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Gigantic Variations

Page 9

by Maxwell Avoi

  Scarlet’s smile widened a little when she felt his hand on her enormous left tit, tentative at first but gaining confidence as she failed to push him away. Her body, already geared toward awesome pleasure by the two climaxes and subsequent afterglow, reacted well to the signals coming from her nipple and breast.

  “Mmm, that’s nice, baby…tell you a secret?” She took his hand and moved it down, to the point just below the bulge of her boob. “Almost as …ah , almost as sensitive down there, at least for a woman. It feels so good, so good…Mmmm….”

  Davie took to his work with some enthusiasm, ministering to the best pair of tits that he’d ever seen, and Scarlet’s body reacted strongly. It wasn’t long before she was writhing on the bed, squeaking out encouragement to him, and he kept going while her body sent out silent fireworks of pleasure that started in her tits and spread throughout her entire form.

  Scarlet was shocked when she came a third time, this one not nearly as powerful as the first two but a definite orgasm in its own right. She made a mental note that she could climax from just having her boobs played with, and then she just went along with the awesome pleasure that her body produced.

  Davie watched her in awe as her body coiled and spasmed on the bed. She wasn’t screaming this time, but at least she wasn’t clawing up his back either. He hoped that he wasn’t bleeding on the sheets. He smiled at her when she opened her eyes to look at him.

  She smiled back and said, “Thanks, honey. You can let yourself out, right? Need some cash for a cab?”

  The way that his face fell made her giggle a little but she stifled it as quickly as it came. No need to make him feel worse about the whole thing. “I have to get up really early tomorrow, honey. You were so great.” She slid over and kissed him again, and he shook off some of his disappointment. Ivan made a semi-disgusted sound in the back of her head but she ignored him.

  She walked him to the door, not bothering to put anything on. No reason to deprive the poor guy of one last look, not after that surprise third climax. She kissed him goodnight and closed the door as he left.

  Davie made it downstairs without too much trouble, but while he stood in the lobby the receptionist said, “Sir? I think you might be bleeding, sir.”

  He moved his shoulders a little, feeling the burn from Scarlet’s nails again, and he felt a sudden burst of confidence and satisfaction. Sure, the night hadn’t gone the way that he’d hoped, not entirely, but he’d still managed to luck out with the hottest woman he’d ever seen in real life. He smiled at the receptionist and said, “I am. But it’s totally worth it.”

  The receptionist took another look, blushed suddenly, and went back to her computer. “All right then, but if you need anything please don’t hesitate to ask, sir.” Davie turned back to watch the door, his mind on a perfect body and her cries of ecstasy.

  Scarlet walked to the giant windows that looked out over the city, standing there naked as she inspected both it and her faint reflection in the glass. It occurred to her that she could probably own this town, or any other, if she wasn’t shackled to Ivan and his drug. Not for the first time she wondered if the change could be made permanent, and if so, how. She thought that she should be able to access all of Ivan’s training but that didn’t seem to be the case. The line of thought quickly left her bored, and she went back to admiring herself in the glass while anyone who wanted to look up admired her as well. Wrapped in her golden glow of pleasure from her time with Davie, she didn’t even feel resentful of those who were enjoying the show without paying for it.

  Scarlet went to bed naked, luxuriating in the soft sheets as she rolled back and forth, enjoying every single one of her incredible curves. She didn’t understand how anyone would want to be someone besides her, and resolved to get back to control as soon as possible once this latest dose wore off. There were plenty of pills left and she was sure that Ivan could figure out how to make more soon enough.

  She fell asleep into dreams of ruling the world, with all the people bowing down at the sight of her perfection. She lived in a palace of her own design, and the men and women of the world waited on her out of sheer awe.

