Gigantic Variations

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Gigantic Variations Page 14

by Maxwell Avoi

  A young woman wearing what had to be a maid’s uniform was standing at the door. She looked Justin up and down with a sneer that Justin was becoming far too familiar with. “So the rumors’re true,” said the woman. “Saucy Julie got lost and found her way up here.”

  Justin frowned; she was getting tired of being treated this way and the fact that it seemed to be warranted made it even worse. She was already frustrated to an unearthly degree, and the maid’s attitude caused her to snap. “It’s Julia, bitch. What the hell is your problem?”

  The maid gaped at her, surprised to find Justin capable of striking back. She closed her mouth and a blush bloomed in her cheeks. Justin felt a sudden sense of triumph that she had caused that reaction in someone else for once. It didn’t help with the fierce lust or the even stronger frustration but at least she got a quick glimmer of satisfaction. It went away when the maid said in a much quieter tone, “My name’s Elsa.”

  Justin forced herself to nod. “Nice to meet you, Elsa. Sorry about the harsh language. Lord Charles and Lady Helen requested that I come up here, and I haven’t been very welcome.”

  Elsa shook her head, her lank blonde hair swaying with the movement. “It’s hard to get here, hard to live up to Mrs. Melver’s standards. A new girl throws things all off kilter for a while.”

  “Ah. I promise I’ll try to learn as fast as I can. I’m already good at cleaning.”

  Elsa flashed a smile at that, quick and surprising as a fish flashing through a beam of sunlight on a stream. “Well, let’s find out. Your bath’s ready.”

  She turned to lead the way and Justin followed. She wasn’t looking forward to stripping down or touching her body enough to clean it but the idea of actually being clean was so appealing that she hurried after Elsa without protest. Some idle part of her mind that was in charge of such things noticed that Elsa’s hips and ass were both well-shaped, in the same way that Justin’s breasts were more than a handful. She wasn’t sure that she’d seen haunches that perfect before and the sight of them made her internal heat turn up another notch. After she realized what was happening she kept her eyes on the ground.

  Elsa led her to the bath room and stood while Justin started to strip down. Before she took her top and underwear off, Justin looked at Elsa with a questioning expression. Elsa didn’t notice at first, because her eyes were slowly sweeping up and down Justin’s spectacular body. Her face bore an expression that Justin recognized, if only from the inside; Elsa was turned on by the sight of her and getting more so.

  “Elsa,” said Justin.

  Elsa jumped slightly as if goosed, her gaze darting around the room before finally settling on Justin’s. “I…there is soap, and…”

  Justin was hit with a sudden burst of understanding. “Elsa…are you…easily, ah…aroused?” She wasn’t sure how to phrase it delicately so she did the best she could.

  Elsa’s blush grew deeper and Justin hurried on before the other maid could run away. “It happens to me, too, is why I asked, and I was hoping that you might have some idea of how to…to get rid of the problem. I think it’s why they call me…what they call me.”

  Elsa shook her head quickly, opening and closing her mouth before finally squeaking out, “There’s only one way I know.” Before Justin could say anything else Elsa turned and ran out the door, her head down and her shoulders shaking.

  So. Justin sighed and closed the door before finishing her strip. She put one tiny foot out and touched the water, gasping when she found it to be hotter than she’d expected. She sank into the warmth in stages, the heat soaking into her bones and joining the arousal that already hid there. By the time she was down to her nose, settled in with her giant bosom bobbing gently in the water, she felt as if she was glowing all over. The two styles of heat fed on one another for a while, settling into a reluctant truce that left Justin conscious of little beyond the need to fuck something. She fought to think of something, anything, else, but no matter what she did she was unable to keep her mind from dwelling on the idea. Images from her dreams assailed her, as did the memory of her time with the unnamed guard at the water trough the night before.

  By the time she was clean Justin was trembling with pure lust. She knew that she wasn’t supposed to want to fuck a man, knew that she was being forced to feel what she felt by a curse or something similar, but it didn’t matter; the unnatural heat filled her and turned her from a thinking creature to one motivated entirely by her hunger.

  She got out of the water, dripping and clean for the first time since waking up that first morning, and she had to fight with herself to get herself back into her clothing. The animal inside didn’t want clothes; it would make fucking slower, and she wanted nothing more than to have a man balls-deep in her. She opened the door and nearly ran into a pair of guards on their patrol.

  They stared at her and she grinned at them. She hadn’t seen either one of them in the castle before but she knew them from the apartment. They were some of the interchangeable college students who came and went from the lower apartments, tall and handsome and utterly forgettable.

  Except now. Justin locked onto them and approached as they stood staring at her. Her nipples wove hypnotic patterns on the cloth of her top as her breasts bounced with each step. She said, “You boys want a quick break with Saucy Julie?”

  They looked at each other and then looked around to see if anyone was watching. While they dithered, Justin turned back to the bath room. She said, “I’ll be getting ready for a bath if you want to join me.” She was already taking off her skirt as the door closed behind her and by the time she’d gotten out of her clothes for the second time that day she was no longer alone. They closed and barred the door, and she squealed in delight as one of them started fumbling with his pants. The other one reached out to touch her, his face set in an expression of wonder at the feel of her heavy breasts. She seized his hands and pushed them deep into her tits, gasping quietly when he squeezed. She said, “Time to get out your weapon, guardsman.”

