Gigantic Variations

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Gigantic Variations Page 7

by Maxwell Avoi

  Scarlet tucked her room key, her credit card, and a couple other things into her cleavage and went downstairs. She loved every step, loved feeling the way that her hair bounced and her breasts bobbed with every movement. She felt free and in command of everything around her; it was such a wonderful sensation that she nearly laughed out loud.

  She ordered a Cuban sandwich with all the trimmings for lunch. While she waited she looked around fearlessly, enjoying the freedom to do so. Ivan always glanced at people out of the corners of his eyes as if scared that they were going to attack him. It helped that many of the discerning public were giving her long, lustful looks. She returned them all with a mixture of disdain and smiles, giving them a spark of hope before dashing it on the cold shores of reality. One guy at the bar, though, caught her eye.

  He was tall, much taller than she was. He wasn’t the youngest at the bar, but he carried himself with the kind of dignity and command of the room that only came with age and money.

  She gave him the kind of glance that could melt stone, and he picked up his drink to head her way a few moments later. Scarlet approved; there was no need to act too eager. The only problem was that during that time, a younger man stumbled up to her table and sloshed his drink on the floor next to it.

  “Good God you’re hot,” he said. He was drunk enough to slur his T, which was impressive.

  “Yes I am. Fuck off,” she said, giving him a much colder look than the one she’d given the older man.

  “Hey, baby, don’ be like that!” he said, leaning in to put a hand on her shoulder. Scarlet just smiled and leaned closer herself, so that his eyes were captured by the sight of her monumental cleavage. While he stared at that, she reached out and cupped his obvious erection, clamping down on his balls through his jeans. The drunken kid made a honking noise.

  “I said fuck. Off,” she said, twisting his nuts as hard as she could to emphasize the last word.

  He turned and threw up on the table next to hers, noticeably dampening the spirits of its inhabitants. He keeled over onto the floor and sobbed as he curled up around his bruised testicles. Scarlet settled her features into a look of shocked dismay as several people came over to either help the kid or kick him out of the bar.

  “Dreadful scene,” said a voice at her elbow. Scarlet turned and found the distinguished-looking man standing there.

  “No one has any manners anymore,” she replied.

  “Oh, I hardly think that’s the case, though pardon me for contradicting such a vision. Would you like to go elsewhere, my dear?”

  She tilted her head and gave him the full force of her smile, rocking him back on his heels a bit. “I was thinking room service. How about you?”

  “Smashing. Care to join me in my suite, then?”

  “I would love that. I’m Scarlet.”

  “Of course you are. Benjamin Hoffbauer.”

  “A pleasure.”

  He grinned at her, not leering like the now-undone drunken boy. “Not yet. But soon enough, I’m sure. Shall we?” He offered his arm, and she took it. They left without a backward glance.

  Scarlet wanted to tear her clothes off and get to it but she found that Ben was more into the slow dance of foreplay. Fine with her; she had all day, or so she hoped. It was too early on in her relationship with Ivan and his miracle drug to know how long she had before she reverted to his boring existence. Still, if the previous day was any indication then she had plenty of time.

  They undressed each other in slow stages over the course of a long lunch. Scarlet was pleased to find that Ben was well-endowed enough that she could admire him without faking it. He wasn’t huge but his compact body showed the signs of constant dedicated upkeep, and his experience was evident in the way that he used his mouth and fingers. As much as Scarlet loved herself and her body, it was all new to her in important ways, and she delighted in finding out where her sensitive spots were.

  It turned out that they were damn near everywhere, and that Ben as very good at stimulating them. He kissed and stroked her to her very first climax while she was stripped only to the waist; he never went lower than her navel but it didn’t stop him from bringing her so much pleasure that she had to bury her face in a pillow to muffle her screams.

  Scarlet dealt with a huge welter of emotion during that climax. The explosion of ecstasy took over her body, rendering her helpless, and she hated to feel helpless. She loathed the idea of being anything but entirely in control of herself and the situation around her. Even while she came, she hated Ben for seeing her like that. She hated that she was grateful to him for the pleasure, for making her lose control so enthusiastically.