  Ivan woke up feeling sore and humiliated. It didn’t help that he was naked again and that he had to wrap a sheet around himself to go close the blinds. He kept the sheet on as he looked for his clothes, only dropping it when he had his boxers and shirt on. He looked around at the discarded dress and underwear; he was forced to conclude that he hadn’t just dreamed everything from the night before, or the night before that. Not all the details were clear but he certainly remembered what it felt like to have sex in Scarlet’s body. He remembered the overwhelming pleasure that came to her from every touch and stroke, and the sense of confidence that was so overpowering that it was almost obscene. He had never felt anything like that confidence except when he was alone and working on his computer. He was surprised to learn that Scarlet held so much antipathy toward the idea of doing the research and synthesis process of making the drug permanent herself; it would go much faster if both of them were working on it.

  He blinked. The thought had sprung unbidden to his mind. He’d never considered making the drug permanent before and the idea scared him to death. Sure, Scarlet had a good time, and there was no denying that the sex was fantastic even if Ivan had to experience it from the other side. But he was himself, not her. Scarlet had no real existence beyond what she stole from him.

  He felt her snicker in the back of his head and he wondered if that last thought was true.

  His cell phone rang, derailing his train of thought. He checked the display and saw that it was Harper trying to get hold of him again. Ivan thought about not answering, but then felt a flash of guilt and the overwhelming idea that Harper couple tell whether he was answering or not. Finally he pressed the button to pick up the call, to Scarlet’s great disgust.

  “You’re dead, geek,” said Harper in place of a greeting. “I’m coming to find you. We know right where you are, you son of a bitch, and you had better have those pills with you.”

  “Harper, I…there’s a factor that-“

  “I don’t give a good righteous fuck!” Harper screamed. “You stay right there in that hotel while we come to get you!”

  There was a click and then nothing. Ivan stared at the phone in horror. “What do I do now?” he said out loud.

  Get your shit together and get the fuck out, said Scarlet in the back of his head. Even better, take another pill and let me deal with it.

  The thought of turning over the responsibility to Scarlet was incredibly seductive, but Ivan gritted his teeth and gathered his miniscule courage up. “No. I’ll handle it.”

  Wow, look who grew a set of balls. Maybe someday you’ll figure out how to say a whole sentence to Harper.

  Ivan didn’t bother to reply. He gathered all of the discarded things on the floor, doing his best not to look at Scarlet’s underwear even as he picked it up and stuffed it into the suitcase. He was on his way to the door when it shook in its frame to the accompaniment of a half-dozen loud thuds. “Open up! Security!” said an angry-sounding voice.

  Ivan froze, his mind going blank, and he stared at the door as if it was going to attack. “Oh shit,” he whispered.

  Fucker get out of the way .

  It was the strangest feeling, as if a box had opened up in the back of his mind. The contents surged forth, causing a doubling in his vision as he felt his own mind pushed backward into the same box. His body quaked and quivered as it changed, and he felt a distant surprise that he had breasts before the personality in the box took over completely.

  Seconds later, Scarlet stood there. She stood tall and proud even though she was wearing Ivan’s clothes. She stripped out of them as quickly as she could, a process hampered by the fact that his pants and boxers hadn’t been designed to contain her prodigious hips and incredible ass. She grabbed a towel from the bathroom and wrapped it around herself, barely getting it done before another series of knocks shook
the door.

  Then she marched to the door and flung it open. “What the fuck is going on?” she demanded.

  Two men stood there, both of them wearing uniforms that would probably pass as security in a bad light. They were enormous, each of them bearing the kind of shoulders that would probably have a hard time fitting through the doorway. Scarlet eyed them with a raised eyebrow, managing to look both irritated and incredibly sexy at the same time.

  Both men moved a step back. The one closer to the door, the one with the raised fist, lowered his hand and said, “Uh, ma’am, I’m sorry, we have the wrong room. We’re looking for an Ivan Gurrink.”

  She frowned at him and then undid the front of the towel. She spread it wide, displaying her magnificent body for the two of them. “Take a look. Do I look like an Ivan to you?”

