shoulders, rolling him onto his back. He was hard again, standing straight up and ready for whatever I was planning to do next. I straddled his belly, feeling the heat of his shaft pressed against my lower back, and I smiled at him. He grinned back, enjoying the show while my bosom wobbled back and forth every time I moved.

  I slowly worked my way backward until I had to lift my hips to fit over the top of him. He seemed to be a pretty impressive size. I know that I had to lift up quite a distance to get over the top of him, but I was flexible and I managed just fine. I centered myself over him and then leaned in for another kiss. While we were sharing that, I lowered myself onto him. I closed my eyes and moaned at the sensation, gasping a bit when the head of his shaft popped into me. I’d never felt anything even close to this; I’d had sex a few times as a man, but feeling it from the other side was completely new. When I’d had sex before, it was always fumbling and quick, just two people slaking their needs on each other with no emotional connection. This time, there was warmth and joy. I meant it to provide comfort, to relax him and reward him after his long night of work, and that intent fostered an emotional connection that was also new to me.

  I smiled, our eyes locked, as I lowered my hips inch by inch. I suppose I should have been disgusted or upset but I felt nothing but joy that I could do this for him. I closed my eyes and gave a tiny gasp when I finally reached bottom, my well-rounded ass nestling softly against his balls, and he groaned. I felt so full and warm, and without my conscious intent I felt my hips roll slightly. He worked inside me, incredibly hard and hot, and I moaned with delight in the sensations that he was touching off. I felt my full bosom shaking in his face. He reached up to cup my breasts in those strong hands. I moaned again, louder, instinctively aware that he got satisfaction out of giving pleasure to his partner. I accepted, the waves from my groin meeting the ecstatic thrills coming from my chest, and my moans turned to soft cries.

  I went on like that for a while, gradually becoming aware that my opening blowjob had given him the stamina to keep going until I took my pleasure as well. Part of me was reluctant to do so since this day was about him, but I knew that he wanted me to enjoy myself as well. My cries became louder when the waves started to resonate with each other, pleasure reinforcing bliss, and I felt myself approaching a pinnacle. I never varied my movements, also aware that the slow, steady rhythm would take me higher than anything else. For long seconds I balanced on that peak, not familiar enough with this body to know when or how I was going to tip over, and then my climax took me by surprise. Every muscle in my body tensed at once, my head arching back and my toes curling up. I wailed briefly as the air was driven from my lungs, and then I felt my inner muscles gripping him, milking at him over and over while the ecstasy burned through me. I was beyond words or conscious thought, and I have no idea how long it lasted, but when I finally became aware of my surroundings again I found that he’d gripped my hips with his strong hands and was keeping the rhythm going for me. I came down in stages, gasping and shuddering, and he kept pumping inside me the whole time.

  I eventually regained control of myself and started to roll my hips again. I could see that he wasn’t far from his own moment, and I wanted to get him there as slowly as possible. I stroked the soft hair on his chest, teasing at his nipples, and he chuckled in between gasps. I smiled, enjoying the ride, and when he started to jerk and his breath came short I didn’t stop my slow surges. He pulled my hips closer and then arched his own hips, groaning deeply when he filled me. He came slowly, in huge pulses that I felt deep inside. When he relaxed, he smiled at me. I smiled back, gripping him with internal muscles while he softened, and when he eventually slid out of me I smiled while his eyes drifted shut.

  I left him lying there and went to prepare us some…well, some lunch, I realized, when I glanced at the clock. The strange, warm magic that filled the apartment didn’t stop at the kitchen door; the card table I used for a dining table was groaning under the weight of a Christmas feast straight out of a picture book. I sliced some turkey and prepared a plate with stuffing and cranberry sauce and other things, rounding it off with a slice of apple pie.

  I carried the plate back to the rug, where he was showing signs of waking up again. I rubbed his shoulder until he finally focused on me, and then I showed him the plate. We both smiled and then we started feeding each other. There was much rolling of eyes and licking of fingers, and we both made satisfied noises as we went. I don’t know why it was that I didn’t speak but it felt like a game with him to see how long we could go without words. I was happy to play along.

  Delighted noises and tongue action led us to gently exploring each other, and soon the plate was lying there forgotten, the food half-eaten. My joyful yelps filled the apartment and his moans and grunts acted as counterpoint.

  The day was spent in a slow cycle of lovemaking and sleep, along with food and gentle massage. I worked at the knots in his back and shoulders, which led to another bout of slow, dreamy sex that left me gasping and helpless. The day passed and slowly turned into night.

