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Gigantic Variations

Page 16

by Maxwell Avoi

  She reached out and put her hand on a shoulder that was larger than her head. “Daniel. When we were talking about a girl you had your eye on…who did you mean?”

  He took a breath to speak and then another. Each time, something in Justin’s belly fluttered. It wasn’t the heat of lust; it was something else, something hopeful and frightened. Finally Daniel just shook his head and remained silent. Justin decided to press the issue. She said, “Daniel…was…was it me?”

  Daniel stood where he was, as if carved from stone, and Justin was about to ask again when the huge man gave a slow nod. He looked up at her and his eyes were full of hope and fear.

  Justin smiled and slid off the bench, operating entirely by instinct. She hadn’t planned to put both hands on his broad chest, hadn’t planned to press herself against him, and certainly hadn’t planned to go up on tiptoe so that she could pull him down for a serious kiss. He was tense, his lips hard against hers for a moment before softening. She slipped her tongue in, tasting him and finding him good.

  “You’re the only one I think about,” she whispered when she finally pulled back, surprised to find that it was true. Justin’s male mind wanted to move away, to drop this and never think about it again, but she was just as helpless in the face of her affection as she was in the grip of her otherworldly lust.

  Daniel frowned a little. “I heard rumors, but…you mean, they were true? About you?”

  He stiffened, acting as if he wanted to pull away, and Justin felt frantic fear rise up inside her at the thought of him doing that. “Wait! Wait, Daniel, please…please just listen to me. This is going to sound very strange, sound crazy, but it’s the truth. You have to believe me, because no one else will! Please, Daniel!” Justin felt tears running down her cheeks; she’d been unaware that she was crying.

  Daniel softened against her again, at last raising one arm to put around her. It settled on her shoulder and halfway down her back, a grip that wouldn’t have excited the iciest prude but that felt like pure ecstasy to Justin. “Okay,” said Daniel. “I’ll listen.”

  “This place, this whole castle…you, me, all of us and the grounds and the building, we’re under a spell. It’s changed us from what we used to be, and made us all different. It’s taken us away from the real world and put us here, and now we don’t remember what happened. Or most of us don’t. I do. I think Lord Charles does.”

  Daniel’s frown grew deeper. “What are you talking about?”

  “I wasn’t a scullery maid a week ago! I was…” She stopped, unwilling to reveal her deepest secret while it felt so wonderful to be in his arms. “I was different. So were you, and the guards, and…and Helen wasn’t married to Chuck! Charles, I mean. Something magical happened to us to change us all.”

  “Why do you remember what’s true, then?” he said. For an instant she thought that he might be understanding, believing her, but she saw that he was still frowning.

  “I don’t know,” she said. “I don’t understand any of it. But I do know that…that he rumors about me, about me now , are only true because of the spell. It’s driven me to…to do that, with other men, but it wasn’t my choice! I had to!”

  He pulled away. “And that’s why you’re here.”

  “No, Daniel, no! I’m here because for the first time since I woke up here, I can relax. You don’t make me want to…” She trailed off, realizing what she was saying.

  “I don’t. Well, that’s…great,” he said. He turned from her. She grabbed his shoulder. He didn’t turn. She marched around in front of him with her hands fisted on her marvelous hips.

  “Daniel, I didn’t mean it that way! I want to be with you! Me , not the spell, not the curse. I want to be in your arms and kiss you and stay with you, and it’s only because of me. I’m not being forced to be with you. I want to be.” Justin was shocked to hear the words; every one of them was true. She wasn’t sure if the affection that she felt for Daniel was real or not but it felt real. How could that be? She had never had feelings for a man before. The sight of his face, though, filled a gap that had always lurked in her heart, in a way that she’d never felt for anyone before.

  He sighed. “So what now? What do you want from me, since you don’t care for me that way?”

  She frowned. “Are you listening to a word I’m saying, Daniel? You had eyes for me, well, I have eyes for you. What I’m saying is that the men that I’ve been with didn’t matter at all. I didn’t care for them.”