  The two men turned red and immediately started to stammer apologies but Scarlet didn’t stick around to hear anything from them. She slammed the door and watched through the peephole until the fake security guards moved on down the hall. Once they were gone she leaned against the door and relaxed.

  Ivan came forward again. For a moment there was a scary time when he was totally in charge of Scarlet’s body but then it shifted back to his normal form over the course of a few seconds. “Don’t do that,” he said.

  We’re safe for, like, five minutes. You want to do something useful or do you want to stand here and fucking winge about it?

  Ivan suddenly realized that he was naked, and he wrapped the towel around as much of himself as he could. He went and got his clothes, and he talked while he dressed. “How did you do that without the drug?”

  Fuck if I know. I figured that we needed something to throw people off.

  “But how can you just take over like that?”

  I’m you, asshat. You know that. Just a better version of you.

  “Different, maybe. I don’t know about better.”

  Less talking, more getting us out of here.

  Ivan took her point and gathered up the suitcases. He dashed out into the hall, but he turned away from the elevators.

  Where do you think you’re going?

  “Down the fire escape,” he said, quietly. “They might be watching the elevators.”

  This isn’t a spy novel. Who were those guys, anyway?

  “You know who they were just as well as I do.”

  Harper’s guys, yeah. Probably tracking your cell phone. Or your credit card.

  He burst into the fire escape and started charging down the stairs. Three floors down he stopped to catch his breath and take the battery out of his phone. “I don’t even know what the hell the plan is here.”

  Get out. Get away. Go live on a fucking beach and have hot boys bring me mai tais for the rest of my life. Go be a stripper or a porn star. Something like that. Scarlet sounded perfectly calm in his head.

  “But this is my life!” he cried.

  Wrong. This is our life. And i plan to make it as good as I can get it until I’m all that’s left .

  “Bitch,” he said, his voice low and hopeless.

  Fuck yeah. You know you’re only arguing with yourself, right?

  “You’re not me!”

  I’m the reflection of everything you aren’t. Didn’t you read your own fucking design specs?

  Ivan forced himself to admit that he had. Whatever Scarlet was, it wasn’t something that had sprung fully-formed from nothing; she had used him as the clay but they were connected on a fundamental level.

  Ivan made it to the parking garage without running into the fake security guards again, and he left without further incident. He drove for an hour before stopping at a huge truck stop just off the freeway. He went inside and picked up a cell phone with some prepaid minutes on it. Then he risked having his own cell on for a few minutes while he gathered Harper’s phone number from it.

  “Harper,” Harper barked when he picked up. “Who is this?”

  “It’s Ivan Gurrink, Harper, I wanted to talk to you about-“

  “Ivan! What the fuck! Where are you, you little pile of shit?”

  “I’m…uh, it doesn’t matter. I want to know what I have to do to keep you from sending more guys after me.”

  “Turn yourself the fuck in!”

  “I’m not sure that’s a good idea, um, how about I just mail you the pills and we call it square.”

  “Ohhh, bitch, that’s not good enough now. The cops know about you! They know you’re wanted for industrial espionage and everything else that I can fucking think of, you and that redheaded bitch that was in your lab! Must be a hooker, you couldn’t get anyone like that on your own.”

  In the back of Ivan’s head, Scarlet vibrated with simultaneous anger and satisfaction with Harper’s assessment of her looks.

  “It doesn’t matter anyway! We have your research and the synthesizer, we’ve got plenty of the drug.”

  “Then what do you need me for?” Ivan said, totally confused.

  “You pissed me off, that’s why! You little shit! We’re going to find you and I’m going to personally rip off your-“

  Ivan clicked the phone off, his mind awash in a gray sea of panic. Only the Island of Scarlet stood above it. Take a pill.

  “I’m not sure that’s a good idea, I think that-“

  Take a pill and let me deal with things right now. You’re in no shape to do anything. I have an idea. Just let me out.

