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Gigantic Variations

Page 39

by Maxwell Avoi

  “Yeah, I heard.”



  “So you’re ready for tomorrow? Guy said that he wanted a really classy look, like a lounge singer at a high-class nightclub.”

  “Yeah, with curves like ridiculous. I used Jessica Rabbit as a template.”

  “Nice! You won’t regret it.”

  “I’m not sure I even want to think about it.”

  “So don’t. It’ll be fine, come on. Then when you’re done you can come back here and enjoy yourself like I did.”

  I rubbed my eyes and bit back my first couple of responses. “I think I’m going to bed.”

  “Good deal. I’m kinda wiped out myself. Night.”

  “Yeah, yeah.”

  I slept better than I’d expected, but the next morning was a long one. I kept putting off the potion until it was almost time to go, so I didn’t even drink it until around eleven that morning. Once again I was holed up in my room, wearing nothing but a robe. I wasn’t sure why I was even wearing that much, but it made me feel better so I just went with it.

  When the tingles and shifting were over, I stood and went to the mirror that I’d set up on my dresser. I nodded in satisfaction at the what I could see of myself. Long red hair swept over creamy shoulders and down a chest that looked as though it should have its own gravity. I ran my tiny hands down my curves, relishing the feel of them. Last time I’d been mostly about the tits and face, but this time I had an ass and hips to match, and I could see that my legs were just as impressive. I was the total package, nothing but womanly exaggeration from tip to toe, and I loved everything about it.

  I swayed over and picked up the smart cloth top, concentrating on it while it shifted. By the time that it was done I had a glittery green dress that matched my eyes. I picked up the other pieces and concentrated more, winding up with a classy black bra and a pair of panties with attached garters and hose. The last set of cloth turned into a pair of long silky gloves that ran all the way up to my biceps.

  I took my sweet time getting everything on, amazed and satisfied to find that I knew precisely how to work all the female clothing that I hadn’t worn before. The potion had really done a good job.

  When I was done I checked the mirror again. I saw a woman who could start fires by pursing her plump lips. I blew a kiss at the mirror and gave a wink with one heavy-lidded eye, and then I made my way out into the living room to present myself to Trevor.

  He stared, his mouth hanging open. I gave him a flirty grin and reached out to push it closed. “You’ll draw flies,” I said. My voice was a low purr, one that was simultaneously new and completely familiar to me.

  “Sorry, I just…you know. Wow.”

  I smiled a bit. “Why thank you sir.”

  He stared at me, his eyes traveling my curves, and I couldn’t help but shiver under the attention. Trevor was an attractive enough guy, I figured. Why not preen a little?

  “So should we get this show on the road?” I said.

  “What? Right! Yes!” Trevor snapped out of it and led me toward the door, holding it open for me to go through. Even though I’d never walked in high heels before that day, thanks to the potion I not only could wear them but managed to make every movement look good. It was simply second nature now.

  Of course I led the way to the car. I liked the idea of him looking at my well-rounded behind, my breathtaking hips. My dress was slit up one side, all the way to my hip, and kept giving little glimpses of the top of my stocking. My deep red hair often swung over my face to cover one eye, and I wondered briefly if I’d gone too far in the direction of Jessica Rabbit. Then I realized that you could never go too far in that direction, and I just went with it.

  The few people in the street stopped and stared openly at me as I got into Trevor’s car. I ignored them grandly, pretending to not even see them though I managed to get one spectacular leg out for inspection during the car-entering process. I was amused to find that not only was I comfortable with the attention but that I welcomed it.

  “You’re just fucking incredible,” said Trevor as he drove us to Jean’s. “What’s it like?”

  I sighed and stretched, arching my back like a cat. “You know what it’s like. It feels totally normal to me.”

  “Yeeeeah, but come on. This isn’t a normal girl. People stare, that’s gotta be weird.”

  “Why shouldn’t they stare? I dressed to draw stares. It’s healthy.”

  He glanced at me and I just offered an enigmatic smile. I was telling the absolute truth, but he wasn’t sure if I was kidding or not.

