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Dragon Weyr's Omega (Nanny Shifter Service Book 7)

Page 6

by Sky Winters

Rick let out a bark of a laugh.

  “You kidding?” he asked. “You’re a dragon – you were born to burn.”

  Jessie’s eyes went wide as she swallowed the rest of the drink. After a few more moments of struggling, she felt back to normal.

  “Yeah, the burning from actual fire,” she said. “That’s a different kind of burning, like drinking gasoline or something.”

  Rick tossed back his shot and swallowed it as easily as if it were water.

  “Damn,” he said, looking at the empty glass in his hand. “That’s the good stuff.”

  Jessie took her beer and swigged it, washing away the burning taste of the booze. Then Rick glanced outside at the balcony.

  “Nice night,” he said. “You want to kill these beers out on the balcony?”

  “Sure,” said Jessie. “I think I need some fresh air after that stuff.”

  Rick flashed her another charming smile.

  “Baby,” he said.

  “Am not,” said Jessie playfully, feeling the whiskey already working its loosening-up magic on her.

  Rick grabbed the beers and hopped up. As he walked to the balcony doors, Jessie found her eyes lingering on the way he looked in his tight, dark jeans, the denim hugging his ass perfectly.

  Keep it together, she thought to herself. Just because he’s an alpha doesn’t mean you can’t be professional. This is a new job, after all.

  Rick balanced both beers in his hand as he opened up the balcony door, the fresh, cool air rushing in to greet them. Jessie followed him out, trying her best not to ogle him.

  “Fucking killer night out,” he said as they sat down next to one another.

  Then a look of realization flashed on his face.

  “Ah, shit,” he said. “I’m supposed to quit swearing so much.”

  “You’re doing a pretty bad job at it,” said Jessie with a smile as Rick handed her one of the beers.

  “Old habits die hard, you know?” he said. “I’m doing my best to get used to the daddy life, but sometimes, it feels like I’m in a foreign country or something.”

  “You like being a dad?” asked Jessie, taking another sip of her beer and feeling the whiskey relax her tense muscles.

  “You bet your ass I do,” he said, wincing as he realized he’d sworn again. “Every day’s like a damn gift, as corny as that might sound. But man, is it different than what I’d been used to.”

  “And what’s that?” asked Jessie.

  It was strange to her to see a man like Rick, a rough-looking character with fire-red hair and a matching beard, tattoos covering his arms, in a domestic situation like this. She wanted to know more about him.

  He took another pull from his beer before flicking his green eyes onto Jessie.

  “You know anything about the Weaver clan?”

  “Nope,” she said. “I knew about the clans in California when I lived there, but since I’ve been in New York, I’ve pretty much tried to pretend I was a human.”

  Rick raised his eyebrows.

  “You kidding?” he asked. “Now, why the hell would you want to do a thing like that?”

  Jessie glanced down, tension forming in her stomach at the idea of telling Rick about her past.

  “It’s...a long story,” she said.

  “Then don’t worry about it,” he said. “I’m not gonna pry.”

  Jessie was grateful that Rick seemed to pick up on the fact that she wasn’t too hot on the idea of talking about her personal history.

  “What are the Weavers?” she asked, bringing him back to the subject of himself.

  “Ah, yeah,” he said. “The Weavers are the baddest fucking clan of dragons in the city. We ride hard and drink hard and do...uh, other things hard too.”

  “One of the biker clans?” she asked, intrigued.

  “That’s right,” he said. “Guys like Jonas and Samuel were your standard dragons, getting involved in the upper-crust dragon shit. Not me and the rest of the Weavers – we liked to party and get into trouble.”

  “How did you meet Samuel and Jonas?”

  “Long story,” he said. “But the short of it is, we all found the same mate. The three of us are all alphas, and we’d all ended up falling hard for her at the same time.”

  “She was an omega?” asked Jessie.

  “That’s right,” he said. “And you know how it normally is – an alpha claims an omega and they make a shitload of kids. But sometimes...” He trailed off.