  I felt midnight approaching, and when the time came he stood and allowed me to dress him again. Finally he was resplendent in his garb once more, the master of Christmas himself. He kissed me and spoke for the first time that day.

  “What do you want for Christmas?”

  I smiled and kissed back. “Just what I’ve had.”

  A wide grin broke across his face. “You’ll have that. And more, as a reward for your generous nature and lack of greed.”

  I tilted my head. “Will I see you again?”

  He shrugged. “As long as you have the bell, I’ll wind up here at the end of the long road on Christmas

  I nodded with satisfaction. “Good. See you next year, then.”

  He nodded back, relaxed and happy. I was glad that I could help him so much. He took a step back and laid his finger along the side of his nose. He nodded once more and burst into a cloud of snow that kept swirling until it was gone.

  I slept well that night and when I woke up I found that my apartment had changed further. It now bore the touches of someone who was interested in decorating. It wasn’t cold and sterile as it had been, with merely functional décor. Now it was homey, warm and inviting as an apartment could be. The food remained, bundled in the refrigerator. My tree still stood, small but proud, with the silver bell on display in the middle of a ring of lesser ones. I resolved to start making some of my own ornaments to love.

  The warm glow of the Christmas spirit still filled me, leaving me feeling happy for the first time in my life. All of my clothing had changed to reflect my altered body, another gift that I’d been given. I didn’t regret the old life, as cold and hopeless as it had been.

  I still bundled up and headed to the shelter before the lunch rush. I’d missed the day before in my blissful haze but I didn’t want to miss the chance to help again. I greeted the other workers with a cheerful smile and they seemed much happier to see me today than they ever had before. Rather than a blur of hard work, the day went by in a quick blaze of the Christmas spirit and I had never been happier.

  That evening when things slowed down I got to meet some of the other workers. One of them was a handsome, shy boy about my own age named Jonathan. It took him a while to work up the courage to talk to me but I was glad he did. I’d noticed him eyeing my new curves and face all evening, and I was glad to finally get to talk to him. He shook my hand and introduced himself, and then he asked my name.

  I smiled. “It’s Joy.”

  Crazy Bitch

  Ivan leaned back in his desk chair and rubbed his eyes. The computer screen in front of him was covered with a complex diagram of a molecule made up for dozens of atoms. A small piece of the structure blinked in red, showing that it was unstable and would therefore render the entire molecule impossible to replicate. Ivan ad been beating his head against the problem for what felt like weeks, but according to his phone had been more like thirty-six hours. The distinction was lost on him.

  On the plus side, he had been making progress. When he’d started, half of it had been outlined in red. A door clanged behind him, and Ivan fought to keep from giving out a deep sigh.

  “EeeeVAHN!” said a chipper voice. Ivan turned in his chair to face Harper Vargas. Harper, short and slim and unaware of either, wore a black suit, pink dress shirt, and white tie. His perfectly-coiffed black hair gleamed. Ivan was totally aware of the contrast with his own appearance; on his best day, Ivan looked rather like a tall beanbag chair that had gone through some hard times.

  “Hey Harper,” he said. Ivan had long since given up correcting Harper on the proper pronunciation of his first name.

  “Ivan! So you got the problem licked, my man?”

  “No, I’m getting closer but it’s still-“

  Harper moved a step back, his face contorting as if Ivan had blown a huge fart. “Oh, not what the backers want to hear, my man. Now come on, you know what we need, and that we need it yesterday.”

  “It’s not that-“

  Harper moved closer now, leaning in so that he invaded Ivan’s personal space. Ivan leaned back, hating himself for it. Harper said, “I don’t care what the problem is. Fix it, or else it’s your ass on the line, my man. I know I’m not going to take the heat for this.”

  “If you had given me the time I asked-“

  “There’s nothing to talk about, Ivan.” The mispronunciation grated but Ivan didn’t protest. “This stuff goes into production in a week. If that doesn’t happen, things are going to turn to shit. For you. Got it?”

  “But…but what about testing, and-“

  “That is not your problem, E. You know what your problem is. Get it done.”

  Harper pushed away, swiveling Ivan around back toward the computer and its attached synthesizing unit. “Do it. I’ll be checking back in a few hours to see how things are going.”

  “I’ve been working for thirty-six hours, Harper, I have to-“

  “Get it done .”

