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Queen of Clubs

Page 5

by Cooper McKenzie

  Hannah could do nothing but watch as Brody’s arm muscles shifted. Was he really stroking his cock under the table? Swallowing hard, she clenched her thighs together. She wanted that cock. Shifting her head just a little to the left, she spied Drew’s cock standing tall and proud as well. The shaft was a burnished pink and the head was a deeper scarlet. Suddenly she wasn’t interested in playing cards any more.

  She jumped and squeaked when Brody slammed his free hand on top of the table. “Hannah, stop looking at Drew’s cock and pay attention to the game, or I’ll tie you to the cross and you’ll only be allowed to watch while I play with him.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Hannah responded, as she forced herself attention back to her cards.

  Though chastised, she did not feel too concerned by his threats. She would not mind watching these two men giving each other pleasure though at this minute she would rather they focused all their sexy manliness on her.

  Several minutes later, she made a face as Brody’s full house handily beat Drew’s pair of twos. She had nothing. Her heart began to speed up as Brody looked from her to Drew with a sexy half-smile on his lips and dark intentions in his eyes. Everything south of her belly button clenched in anticipation when he licked his lips and looked deep into her eyes.

  “I want my mouth on your pussy, baby girl. I cannot wait to taste your cream.”

  She smiled because that was but one of the things she had dreamt about during the past long, long months. “Yes, Sir.”

  His grin turned predatory, which sent more shivers through her as he stood up and held a hand out to her. Without hesitation, Hannah laid her hand in his palm and allowed him to pull her out of her chair, around the chair between them, and to his side.

  “And I know exactly how I want you,” he said as he led her across the room toward the spanking bench. “Babe, bring me the wide straps.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Okay, sweet baby girl, let’s get you situated and strapped down,” he said.

  “Strapped down?” she asked, freezing mid step.

  The first shiver of scary fear she had ever felt around these two rippled through her. No one had ever wanted to tie her up before. The men in her past had always looked out for themselves and if she got pleasure that was great, but if not, it was her own fault. Could she give up freedom of movement to have Brody’s lips on her?

  Brody turned and stepped toward her, pulling her into a gentle embrace. “Shhh, baby girl. All you have to do is say the word ‘red’ if something hurts too much to go on, or scares you too much to continue. You call red, everything stops, and we discuss things. Okay?”

  Hannah turned his words over in her mind for a moment before nodding against his chest. “I’ll try, Sir.”

  Brody helped her sit on the bench then lie back. He bent her legs, placing her feet on lower side planks. When Drew joined them a moment later with the requested straps, Brody fastened her ankles to the bench legs before wrapping another around her hips just above her mound. Another crossed her chest just under her breasts. Then he pulled her arms down and under the bench before securing them to each other.

  Hannah tried to move but found herself unable to do more than wiggle. The placement of her feet and the way her legs were secured open exposed everything between them. She tried to close her legs, but the table and her tied ankles made that impossible. Her breathing grew fast and shallow as fear swept through her. She began to jerk on her bonds. With each successful bid for freedom, her anxiety ratcheted up another notch.

  “Shhh, baby girl,” Brody said as he stroked his fingertips up and down her outer thighs from hips to knees. At the same time, Drew move to stand at the other end of the table and began to massage her shoulders. “We’re right here. We will never leave you alone when you are bound like this. Nothing is going to happen that you won’t thoroughly enjoy. Remember to use your safe word if you need to. Now, are you hurting anywhere?”

  His calm words did the trick and she calmed enough to think past the fear of the new and unknown. She was warm and relatively comfortable even though she could not move. “No Sir, I’m not hurting but…”

  Brody ignored her qualifier. “Good girl. Now I want you to close your eyes, relax, and just feel.” With that, he knelt at the end of the table. That put his face right at pussy level. “God you smell so good, baby girl. I cannot wait any longer to taste you.”