  Even worse was that she wanted more. She wanted to be fucked and fucked until she couldn’t think or move any more, until every touch brought her to another screaming burst of sheer joy.

  The absolute worst thing was that, somewhere in the depths of her pleasure, she could feel Ivan trying to come back into control. She panted her way out of the orgasm, determined that Ivan, the little loser, would never be in control of her spectacular body or her future.

  She sat up, still panting, and she gave Ben a grin that was two parts satisfied and one part crafty. “Wow,” she said.

  He smiled back, urbane in spite of the fact that he wore nothing. He had a swimmer’s slim lines. “I rather thought so.”

  “Tell me, Ben. Have you been a bad boy?”

  Something in the back of his eyes lit up a bit, and he said, “I might have been somewhat naughty the last few days.”

  “Lie down, Ben.” She channeled some of her own power into the words, any weakness now left behind as she took charge again. He heard and responded to it, eagerly lying down next to her. Scarlet stood.

  She put her thumbs beneath her waistband and started to slide out of the dress, her naked breasts shivering with each motion. She said, “Bad little boys don’t get candy, did you know that?”

  He nodded, his breathing coming harder now. He was proudly erect, his cock an inch longer and looking so hard that it appeared to be painful. Scarlet turned from him, giving it her all as she slowly stripped down. When she finally turned back to him, with one arm across her breasts and one small hand over her groin, she said, “What do you have to say for yourself?”

  “I’ve been so bad,” he said, his accent slipping a bit. “So bad, I need to be punished!”

  She almost laughed at that. He was such a cliché. She kept her stern expression on her face as she approached the bed, finally lowering herself onto it so that she was over him, on her hands and knees. Her heavy breasts bounced lightly against the tip of his cock as she crawled up his body, and he gasped. He rolled his hips upward, trying to touch her more, but she stopped and settled back on her haunches. She tapped one finger hard against the head of his cock, and he gasped again.

  “No candy for bad boys,” she said.

  “I…I promise I’ll never be bad again,” he said, his breath coming even faster now. He sounded like someone in the midst of a really hard work out.

  “How can I ever trust you?” said Scarlet. She toyed with one of her breasts, enjoying the sensation of her own fingers on the soft flesh. There was so much of it to play with!

  “I…I don’t know, I…”

  “Shush. Mistress is thinking.”

  Scarlet got off the bed then, moving with the same confidence that she’d displayed while fully clothed; she knew that everything about her was magnificent, so why should she even pretend to hide? She bent over, giving him a view that people would have killed for, and she rifled through her dress. She plucked out a wrapped condom, one of the other things that she’d tucked between her enormous breasts just before heading down for lunch. A girl couldn’t be too careful, after all.

  She went back to Ben and gave him her predatory smile, making him shiver a bit. She tore the package open and put the rolled-up condom on the tip of his cock like a little hat. Then she leaned in and used her supple lips to roll it down the length of the shaft. He g
roaned and bucked his hips again, and she pulled away to issue a pop on the end of his penis with her fingertip. He yelped a little and she said, “No candy yet. Bad boy.”

  Then Scarlet took a lock of her hair and wound it around his cock like a barber pole. Once that was done she started to kiss at his belly, gradually moving upward until she was licking at his throat. The entire time, the lock of hair slowly unwound as she pulled, inch by inch, delighting him with slow torture. By the time that she got to his face he was gasping. She said, “Can I trust you to be a good boy?”

  “Please. Please I-“

  She cut him off by leaning in as if for a kiss and then darting down to latch her teeth onto his earlobe. She bit down, not quite hard enough to break the skin but enough to leave a bruise. He screeched and tried to pull away but he stopped when she shook her head a little and growled. When he froze she let go and moved so that she could face him again. She smiled at the fear in his eyes, the way that such a strong person had been broken down to her will with just a little sex and a little pain. “Can I trust you to be good?” she said, her voice a rich purr. The feeling of his chest hair on her nipples was one of the best things that she’d ever experienced.