  He said, “All right. If you’re so comfortable, how about you and I go out and have dinner after the shoot?”

  “With you dressed like that?” I reached out and patted his hand. “In your dreams, honey.”

  “I have better clothes at home, you know that. And…oh my God, I just thought of something that might get us more money.”

  We were in the strip club parking lot. I said, “You keep thinking, then. I have clothes to take off.”

  I swayed up the stairs and into Jean’s apartment. Jean stared at me, and I posed to best advantage. The fact was that it didn’t seem that this body had a bad side, so it was pretty easy to show off the goods.

  Once he had recovered, we went ahead and got started with the shoot. As before, I took my sweet damn time. I posed by a microphone on a stand, acting as if I was delivering a soulful croon into the mic for a while. I made sweet fucking love to that mic, without removing a stitch of clothing, and I was sure that the pics would be worth a bunch.

  I had fun with my stripping, taking my time and not getting a single complaint from either Trevor or Jean. By the time I was down to my underthings, Jean had to change out the memory in his camera because he’d filled it with shots of me removing my dress. I kept vamping at the mic, making up snippets of songs as I worked it, and soon enough I was completely nude for them. The camera’s eye followed me just as relentlessly as Jean’s and Trevor’s, and I welcomed all my voyeurs with a wink and a smile that promised everything.

  Finally I was done. Jean and Trevor stood staring as I gathered up my things. I was still just as calm and self-possessed while naked as I’d been in all my clothing. On impulse, I walked up to Jean and gave him the kind of kiss that could set hair on fire, ending it with a tiny flick of my tongue across his lips. “You were wonderful,” I purred.

  He tried to say something, but the only thing that came out was a string of random syllables. I winked and went off to shower.

  It was in Jean’s shower that I learned what else the potion had done to me. I ran the soap over my nipples and gasped at the feeling. I had expected them to be sensitive, and of course there was the majority of me that simply treated the sensations as normal, but they seemed much more sensitive than they should have been. I tested it again, rubbing one, and shivered from head to toe when I did so.

  Then I ran one hand down my belly, still shivering a little, and found the lips between my legs. I hadn’t done a lot of exploring of my female bodies, so this was still somewhat uncharted for me, but I seemed to know precisely how to find what I was looking for. The small nub that I tickled with one finger shot thunderbolts through me, and I moaned in my new voice without thinking about it.

  I hoped that I hadn’t been heard outside. A girl has to have some secrets. I quickly finished up the shower, enjoying every single touch of my hands to my body, and dried off. Now that I was aware of how sensitive I was it made the simple act of putting on clothes both slower and more enjoyable. I could feel my giant nipples rubbing against the inside of the bra, sliding over the silk again and again like an assault by an obsessed lover. My underwear rubbed against me in delicate places too, and I hoped that I would be able to get to the car without climaxing.

  I swayed out, controlling myself with a bit of effort, and found both Trevor and Jean studying the shots of me that Jean had snapped. I came up behind them quietly enough that they didn’t notice
, and I had to admit that I was even hotter than I realized. “Very nice,” I purred.

  Trevor jumped a little. “Oh! Uh, Samantha. Yeah, you think it turned out well?”

  I leaned in to point at one, my heavy breast resting on Jean’s shoulder for a moment. I smiled when he stopped breathing. I said, “I think that one’s one of the best.”

  “Yes,” Jean whispered. “Yes, me too.”

  I stood up straight again and turned to Trevor. I said, “So, are you serious about that date, honey?”

  “Of course.”

  “Then let’s go get you ready. You’re not exactly fit to be seen with me.”

  He scrambled for the door. He called out his thanks to Jean, the words running together, and I let him hold the door open for me again. This was going to be fun.

  “Were you serious about the date?” he said as we headed for our apartment.

  “Sure, why not? And what were you thinking earlier, when you said that you had a way to make more money off of this?”

  “First tell me what you really feel about this…are you going on this date just to mess with me, or what?”