  As he dropped her breasts and turned to undoing the ties that held his pants shut, the first guard took hold of her and drew her close for a kiss. She kissed enthusiastically, her body telling her lust that it would help him give her what she wanted. Sure enough, she felt him poking at her belly, and she giggled.

  She pulled away from him and sank down to her hands and knees. She used her own clothing for padding as she waggled her magnificent ass at him, panting with desire. Then she beckoned the second one to the front as the first one positioned himself.

  She cried out with joy as he sank into her, his cock stretching and filling her in precisely the way that she’d needed for hours now. She told herself that she was silly to have resisted this; how could she have thought that this was bad or even undesirable? It felt so amazing! It was exactly what she needed, what she was made for!

  She was too turned on to last long the first time, and fortunately the second guard was able to slide into her mouth before her full-throated screams began. Her cries muffled as he came, the vibrations raced up and down his cock as he shoved himself deep down her throat. Justin gagged, still unable to stop screaming from the raw pleasure that filled her from tip to nip.

  They pounded at her as she recovered, the edge taken off her lust but the heat by no means assuaged. She abandoned herself to the fucking, sucking and bobbing her head with every piece of skill that seemed to have been programmed into the very fibers of her spectacular body.

  “Oh my God, she’s so tight ,” said the one behind her. “How can a slut like her be so tight!”

  “Who cares? She sucks cock like a champ,” said the other one.

  Justin felt herself flood with shame at the words; now that some of the lust was gone she was able to understand fully what she was doing. She couldn’t make herself stop but she understood what was happening. The aftershocks of her first monstrous climax still shook her but the shame at the way that they were using her perversely drove the pleasure back up as they co
ntinued fucking her. Tears rolled down her face as she kept doing what she was doing, to the best of her impressive ability. By the time that the guard behind her started to hitch in short breaths and press deeper into her, she was already to the point of another explosion.

  Then he pulled her tight against his hips and emptied himself into her, groaning deeply. It set her off again, and her screams set off the guard in her mouth. She felt and tasted him throbbing down her throat, thrusting so deep for so long that she nearly passed out. She gulped and screamed and gulped, hardly able to control herself enough to keep upright.

  Finally they pulled out, both of them panting. A few of her screams came out with the cock, but she was able to muffle them enough that they probably weren’t heard by the entire castle.

  As she recharged the guards chatted with one another. One rubbed at her huge breast, tugging at the nipple when it popped up so that she yipped and moaned. “She still wants it,” said the one who’d been in her mouth.

  “’Course she does. You know about Saucy Julie.”

  “I thought it was just rumors. Have you ever seen tits like this?”

  “Hell no. She’ll fuck anything with a cock, and she always wants it. Now I want to fuck her in the ass.”

  “Good plan. Hang on, I have an idea.” The one who’d been in her mouth was hard again, the feel of her breasts getting him aroused once more. “Hey Julie. Climb on.”

  He pointed at his cock, and Justin whimpered slightly at the sight of it. Even though she’d climaxed so hard, twice, that she’d almost passed out, the heat remained. It wasn’t nearly as strong now, not even as strong as it had been the night before in the stables, but it was enough that she knew that it would just grow again. She had to think clearly to figure out how to break this curse and the only way to get enough relief to think straight was right in front of her. She’d already been humiliated…had humiliated herself, begging for cock. This couldn’t be any worse.

  As she got up and then settled down to slide him into her, she consoled herself with the knowledge that at least it would feel amazing. She felt herself relax, stretching to accommodate him with the sensation of waking up from a wonderful nap. She had time to realize that she had never felt as relaxed or content in this body as when she was full of cock. It was almost worth the humiliation and the alienness of it.

  Then the other guard spread her ass-cheeks and pressed into her, stretching her even further as he filled her. Justin cried out in mixed pain and pleasure, feeling fuller and more sure of herself and her purpose than she had felt since waking up the first morning. A distant echo of her male life railed against the dick in her ass but she was able to block the voice out with no problem. He worked his way in, inch by inch, and she helped as enthusiastically as she could. When he finally touched bottom she screamed as the pleasure overflowed and burst through her again.

  She was vaguely aware of the guards swearing and then one of them pressing something between her lips. It was something made of cloth and it drowned out her screams enough that she didn’t have to worry about alerting others beyond the door. With that small anxiety quashed she was able to throw herself fully into fucking her wonderful guardsmen, her body moving with theirs as if she had done this a million times. The feel of their hands on her body, the taste of their lips as they kissed and sucked at her delicate skin, everything that they did to her worked to bring her back around, and soon she found herself grateful for the gag again as another climax took her away. She came and came, each orgasm coming faster until they blended into one another and then simply became one long, drawn-out climax.