  “Sometimes,” he said, “it doesn’t work like that. Normally, alphas will claw each other to pieces over an omega. This whole situation with us sharing the girls and living’s not unheard of, but it’s rare as hell.”

  “And why didn’t you all just end up fighting?” asked Jessie.

  He took another swig of his beer.

  “Because we’d all had enough fighting. My clan, Samuel’s, and Jonas’ had all just finished our own private wars with some other dragon clans in the city. When we all met each other and found out we were about to claim the same mate, we knew that we could fight it out. But we were done with that shit – clan wars bring nothing but fucking death, you know?”

  Jessie knew all too well. But she didn’t offer her history.

  “So, we all realized we could get right into another fight, one that only one of us would live to see the other side of, or we could all claim her. We could have some kids, raise them all together, and try to make some kind of happy-family shit work out. It sounded crazy, but it beat the hell out of getting killed.”

  “You think you would’ve gotten killed?” asked Jessie.

  Rick smirked.

  “No fucking way,” he said. “I live to fight – at least, I used to. But none of us were looking to find out who’d come out on top.”

  Jessie sipped her beer, her eyes on the glittering city stretched out in front of her.

  “So, we had the girls, moved in together, and that’s that.”

  “But what about your mate?”

  Rick’s expression turned dark.

  “No offense, but that’s not something I really feel like getting into.” His tone made it clear he wasn’t messing around.

  Rick took another pull of his beer and finished it off.

  “Anyway,” he said, “we should get some sleep.”

  He got up and stretched his arms. Jessie watched his muscles flex and tense.

  She got up too, and found herself standing close to Rick, close enough that they were nearly touching.

  He turned and faced her, his tall, built body looming over her, his intoxicating scent taking over her senses.

  Between his alpha magnetism and the drinks, Jessie found herself irresistibly attracted to him. Images from her earlier fantasy flashed into her head, and part of her wondered what she would do if he made a move on her right then and there.

  He stared hard into her eyes with a deep, hungry look. Jessie chewed softly on her lower lip, trying to figure out what was going on in his head.

  “Shit,” he said, breaking the spell between them. “Bedtime. We’ve got the girls all day tomorrow, so get some sleep. Night.”

  Then he turned and left, leaving Jessie alone.

  Once he was gone, Jessie stepped up to the edge of the balcony and rested her hands on the railing.



  Rick woke up that next morning with his cock so hard he could’ve used it to cut diamonds. He rolled out of bed, the taste of whiskey still in his mouth. Positioning himself in front of his mirror, he took a look over his body.

  He was nude from head to toe, his cock stiff and long. Rick reached down and grabbed onto it, moving his hand along his solid length. He closed his eyes and to his surprise, the first image to pop into his mind was Jessie.

  He licked his lips as he stroked himself, thinking about what she looked like under her clothes. The rest of her was gorgeous enough, her eyes blue and shining, her face perfectly heart-shaped, her lips full and begging to be kissed. A he
ad of strawberry blonde hair completed the picture.

  Rick knew that, under those clothes, her body had to be as perfect as her face.

  He suddenly took his hand off his cock, realizing what he was doing.

  No, he thought to himself. Bad idea. Last thing we need is fucking drama with the new omega, as tempting as it sounds.

  But he couldn’t help himself. He imagined having Jessie bent over in front of him, her gorgeous, round ass there for the grabbing. It’d been a long time since he’d had an omega, and he knew from experience the sex was like nothing else.

  With a frustrated sigh, Rick stepped into the bathroom to shower and get ready for the day. It was just him, Jessie, and the girls, and he wanted to have his head on straight. That meant no fantasizing about Jessie.

  And no flirting.

  He’d held back as much as he could last night, trying to keep things professional. But he knew that if he’d had another drink or two, he might’ve lost control and given into the desire for her that he’d felt ever since he’d laid eyes on her yesterday afternoon.