  “Ye…yes,” he whispered.

  She kissed his nose, very softly. “Good boy.”

  With a single twist of her incredible hips she allowed him entry, bringing him into her as if they’d practiced the maneuver a thousand times. His gasp was even louder then, and she stopped with him buried inside of her. She said, “No candy until I say. Promise me.”

  “I…I do! I promise! Ah!”

  “Good boy .”

  She sat up, her legs splayed to the side, and she started to roll her hips against him. She rubbed and lifted her breasts at the same time, reveling in absolutely everything. How could she have ever wanted to be anything else than this? She was in total control, taking her pleasure on her terms this time. The idea that she was really a man, that she should feel strange about this, never crossed her mind. She played with her body, enjoying every spike of pleasure that came from their union, bucking her hips against him in a rhythm that was her own choice. When she finally came she threw her head back and screamed as she scratched him down the chest and belly, leaving a double set lines from her long nails. In the midst of her climax she cried, “Oh God, yes! Come now, now !”

  He did, she could feel him, and his helpless shudders only added to her pleasure. Scarlet cried out in mingled ecstasy and triumph as she took what she deserved.

  The pleasure finally faded, as it was wont to do, and Scarlet disengaged with another expert twist of her hips. She stood and went to the piled clothing. Ben lay there, his eyes unfocused as he slid into sleep, apparently unconcerned with the tiny beads of blood forming in some of the tracks she’d left on his torso. Scarlet giggled slightly at the sight before turning back to dig through his pants for his wallet. Apparently Benjamin Hoffbauer was actually Ben Hoffman, but she couldn’t fault him for giving a fake name to a woman he’d met in the hotel bar. She pulled the cash out of the wallet, most of it in twenties with a few larger and smaller bills, and folded it up around her credit card and room key. Then she got dressed in quick, economic movements. The show was over now that she’d gotten what she wanted. Ben’s head was tilted her way and his eyes were open, but he wasn’t seeing anything. She’d fucked him unconscious. She wanted more but she wasn’t going to find it here.

  She tucked the key, card, and cash away in her cleavage and headed for the door, reaching it about the time that someone knocked. He was in the midst of saying, “Security!” when she opened the door.

  “Oh, is there a problem?” she said, giving him a wide smile.

  The security man was broad and bald. His eyes darted down to her chest and then back up, and his jaw firmed. “Ma’am, we’ve had reports of screaming and what sounded like a fight in this room.”

  “Oh, I bet!” she said. She gestured for him to follow her inside, and he did so, warily. She pointed at Ben, lying there naked but for his condom. “That’s Ben. He’s so sweet. Mister Hoffbauer just fucked the shit out of me. Don’t tell his wife, hon, okay?” She reached out and patted the guard on the cheek before heading out the open door.

  Scarlet headed for her room, aware that something like that might make her memorable to anyone interested in anything. It was unfortunate, but she was going to have to leave again. She felt so good from the sex that she didn’t mind; a lot of that came from the pleasure but a goodly portion of the energizing power came from her memories of how completely in charge she had been. It was precisely what she wanted, and she resolved to have more sex like that at the earliest opportunity and as often as possible.

  As far as she could remember, Ivan was a virgin. She had to make up for lost time. Before she could do that, though, she had to move on down the road.

  Scarlet took the elevator to the lobby and went straight to the large shop downstairs. Full of traveler’s incidentals, it boasted a small luggage line emblazoned with the hotel’s logo. Scarlet charged a large suitcase to her room and went upstairs to pack. She was packed and checked out well before hotel security ever figured out who it was who’d left one of their patrons bleeding, robbed, and semi-unconscious. Hours later, when she felt her grip on herself start to slip, Scarlet had time to check into another hotel, four hundred miles further from Janus, before the transformation back into Ivan started.