  By the time that they pumped her full again, Justin was bone-weary and utterly unable to stop herself. They set off another climax when they pulled out, one that continued when they grinned at each other and started playing with her perfect body. Every touch, every pinch and suck, either set off another earth-shattering orgasm or kept the current one going. By the time they got tired of their new toy she was only barely conscious. She lay there, shuddering from time to time, as they re-dressed and stole out the door.

  It was a long time before she was able to move without setting off another orgasm. Her skin was hyper-sensitive for a while, responding to the barest touch with a flood of pleasure that undid her several more times before the effect finally wore off. She didn’t know how long it was before she was able to drag herself to her feet. Her entire body ached, every muscle that she had, and the lingering pain warred with an afterglow so intense that it threatened to set off another climax if she moved too quickly.

  She was covered in sweat and other fluids, simultaneously completely satisfied and feeling lower than she had in her entire life. She forced herself to tumble back into the water, now just lukewarm and dirty from her previous bath, so that she could at least rinse herself off. By the time she was done and clean she was able to at least get dressed and stagger out the door. She ached down below but it was an ache that was different from the need to be filled. This ache brought feelings of fulfillment that were hard to ignore; this body had obviously been designed for just that kind of encounter and it responded well to having been so used.

  Justin didn’t want to think about it. The pleasure had been completely supernatural and the sensation of not wanting, needing to be fucked all the time was such a relief that it was pleasure in itself, but the fact was that she was still trapped in this body and this castle. She didn’t want to be a woman, didn’t want to crave cock, and certainly didn’t want to be imprisoned in a castle in the sky. She had to figure out how to get out of there before she went crazy.

  She held onto the wall and made her slow way back to the servant’s quarters, limping with both legs as the soreness started to set in. “At least I’m clean,” she whispered, her throat protesting as she chuckled. Her stomach roiled a bit at the realization of part of what had caused that pain; most of it came from her endless, helpless screams, but some of it was from stretching to accommodate a cock. She pressed her hand to her belly and fought to keep from throwing up; vomiting semen would be even worse than swallowing it, she was sure.

  She didn’t see anyone on the way back to her new room, for which she was incredibly grateful. The sky outside was darkening, but it wasn’t full night yet. Her stomach growled in spite of the liquid nourishment she’d taken.

  “Guess a lovin’ spoonful doesn’t go as far as it used to,” she said to herself, giving a sour smile as she did so. On the table in the center of the servant quarters was the remains of a meal that appeared to be made from the remains of other, larger meals. It made sense that the servants ate whatever was left over from the major meals, she supposed, though she steered around the food that had obvious bite marks in it. The meat and bread was cold and slightly hard, respectively, but she didn’t complain.

  Just as she was finishing the door opened and three women walked in. They had the slump-shouldered look of people who had worked hard all day, and this was borne out by the way that they collapsed into the chairs that ringed the edges of the room. Justin recognized Elsa, but the others were strangers to her. Or at least, she didn’t know their names. She’d seen them around the apartment building from time to time.

  The two newcomers ignored her but Elsa gave her a look that was simultaneously searching and a little admiring. Justin was surprised to see that Elsa was turned on; she had that wide-pupiled, fast-breathing, flushed look that Justin knew that she got in the early stages. Justin was a little scared that recognizing it in someone else might start her own cycle again, but the heat remained dormant. She had been fucked harder and longer, and climaxed more, than was probably physically possible without magical intervention and her own unnatural lust was still quite sated. She hoped it stayed away until she figured out how to end whatever had brought them all here.

  The worst part was that there was a small but growing part of her mind that hoped that it would never end. She didn’t want to admit that she could be conditioned by sheer pleasure into something that she ha
ted, but there it was. None of that would help Elsa, however, and she wondered what she could do for…well, Elsa wasn’t a friend exactly, but at least she wasn’t openly hostile. Elsa might turn that way if Justin started giving her advice on sex, though, so she finally decided to just stay quiet and hope that no one had heard her muffled screams.

  She quietly withdrew into the small room and found that Mrs. Melver had been and gone. A package on the bed contained two new sets of clothes, both of them uniforms but both of them in much better shape and a much better fit than her scullery girl outfit. Justin wasted no time in stripping out of her old clothes and figuring out how the new ones went on.

  The new clothing was darker and it covered her from neck to toe. The top was in a double layer that held her tightly and even managed to downplay her gigantic tits a little, though they would have been obvious in even a parka. Long skirts hid her smooth legs and the cinched waistline actually gave her a little smaller waist than before. All told, she thought that she looked pretty good. The clothing had obviously been designed to downplay her attributes but her ridiculously curvy body overcame that handily.

  Still, it was a lot better than her old clothing. Justin stuffed the rags under the bed and went back out into the common area again. The other maids looked at her and gave her grudging nods.

  “Not bad, Julie,” said one of them, one she hadn’t met yet. Justin felt an irrational pride in her appearance. She had to force herself to remember that she wasn’t a woman, that she wasn’t looking for approval, and that there was more at stake than whether a maid liked her or not.

  She dropped into a curtsy, surprising herself. She’d never successfully done one of those before. The other maids laughed a little and she felt the temperature in the room warm. She said, “I’m going to go for a walk. I’ll be back in a while.”


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