  No, they had too much to do that day. It was Sunday, which meant the girls wouldn’t have their tutors in to keep them occupied for most of the day. And it meant that Rick would be able to see just what Jessie was made of when it came to being a nanny. She’d done a good job last night, but today was her first full day.

  He knew that whatever happened, it’d be interesting. Alphas and omegas together always were.

  Once he was dressed, he went into the living room. The girls were already up, Jessie standing behind the kitchen counter wearing an apron, a spatula in her hand.

  “Papa Rick!” shouted Alice as she hopped out of her chair and threw her arms around Rick’s legs.

  “Hey, kiddo!” he said, mussing her hair.

  All of the girls were equally special to him, but Rick couldn’t get over how much Alice looked like him. She had the same fire-red hair and emerald-green eyes.

  He scooped her off the ground as he made his way over to Jessie and the other two triplets.

  “Damn,” he said, sniffing the air. “What you got cooking in here?”

  “Pancakes!” said Sarah in an excited voice.

  “Pancakes?” asked Rick as he set Alice down in her chair and took a seat next to her. “Sounds good as hell to me.”

  He winced, realizing he’d sworn again. Sure, it was a tame one, but he hated letting them slip in front of the girls. They were a remnant from his old life as one of the hardest bikers in the Weaver clan, and had been a surprisingly hard habit to break.

  But he wanted to do it for the girls – last thing he wanted was for them to grow up and be little potty mouths like him.

  “Papa Rick said a bad word,” said Lucy with a big smile on her face.

  “Yeah he did,” said Rick. “And don’t you repeat it.”

  He took a glance at Jessie and noticed that she was in a really, really oversized shirt that went down to her knees, a few inches of her lovely legs on display.

  “I see you’ve got on your Sunday best,” said Rick with a smirk.

  Jessie blushed, her cheeks turning red in a way that Rick couldn’t help but find insanely attractive.

  “It’s all I could find in the bedroom to sleep in,” she said. “Or to wear today.”

  Rick raised an eyebrow.

  “Where is the rest of your stuff?” he asked.

  Jessie glanced away, as if trying to figure out a way to delicately answer the question.

  “It’ a place where I can’t get it,” she said.

  Rick was very curious what she meant, but he could tell it was a touchy subject.

  “So, you need some clothes?” he asked.

  Rick wanted to make a crack about how he was totally fine with her not wearing anything around the apartment, but just like his swearing, he had to do his best to keep his crude sense of humor to himself around the girls.

  Didn’t mean it wasn’t true, though.

  “Yeah,” she said. “But I need to wait until I get paid.”

  “Oh, come on,” said Rick. “We can spot you some clothes.”

  Sarah’s eyes lit up.

  “Does that mean we can go shopping?” she asked.

  “Hmm,” said Rick, tapping his bearded chin with his finger. “That depends – do you girls have all your homework done for tomorrow?”

  “Yeah!” they all said.

  “We did it yesterday afternoon.”

  Rick turned to Jessie.

  “What do you think?” he asked. “We could head into the city, do a little shopping, maybe grab something to eat, hit up Central Park...”

  The girls began to make excited noises.

  “That work for you?” asked Rick. “Figure it’d be a good way for you to get used to having all the girls around, but I’ll be there to help you out.”

  “That sounds good,” said Jessie, turning her attention back to the stove. “It’s supposed to be a beautiful day out today.”

  “Perfect!” said Rick. “Then let’s eat these pancakes and get a move on!”

  Jessie finished up making breakfast, setting a stack of pancakes on each of the five plates. Over coffee and pancakes and orange juice, the five of them planned their day ahead.

  Once they were done, Rick went to his room and found a pair of black skinny jeans he hadn’t worn in a while, along with one of his tighter-fitting t-shirts.

  “Here you go,” he said, handing them over to Jessie. “Might stink like me, but they should do for the day.”

  A strange expression flashed on Jessie’s face for a brief moment, as if she was thinking about not minding how Rick smelled.

  She headed off, and Rick let his eyes linger on her bare legs.

