Gigantic Variations

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Gigantic Variations Page 13

by Maxwell Avoi

  “Helen!” she whispered.

  Helen looked around, saw her, and frowned. “Lady Helen,” she said in a disapproving tone.

  “Helen, it’s me, Justin. I know it sounds crazy, but I think that we’re trapped in a-“

  “What on earth are you talking about, girl?” Helen’s voice sounded different. Justin realized that she had the same indefinable European accent as the guards at the gate, though hers sounded much higher-class than theirs had. Her voice also carried a previously unknown haughty note.

  Justin tried again. “It’s Chuck. He’s done something to us, I don’t know, trapped us here somehow.”

  “Trapped whom? Who is Chuck?”

  “I think he calls himself Lord Charles here, and he-“

  “Don’t listen to her prattle, my lady,” said Bonny’s voice. Justin turned to find the woman just coming out of a curtsy. “She’s just a scullery maid, but I think sometimes her fancies run away with her. Don’t they , Julia?”

  Bonny’s glare was enough to melt glass. Justin felt herself wilting beneath it. Helen’s faint frown of irritation and confusion remained, giving no indication that she had any idea what Justin was talking about. Justin bowed her head, acutely aware that she was looking into her own magnificent cleavage. Helen didn’t know what was happening; the curse had her in its grip. “Yes, my lady.”

  “Don’t worry, my lady, I’ll soon have her straightened out.” Bonny took hold of Justin’s upper arm and started to pull her away.

  “Wait,” said a booming male voice. All three women turned to see Chuck Litt standing in the doorway, He wore robes and a small crown, and stood with all the asshole self-assuredness that Justin was used to seeing from him. She had to admit that he cut a handsome figure, and was horrified to find the heat blossoming in her belly once again.

  “A scullery maid has taken a fever, husband,” said Helen. “She was babbling all sorts of strange nonsense.”

  “Mmm.” He approached them, and with every step Justin felt the warmth deepen. Finally he reached out and took her jaw in his hand, giving her breasts a good long inspection before turning his eyes to hers. “What is your name, girl?”

  “Jus…Julia, uh, sir.”

  Chuck’s wide answering smile made Justin’s panties dampen. “Is it.”

  “Yes. Uh, Lord Charles.” Justin hated saying it but she was flustered and didn’t want to give Bonny any more reason to be upset with her.

  “Hmm.” He tapped his chin and said, “Helen my dear. Weren’t you looking for an upstairs maid? It seems to me that such a glorious flower as this shouldn’t be kept locked up in the kitchen.”

  Helen frowned a bit but nodded. “Yes, my lord, I was. I’m sure if you think she’d be appropriate then it would be fine.”

  “I do, in fact. It will be good for you to have female companionship, after all.” He turned to the woman holding Justin’s arm. “Bonny, my sweet, could you have the girl and her things sent up to the upstairs servant’s quarters, please? We’ve got to get her cleaned up and presentable if she’s going to be doing the work up there, don’t we.”

  Bonny curtseyed, letting go of Justin’s arm. “At once, my lord.”

  She took hold of Justin’s shoulder to lead her away but Chuck held up his hand. He looked at Justin and said, “Don’t you have something to say to your benefactor, girl?” His grin and voice were the smarmiest things that Justin had ever encountered but they affected her new body deeply. She shifted a bit.

  She didn’t want to say anything to him but the others were watching her and she knew that something was expected. “My thanks, Lord Charles.” She would be damned if she would call him “my lord.”

  “Mm. And we expect a curtsey, as well. Whenever you enter or exit my presence, or Lady Helen’s.”

  Justin did her best, her body giving her a bit of the grace that she needed to pull it off, but the fact was that she had never done one before. She flubbed it pretty well but apparently the obeisance was enough to satisfy whatever ego Chuck needed stroking. He waved his hand and said, “It’s a start. You may go.”

