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Selfless (Selfish Series Book 3)

Page 20

by Shantel Tessier

  I turn and narrow my eyes at her. “How do you know about him …?”

  She gives me a smile and pushes her hip out crossing her arms over her chest with satisfaction. “I know more than you know, honey.”

  I grind my teeth and want to say more, but I know women like her. She could go on and on, and I don’t want to make a scene here at their cousin’s wedding. Instead, I hold my head up high and spin around, yanking Becca out of the bathroom.

  “I need to pee, though,” she whispers to me.

  “Choose another bathroom. This mansion has like fifty,” I snap.


  The wedding went as I thought it would. It was beautiful, the bride cried, and the groom choked on his vows. It was like a storybook wedding with the red roses and sunset with the smell of the ocean and the crashing of the waves.

  The wedding just ended, and now we sit under a large white tent as the sun continues to set. They kept the reception on location due to the firework show that will be happening soon. I know I’m exaggerating, but the tent looks the length of a football field. People pile underneath it at round tables with white tablecloths and eight red roses in a crystal vase. A soft white material covers the chairs, and a red ribbon is tied around them with a bow hanging off the back of each chair.

  The bride and groom sit at the front of the tent with their wedding party. She has twenty bridesmaids, Vicki being one of them. I lean over to whisper in Becca’s ear. “How do you have that many bridesmaids? I don’t even like twenty people,” I state.

  She snorts, her white wine flying out of her mouth as she cups her chin, and I laugh. “Me either.” She wipes her chin. “How would you do it?”

  “My wedding?” She nods. “I would want something small. Secluded. Just me and my groom with our parents and closest friends.” I smile. “I picture something on the beach with no shoes. Just our toes in the sand as the sun sets.” I tilt my head to the side. “I guess that’s kinda like this, just on a much smaller scale.”

  “It sounds beautiful,” she says, smiling.

  Ryder snorts from beside me. He lifts his glass and takes a big gulp of the amber liquid.

  Becca taps my leg softly, and she gives me a smile. I look ahead and stare at nothing really. What the hell was that? I don’t want him to think that that’s what I do, sit around all day and picture us getting married.

  “Here are my children,” Ryder and Becca’s mother says as she comes up to our table.

  I feel Ryder’s body stiffen beside me, and I watch as Becca cuddles up closer to Jaycent’s side as if she’s afraid of the woman.

  I square my shoulders and lift my chin. I’ve only met her five times, and she looks as beautiful as I remember. Too bad she’s a bitch.

  She doesn’t overdo it to where she looks plastic and fake. She looks more like a porcelain doll. Her makeup and hair perfect. She wears a white dress, and I frown; you’re not supposed to wear white to a wedding unless you’re the bride.

  “Well, aren’t you going to say hello?” she asks.

  “Hello, Mother,” Becca says timidly.

  Ryder ignores her as he takes another drink. “Your father’s looking for you,” she tells him.

  “I’ve been right here all night,” he says flatly.

  “Ashlyn, it’s good to see you again.” She looks at me and smiles. “Like New York?”

  I almost swallow my tongue at her words. I’m not a fake person, but I can play if that’s what she wants. “Yes.”

  Ryder leans back in his seat and places his right arm over my shoulders. I stiffen as his mother’s eyes narrow just a bit. “Mother, Ashlyn and I moved in together,” he states, and Jaycent is the one who chokes on his drink. Becca is quick to clean it up off his button up.

  “What?” she asks, clearing her throat. To be honest, I’m surprised she didn’t already know that.

  He gives her a fuck you smile. “I asked her to move in with me, and she said yes.”

  Her blue eyes dart back and forth between us, and she opens her mouth and then closes it. “But I thought—”

  “You thought wrong,” he snaps, interrupting her.

  She huffs, and her eyes move back and forth between me and Ryder. Then they settle on me. “So do you plan on marrying him or just gonna play house with my son?” She doesn’t let me answer as she then looks at Ryder. “You’d better make her sign a prenup. Women like her are only after one thing.”

  “Excuse me?” I snap as I stand.

  “Mother,” Becca squeals as she also stands.

  She narrows her eyes at me, and Ryder very slowly stands, stepping between us. “She’s not the whore you are, Mother.”

  She gasps, placing her hand over her heart as if his words just stabbed her. “Julian …”

  He rolls his eyes and throws back what’s left of his drink. “Play the victim. Like always.” He leans into her face, and she pulls back, eyes wide. “But we’re not your friends, Mother. We’re your children, and we know exactly what kind of piece of shit you are.”

  Her eyes narrow, and she opens her mouth. “Gwenda?”

  We look over to see Vicki has joined us, a fuck you smile on her face as she stares at me for a second. “Let’s go take some pictures,” she says, offering her hand.

