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Gigantic Variations

Page 27

by Maxwell Avoi

  “Wait, so you seriously think that Corrie’s wish did anything?”

  “Were you even here for the last ten minutes? Because I fucking remember what happened, even if you don’t.”

  “Oh, I remember. But a birthday wish?”

  “It’s the only thing that makes any sense, and I realize as I saw that that I’m using those words incredibly loosely.”

  Marcus sat down in his usual game spot. “So what now?”

  “Fuck, I don’t know. It looks like I’m not going to be playing this game any time soon. But have you considered what this means?” I started to pace back and forth, waving the cover as I spoke. “It means magic is real! We should find out more about it and-“

  I was cut off by the sensation of lifting out of my body again, and I had just enough time to see that I was still standing in the same spot before my mind was sucked into the television.

  “The Freak Lord scouts are waiting for us at the end of the street. Get your blade out!” said Decimacia, and that was all the warning I got before a party of the Freak Lord’s scouts swept down on us. It wasn’t a huge fight, geared as it was toward showing the player how to battle. Standing there in my incredibly curvy body, wearing the outrageously sexy nun outfit, I realized that the Freak Lord’s men suddenly looked a lot more dangerous. I reached back and slung my long chainsaw off my back as if I’d done it a million times, and I stood there trying to decide what to do.

  Decimacia had no such trouble. She wielded a pair of fencing swords, light and quick, and she tore into the Freak Lords without further discussion. Most of them went for her but a trio peeled off and headed for me. I raised my chainsaw and hoped that I wasn’t about to die.

  Instead I went into a spin that caused my blade to swing way out, and I cut the first man in half without difficulty. It felt a little like slicing through thick cloth with a sharp knife, and my chainsaw roared. I still felt ridiculous but now that I was in combat all my awkwardness fell away. I cried out above the noise of my chainsaw, filling the air with blessings and calling upon God to grant me strength as I turned the Freak Lords into a series of chunks. My huge tits thrashed and bounced the entire way.

  I figured that Marcus would shut off the game when the fight was over but he was apparently ready to keep going for a while. I lost track of how long I was in there, fighting and watching while Marcus, as Decimacia, negotiated and compromised his way through the world of Catastrophe Bounce. Finally she stopped for a while and then I felt the rushing sensation for a few seconds before finding myself in my own living room again.

  Unfortunately I was in Chainsaw Madonna’s body again as well. I glared at Marcus while he calmly turned the console off. “Great, you…cad!” I said. It was the strongest name that I could think of that would pass through my soft lips.

  I realized that Marcus had gone from amused to slightly shocked, his eyes wide as he looked at me. He wasn’t staring at my tits, so I felt a chill go through me. “What?” I said.

  He pointed wordlessly at the console, and I realized that he’d shut it off. I was still incredibly female. My own eyes widened. “What the…heck?” I squeaked.

  “Don’t panic. Don’t panic! We can deal with this,” he said. “I think it took a couple minutes to get you changed back last time too.”

  I bit my lip and settled back into the couch, my boobs bouncing with every movement. We waited, both of us tense, for what felt like three hours but according to the clock was less than five minutes. I noticed that I had been the game’s world for around two hours thanks to him.


  “What do we do ?” I said, trying to fight down a rising tide of hysteria.

  “Hang on, hang on!” he said. “We’ll call your sister.”

  “You’d like that, wouldn’t you. What could she do?” I knew all about Marcus and his crush on Corrie; my addled mind told me that this was just him taking the chance to get close to her.

  “Cory. Wake up. She’s the one who made the wish, remember? Maybe she’ll know how to break it!”

  It both felt and sounded ridiculous, but I didn’t have any better ideas. I touched my much-inflated hip and said, “I don’t have my phone. Where is my phone ?”

  “Whoa, whoa, just breathe. I have it. Hang on, I’ll call her.”

  Marcus pulled out his phone and dialed. I said, “Why on earth do you have my sister’s phone number?”

  He turned a little red. “You know, um. Just in case.”