  Bonny pulled Justin away and they headed downstairs. Justin tried to process what she had just seen, but she didn’t have time before Bonny whirled her around and slammed her back-first into the wall of the stairwell. Justin’s head bounced painfully off the stone but her well-padded ass prevented further damage. Dazed, she stared into Bonny’s red, contorted face.

  “I don’t know what you were doing up there, girl, but if they hadn’t decided to take you on as an upstairs maid I’d be peeling every inch of skin off of you right now.” She growled low in her throat, and then she closed her eyes to compose herself a bit. Justin didn’t move a muscle; if she hadn’t won the fight with the scullery girl, she certainly wouldn’t have a chance against Bonny. After a ten-count Bonny opened her eyes again. “Still, I’m glad for you. I just wish you hadn’t embarrassed me in front of Lord Charles and Lady Helen.” Her face was still red, but the dark rage seemed to have receded.

  “I’m very very sorry,” said Justin, trying to sound as sincere as possible.

  “I know y’are, girl.” She let go of Justin’s shoulders and said, “I need you to know…I’ve put up with you and your taking time with the men. I know all about Saucy Julie. If you’re going to have a chance upstairs, you have to stop all that running around. Get married, even, when you can.”

  Justin felt a blush flood her face and spread down to the tops of her enormous tits. “I…I…”

  Bonny shook her head. “I was young once too, even pretty, hard as it is to believe. But you have to think about what the master and lady want.” She patted Justin’s cheek. “Now get your things. Head on upstairs so they can get you cleaned up. It’s hard work up there, still, but not the same way.”

  Justin slowly made her way to the tiny room where she slept, her head spinning. What was it about Chuck that had affected her so strongly? She was still hot and bothered and if yesterday was any indication there was no chance of her getting any relief without something awful happening. She was particularly disturbed by the fact that part of her found the idea of sex to be intriguing; there was no denying that it had felt amazing. She blamed her wildly overdeveloped body. Her hormones had to be in overdrive to produce a figure like hers. All she had to do was just resist it until it died down on its own.

  She stopped in the hallway, surprised by her own thoughts. What she actually had to do was figure out how to undo what Chuck had done, assuming that he was the one who’d created the situation. Then the other problem would take care of itself.

  She went into the tiny room and opened the trunk. There were a few more tops like the one she was already wearing, along with some skirts and other examples of the same clunky underwear. Justin sighed and gathered them up; outside of those it appeared that her only possession was the candle. She decided to leave that for the next person. Her clothing made a depressingly small bundle.

  She had to go through the kitchen to get upstairs, and she endured the withering glares of the other scullery maids one last time. With any luck she wouldn’t see them again. She thought about kicking over a tub, but being beaten up again wasn’t an attractive prospect. Besides, it would have been sheer pettiness.

  She made her way upstairs, navigating the halls and stairways nervously. It took her ten minutes to get to where she was going and the entire time she was glad that her body seemed to have such a deep well of stamina. She held the bundle of clothing over her chest, minimizing the bounce, and found that it was pretty comfortable to walk when she didn’t have to worry about her enormous boobs thrashing around all the time.

  She didn’t see anyone so she was content to wander. Justin figured that if she ran into anyone she could say that she was lost, which was true enough anyway. It was a good time to try to find something that would allow her to understand more of the puzzle that she was in the middle of.

  After a little exploration she found a hallway that contained sleeping quarte
rs for guests of Lord Charles. Or at least, that was what she assumed they were; they were well-appointed suites and rooms that had no sign that anyone had used them in a long time. Someone had kept them dusted and aired, though, and Justin suspected that she was looking at some of her new duties.

  She turned a corner and found herself staring down another hallway, this one short and ending with a double door that was guarded by another man wearing the same uniform as the ones at the gate. She blinked in surprise and then felt herself tense up when he grinned at her.

  “What’s Saucy Julie doing all the way up here, then?” he said. She knew that voice. She’d heard it before, recently, when its owner had taken her from behind while she bent over a water trough. The thought made the heat inside of her leap to a new level, and she was vaguely aware that she’d lowered the bundle of clothing so that his view of her chest was unimpeded.