  Damn, she looks good, he thought. Gonna be hard to keep my hands off her.

  After twenty minutes or so, she returned, dressed in his clothes. She looked pretty good in them. Then again, Rick thought, with a body like hers, she could make a cloth sack look sexy.

  “Stylin’,” he said. “You wear those almost as good as me. Almost.”

  She flashed him a grin.

  “Okay, girls,” said Jessie. “You all ready to go?”

  The girls let out a cheer and they were off. Rick led them all down to the garage where their small fleet of cars awaited them.

  “I’m thinking it’s a convertible kind of day,” he said. “What about you, Jessie?”

  “Driving with the top down sounds nice.”

  Rick did his best not to make a crack about how he wouldn’t mind seeing her top down. He realized that it was going to be hard to keep hidden just how attracted to her he was. Her scent, her body, her hair, her face – all of it seemed specially designed to drive him wild.

  Made sense, he considered – she is an omega. In a sense, she was designed to make him crazy, irrational with lust.

  Maybe it was a bad idea for us to hire this girl, he thought as he climbed into the driver’s seat. Could’ve hired a competent bear shifter, some doting, grandmotherly type who wouldn’t be this much of a fucking...distraction.

  What was done was done, he realized – he was just going to have to do his best to keep himself in check.

  Rick gunned the engine and pulled out of the garage, out onto the wide Brooklyn streets. The sun was brilliant up above them, and he realized how good it felt to be outside in the warm weather.

  “Okay,” he said. “First stop is some shopping. How’s Fifth Avenue sound?”

  “ sure?” asked Jessie, her hair blowing in the breeze. “I don’t need anything too fancy.”

  “It’s no big thing,” said Rick. “We got to make sure you’ve got everything you need.”

  “If you insist,” said Jessie.

  Out of the corner of his eye, Rick spotted a small smile on her face. He liked what he saw. Not only was her smile totally gorgeous, it meant that she wasn’t the type of girl to be taken out on a shopping spree without being appreciative. Dragons, in his experien
ce, tended to be the type who thought the world deserved to be given to them on a silver platter. But not Jessie.

  Once they reached Midtown Manhattan, Rick found a place to park and they all got out. He watched Jessie carefully – she seemed like she was getting the job done well so far, but it’d only been a day. He needed to see how she’d do with the girls on a normal day like today.

  They went from shop to shop, the girls eagerly leading Jessie through the aisles of the various boutiques they went into, loading her arms full with clothes. Rick watched carefully, and found that she had a good way with the kids. Jessie happily picked out clothes with the girls, the four of them trying on some of the more silly hats and accessories, and having plenty of fun.

  By the time they were done, the bags loaded up in the car, the five of them were ready to eat. They stopped at a pizza place in Times Square and ordered a few pizzas. After stuffing themselves full, they finished up and decided to head down to Prospect Park in Brooklyn to get some fresh air and nature.

  Once there, the girls happily began to run free, Jessie keeping a careful eye on them. They made their way down one of the more secluded trails, and before too long, Jessie and Rick were walking side-by-side while the girls played up ahead.

  “So,” said Rick. “First day’s almost done. What’s your take so far?”

  “Good,” said Jessie with a smile as she tucked her hair behind her ears. “The girls are great. Seem pretty well-behaved too.”

  “Well, today’s been a good day for them,” said Rick as the two of them slowly made their way down the secluded path, the trees looming above them. “Sometimes, they can be a little more ornery than this.”

  “Hopefully, I can handle them when they are.”

  “I think you’ll manage,” said Rick with a smile.

  He really believed it. Jessie was sweet and attentive to the girls. He could tell already that as far as being good for the job, they’d picked right with Jessie.

  It was the other matter, the one about how he couldn’t stop staring at her, couldn’t stop thinking about what she looked like under those clothes, that made him worried. Even in his jeans and t-shirt, her body was a magnet for his eyes, and her scent made him feel crazy with lust.

  After a time, Annie and Sarah ran up to Rick and Jessie.


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