  Harper strode away with his chest puffed out and his shoulders back, as if he had never had any problems in his life.

  Ivan rubbed his eyes and went back to plugging in variables. His dismay over how the company was run had grown deep in the last few weeks, particularly when he found out that they planned to rush the testing process. Now it looked like they didn’t plan to do any testing at all; they just wanted to put the drug into the approval phase. He thought that the FDA required a certain amount of testing but it looked like the company had figured out how to falsify records or to bypass that requirement entirely.

  Either way, it felt sketchy. Ivan didn’t think that he was going to be staying with the company after he’d done his job on this drug. That was assuming, of course, that he could do his job. He settled down in front of the computer again, typing and waiting for the machine to run its simulations, dozing between iterations.

  True to his word, Harper checked in every few hours until the end of the work day. He insisted at the end of the last meeting that Ivan stay there until the problem was solved, and Ivan hated himself for agreeing.

  Close to midnight, the entire world felt unreal, as if it was happening three feet beyond the end of his reach. The computer screen blurred and sharpened as if on a cycle, and when it finally gave a happy-sounding beep Ivan at first wasn’t sure if it had happened or he had dreamed it.

  The entire molecule glowed blue except for the recently-changed part, which pulsed green. Normally that color meant that the bond wasn’t fully stable, but it was a much better result than Ivan had managed in over two days. He ran it through three simulations to make sure that it wasn’t going to explode or something, and when it came through he tapped the keys that started the synthesizing process. When the machine turned on, giving out its reassuring hum, Ivan pillowed his head on his folded arms and fell into a deep sleep.

  The alarm woke him up a few minutes before seven o’clock, and kept beeping until he figured out what was going on and turned it off. The machine opened and displayed a collection of pills all in a row. It was the drug in its raw form, unprocessed and untested, and Ivan was a little nervous to even touch it.

  The drug was supposed to focus on the imbiber’s thoughts and feelings, and to gently turn them to another track. Ivan had found some success in figuring out how to not only change the tracks of undesirable thoughts but to reverse them entirely. The problems were multiform, not the least of which being the fact that he had no idea how widespread the effect was going to be. He felt that the drug in its current state was dangerous, and that it was going to need at least six more months of simulation testing before it could be tested on living subjects.

  Harper burst through the door, making Ivan jump slightly. Harper saw that Ivan was hunched over the open synthesizing unit and he crowed, “Ivan, you beautiful bastard! Is that it? Have you broken the code?”

  “Well, kind of. I mean, it looks like it might not be exactly what-“

  “That’s what I wanted to hear, baby! Let’s get this packed up and headed to the testing lab!”

  “Really? I thought we weren’t going to test it.”

  “Ivan, let me worry about that, remember? You did good work here, baby! Good work!” Harper turned and breezed out of the lab.

  Ivan sat there and hated everything just a little bit more. He wished that he had the spine to stand up to Harper, wished that he hadn’t taken this shitty job in the first place, wished that he could work up the nerve to go to the FDA or the newspapers or something. There had to be a way to prove that the drug wasn’t ready for whatever it was that Harper was planning to do with it.

  Ivan picked up one of the pills wi
th his bare fingers, which could have been dangerous in itself, and he stared at it for a long moment before opening his mouth and swallowing it down. He sat there gripping the edge of the counter, wondering if he was going to see a huge difference thanks to just one pill and knowing that it was ridiculous to expect anything from one dose of a psychoactive substance. After ten minutes had passed, he sighed and let go. He looked around for a box suitable for packing up the pills and felt dizzy as he turned his head.

  It wasn’t so much dizziness as that different parts of his head felt like they were moving at different speeds to get to the same place. Ivan lifted one hand to his forehead and felt the same sensation from his arm. The weird feelings got stronger as the minutes ticked by, and finally the world around him was so chaotic that Ivan couldn’t even stay in his seat anymore; he tried to stand, lost control of his body, and collapsed to the floor beneath the counter, the chair squirting out from underneath his falling bulk.

  Harper wore a frown as he headed for Ivan’s lab. The geeks hadn’t sent the drugs to the lab for “testing,” and Harper hoped that there hadn’t been some kind of problem like Ivan growing a conscience. That was all he fucking needed.

  He burst through the door and yelled, “Ivan! Where the fuck are you and the drugs?” He saw the pills sitting right where he’d seen them last and said, “What, did you fall asleep? You can sleep when you’re done here and you’ve got your bonus, I swear to God , if you-“


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