  I tried to snicker but apparently that sort of vote of no-confidence was prohibited by the same effect that kept me from swearing. I settled for giving a deep, impressive sigh that actually caused my tits to jump. “Oh come on ,” I said to them, frowning as they jiggled.

  “What?” said Marcus, who hadn’t been paying attention for once. Then he turned back to the phone and said, “Corrie! Hey, it’s Marcus.” He frowned. “Marcus. Your brother’s friend. Yeah, I got him the game…yeah. Uh, listen, there’s a problem, and we really need you to come help us out real quick. It’s sort of hard to explain over the phone. No, this is not bullshit. No, I get that. No, seriously! What? I just have it in case of something like this. I am not a stalker. Just come back to your house and help us out for a little while? It probably won’t take long, but we need your help. Okay. Okay. Okay, I’ll tell he…uh, him.”

  He hung up and gave me a weak smile. I narrowed my eyes. “What happened?”

  “She’s coming. And she wants me to delete her contact number from my phone. You got a harsh sister.” He started tapping at the keys.

  “You’re deleting her? What about being in love with her?”

  He turned an incredulous look on me, a feeling I shared. I just looked at him until he said, “I’m not in love with her, geez. And I’m not deleting the number, I’m just changing the name in case she checks.”

  “Sharp. Dishonest, but sharp.”


  At least I had a few seconds where he wasn’t staring at my tits. I had barely wrapped my head around the idea that I had tits, much less that they were attractive to anyone else. I worked my way to my feet and headed for the bathroom again. When Marcus stood and made as if to follow me, I pointed at him and then back at the couch, lifting an eyebrow at the same time. He sank back down and let me go without any comment. I was glad that the robe hid my swaying hips from his gaze, but even happier that he wasn’t staring at my bouncing chest anymore.

  I closed the door and sat down, alone with myself and my altered body for the first time since changing. I had to pee but I didn’t want to explore between my legs unless I had to; I felt that I could hold it for a while so I decided to wait until Corrie got there and she could fix this.

  Unfortunately, that left me alone with my thoughts and the hope that Marcus wasn’t going to try to fire up my chainsword. I would have expected to be much more upset than I was but it turned out that bone-deep shock went a long way toward keeping me from freaking out entirely. I could even take a step outside of myself now that I knew what it felt like and observe myself from the comfort of semi-insanity. I went to the mirror again, feeling the great shock of disconnect at the sight of someone who was nothing like me staring back from my reflection.

  Now that I had time to myself to observe I could see all the little details that I’d missed earlier. I noticed how perfect my skin was, for instance; Chainsaw Madonna had never had to go through the scarring, sunlit world of accidents that made up the normal human life. She also hadn’t developed into the semi-ridiculous body that was her norm; she’d sprung fully-formed, which meant that I didn’t have any stretch marks on my giant breasts. I went to undo the front of my bra to take a closer look but my hand stopped when I touched the crucifix setting that acted as the hook that held the garment closed. No matter how I tried I couldn’t make myself undo that clasp. It wasn’t so much that something was forcing me away as that I just couldn’t do it, any more than I could fly by jumping off the ground. I recognized it as the same effect tha
t had kept me from swearing earlier.

  I looked at myself, in my outrageously curvy body and my stripper-nun outfit, and I said, “I’m the good girl of the game.”

  The thought brought out the giggles and in the midst of those I felt myself start to change again. My clothing changed along with me and in seconds I was back to my normal male self.

  I let out a whoop and charged out o the bathroom, stopping when I realized that Corrie was standing there with her arms crossed under her chest, giving Marcus a skeptical look. I said, “Marcus, I’m back!”

  “Yeah, that’s…good, man,” he said, not sounding at all enthused.

  “What did you morons drag me here about?” said Corrie. She held her hand up to stop Marcus when he started to speak, and she turned to me. “He’s not making any sense at all.”

  “Yeah, well, it’s a fucked-up situation,” I said. “Your fucking birthday wish came true.”

  “What wish?”

