Gigantic Variations

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Gigantic Variations Page 12

by Maxwell Avoi

  Great. Justin was starting to wonder if his only friend so far was the village idiot. “You’ve never been outside the walls?”

  “Oh, no one ever leaves Castle Litt, miss. You know that.”

  Justin’s eyes widened and he took a step closer. “Castle what?”

  “Litt, miss.” Daniel looked confused, but his blush remained as he tried to look anywhere but down the canyon of Justin’s incredible cleavage. Justin suddenly realized that he could smell the man, the sweat and the smoke that clung to him, and the smell seemed to feed the heat that was starting to become a serious factor in his life. He reached out with one tiny hand and touched Daniel’s arm.

  “Castle Litt? Are you sure that’s what the name of this place is?”

  Daniel nodded, glad to be back on solid ground for the moment. “Yes, miss. Named after Lord Charles.”

  Lord Charles Litt. Chuck. Oh, shit. Justin kept his hand where it was, hardly noticing it as he thought about this development. Both his new body and Daniel noticed, though, and they reacted in much the same way: breathing a little faster and flushing with growing heat. “You say that you’ve lived here all your life?”

  “Yes miss.”

  “Have I?”

  Daniel frowned and put his hand to the side of his head as if trying to soothe a sudden pain. “I, uh…I’m not sure, miss. I mean, you’d have to, right?”

  “Because no one leaves.”

  “That’s right, miss.” Daniel smiled, glad to be back on familiar footing again, and a fleeting part of Justin’s mind noted that he had quite a lovely smile. It was gentle, incongruous with his size and muscles, and it made Justin’s own lips itch to kiss-

  “What the fuck?” he said, suddenly realizing what he was thinking.

  Daniel’s eyes grew round, and he took a half-step away. “Uh…I…”

  “Oh, um, sorry,” said Justin, trying to think of something reasonable. “I…I saw a bird fly by, one that looked like it had two heads, and it…surprised me.” He finished lamely, but Daniel seemed quite prepared to take anything that Justin said for the truth. The blacksmith relaxed a little, though he didn’t step close again. Justin was glad for it and he wished that his body would get the message and cool down. He had never felt such warmth and a strange moistness between his legs before, vivid reminders that he was no longer strictly a he. As if he needed them, what with the heavy breasts bouncing on his chest at the slightest movement.

  He nodded to Daniel and went back inside, making his way to the kitchen. Chuck Litt was the lord of the castle? What the hell did that mean? If he was right and he had seen Bonny before, then was this some sort of weird…what? Pocket world where Chuck was the ruler?

  If that was the case, then Chuck was probably the reason for what had happened (whatever the hell had happened). If that was the case, then he would be the key to reversing it. Justin could turn back into himself again. The idea was almost enough to make him not care about the whispers and sidelong glares from the other kitchen workers, the sheer discomfort of the way that his new body was shaped, or the misery of the backbreaking work that they needed to perform as quickly as possible.

  The lunch rush came and went, and then the kitchen shifted into a higher gear for dinner. Justin saw that his only chance to figure out what was going on would be either his scant free time in the morning or possibly late at night…assuming that he could stay awake that long.

  He had just about fallen into a rhythm that allowed him to ignore the rest of the world when one of the other women quite deliberately kicked his tub of water over. Justin blinked, not knowing what had happened at first, and the pause was long enough for Bonny to see what had happened. She stormed over as Justin belatedly tried to gather up the spilled dishware. The other women watched, smirking, as Bonny harangued Justin with shouts and blows from a ladle that rode at her waist. The one who’d kicked the tub over even laughed, though she stifled it when Bonny glared in her direction.

  It took Justin longer than it should have to gather up the fallen dishes; he was constantly worried that his gigantic tits would simply fall out of the front of his dress as he scrabbled around on his hands and knees. The other women seemed to be in on the torture, kicking the cups away with apparently unknowing movements, and the one who’d started the whole thing stepped on Justin’s fingers at one point.