  “Run along, Mother.” He gestures to Vicki. “To your little pack of sheep.”

  Surprisingly, she takes Vicki’s hand and walks off without argument.

  I place my hand on his shoulder and let out a long breath. “Ryder …”

  He looks down at his empty drink and pulls away from me. “I need another drink,” he states and then walks off.



  I make my way over to the open bar at the far side of the tent. I place my empty glass on the white tablecloth, and the female bartender smiles at me. “Ready for another already?”

  I nod. “Make it a double.”

  She takes my glass and puts a scoop of ice in it followed by a shot of scotch. I reach up and undo my tie and yank it off, before stuffing it in my pocket. I feel like I’m suffocating. I only agreed to come to show off Ashlyn. She’s my trophy that I wanted to wave in people’s faces. Mainly my mother’s. I wanted her to see that I finally found the one that was meant for me. But I got pissed the moment I saw Vicki here. I tried to prepare myself, but it wasn’t enough.

  “Ryder.” My father says my name as he comes up next to me.

  “Father,” I say tightly.

  He sighs. We haven’t really spoken since he kicked me out of his office. “Son, I wish you’d understand where I’m coming from.”

  “I understand that you feel you have no other option.” I turn to face him. “And I also feel that you are wrong.”

  “Tell me what to do,” he growls. “Tell me how you would make the situation I’m in better?”

  “I wouldn’t give that bitch whatever she wants,” I say and throw back another gulp.

  “I have no choice,” he snaps loudly, and people turn to face us.

  I laugh it off. “You make it sound like you owe her your life. When we both know it’s the other way around.”

  He sighs heavily.

  I go to speak, but a hand softly touches my shoulder. I turn to see it’s Ashlyn. “Would you like a drink?” I ask, giving her a tight smile.

  She frowns as if my mood swings are scaring her. “Yes, please. A glass of white wine.”

  “Ashlyn,” my father greets her. “How are you doing?”

  “Good.” She lies. We all know that she’s lost her job. And that I’m being a fucking douche.

  He nods. “That’s good.”

  She places her hand on his shoulder. “How are you doing, sir?”

  He looks at me as if I have an answer for him, but I look away at the bartender, asking for a glass of wine for her.

  “Good,” I hear him say, and I snort.

  “You’re both horrible liars,” I say, pulling out a ten-dollar bill from my wallet for a tip. “Thank you
,” I tell the woman as she hands me the glass of wine.

  I turn to give it to Ashlyn, and she’s narrowed her eyes at me. She takes the drink from my hand and throws me a fuck you look before turning to my father. “It was good to see you, Mr. O’Kane.” Then she walks off without another word.

  “Ryder, I—”

  “I don’t wanna hear it,” I interrupt him before I walk off. “I fucking hate weddings,” I growl to myself, taking another drink.I just wanna go back to the house and bury myself between her legs.


  I sit at the table as I watch Ryder dance with a little girl. She looks about seven years old. She has bright blue eyes and long dark hair that cascades down her back in big waves. He holds her right hand above her head as she twirls around and around. Every now and then, she sways as if dizzy. She giggles, and he picks her up, spinning her around. Her purple flower girl dress floats in the air as they spin around like a spin-top. Those toys you used to play with as a kid.

  He sets her down, and she clings to his leg, laughing as she tries not to fall over. He laughs, and I smile. He seems to be doing better. It’s been an hour since the weird conversation with his father, and the sun has officially set. The fireworks should be starting any second.

  “Ashlyn.” I look up to see Ryder standing beside me with his hand out. “Dance with me.”

  “Are you gonna spin me around?”

  “No. I’m pretty sure if I spin anymore, I’ll be in the bushes.” He laughs at himself, and I know he’s drunk. He’s had more drinks than I can count, but I didn’t try to stop him. I’m his girlfriend, not his mother.

  “Then yes.” I place my hand in his, and he pulls me to stand. He raises his hand above my head, and I spin around under it as we walk to the dance floor. Now that the sun has set, little white strings of lights light up the tent.

  He pulls me close to him, his right hand on my lower back and his left on my cheek. Both of my arms wrap around his firm body. He lowers his forehead to mine and releases a long sigh. I can smell the lingering scotch on his breath. “You’re not supposed to do that.”

  “Do what?” I ask confused.

  He smiles. A drunken half-smile. “Look better than the bride.”

  I chuckle, and he pulls me tighter. “I’m serious,” he whispers. “You’re the most beautiful woman here.” He stops dancing, and I look up at him through my dark lashes. We stand in the middle of the dance floor, people all around us probably staring, but all I see is him. All I hear is him; the music has faded away, and I’m lost in his dark green eyes.

  His hand leaves my back, and he cups the other cheek. “I’m so in love with you, Ashlyn.”

  I can never get enough of those words. “I’m in love with you too.”