  “When you wished that I would know what it was like to be like, you know, you.”

  She shook her head. “I was at the mall, you know. I was having a good time with my friends. Not a great time, but better than what’s going on here. I really hope that they’re still there when I get back.”

  “Wait, hang on!” I said. I grabbed her arm and turned her back to the television. “Just…look, just watch for five minutes. Marcus, turn the game on.”

  Corrie put her hand out. “Twenty bucks.”


  “You want to convince me you’re serious, then give me twenty bucks. I’ll stay for ten minutes. Otherwise I’m gone.”

  I muttered something and dug in my pocket, fishing around in my wallet until I found a ten and a five. “Marcus?” I said.

  He passed me five ones without a word, and I piled the money in my sister’s hand. Her eyes opened a little wider. “I didn’t think you’d do it.”

  I noticed that her surprise didn’t stop her from pocketing the cash.

  She plonked down on the couch between me and Marcus and said, “So what am I looking at? Sexist crap?”

  “Just watch,” I said.

  Marcus pressed start on the saved game and I felt myself drifting into the television again. I went through a fighting sequence that felt a lot longer than ten minutes, and then there was that rushing sensation and I was back on the couch, wearing Chainsaw Madonna’s body.

  Corrie’s face was almost worth the change. It went through half a dozen different expressions before she said, “Holy shit.”

  “That’s what I said,” said Marcus.

  “Language, please,” I said.

  I stood up and spread my arms out, spinning in a circle so that she could get the full effect. My tits thrashed around as I did so, much more than an ordinary woman’s would have under almost any circumstances. I made a mental note to kill the developers if I ever met them in real life.

  Once we got Corrie a little calmed down and through the process of explaining that yes, it was really me and that yes, it had probably been her birthday wish that did this, she said, “So how does it feel?”

  “This ?” I said, gesturing at my altered body as if displaying a new car. “This feels fucking ridiculous.”

  She tilted her head and shifted her weight so that one hip stuck out as she contemplated my altered body. “Yeah, I can see that. But you get the idea I was going for, right?”

  “I…you…that is so beside the point!” I said, stomping my foot. The fact that it made my chest bounce around like a pair of water balloons in a tumble dryer didn’t help my mood. “You did magic , or so close to it that it doesn’t matter! On me !”

  She nodded, chewing on her lower lip. “That is pretty weird.”

  I passed the point of coherence, attempting to swear and not allowed to thanks to this body’s interference. Fortunately at that point I shifted back to my normal form and was able to turn the air blue for a few seconds.

  Corrie shrugged. “So now it’s done, right? You got what I wanted and now you’re finished?”

  I blinked. “I have no idea, actually. Maybe?”

  Marcus held out a controller. “Only one way to find out!”

  I took the controller from him and immediately found myself drifting toward the screen. This time when I entered the world of Catastrophe Bounce, I found myself back at the beginning standing next to Decimacia. “The Freak Lord scouts are waiting for us at the end of the street. Get your blade out!” she said, pointing at the approaching pack of Freak Lords.

  “Like, okay!” I said, my voice coming out chipper and happy. I lifted my fists, but instead of the chainsaw I was used to I found that my fists were glowing. They were each surrounded by a globe of energy about the size of a basketball. I had time to realize that I had no idea what was going on before I stepped to the side of a Freak Lord attacker and tripped him. I waded in, flailing with my fists while turning cartwheels, high kicks, and other gymnastic feats. Along the way I kept yelling things like, “Okay, go!” and “Rah rah rah!”

  The fight ended quickly and I stood up on one leg, bringing the other one up as high as I could go with the knee bent, and I thrust both glowing fists into the sky. “Yay team!” I yelled.

  The game went on, Decimacia taking the lead while I fought beside her in a sidekick sort of role. I had no idea what character I was using at first, until Decimacia referred to me as “Xxxplosia” at one point. I vaguely remembered that she was one of the new characters, a cheerleader-themed woman.