  Justin felt rage and tears pushing their way to the surface; he had never asked to be here, had never done whatever it was that had angered the other women so much. When his fingers were stepped on, he stood with his face set in a rage that made the other women laugh. His antagonist stood as well, towering over Justin’s new body by at least six inches. Justin hadn’t realized how small he was until that moment, but his rage made him feel as though he could take her on anyway.

  His rage was incorrect. Between being physically weaker and smaller, Justin also had only the barest sense of balance; his new body wasn’t designed for combat. His opponent, taller and broader, was better versed in fighting and totally comfortable in her own body. The fight didn’t last long, and by the time that Justin finally got to sit down with his tub again he was nursing a black eye and a torn shirt. Fortunately, it was torn over the shoulder instead of somewhere on his chest; his breasts had minimal cover as it was, and couldn’t afford to lose any more.

  Bonny’s angry cries and blows eventually moved to other parts of the kitchen, leaving the cleaning girls to their duties. “’Swhat happens,” said one of them grinning at Justin like a shark sighting dinner.

  “Saucy Julie, spreadin’ her legs for any man who looks at ‘er,” said another.

  “An’ with those tits, who doesn’t look?” said the one who’d kicked over the tub. Justin just shrank down and tried to concentrate on the work while the taunts went on around him.

  The worst part, the absolute worst, was that deep down he knew they were right. The heat that had blossomed in his belly while talking to the guards and to Daniel had never gone away. It had stayed with him, pulsing, drawing attention to itself as a hunger that he hadn’t understood until now. It was lust, lust displayed in a way that he wasn’t used to, and it wasn’t going away. Part of his mind just shrugged and gave a wry nod; it made sense, after all. If the rest of him had been changed so radically, why think that it had stopped at the skin? Justin focused both lust and denial into his fingers, scrubbing until the pots shined and his hands were raw again.

  By the time he was done the other workers had moved on to other things and the kitchen was mostly empty. It was late and he ached all over. Getting up in the middle of the night was going to be nigh impossible but all it took was a single glance downward to firm his resolve again; he didn’t want to be saddled with those ridiculous tits any longer than he had to. He wanted out of this situation for many reasons.

  As the last one done, Justin was given the job of taking the scraps out to the animals. Some vegetable trimmings went to the stables and the rest of it went to the pig pens. It was hot work and he was glad for the coolness of the night. Looking up at the shining moon, he wondered where its light came from and where it hid during the “day.” For that matter, he wondered where the sun had gone. There was no sign of its light in the heavens, which surrounded them on all sides with a vast array of stars.

  In the stables Justin took a moment to pet the noses of the horses, which nickered and nudged his tiny hand as if looking for a treat. The sight of the water trough reminded him that he hadn’t had a chance to clean off and had no idea where he might find a bath otherwise. The stables appeared deserted so he decided that he was at least going to attack the next day cleaner than he’d woken up.

  Undoing the cords that held his top together was a relief that ran all the way down to his toes. His breasts bounced and jostled with each motion now but they had been doing that to a lesser extent all day. It was amazing what a person could get used to, he thought to distract himself as he stripped down. The sight of his own body was a revelation to him; underneath the long sk
irt and terrible underwear his entire form was just as luscious an inviting as his bosom. Whoever had designed this body, they had certainly had one goal firmly in mind.

  He leaned over the watering trough and saw his new face for the first time. Over-plump lips and bedroom eyes defined it, those beautiful lips set in a permanent quirk that had probably helped to give this body its nickname; the face in the water looked amused and turned on at the same time. It was the face of a woman who would happily sit on a man’s lap and drink him under the table before heading to his best friend’s bed for the night. Framed in short chestnut curls, it was a face that promised much set atop a body built to deliver.

  Justin frowned (even his frown was sexy) and slapped at the water with an open palm. He started to scoop up handfuls of the cold water and used it scrub away the sweat and grime as best he could. It wasn’t perfect since he had no soap but it was a lot better than nothing.