  As soon as he finished speaking, his tongue stroked over her open pussy. It then eased up the center of her body, over her exposed and puffed up clit to the top of her slit. Hannah sucked in a sharp breath as with that simple touch, he ignited a fire that seemed to burn away any second thoughts like dry straw in a fiery blaze.

  “Mmmm, delicious,” he murmured before moving down and starting again.

  As Brody licked and lapped and sucked at the flesh between her legs, Drew moved his massaging fingers from her shoulders down the front of her body. He stroked circles around and around her plump breasts. With each rotation, he made smaller and smaller circles, moving closer to her rose-colored areolas with each one.

  By the time he stroked around the sides of her tightly knotted nipples, Hannah was panting and making soft whimpering sounds. Her attention splintered between the touches on her breasts and the ones between her legs.

  The men worked together, in near perfect synchronization, as they drove her steadily up the mountain of her arousal. When she teetered at the peak, they paused and seemed to share an unspoken communication. Then Drew pinched her nipples harder and rolled them between his thumbs and index fingers. At the same time, Brody took her clit between his lips. He sucked and nibbled at the flesh with just enough pressure to send her flying.

  Her orgasm rolled through her like a tornado. Her body bucked against the restraints and she screamed out her release. Drew bent and kissed her, cutting off the sound and pulling her attention in yet another direction.

  Apparently not done with her, Brody slid two fingers into her pussy. He began to fuck them in and out with a side-to-side twisting motion. He drew her orgasm out to such lengths that she finally quit fighting the bonds holding her and just lay gasping for breath.

  Hannah felt as if everything in her melted into a puddle of goo when Brody finally stood. Her cheeks burned as his gaze locked on hers and he slowly licked his fingers clean.

  At his nod, Drew stepped back as well then knelt beside the bench. Half-expecting Brody to fuck her, she did not know what to think when instead he began to release her from the bench.

  “Baby girl, we’re going to have to work on your ability to hold off your orgasms,” Brody said as he released her ankles, checking them for chafing and bruising. “You came entirely too quickly.”

  “Mmmm,” Hannah breathed as he released her hands and helped her to sit up. “It had been building up for a while.”

  Standing, she nearly lost her balance as her muscles and bones refused to hold her up. Brody caught her and helped her to sit on the floor. Then he sat down beside her. After Drew wrapped a soft, fuzzy blanket around her, Brody pulled her to lean against his body.

  “Come join us, babe,” Brody ordered gently as he settled Hannah even closer to his side.

  Drew moved in on her other side and Hannah found herself surrounded with warmth. She closed her eyes and relaxed as the two men murmured to her and each other. Their words made no impression on her orgasm-fogged mind.

  Long before she was ready to deal with anything outside of their group cuddle, a rapid knock came at the door. “Hannah? We’ve got a problem,” Manny’s deep voice blared through the door. “The garage is on fire.”

  Chapter Six

  It was long past dark and the temperature had dropped like a rock after the sun had gone down, but Hannah refused to stop watching the Loving Fire Department put out the fire. The fire that had begun in the garage had spread to her cottage and both buildings were a total loss. Everything she owned except the clothes on her back had been in those two buildings. The only good news was t
hat the fire had not spread across the lawn to the Tavern building itself.

  Drew had his arm wrapped around the woman who trembled and leaned heavily into him. “Come on, honey, let’s go inside. You’ve got to be frozen,” he said. His feet were ice cubes and he was wearing boots. She wore sneakers and had to be in even worse shape though she didn’t show it.

  She sighed. “Yeah, okay.”

  Her voice was too soft, too flat, like she was in going into shock. He guided her through the back door and into the kitchen where Manny was making sandwiches for the firefighters. “Can you make us some hot chocolate, please?” he asked the territorial cook.

  Manny looked at Hannah, saw her blank expression, and immediately turned to the stove. “Sure thing.”

  “Thanks,” Drew said before he walked Hannah into the main room and settled her at a table in the back corner.

  A moment later, Carter Jackson in his firefighter turnouts entered through the front door. He was covered in soot and grim as he crossed to where Brody stood talking to Sasha at the bar.