  He woke up sitting on a couch in another very nice room, once again naked. The sun was just going down outside, and he hoped that he was back in his hometown. A quick check of the Internet and GPS features on his phone told him that if anything, he was even further from home and deeper into the shit. He found some clothes and put them on before sinking back onto the couch.

  Ivan closed his eyes and tried to remember what had happened since taking the pill in the last hotel room…and he was surprised to find that he could. He didn’t remember everything but most of it was there. It was like looking through muddy water at a blurred picture, but they were there. He got up and found his phone, cuing up the video of himself after the pill and watching it until Scarlet turned the phone off.

  The most shocking was how he’d changed physically. How was that possible? He couldn’t just write it off as a hallucination thanks to the sex that he’d apparently enjoyed with Ben. The idea of enjoying, or even having, sex with a man made Ivan’s gorge bubble up. He’d never had a gay thought in his life and now here was this…what, alter ego? Someone who’d taken over his life thanks to an untested drug, anyway.

  As soon as he had the thought, something reared up in the back of his head. He recognized the irritation, the desire to take command: it was Scarlet wanting to have a word. Ivan fought off the sudden urge to take another one of the pills and instead concentrated on what Scarlet seemed to want to say.

  It was difficult. He was a marshmallow, and her mind was built like a razor blade, all sharp angles and total certainty of purpose. Had he ever felt that way without the drug? It didn’t matter; his realization of what the drug actually did was a strong one, driving thoughts of self-contemplation out of his head.

  Scarlet hadn’t taken over, he realized. He’d become Scarlet; the personality unleashed wasn’t something alien but rather a reflection of the one he already had. She was his opposite, all the strength that he didn’t have and the total confidence that was totally unlike him. The drug hadn’t failed. It had done its work too well: it had revised the parts of his personality that he had never liked. It had allowed those parts to be overwritten by new, nearly opposite instructions. Strangest of all, the drug had allowed this new personality to actually create a new body to live in.

  “That’s fucking crazy,” he whispered.

  He imagined Scarlet’s voice in reply. That’s Vegas, baby . Surely, he told himself, surely he was just imagining it. Surely she wasn’t talking to him.

  That fragile reassurance lasted for mere seconds before Scarlet unleashed another burst of desire for t
he pills. The compulsion was so strong that Ivan found himself on the floor, gasping as he dug through the new duffle bag. He forced himself to stop, forced himself to get up and walk away from the bag. He felt a bone-deep weariness steal over him and he realized that whatever else Scarlet had been up to, she’d been using his physical resources to do it. He turned to the bed, wondering what other resources she’d been using.

  Unbidden, the image of her approaching a teller at his bank and using a letter that she’d written in his handwriting sprang to mind. The letter allowed her, Scarlet, his sister, to close out his account. She’s explained that Ivan had been called away on a family emergency, and her sheer force of personality had overwhelmed the mousy teller. The payment had been issued partially in cash and partially as a check made out to Ivan, which his memories told him still resided in the duffle bag. At least he wasn’t destitute, though the money wouldn’t support him for more than a few weeks if Scarlet kept insisting on staying at places like this one.

  Need some cash, baby? she seemed to say in his head. I can get us some cash. Just relax and take a pill.

  He shook his head and sat down on the edge of the bed. She flooded his head with amusement but he was determined to get some sleep. The problem was that he didn’t want to undress with her watching him, which he was sure was the case even though he’d established that she was nothing more than a strange mental echo. He finally kicked his shoes off and slid under the covers.

  Tomorrow, he thought to himself. Tomorrow he would call up Harper and they would figure out a way to fix all this. He would turn the pills in and beg forgiveness, see if he could get his shitty job back while he looked for another one.

  He closed his eyes and drifted off, secure in the knowledge that he would fix it all in the morning. He seemed to float down a river in his head and when he looked to the side he found that Scarlet was floating next to him, still giving him that faintly amused look. She reached out and traced her fingernails over his shoulder, causing him to realize that he was naked in the dream. It didn’t matter for some reason. Scarlet said, “You know I have to come back and help you.”


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