  He fought to ignore how good everything felt, how every touch and every rub just added more heat to that internal fire that he insisted wasn’t there. It bided its time, the bed of coals glowing hotter when he denied to himself that his own hands on his new breasts felt amazing, and the way that his nipples crinkled was entirely because of the temperature. He found himself slowing, the sensations trickling into him and pushing the flame higher, and for the life of him he couldn’t make himself stop. There was something about it, something that felt like a train gathering steam. It was hot and fast and it was going to run and run until it exploded, but he forced himself to focus on cleaning. Exploration, he reluctantly promised himself, could come later.

  Just as he was leaning over to dunk his hair into the trough, he felt someone’s hands settle on the tops of his wide hips. Justin reared back, breasts thrashing, and tried to turn. The hands held him fast, and he could only get a glimpse of a leering face before the stench of onions and some unnamable meat rolled over him as the man spoke. “Saucy Julie. All clean, all soft and pretty here in the moonlight, ready for me.”

  The man’s hand went between Justin’s legs before he could stop it, and the hand stroked at the lips there. Justin was horrified to hear the moan of an aroused woman escape his plump lips. He had to fight, to get away! There was only the one hand on him, and it wasn’t even gripping him, and…

  He instead arched his hips, driving his incredibly full ass backward into the man’s groin. The heat took hold, driving Justin’s movements, and he was weak in the face of it. “No…” Justin whispered.

  The man chuckled knowingly and slid his hands down her arms, taking hold of her hands and using his body to bear her down, leaning her over until he could place her hands on the trough. He held one down while the other moved back, went to work squirming at her backside. Justin barely had time or brainpower to understand that he wasn’t touching her back there; he was undoing his pants.

  His captivating hand moved upward and ended on her breast, plunging deep into it as he squeezed and kneaded at the soft flesh, and Justin moaned again. She was overwhelmed with the sensations, with his power and even the stink of him, everything drilling past her mind to make her want him more and more with each passing second. The idea of fighting him off was there but could gain no purchase in her hot, ready body as she rolled her hips back into him again. The man chuckled again. “Always wantin’ it, always ready to go, a welcoming warm place on this night, eh, Julie? Softly, love, softly, we’ll get what you need.”

  And she did need it, Justin realized, needed him more than she could believe. His touch was wonderful, the weight and heat of his body even more so, but there was something more than she needed, an aching desire that radiated from the center of her and outward to the tip of every limb and hair. She found that she was no longer struggling even in token protest, but eagerly joining in as she raised one hand to play with her other breast.

  Finally he undid the ties that held his pants shut and she felt him, hot and hard and long, pressing against her. Her breath came faster now, salted with whimpers that shamed the deepest part of her male mind but that she seemed unable to stop. She tilted her pelvis further, her body knowing precisely what it needed, and when he finally slid into her she was so wet that he filled her with a single shove.

  The shock of it made her open her eyes wide but she couldn’t stop. She braced herself with both hands on the trough as he began to pump in and out of her, picking up speed. Impossibly, the heat inside of her grew with each stroke until she was sure that she was going to catch fire from it. She heard herself moaning and yelping, felt her breasts bouncing back and forth, and above all was acutely aware of the aching emptiness being filled again and again as her nameless partner pounded into her.

  Then the heat took a sharp turn upward, gathered strength, and compressed into a tiny dot that exploded within her. She screamed and screamed as her delectable body shuddered, clenching at him, her toes curling and her back arching. She was completely out of control, unable to quiet herself by so much as a single breath, and he laughed as she wailed. The pleasure was outrageous, deep and wide as the endless sky that surrounded them, and she was as lost in the middle of it.

  Justin came back slowly, found herself still gripping the trough so tightly that she was surprised that her tiny fingers hadn’t scored the wood. “Ah yes!” said the man behind her, his voice coming hard. “That’s what we…what we like from you, Julie! Why we…why we do what we do! You love it so!”

  Justin was horrified to find that her body was reacting still, in spite of the breathtaking climax, and that the heat was building again. It was even faster this time, making her give voice to tiny yelps in spite of everything that she tried to do. The man laughed again as he pumped. “Say it! Say you love it!”