  I leaned back in the seat and raised one leg to inspect my knee. It was flawless, of course. I said, “You know what it feels like when you have the potion. I think it might be fun to be wined and dined like the woman that I am, that’s all. Why?”

  “I was thinking…remember Derek?”

  “Of course I remember Derek. He’s the one who allegedly, what was it…oh yes. He bent me over a chair, as I recall.”

  “Uh. Sorry about that, he’s sort of…well, he’s awful. But you remember that he wanted to pay extra to come and see the shoot?”

  “Of course.”

  “What if he would have paid even more to go out on a date with you afterward?”

  I tilted my head. I suppose that if I’d been in my real form I would have been upset about the idea, but now I was calm enough to give it due consideration. “I wouldn’t be against it, but if he’s going to lay out that kind of money, wouldn’t he expect something more than just dinner?”

  “Oh, well, he might, but he’s awful. I was thinking that we might include a date for the higher-paying clients, but nothing more than just escorting. No sex involved.”

  “Mm. Well, I could get behind that, I suppose.”


  “Why not? It sounds like fun. I’m going to be like this for a while yet anyway, why not have some fun and make some money?”

  “Your potions are scary.”

  “They are pretty good.” I held up the knee again, smiling.

  He shook his head. “This is going to be fun.”


  We went inside and I waited around for an hour or so while Trevor got dressed and made some reservations. Bonito’s wasn’t the best place, but it was decent enough that they wouldn’t be upset at our somewhat-formal dress. I wasn’t showing much skin, after all, and the rest of the package made up for anything else. I didn’t anticipate problems.

  We got there and seated, and I gave the waiter a slow smile that made him stutter when he gave us the specials. I let Trevor order for me, and I smiled again when he ordered wine. While we waited for our meal I said, “You know, if I was a normal woman, this whole thing would be pretty romantic.”

  He arched an eyebrow and gave me a grin that he obviously thought was quite charming. “Really now.”

  I nodded. Then I took the most impressive breath that I could and let go out in a deep sigh. “Too bad I didn’t think to change my orientation.”

  His eyes widened. “Say what?”

  “I think you’re cute, but I think that waitress is hot,” I said, nodding toward a trim little Italian girl.

  The expression on Trevor’s face was priceless. He warred between irritation, lust, and approval of the images bouncing through his head. The best part was that I was only partially kidding: being comfortable with my new body also meant being comfortable with its urges, and those seemed to be pretty hetero. My mind was still male (ish) and therefore I was attracted to the waitress.

  But I was also attracted to Trevor, and it didn’t bother me a bit.

  I said, “Better luck next time? Or maybe you can…” I put my hand over his and rubbed the back of his hand with my thumb. “Cure me.”

  He gaped for a moment and then said, “I have no idea if you’re kidding or not.”

  I laughed and said, “Remember what it was like when you took this potion.”

  He thought for a moment and his eyes widened further. I was afraid they were going to fall out into his soup. “You are serious.”

  I shrugged. My bra kept my giant tits from bouncing, but the motion was slow and sensual enough to draw the attention of diners for several tables. I kept my hand where it was. “Might be. Might not. You’ll never know, I suppose.”

  He turned his hand over and gripped mine. Then he raised his other hand and said, “Check please?”

  I pouted. I knew instinctively that I had a great pout. I said, “But Trevvie. I’m still hungry.”

  I eventually compromised. We waited there until the restaurant could pack our meals into to-go boxes, and then we carried them out to the car. I kept waiting for him to say something, but all he did was take my box from me and then offer to open the door.

  I allowed it, of course, and then I was delighted and surprised when he turned and wrapped me in his arms. He pressed me against the car as he kissed me, and I kissed back with the same kind of enthusiasm. I felt no urge to pull away, no sensation that any of this was weird, and simply melted into his embrace. He finally pulled back, flushed and breathing hard, and he started to say something. I stopped him by taking his face in both hands and kissing him. I felt one of his hands slide down my back to rest on top of my ass, and I just enjoyed the sensation for a moment.