  “This is a bad plan,” he said, digging through his suitcase for the bag of pills.

  It’s better than your plan.

  “I don’t have a plan!”


  He stood there staring at the pill. “Will…I come back?”

  You are me. However much I hate to admit it. I don’t think we could survive without each other.

  “We’re going to have to figure this out, then.”

  Yeah, but not when thugs are trying to kill us. Take the damn pill.

  Ivan did so without further argument. It wasn’t like he had any bright ideas, after all, and he had to admit that being in Scarlet’s body was the most exhilarating thing that had ever happened to him.

  The change happened much more quickly this time, without the sense of desperation that had fueled her impromptu take-over when the things had come to the door. “Of course it’s the most exhilarating thing ever,” she said in response to his thoughts as she smirked at herself in the mirror. “It’s me .”

  She still wore Ivan’s clothing, some of which was sweaty and all of which was far too big for her, but she managed to look amazing in spite of her attire. She winked at herself and stripped down, heading for the shower when she was naked. Ivan marveled at how she felt perfectly at home whether she was naked or not, whereas he always felt that someone was looking at him when he took off his underwear. It was just one of something like a billion examples of the differences between them.

  Scarlet showered quickly, treating her body with a kind of businesslike respect that she hadn’t shown before; she wasn’t showing off for Ivan anymore, and she knew that they had to get moving as soon as possible if her plan was going to work.

  What was your plan, again?

  “Ivan. Babydoll. You and I are going to go public.”

  There was a sudden, and to Scarlet’s mind utterly alien, spike of terror. We can’t do that! That’s your plan?

  “Oh, we can. And we will. I’m just not sure how.”

  I’m not going to help.

  “You’re me, remember? We draw on the same information, even though I get bored as hell by the shit you do at work.” She stepped out of the shower, dripping, a vision that could have caused wars in earlier centuries. She sat down on the toilet to blow-dry her hair, a process which took a remarkably long time given her prodigious locks. Scarlet enjoyed every moment of the air blowing over her soft skin. Ivan secretly enjoyed it as well, though given her half-smirk he wasn’t sure whether she knew or not.

  That boring shit is what got us here, brought you out, and made
sure that we had enough money to survive so far.

  “I know it. So what we need to do is sell our story. I have an idea about that, but we’re going to have to work together.”

  Nation Today was one of the largest news magazines in America. Damon Nichols wasn’t the biggest fish in the corporate pond but he was working his way up in the ranks of the reporters. Someday, he told himself, he’d be a whale.

  “Not by investigating pharmaceutical companies, though,” he muttered to himself. Everyone knew that the pharm companies were a little shady at best; the problem was that they were so damn good at hiding their activities or buying off those who knew otherwise.

  He threw his pen across his cubicle and slumped back in his chair. His latest lead had dried up, the contacts involved suddenly saying that they didn’t know anything, had never heard of anyone, and who the hell was he again?

  He rubbed at his eyes, only looking up when he became aware of a spreading silence in the work room. He poked his head over the top of his cubicle, noticing that his neighbors were all starting to do likewise. He tracked what they were all watching, and he fell just as still as the others.

  The hottest woman that he’d ever seen in real life strode purposefully through the work room. She was short enough that he couldn’t be sure, but he thought that she had an incredible rack to go with her blaze of red hair and the green eyes that pinned down anything they focused on.

  He wasn’t sure until she stopped in front of his cubicle and stood there with one broad hip shot out to the side. She gave him a smile that threatened to melt his teeth and said, “Damon Nichols?”

  He looked her up and down without realizing that he was going to do so. She wore a white button-down shirt tucked into a pale green skirt that fell to a few inches above her knee. The outfit was simple, decorating a body that was anything but. Damon fumbled for his words but the language center of his brain was on temporary hiatus. Finally he managed to say, “Yuh?” He closed his eyes for a moment and said, “That’s me, yes, hello?” Where the hell was his usual calm?


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