  He pulled back on her hair, pounding into her, and Justin was just as unable to ignore his commands as she was unable to stop her body from reacting to him. “Yes!” she cried. “Ye…yes! Oh yes! I…”

  “You what?”

  “I love it! Yes ! I love it!” The words acted the same way that his cock did, driving the pleasure suddenly higher as if rewarding her. “I love it! I love it! I love it I love it I love it OH GOD !”

  The heat burst again, her screams scaring the horses as she gave voice to the ecstasy that tore through her. He gave two more thrusts and then held it, and she vaguely felt him throbbing inside her. The pleasure jumped another level, reaching a plateau that she was sure hadn’t been visited by a mortal before, and she stayed there so long that when she finally came around he was already dressed and leaving. He turned and gave her a wink as he left. She was sure that she had seen him before, but her pleasure-addled mind couldn’t place him.

  It was a long time before Justin could stand. Her legs were weak and the aftershocks kept rolling through her magnificent body. Even worse than that was the raw shock and despair that felt as though it coated every part of her. How could she have let this happen? The afterglow was intense, burning in a different way, and for the first time since she’d met the guards she felt content, but the cost had been brutal.

  She forced herself to unsteady feet and then used some more water to wash the new grime off of her. Her body was tender and overly sensitive now, and it actually made her flinch to touch some parts. She worried that the heat would begin to build if she was too enthusiastic about her washing, but it seemed to be asleep for now. Her throat was sore from screaming, and her hips bore small bruises in the shape of his fingers from where he’d used them as a handle to pull her as tight against himself as he could. If it wasn’t for the glowing pleasure she would have considered drowning herself in the trough; it took the edge off of her despair, at least enough to allow her to remind herself that she had work to do. She had to get out of there, had to find her way back to the real world somehow.

  She dressed, exhaustion bone-deep now that she had put so much effort into things that she didn’t want to remember, didn’t want to contemplate. To stay awake would be unthinkable.

  She took the buckets back t
o the kitchen for the final time and then found her way back to the tiny room where she’d woken in hell. Tomorrow would be time enough to investigate; for now, she wanted nothing but sleep. Her last thought before she dropped off was the realization that she was no longer thinking of herself as a “he.” She didn’t have the energy to care, and fell asleep as if falling down a well. Her dreams were full of pleasure as endless men availed themselves of her spectacular body and she accommodated them as enthusiastically as she knew how while her male body stood and screamed at her the entire time.

  Bonny’s thunderous pounding at the door woke her up the next day, and this time Justin was able to do up her top without any help. She was sore all over, and the afterglow was little more than a distant memory, so her enthusiasm was even lower than it had been the first day. Bonny could not possibly have cared less, of course; there was work to be done.

  “Heard you had a good night,” said one of the other women when Justin got to the kitchen.

  “La. The whole castle heard,” said another, and all of them cackled at the sight of Justin’s blush. She just scoured harder, imagining her tormentor’s faces being ground away under handfuls of sand. The women made some more bawdy comments about Saucy Julie before moving on to other things, circling their chairs to make sure that she knew that she was excluded from their august company.

  As soon as she could she vanished into the tunnels and corridors that made up the interior of the castle. There had to be a way for her to get to the rest of it, after all; others did, for serving and cleaning. It took her half an hour to find a good route, one that eventually led her to what was obviously the main hall. Giant tables were set up in a horseshoe pattern, though only a corner of them were set for lunch. No one was around so Justin turned to go. She froze when she heard footsteps approaching, and then she ran on quiet bare feet to hide herself behind a dangling tapestry, one arm over her breasts to make sure that they didn’t bounce out.

  She gasped quietly when Helen entered the hall. Helen was dressed in a long, flowing gown that was just the right shade of deep crimson to set off her flashing green eyes. Helen looked around, her brow furrowed, but she didn’t see anything that could have been the source of the gasp. She went and sat down at one of the place settings, and Justin stepped out from hiding.


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