  “I…I got lost. I’m looking for the servant’s quarters here. Lord Charles sent me up here to be Lady Helen’s maid.” It wasn’t strictly true, but it was close enough.

  His smirk deepened. “So you’ll be working up here, will you? Maybe you’ll have more time to play, eh? You and me. Maybe a friend of mine. Or two.” He stepped forward until he was close enough to reach out and stroke her cheek, and Justin was horrified to find herself pressing her face into his hand.

  His hand drifted down to cup one of her breasts and Justin moaned a little. The guard snickered and let her go, resuming his spot at the door. Justin felt that quiet ache starting up in her middle, the desire to be filled, and she forced herself to close her eyes and turn away. When she had her back to him she said, “Could you at least tell me where I need to go?”

  “Down the hall, right, then all the way to the end and left.” She heard him step closer again, and then he reached around to squeeze her enormous right breast. “That’s your right.” Then he squeezed her left with his other hand, making her gasp as his fingers pressed in to the soft flesh. “And that’s your left.”

  She fairly ran away once he let her go, and his laughter chased her down the hall. Justin was flushed and breathing hard by the time she found the servant quarters, and only a little of it came from the exertion of running through the halls. She felt damp between her legs, the heat starting to spike inside her, and she squeezed her eyes tight. She fought off tears, wanting nothing more than to be out of this prison of a castle and away from the tyranny of this body’s constant desire.

  After a few minutes she got ahold of her emotions, though the lust that simmered between her legs remained at a constant level. How could that be? When she had been a man, in her normal life, she’d had spikes of desire for women all the time, but they all just faded away. Was it like this for all women, this gradual ramping up of lust until it was impossible to ignore? She didn’t believe it. Something had been done to her, besides the obvious, something that made her into a slut even when she fought to keep her legs closed.

  If she was right and Chuck had done this…whatever this was, then he was the one responsible for her condition as well. Her eyes snapped open. That must have been why his voice had affected her so much! He’d turned her into some sort of fuck toy!

  The image of her in bed with him pounding into her flashed vividly before her mind’s eye and she struggled to fight it off. She soon found that while she could banish the thought from her conscious mind, it kept popping up with increasing frequency.

  Justin squared her shoulders and went into the servant’s quarters. An older woman in much nicer clothing than anything that Justin had seen a servant wearing so far was sitting and sewing up a dress. She looked up and said, “Are you Julia?” She looked at Justin’s overflowing top and the way that the rest of her figure strained at her clothing, and she sniffed. “I suppose that you are. I was warned that you were going to be joining us upstairs. I’ve taken the liberty of starting alterations, given the description of your, ah, attributes, but I see that I’ve underestimated the situation. Come. Stand.”

  Justin came closer, hating the feel of the blush that flooded her cheeks as the woman inspected her. She was tall and slim in a way that suggested leather and steel rather than slender reeds. When she leaned in to scan Justin’s face, Justin realized that she recognized this woman as well. She was a regular at the resident meetings and had always seemed to hang on Chuck’s every word. She’d never approved of Justin in the real world, either, always giving a sniff when they’d passed each other in the foyer.

  “You may call me Mrs. Melver,” she said. “Such a common girl as you would not have been my choice, particularly considering the gossip that drifts about concerning your…activities. I trust that you won’t be embarrassing either me or the title while you are working upstairs.” It wasn’t a question; it was a simple statement of fact.

  Justin kept her head down and nodded, not daring to meet the woman’s stern gaze. Mrs. Melver gave that sniff that Justin was so familiar with and went to pick up a long piece of string that was marked with inches. “Drop your clothes, girl.”

  “Sorry?” said Justin.

