Gigantic Variations

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Gigantic Variations Page 8

by Maxwell Avoi

  “I figured out what to do, it’s okay. I don’t need you anymore.”

  She shook her head, looking disappointed now. “You don’t get it. I want to come back. I want to be out of here.”

  “But you’re me.”

  She shrugged, her marvelous breasts bouncing in the warm water. “Then you’re me.”

  Her words made sense but he felt that he was losing his grip on the conversation. “I can’t let you out again, you’re going to do something awful.”

  She kissed him then, giving him a rueful smile. For someone who never questioned whether she should do something, she seemed a little uncomfortable with what she was about to say. “Wake up, Ivan.”

  He opened his eyes just in time to see his own fingers drop the pill onto his tongue. He tried for an instant to spit it out, nearly made it, and then swallowed it down. “Bitch,” he said out loud, his voice thick from sleep.

  That’s me, she responded as his head started to feel strange.

  Scarlet stretched the kinks out of her magnificent body as her bones and flesh finished reshaping themselves. She was surprised that Ivan didn’t understand the transformation, given what he understood of so many other things. She stared into the mirror to give him the view of her tits from the inside and said, “Our bodies are just energy fields, Ivan, ones that we can affect with our minds. I just know that I look like this, like you know how you look. That’s all.”

  Then she went and pulled out the little black dress. It was Friday night, nine o’clock, and she was in a major city. It was time to cause some fucking problems. Scarlet couldn’t wait.

  Downtown was hopping, the whole place seething with people and cars. Scarlet had left her own car back at the hotel, taking a chance on the hotel’s shuttle service instead. When the driver, who’d been told to find her someplace fun, dropped her at an intersection that had a clear view of at least a dozen clubs, he got a nice fat tip for his trouble.

  She could feel the stares as she approached the first club, and she held her chin up and her shoulders back as she basked in them. Scarlet was so ridiculously hot and confident that she made it to the front of the line and smiled at the bouncer before anyone waiting thought to issue even a token protest. Even that died behind her as the bouncer unhooked the rope and nodded her inside without saying a word. There was always room for someone like Scarlet.

  Scarlet headed for the dance floor, her blazing red hair a flowing banner that stretched behind her as she strutted. She vaguely remembered that Ivan hated to dance; he always felt incredibly self-conscious and wound up making any excuse to get away from what he thought of as dozens of eyes staring at his every move.

  Scarlet was under no such illusions: she knew that dozens of eyes were on her. She welcomed them and decided to give the watchers a taste of what they could never have. With every move, she screamed sex and power. Her body twisted and bobbed perfectly, utterly under her control, and she used every single part of it to show everyone what she had and what they never could.

  The first guy wanting to dance showed up about three seconds after she started. She tilted her head like a queen, challenging him and welcoming him into her little sphere of influence as long as he could make himself amusing. He didn’t last long, nor did the next one, but there was always at least one waiting in the wings. Often there were two or three. She danced with all of them and danced for no one but herself, and she left them all wishing that they were better dancers.

  One man grabbed her ass, and she smiled at him as if welcoming the attention. When he came closer she slammed her forehead into his nose, enjoying the crunch of bone as an almost sensual pleasure when it ran down her spine. He cried out and grabbed his face, and then he was lost in the swirl of gyrating bodies. As far as Scarlet knew no one even saw the altercation. No one else grabbed her ass, though.

  Eventually even elation gives way to fatigue, and she made her way to the bar. She was almost steaming with the exertion, proud of how she looked and what she’d done out there. The man who’d grabbed her had pulled away so quickly that she hadn’t even gotten any blood on her. It was time to celebrate.

  “Tequila, double!” she called to the bartender. He wasted no time setting her up with the liquor, some salt, and a couple of slices of lemon. Scarlet winked at him and tapped out the salt into the top of her cleavage. While he and many of the other patrons stared, she extended her long tongue and licked the salt out of that soft valley before downing the glass and sucking a lemon wedge dry. A roar of approval went up around her and suddenly she was nearly crowded away from the bar by men who wanted to buy her more drinks.

  Scarlet left most of them on the bar in front of her, undrunk. She had a pretty good buzz going from her tequila shots already, and she wasn’t sure what the effect would be if she mixed booze with her liberating psychoactive pills. She didn’t want to change back into Ivan all of a sudden.

  Ivan watched the whole thing with a combination of horror and fascination. He was barely there, just a shadow in his own head watching while someone else ran his life and his body, but he was more awake than he’d been the last time this had happened. He wondered if he could talk to Scarlet the way that she could talk to him while he was in his normal body, and he supposed that he could. After all, they shared a brain and most of a mind; it was just some of the details that were different. They were important details, but still.

  The men at the bar were intensely interested in Scarlet’s details, and she couldn’t blame them. Several of them tried different lines on her, and she laughed them all away. Then a slim older man who vaguely reminded her of Benjamin leaned in and yelled in her ear, “How much?”

  She grinned at him. “For what?”

  “The whole night. All of it.”

  She held up one finger to stay his questions and then tapped another bar patron on the shoulder. This one was young, huge, and showed all the signs of having had too much to drink. He looked down at her, caught sights of her bottomless cleavage, and grinned. She beckoned him down closer so that she could talk without shouting.