  Drew joined them just in time to hear Carter say in a soft tone, “We’ll have to investigate further, but it looks like the fire was set.”

  He gasped, drawing both men’s attention.

  “Why aren’t you with Hannah?” Brody demanded in the soft, intense version of his pissed-off Master voice.

  “She’s sitting right there. I just wanted to let you know we’re back inside,” Drew responded, keeping his tone even. He met Brody’s dark gaze without flinching. “I think she’s going into shock. I’m going upstairs for a blanket, but she needs you.”

  Brody looked at Carter who nodded. “You take care of her. I’ll deal with the rest,” he said, taking the notebook and pen from Body’s hands.

  Drew raced upstairs, stopping at the closet halfway down the hall. He knew Hannah stocked extra blankets and supplies for the rooms she occasionally rented out. Grabbing one, he returned downstairs as fast as he could.

  Brody was sitting in the chair he had left Hannah in moments before with the woman was curled in his lap. She looked like she had mentally checked out. Drew ignored the murmured comments from the men he passed. He tucked the blanket around the woman then bent and brushed a kiss on her temple. “It will be okay, honey.”

  She blinked and looked at him. “Everything’s gone,” she whispered before laying her head back on Brody’s shoulder and closing her eyes.

  Drew pulled a chair from the next table closer. He sat down and began to rub a hand up and down her back over the blanket. In his own shocked state, he needed to do something, and at this moment, rubbing her back was all he could think of.

  After a few minutes, she began to tremble. Brody looked at him. While the Dom’s expression remained fully controlled, his eyes raged with the need to kill someone. “Tell Sasha and Manny to close it down. And ask Sasha to make a closed until further notice sign for the front door.”

  “Yes, Master,” Drew whispered without thinking.

  Drew headed to the bar to talk to Sasha. By the time he finished relaying Brody’s message, Carter had taken statements from the customers, who paid their tabs and left, each leaving condolence messages with Sasha to pass on to Hannah.

  As he turned away from the bar, he saw Manny enter from the kitchen carrying a tray with several mugs of hot chocolate. He set the tray down on the table beside Brody. The two men spoke for a few minutes before Manny nodded and returned to his kitchen.

  He rejoined Brody and noted that Hannah had closed her eyes. “She asleep?”

  “Yeah, she gave in a couple minutes ago,” Brody said with a nod. “Go warm up the truck. Manny said he would lock up after he finishes cleaning things up.”

  Though he wanted to question Brody further, Drew nodded. The truck was toasty warm by the time Brody carried Hannah across the parking lot. Her eyes were open, but she did not look fully coherent when Brody set her on the front seat of the truck. She sighed when he crawled in beside her, pulling her closer to his side. Thank God, they had gotten a bench seat when they’d bought the new truck.

  “Go to sleep, baby girl,” Brody ordered gently just before he kissed the top of her head. “We’ll be home in a few minutes.”

  “I have no home.” She sighed even as she snuggled closer into his embrace.

  “Until we catch whoever did this, you’re coming home and staying with us,” Brody said. His deep voice sent warm thrills through Drew even as it assured Hannah. “Our home is yours now.”

  * * * *

  Hannah drifted in a silvery gray fog. The only thing she was aware of was Brody’s deep voice. When he told her to do something, she did it, without any thought of arguing. She trusted Brody. He would take care of her while she was not able to care for herself.

  After a ride in the truck that smelled like a delicious combination of the two men, the truck stopped and they got out. With Brody’s arm wrapped around her back, and his side holding her somewhat upright, he guided her through the cold to somewhere warm. With Brody in charge, she did not even bother to open her eyes to see where he was leading her.

  She was either a brave soul, or the biggest fool on the planet, for placing such trust in a man who liked to play BDSM games with another man. Especially when that other man was there with them.

  “Okay, baby girl, you need to open your eyes now,” Brody said, his voice unusually gentle.