  And make no mistake, I was a woman. Marcus had been busy before blindsiding me with the new form. My boobs were pumped up even bigger than Chainsaw Madonna’s and the rest of me felt just as exaggerated. It didn’t slow me down in-game, of course, but I could tell by the way that my tits jumped around that I wasn’t going to enjoy this when I got back to the real world. My giant boobs frolicked . I resolved to kill Marcus.

  He must have played for two or three hours before I found myself drifting back to the real world. I had sort of settled into the role of sidekick, just observing from inside my head as I went through the motions of being a bubbleheaded cheerleader stereotype. When I finally landed back on the couch, the first thing I did was look down at myself.

  My boobies were enormous, much bigger than they had been when I’d been Chainsaw Madonna. I wore a cheerleader’s outfit, white and blue, with big hole in the front that let everyone see my boobs while they bounced around. My skirt was really short and everyone could see all of my legs. I had great legs.

  I tried to remember something that was important, but I felt funny. I felt like I’d had a lot to drink! Which was funny because I hadn’t had anything at all to drink because I was in the game! I giggled at the idea, which made my tits jiggle. They were so lively! I shook my shoulders back and forth to make them jostle against each other, and I laughed.

  “Cory?” said Marcus. “Are you okay?”

  I looked over at him and said, “Uh huh! Why are you hiding behind the sofa?”

  He blinked at me. He had the greatest eyes. “You’re not mad?”

  “Why would I be mad? I mean, look at this, this is so funny!” I shook my shoulders harder and laughed again when my huge boobies romped around on my chest. “Where’d my sister go?”

  “Uh, there was someone she had to see. Are you sure you’re okay?”

  I nodded enthusiastically and then I stood up. I felt off-balance, thanks to that drunk feeling, but I was okay. I said, “Just fine, coach! You are really cute, you know that?”

  He said something like, “Bwuh,” and I laughed again. He really was cute.

  I said, “Oh, I have to see them! Maybe I can see them now!”

  I headed for the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My new body was shorter but curvier, and I looked almost silly because of how big my boobies were. But they looked awesome in my uniform! I pushed my dark hair out of the way and found the zipper, and I unzipped it with no problem! It wasn’t anything like when I’d been the nun girl. I took off
the top and then the small undershirt and found out that I wasn’t even wearing a bra, which was so great!

  My boobies were huge , bigger than the nun girl’s or even my sister’s. They were round and soft and had nipples so wide that I couldn’t even cover them with one hand! They were awesome. I jumped up and down a little and laughed while they played around with each other, bouncing around my chest. Then I heard Marcus make a noise and I realized that I hadn’t even closed the door!

  “Marcus!” I said. “Want to see?”

  Which was silly because he was already looking , but I wanted him to get a good eyeful. I pulled my shoulders back and took a deep breath when I aimed the girls in his direction, and I thought that he might choke on something. “Whatcha think?” I said.

  “They’re uh…they’re really…”

  “I know, right? Wanna touch them?”

  He looked at me like he was trying to figure out if I was kidding, which was silly because why would I lie about that? If they looked so great they probably felt even better. Then he snapped his mouth closed and reached out with both hands, pressing them into my chest as deep as he could go. I giggled and said, “Yay!”

  He squeezed a little and I moaned. They felt so good when he did that. He said, “Oh, uh, do they feel…okay?”

  “They feel so great ,” I said. “Keep touching!”

  He did. He lifted them and squeezed them and even twisted my nips a little, which made me giggle and moan because of how hard they got. Then when he leaned his head down and kissed one, I said, “Oh, yes , Marcus!”

  I was getting all hot and I was sure that he was hard. He had to be!

  I hadn’t thought about going all the way with Marcus before then but suddenly I really wanted to. While he played with my giant boobies I struggled out of my uniform. It was hard to get it down over my hips and my butt because they were so big now but I totally did. Marcus didn’t know what I was doing because he was so focused on my chest, but when he figured it out his eyes got really big.

  By that time all I wore were my shoes and my hair band. I said, “Want to help me learn what it’s really like to be a woman like this?”


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