  He blinked and she watched his hurt eyes fill with hope. “So you…”

  She went up to kiss him again. “I care for you.”

  “And you…I mean, I always…I never meant to stare, just…you’re so beautiful, and…”

  She smiled. The lust flickered in her belly again and for the first time since she’d woken up in the scullery maid’s bed she decided to do what it told her to do. She said, “Do you have a place we can be alone, Daniel?” Justin was confused; she would never have considered such a thing with a man before but the only point of clarity in her welter of emotion was her growing affection for Daniel. She went with it, finding it easier to navigate with the use of a guiding star.

  He led her to the back of the smithy where a stout bed marked the place that he slept each night. He seemed unable to get enough air, breathing fast and hard as she carefully undid the ties that bound her skirt. She let it slide to the ground, followed by the underskirts and the other accoutrements before going to work on her top. Soon enough she had that loosened, and she opened it and the undergarment to allow her gigantic breasts to tumble free. She sighed happily at the loosening of the stricture; she hadn’t realized how tightly her chest had been bound.

  Daniel’s face was that of a man staring at a holy relic, and when he raised one callused hand to touch her he seemed barely able to move. Finally she took his hand and kissed the palm before settling it on her breast, sighing again at the pleasure that she felt from his touch. He squeezed gently, as if frightened, and she encouraged him with a quiet moan. Her nipples stood up as he touched one, and she smiled while they worked at taking the rest of her clothing off.

  She had never been completely nude for a man before, not on purpose, and the feeling of his eyes on her skin in the flickering light of the forge was almost as sensual as his touch. He finally stood and she went to him, settling against his chest as if made to nestle there, surrounded by his strength and devotion. His hands became bold, sliding down her back until her glorious buttocks spread them wide, his fingers wrapping around her and pulling her hips close to his. She gasped in appreciation of the bulge that she felt there, and her tiny hands started to worry at the laces holding his pants shut.

  He lifted her, surprising her, and he kissed her more thoroughly than she had ever been kissed in her life. The heat filled her, setting her ablaze and filling her mind with sweet smoke that made everything seem far away and close at the same time. He settled her on his bed, and then his great head moved downward so that he could lick and suckle at her enormous bosom. She moaned again, louder, at his ministrations. Daniel wasn’t skilled or experienced, but everything that he did sent shockwaves through her magnificent body. Her desire, her love for him, made everything feel even better. She admitted to herself, as he worked his way downward, that what she felt was real love. This wonderful, gentle man had made her feel something that she hadn’t felt in either life, and now her body was rewarding both of them for it. She couldn’t believe how fast the heat was growing inside of her, how every one of his kisses and caresses stoked it higher. She writhed beneath him, her body out of control.

  “Oh, Daniel! Yes Daniel, yes, I…your touch is…oh Daniel! Daniel!” She shuddered and then pumped her hips twice as he moved back up to face her, and then his gentle fingers on her nipple made her whole body stiffen. She arched her back, her toes curling and her legs shaking as she started to scream from the blinding pleasure of a surprise climax. He muffled her quickly, putting his mouth over hers. They shared her screams, shared thei
r breath, until she was able to control herself enough to quiet them.

  He pulled back and smiled at her, his eyes uncertain. “Was…are you okay?”

  She pulled him back down, relishing the weight of him, and she said, “That was amazing. But there’s more, you know. A lot more.” The lust was gone, quenched by his touch, but Justin was in no mood to leave now. The emotions that burned in her were just as powerful as the lust had been at its peak, and she wanted nothing more than to be with Daniel.

  The worried look remained. “Are you sure? I’m sort of…” He glanced down at himself, and Justin did the same. She could see a growing bulge there.

  “Don’t worry, honey. I will work with whatever you’ve got.”

  He stood and started to undo his pants, his expression more relaxed. “I just don’t want to hurt you.”