  “Can you help me out really quick?” she said, putting a hitch into her voice while blinking quickly as if holding back tears.


  She pointed at the older man, who was still waiting to find out what her price was. “He called…he called me a whore! He wants to know what my price is!” She looked up at the huge boy and let tears fill her eyes, her lower lip trembling.

  The resulting series of shouted questions, mounting fury, and then the bar fight that ended up with half a dozen people being ejected from the bar, was worth much more than a little bit of sex or cash. Scarlet took the next drink offered to her, tossed the whole thing down in one go, and raised her hands to whoop at the ceiling. Then she headed back out onto the dance floor. She had thirty years of repression to dance away, and she wanted to get to it.

  She danced with everyone and anyone, her talented hands and body just as comfortable grinding against a woman as a man. Several times she found herself in the middle of a couple, whipping both into a frenzy until she was practically fucking them both on the dance floor before moving on to the next partner.

  No one complained. No one tried anything. Word about someone like Scarlet got around. She did have plenty of dance partners who were well below her league but she dismissed them with a smile when they’d finished entertaining her.

  Before she knew it the DJ announced last dance and the bartender was setting up drinks for last call. The DJ shifted to a slower song, one that required more grooving than sweat, and Scarlet downshifted right along with him. She felt hands on her shoulders and she laced her arms into her partner’s without a second thought, bringing him along with her as she explored the outer reaches of her own muscle control and flexibility. When it was over and the lights started to come up, she got her first look at him.

  Her first thought was that he was homely. He had short, dirty-brown hair, eyes too close together, and a nose that could ha
ve caused him to tip over forward if he wasn’t careful. He was medium-height, which put him a little taller than her, and his stocky body was firm beneath his shirt. He looked away from her searching eyes and let go of her at the same time, his face saying that he was aware of how he looked and could not possibly have given less of a shit.

  “Oi,” she said. She reached out and pulled him close, planting a kiss on him. He was startled at first but gradually melted into it, allowing her to do with him as she willed. When she finally broke it off she gave him a smile that could have stripped paint. “Care to join me for a drink?” she said.

  “I, uh, the bar’s closed, it…”

  She shook her head, her hair flowing with the movement. She put her finger on his lips and said, “Not here. I was thinking back at my place.”

  While Ivan tried to regain control, her partner’s eyes widened and he said, “Sure!”

  She took his hand and led him out of the club. Outside the sidewalks were thick with people either going home or looking for another place to keep partying. Most of the clubs were closed but that was fine. Scarlet had found her own party for the rest of the night. She raised one imperious hand at the edge of the street and a taxi screeched to a halt in front of her. The other clubbers who’d been signaling for a taxi gave her dirty looks. Scarlet was completely out of fucks to give them.

  She gave the cabbie his orders before turning back to her catch. “I’m Scarlet.”

  “Davie. Uh, David.”

  She smiled. “Davie. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “I, ah, thought we’d had kind of an introduction back there,” he said, thumbing back toward the direction of the club. Scarlet laughed a little, sliding closer to him on the seat.

  “Hardly. That was just a taste. What do you think, Davie? Am I worth it?”

  “Worth…worth what?”

  The cabbie snorted. Scarlet gave him a look that could have melted glass. She turned back to Davie and said, “Just your time, honey. I’m in town for the night and I wanted to have a good time, that’s all. I swear. Girl scout’s honor.”

  He smiled, the expression turning his face from ugly to interesting. “That sounds like fun.”

  She pressed herself against him to kiss him again, this time halfway climbing into his lap. Scarlet had a lot to press against him, and he got a taste of all of it during that kiss. They didn’t talk much; she wasn’t there to talk, after all, and she was the one in charge of the whole thing. He was perfectly happy with that course of events, if his eager kisses and the growing hardness between his legs was any indication.

  Davie offered to pay when they got there, but Scarlet just handed the driver a fifty and pulled Davie out of the cab. The driver shook his head, wishing that he was he lucky bastard who was going to be joining Scarlet in her room that night.

  She nearly attacked Davie when they got into the elevator. Another couple got on as well, which didn’t slow Scarlet down at all. She hiked one marvelous leg up onto him and pressed him back against the corner, half-kissing and half-devouring him without any concern for the other couple. Davie was obviously more concerned but Scarlet wasn’t about to let him up for air. Finally when the elevator stopped on their floor, she winked and said, “Hope you had oysters today, honey.” Then she took him by the hand and led him toward her room, still ignoring the scandalized couple who’d ridden up with them. Scarlet snickered to herself at the thought of how much she’d enriched their night.

  Davie followed her, looking half bemused and half scared, which was right where she wanted him. Ivan, on the other hand, fought to surface and take control. His struggles were surprisingly strong, and a couple of times Scarlet had to actually devote a percentage of her concentration to suppressing him. They didn’t know what would happen if Ivan was to come forward and take control, but Scarlet suspected that it would ruin both her and Davie’s nights.

  When the door was closed and she’d kissed Davie into submission again, she pulled away and went to the small bar in one corner of the room. “What would you like, honey?”