  When we were through I pulled back and arched an eyebrow. “You were saying?”

  He gave me a nervous laugh and his body language changed from kiss the hot chick to oh fuck, it’s a bear . He looked as though he wanted to back away, but I had him pinned between me and the car.

  I sighed and pulled back. “You’re a good kisser.”

  “Uh, thanks?” He moved around me, leaving the door open. He said, “I think we’d better get back before you, you know…” He gestured at me, moving his hand to encompass my entire body.

  I tilted my head in acknowledgement and then got in, making a production out of it that included exposing my leg to mid-thigh. Trevor couldn’t help staring at that, with good reason. It was worth staring at.

  He got into the car and drove, and about halfway home he said, “That was fucking crazy.”

  “What was?”

  “Why did you kiss me?”

  I shrugged. I felt bored with the topic already. “I wanted to. You’re a good-looking guy, Trev.”

  “Yeah, but…I mean, what about all that stuff you said about still liking women?”

  “Of course I do. But this body likes men, and the potion made me very comfortable with this body, remember?”

  He shook his head. “I can’t do it, I’m sorry. I just can’t think of you as anything but Jimmy.”

  I reached out and took his right hand, moving it closer to me so that I could press it into my left breast. “Even now?”

  He had a whole-body shudder that was fascinating to watch. “You’re not thinking straight! The potion’s making you do this!”

  I shook my head and kept his hand right where it was. “The potion’s only making me comfortable. And making me more sensitive, like right where your middle finger is, there. Nothing’s forcing me to do a single thing.”

  “You’re going to be upset about this when you change back.” His voice sounded a bit weaker, as if he was losing track of his own argument while he tried to convince himself.

  I pressed his hand firmly against my chest, even deeper. I had a lot of breast for him to explore. I said, “That’s later. I want you now. Don’t w
orry about the future.”

  When he pulled into the driveway of the apartment he parked and turned to me. “Even if we…you know, you’ve only got a little while until you change back.”

  I shook my head and leaned in for another slow kiss. When I pulled back, I purred slightly. I said, “If there’s some reason that the potion can’t change me back, like say there was something inside me that was incompatible with my male form…then it just resets and waits another twelve hours.”

  His eyes widened and he said, “Ohhhhh, shit, you are gonna kill me.”

  I laughed and tossed my hair. “Maybe later. But that’s later.”

  I got out and led him up the stairs, moving slowly as if we hadn’t all but decided to jump into bed together. I could sense his impatience, and I would be lying if I said that I didn’t enjoy it. The anticipation of it was almost as much fun as the kissing.

  When we got inside, he seemed to be at a loss. I took his hand and led him to the couch, where I had him sit down. Then I turned on the television and selected a music station that was playing some jazz. I turned to him and smiled while I started moving my hips, swaying just a little in time to the beat.

  At the same time I unrolled my left glove, starting from the top. He had seen this before, seen all of my body before, but then it had been for the camera. Now it was just for Trevor, and if the state of the front of his pants was any indication, he was enjoying it. I rolled both gloves down, smiling and moving as if I was stripping for myself instead of him, as if he was a voyeur.

  I got into the music, losing myself in the mournful sax and the slow tick of the drums. Someone had a sweet trumpet in there as well, and I felt it slide through me in a way that made me gasp. I kept up my stripping, letting this and that fall by the wayside until I wore nothing but my panties and the attached stockings. I made sure to keep my spectacular breasts covered with my rich auburn hair, the color like a banner against my pale skin. He could see my nipples, rock-hard thanks to the cooler temperature and my own internal heat.

  I was more turned on than I could remember being in a long time. It manifested differently in this body, of course, but thanks to the potion I was fine with all of it. I unclipped my stockings and sat on the coffee table to roll them off, taking my sweet fucking time about it. Finally it was just the panties, and these took twice as long as anything else. I teased, allowing my hair to open and close over me while I started to unroll them, thought twice, and then started again. By that time he was panting, of course, and who could blame him? I felt just as marvelous as I looked.


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