  She widened her eyes as he peeled out of his pants, her gaze drawn to his crotch. She had expected him to be undersized, judging by his embarrassment, but she couldn’t have been more wrong. He was enormous; his cock was wide and long, the head purple and the whole thing so hard that it looked painful. A drop of precum shimmered on the end.

  “Oh, oh honey,” said Justin. “It’s okay. Women stretch. And I’m so wet that it won’t be that bad. Just go slow, will you? I can trust you.” She lay back and spread her legs, her eyes locked on Daniel’s as he approached. He still had a trace of fear but he wasn’t letting it slow him down this time. Justin felt that sensation again, that surge of emotion that could only be called love. It scared her but it felt so wonderful that she was helpless against its power.

  Through the lens of love, everything was wonderful. The rude bed beneath her, the cluttered room that was also a workshop, the smell of him after a long day at the forges, everything was transformed into something transcendent, full of secret knowledge and joy. His weight pressing her down as he settled himself was familiar; hadn’t she dreamt about it? She felt warm and snug and safe beneath him, reassuring him with constant coos and kisses. She had never felt so female, so besotted with someone else and life in general. Being a woman wasn’t something to endure, not right then; it was something that allowed her to connect with her true beloved.

  He pushed into her an inch at a time, all the while watching for signs that he was too much for her to handle. He very nearly was; his girth was more than she had ever felt before and if it hadn’t been for her total arousal he might have been too much for her. She was able to smooth his way into her, her natural lubrication helping her as she angled her hips for him. Her eyes widened as he just kept filling her, and long before he was fully inside of her he touched bottom. They stopped moving them, holding one another in sheer wonder. He was overcome at the idea that this was really happening, and she was stunned that what was really happening was something that she loved with all her heart; she wanted nothing but to be filled by him, loved by him, for the rest of her days.

  He started to slide in and out, his way becoming easier as she stretched to accommodate him; soon she was able to guide him into a rhythm that served both of them. They moved together as if they had made love a million times and were still learning new things. Her moans and cries peaked quickly as his breath started to come shorter. His lungs moved like the bellows that fed his forge while he began to thrust, sharp movements that took him so deep that it nearly hurt. She didn’t care; her climax was approaching and she knew that it was going to be worth the wait.

  He groaned and shivered as he thrust deep, and she felt him draining into her. She had never welcomed it as much as she did then, and not only because it kicked off her own climax. She clung to him, screaming into his broad chest until he muffled her the same way as before, both of them breathing into each other while she wailed helplessly in the grip of the mind-shattering pleasure. He kept throbbing inside her, filling her again and again until his seed leaked out of her where they were joined and formed a damp spot on the blanket beneath her. They came down together, a long journey during which they were glad to have a friend, and by the time she was able to move on her own again she found that he was asleep, his head pillowed on one of her enormous breasts as if he had always slept that way.

  She cradled his head, the tender feelings roaring through her like a tornado made of butterflies, and wondered if she was lost to this world. If she could retain her love for him, then it might be so, and she would be fine with it. If not…well, there was no reason to stay, was there? She shook her head to banish that thought. Even if she found the way to go back, then she might not. What was waiting for her there? At least here she had found love, even if she had to wear the body of a sex-crazed wet dream to do it.

  She sighed, confused by her emotions. She realized that she couldn’t stay; she had to be at work in the morning, after all. She gently slid out from under him, their sweat providing the lubrication that she needed, and she felt real regret when his gigantic cock pulled free of her. She covered the sleeping giant with his spare blanket and then dressed as quickly as she could. She headed back to her room in the servant’s quarters.

  Halfway there, she was stopped when someone called out to her from the darkness. “Justin,” said the voice, male and somewhat familiar. In her confused, pleasure-addled state she didn’t recognize it at first, and it took her a moment to realize that it had called her by her male name.

  Chuck loomed out of the shadows. She thought that he looked faintly ridiculous in his robes but he was obviously impressed with himself. “Yes, I thought that some vestige of the old world had stuck with you. You didn’t drink the lemonade, did you? Or at least not enough.”