  Taking a deep breath, Hannah forced her eyelids up. Blinking several times against the bright light, she looked around. They were in a bathroom, but it was not her bathroom. This room had tan walls, white fixtures, and navy accents. There was a rainbow of colorful pictures, scars, and knickknacks against white walls and fixtures.

  “Where are we?” she managed to whisper after swallowing hard and licking her lips.

  “This is our bathroom. We’re going to get a shower and go to bed.”


  “Yes, baby girl, together. You are our woman. Drew and I will take care of your every need from now on.” Brody brushed a kiss on her forehead as he unzipped her coat and slipped it off her body.

  It took only a few minutes for the two men to strip her and themselves. Drew stepped into the oversized walk-in shower and turned it on, hissing a soft cuss word when the water started out ice cold. It was only a couple of minutes before steam began to fill the air. Once it did, he reached for Hannah who stepped in without hesitation. Brody followed a few seconds later, closing the shower door once they were all in the large shower room.

  Though the men tried to remain clinical as they washed her from head to toe, Hannah noticed the erections poking her front and back. Between the hot water flowing over her and the four hands touching her, she came out of her fog aroused. It did not matter if it was Brody washing the soot and smell off fire from her hair, or Drew sliding a soft soapy washcloth down her legs, she needed more.

  She might be weak as a kitten from shock and stress from the fire combined with the ginormous orgasm she had barely survived in the Tavern’s game room, but she needed to be fucked. From the condition of their cocks, Brody and Drew were of a like mind.

  Not sure if they would cooperate, she reached out and wrapped one hand around Drew’s erection then reached back and her other hand curled around Brody’s. She could not help but grin when both men froze and sucked in sharp breaths in unison. Their reactions only solidified her need to feel one of them in her pussy in the next few minutes followed by the other one afterwards.

  “Now that I have your attention,” she said in a soft, somewhat snarky tone, “how do I go about getting one of you to fuck me into the wall?”

  The sound of water cascading over their bodies and draining out of the shower was her only answer.

  Turning her head, she met Brody’s green eyes. He did not look as excited as she felt. In fact, he did not look at all pleased with her actions, or her words. He reached between them and gently disengaged her hand from his cock before lifting it and placing a kiss in the center
of her palm.

  “While that is an enticing offer, baby girl, right now you are in no shape to take us on. Because when we do make love,” he emphasized, “it will be when we are all fully cognizant of what is going on and in the moment with hours to spend pleasuring one another. Now let go of Drew’s cock before his head explodes.”

  Hannah opened her hand and released Drew’s cock, earning a sigh of relief from the submissive man. Then she at Brody, hoping he could see her need to please. “But you both have been so wonderful to me today. I want to do something to return the favor.”

  Hannah gasped when a warm, hard hand slipped between her thighs, cupping her mound. A moment later, fingertips slipped between the puffy lips of her labia and stroked up and down, from the top of her slit to the entrance to her pussy where they dipped in a fraction of an inch before beginning the return trip.

  Drew stepped closer and Hannah dropped her head to rest it against the front of his shoulder. She sucked a breath when fingers gently pinched both her nipples at once, then began to roll and flick them.

  It took less than a minute for the two men to bring her to a screaming orgasm using nothing but their fingers. Her body shook hard between them as their touch kept her release rolling through her. By the time they ended, she felt boneless, but still wanting to give back.

  Turning to face Brody, she stood on still trembling legs and looked into his eyes. “Please let me please you, Master,” she whispered.

  * * * *

  “Hmmm, I do have a hankering to feel your mouth, baby girl,” Brody said, as he rubbed his thumb back and forth over her full bottom lip. Currently there was no way he would be able to sleep. His cock was so hard it throbbed with every beat of his heart. And he wasn’t sure Hannah was ready to watch him fuck Drew into the mattress when he had turned her down. “Okay, baby girl, on your knees. You can suck my cock.”

  As Hannah knelt, he looked at Drew. “You can stroke off, but you’d better come before I do, or you’re going to have a long, sleepless night ahead of you.”


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