  “I…uh…” Davie was obviously trying to concentrate and formulate a coherent thought, but he seemed to be incapacitated by a combination of Scarlet’s kisses and the sight of her. She smiled and moved her shoulders, causing her dress to slide down a bit until she could grasp it and peel it the rest of the way off of her amazing body. She kept her back to him during the operation, and when she was done she wore only a brief pair of panties and a bra, botch black, and her high heels.

  “Saw what you liked, huh?” she said. “Can’t blame you.”

  She settled on another shot of tequila, though she didn’t have the salt and the lime to help it down. She made a face and then sighed happily. When she looked at Davie, she frowned. “What’re you doing still dressed, honey?”

  Davie stopped gaping and started to fumble at his clothing. Scarlet supposed that she could have helped but instead she stood there sipping booze and smirking at his frantic efforts. Finally he was out of his own clothing except for his boxers, displaying a body that was more powerful than attractive. Scarlet walked around him, nodding her head as she inspected him.

  “You know how to start, honey?” she said.

  He seemed to be at a loss. “Uh, I thought we were…”

  “Oh, we are. Come on, come sit here.”

  Scarlet sat on the bed and patted the mattress next to her. When he sat down, the mattress tossed her into his arms and she laughed. He stiffened up as if frightened that he might hurt her, but she just wrapped herself around him. Face to face, she said, “What is it that you want to do?”

  “Uh…take…take off your…” He touched her bra on the shoulder strap.

  “Gonna start with some of the good stuff, huh? Who can blame you? Okay, baby. Go ahead.”

  First he looked at her chest, hoping that he would see a hook between her breasts, but there was no such luck. She didn’t seem concerned with allowing him easy access; instead, she started to kiss and caress his stout form, enjoying the sensation of him becoming more and more turned on as she did so. She felt completely in control, even when he finally found the hook on her bra and figured out how to undo it. “Mmm, achievement unlocked,” she murmured, giving him a secret smile as she leaned back so that she could pull the bra off.

  Davie gaped at her breasts, and she shook her shoulders for him. “Like what you see?” she said.

  “They’re incredible,” he whispered.

  “You can play with them, honey. You’re allowed. The only one allowed, so says the queen.” She smiled when he bent down to kiss and then suck at her nipples, sending a frission of pleasure through her body as he did so. Ivan’s struggles continued, though they were growing weaker again.

  Scarlet let Davie progress in easy steps, keeping control the entire way until he was finally poised above her, about to enter. She pulled his face down to hers and kissed him again, this time ending the kiss with a tiny nip from her sharp teeth that left a spot of blood on his lip. “Be good. Or else,” she whispered, staring up into his eyes.

  He slid into her an inch at a time, watching to make sure that every movement met with her approval. He was much larger than Ben downstairs, large enough that she could feel him stretching her as he sheathed himself, and she felt herself give in to the pleasure and pain. She moaned and squealed, always giving him nods and quick gasps of approval to keep him going deeper. She hooked her legs around his ass and pulled him deep.

  They strained together, Scarlet guiding and directing his every movement as she reached for her own pleasure. She had a vague idea that women had a harder time enjoying sex than men did; Scarlet had no such problem. Davie would be fine, so she was going to look out for herself. She felt herself reaching an edge and she gripped his shoulders with both hands as she got closer and closer to her eruption.

  “Yes, Davie, yes, just like that, like that, like oh my God ” she cried, wailing as she came hard. She clutched him tight and bucked against him, scratching his
back as she came and came. Davie’s face was half full of wonder and half of fear, with a dash of pain to leaven things. When she finally came down, panting, he picked up his pace until she bit his shoulder hard enough to bruise. “Not…not yet, baby, I have another one, it’s not that far, help mama out oh God,” she whispered in his ear. She wasn’t begging. Nothing that Scarlet did was so powerless as begging; her every word carried a note of command and Davie followed along as best as he could.

  Scarlet was right; once they’d settled down into a slow rhythm again, her next climax wasn’t that far away. She played with her breasts and rubbed at her clit until she felt that edge coming again. She said, “Davie, Davie, ah yes, it’s almost time, and you should, should come too, it’s…oh Davie! Oh, oh! Oh NOW! ”

  Once again the pleasure swept her away, this time to an even higher plane. When Davie stiffened and roared something that she didn’t understand as his cock started to throb, she roared back and clawed at his back even harder.

  Davie’s expression said that he was a man in the midst of an orgasmic quandary: on the one hand, he was getting some world class pussy but on the other he wasn’t sure that he was going to survive the experience. His back burned and his shoulder hurt from where she’d bitten him but she seemed so happy that he found that he didn’t mind. His body certainly didn’t; he was sure that he had pumped at least a gallon into her all at once, or at least into the condom that he wore.

  When he was done he had to wait for her to be finished, and finally she let him out of her perfumed trap of legs and claws. They lay next to each other, Scarlet staring up at the ceiling with a satisfied-cat sort of smile while Davie just stared at her incredible body winding down. Her breasts quivered with each heartbeat, and he wanted to touch them but he wasn’t sure that she would let him even now. Finally he decided to risk it.


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