  Justin felt Chuck’s words ripple through her, and for the second time that day she found the heat of unnatural lust starting to grow. She was surprised; while she and Daniel hadn’t had a marathon session, it had never grown this quickly before.

  “What…what did you do?” she said. Then she felt her lips and throat work to force out the word, “Milord?” It was quite independent of her desires; the word simply happened.

  Chuck snorted. “Well, I see that some of it worked. And from the rumors I hear, Saucy Julie is alive and well, yes? Answer truthfully, girl . How many men have you slept with since waking up here like this? How many men have you fucked?”

  “Four, milord.” Justin blushed with a combination of shame and anger when she blurted out the number; she hadn’t meant to say anything, but his command was irresistible.

  He laughed. “Four men in three days! You’re certainly living up to your name, Saucy Julie. Tell me, how do you feel right now?”

  She swallowed. “Warm, milord.” It was true, which was apparently the only sort of thing that she could say, but at least she wasn’t forced to go into detail about the seeded and growing lust that burned in her belly. Damn the man and his smirk and his incredibly attractive eyes! She felt a deep despair at that last thought.

  “I suppose you’re wondering how I did this,” said Chuck, leering down at her. He reached out and squeezed one of Justin’s breasts as if testing a piece of fruit for ripeness. His touch sent waves of burning cold through her and she gasped slightly. He smirked and let her go. “It’s simple, really. I followed enough of the old stories and learned how to sell my soul. I got my wish, and now I’m the king of my very own fairy tale castle. Complete with beautiful women at my beck and call.” He touched her cheek and she gasped again; it was almost as arousing as his fingers on her breast. “You’re at my beck and call, aren’t you, dear?”

  “Y…yes, milord.”

  “And you’re feeling warm…you mean hot, don’t you. You want me, don’t you.”

  The heat spiked at his words, and she squirmed where she stood. “Yes. Yes, milord, please.” She burned with shame and lust as the truth of her words drilled into her mind. The only thing that kept her sane was the knowledge that it wasn’t what she really wanted, that it was just some spell on her that was driving her desire like a rampaging storm.

  He removed his hand and stepped away. “I�
�m a married man, girl. You can’t tempt me away from my Helen with your charms, however abundant they are. Now go and find someone else to sate yourself upon.” He turned and strode up the stairs, leaving her full of desire and afterglow, yearning after him and sick with the knowledge that the next man that she met was going to get the ride of his life.

  Justin blinked. There was one man who deserved it, one man who could assuage her lust without guilt, and he was asleep in the back of the smithy. She turned and ran back that direction, determined to get to him before anyone else.

  As before, when she approached Daniel she felt the lust diminishing. It turned from a storm into a gentle rain, encouraging the growth of tender emotion. He was still asleep, still naked, on his back. Justin immediately stripped out of her clothing, her spectacular body on display only to herself for the few seconds that it took her to crawl on top of him. Daniel moaned and stirred in his sleep, and she felt him stir between her legs. His giant cock lifted, hardening as her body encouraged dreams of her, and when he was hard enough she positioned herself and slid down over him.

  It was different, being on top, but no less pleasurable thanks to the way that her body was made. He woke up slowly as she started to rock her hips, his face first confused and then shocked, finally settling into wonder. She smiled down at him and said, “I couldn’t stay away.” No reason for him to know why, exactly.

  He lifted his arms and settled his hands on her hips, lifting and lowering her in time with her movements; his strength seemed endless, more than capable of moving her. “I dreamed about you,” he said.

  “I dreamed about you OH! OH! Oh last night!” she replied, the pleasure starting to shiver through her in spreading waves that seemed larger than her body. It came from her soul and her spirit, from the connection that she felt when she looked into his eyes, and it made the ecstasy that filled her that much sweeter. It broke over her like a gentle wave, lapping at her every nerve as she cried out again and again. The bliss surged over and over as he kept his movements strong.


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