  Mrs. Melver waved her hand, impatient. “Your clothes. Take them off so I can get proper measurements. No girl of mine is going to be seen in anything unsuitable. Though I suspect that anything I do will be defeated…what was in the water when you grew up?” She stared at Justin and tapped her foot. Justin waited long enough to be sure that the woman was serious before starting to undo the ties that held her enormous breasts in check. Mrs. Melver watched without apparent interest as Justin slowly stripped. She shook her head in disgust when Justin’s spectacular figure was fully revealed.

  “We’ll have to get you cleaned up as well. You smell as though you bathed in a horse trough.” With that, she took the string and started to take Justin’s measurements, marking down numbers on the mantle of the fireplace with a small piece of chalk. Justin didn’t know how the numbers translated or what they meant, but she could tell that the ones related to her bust and hips were very high. Her waist seemed normal enough; she had an hourglass figure, not a waspish one. She wasn’t sure why it was important enough to worry about but it sent a secret thrill through her to know more about herself. Mrs. Melver’s hands were the furthest thing from arousing in normal circumstances, being hard and cold, but apparently Justin’s body was prepared to be turned on by any touch at all. She did her best to keep from showing it but by the time Mrs. Melver was done Justin was nearly panting with the heat and dampness that filled her. Finally the stern woman told Justin to get dressed again.

  “I’ll have your uniform ready for you tomorrow,” she said. “Until then, you are to stay in your room and wait for a suitable time for a bath. I will send for you when the opportune time arrives.”

  She led Justin to one of the nearby doors. The servant quarters were set up with a large common area and tiny bedrooms, little larger than the one that Justin had occupied downstairs. It was much cleaner, though, and there appeared to be actual padding in the mattress. There was even a small window. After the last two days in the dungeon it felt like a palace. Justin turned to thank Mrs. Melver but the other woman was already closing the door. Justin sighed and sat down to await her summons.

  She soon realized that it was going to be a while and that she didn’t have anything to do. She lay back on the bed, her giant tits sliding up toward her collarbones as she did so, and the feel of all that flesh moving around drew her attention to her body and its ongoing arousal. She wasn’t to the point that she’d achieved last night (during the sex that she stubbornly refused to think about) but she was closer than she liked. The idea of a repeat occurrence wasn’t appealing, or so she sternly told her body, and so she finally decided that she would figure out a way to get rid of the raw lust that kept filling her.

  She let one hand slip down between her legs, sliding beneath the waist of the skirt until she was able to touch the aching, wet lips that waited there. She stroked at them, hissing between her teeth at the sensations, and then she foun
d that her other hand was already at play at her chest. It was a wonderland of possibilities up there, her mountainous bosom providing a giant playground, and her hand took full advantage.

  Each touch and squeeze and pinch felt better than the last and soon the hand between her legs was buried third-knuckle deep inside herself. She was initially tight but soon loosened enough to allow herself full access, her body proving that it was just as flexible as it was attractive. She went on and on, the inside of her wrist rubbing against her new clit while her fingers pressed and prodded against the g-spot nestled inside of her. Between that and the stimulation from her breasts, Justin soon found herself panting and squealing, quite unable to stop the noises coming from her soft lips as she rode the wave of pleasure higher and higher.

  She was at first worried and eventually horrified to find that no matter what she did to herself, no matter how hard or long she masturbated, she couldn’t find relief. She could drive herself to a crest so high that it was as if she was transported to another world but she couldn’t quite put herself over the edge. After long, enthusiastic work, she finally relaxed back onto the bed, still panting. The entire room smelled of her, and her clothing was in the same sort of disarray that it might have been after a long session with

  a man

  someone else in bed, but she was worse off than when she’d started. She wanted relief so badly that she could taste it but she couldn’t reach that point on her own. She was near tears at the feel of the empty ache that she wanted, needed to fill.

  She almost screamed when someone knocked at her door. Instead she fought to get herself under control, overcoming her body’s blaring signals long enough to straighten her clothes. She didn’t have time to fully do up the ties holding her top closed but it was just as well; the loose material would do a better job of hiding her hugely erect nipples that way.


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