  He smiles, and I feel like my world just turned upside down. My knees threaten to buckle, and I suck in a deep breath. He steps closer to me and lowers his lips to mine. He whispers, “I’m in love with you, Ashlyn, and I want the world to know that you’re mine.” Then his lips are on mine. He kisses me deeply. I kiss him back passionately. Showing him everything that I’m unable to say at the moment as I hear the first fireworks explode in the sky above us.



  “Get a room.”

  I open my eyes and pull away from Ashlyn to look at the woman who just walked by us. And I think I’m seeing things when I see who said it. “Yes, they’re here…” She says into her phone. “Yep. They’ve moved in together.” She rolls her eyes bitterly. “I don’t know. She’s drinking…” She snaps as her eyes look Ashlyn up and down. They linger on her belly for a second longer and then her eyes meet mine. “It’s pathetic,” she says and then hangs up.

  “Vicki!” I slur her name. She must have been talking to her mother. I’m sure Debra has a lot to say about me and Ashlyn.

  She then looks me up and down with disgust. I laugh. “Finally, we feel the same about one another.”

  “Ryder,” Ashlyn says my name in warning and glares at me. “Please stop. She’s not worth it.” I giggle snort and she looks at me like I’ve lost my damn mind.

  Vicki walks over to us and stops right in front of me. “You are pathetic,” she spits in my face.

  “And you’re a bitch!” I say with a shrug. “What’s new?” I ask swaying on my feet.

  Vicki gasps, and Ashlyn places her hand on my chest and shoves me backwards. I stumble but manage to stay upright. “He’s drunk,” she informs Vicki as she stands between us. “Walk away, Vicki,” she warns.

  She gives Ashlyn an evil smile, then tosses her drink at her. Ashlyn takes a step back gasping in surprise, her arms out wide. The champagne runs down over her face and onto her blue dress. I should be pissed, but my first thought is I want to lick it off her chest.

  Vicki simply says, “Don’t worry, honey, shit floats.”

  Ashlyn wipes some of the excess drink off her and flings it down to her sides and lets out a laugh that makes Vicki raise her brows in question.

  “Everything okay?” Becca asks as she and Jaycent join us. She looks at Ashlyn and gasps. “What the …?”

  “Yes,” Ashlyn answers, interrupting her. “We were just leaving,” she adds, turning to face me, and grabs my upper arm. “Let’s go.”

  “How does it feel to have my sloppy seconds?” Vicki shouts.

  I come to an abrupt stop when Ashlyn yanks on my arm. She lets go of me and spins around. “What did you just say to me?” she demands.

  “Not everything is about you, bitch,” Vicki snaps.

  Ashlyn fists her hands down by her sides. “You piece of—”

  Jaycent grabs Ashlyn’s arm as she takes a step toward Vicki. “As I said, not everything is about you,” she interrupts her. Vicki looks over at Becca, and she licks her lips and gives her a big smile. Then her eyes land on Jaycent. “Give me a call when you’re done with your little toy. I’d love another round …”

  Becca gasps, and Ashlyn shoves Vicki back.

  “What the fuck …?”

  “Shut your mouth!” Ashlyn snaps at her.

  Vicki just laughs at that. “What are you gonna do?” she asks with an arch of her brow. “Gonna make me? Maybe I should call Bradley …”

  Ashlyn steps up to her, and I see her fist her right hand, but it’s like in slow motion. She pulls it back and then swings, connecting with Vicki’s jaw. Her head snaps back as I call out Ashlyn’s name. I’m running for her when she hits her again.

  I connect with Ashlyn’s back, and I can’t stop my momentum due to my drunkenness, and we go crashing to the ground.

  “You fucking bitch!” Vicki screams as she gets up off her ass beside us. Ashlyn had hit her so hard it knocked her to the ground.

  I try holding Ashlyn down.

  “Ryder …” She snaps at me and then elbows me in the stomach, knocking the wind out of me, and I roll off her, feeling I may vomit due to alcohol and getting hit in the stomach. She’s up on her feet the next moment and has a hold of Vicki’s hair. She yanks it back as Vicki lets out a scream.

  My father comes out of nowhere and rips them apart. He holds Vicki as Jaycent grabs Ashlyn.

  “I’m gonna kill you!” Vicki yells at her.

  “I’d like to see you try,” Ashlyn growls back, trying to fight off Jaycent, but he has a good grip on her.

  I manage to stand but sway on my feet. “What the hell is going on?” my father demands.

  “This whore is attacking me!” Vicki cries.

  Ashlyn throws her head back, laughing. “Whore? Honey, between the two of us, you’re the one who has spread their legs for both Ryder and Jaycent.”

  “Is that true?” Becca asks, looking at Jaycent.

  Vicki smiles, knowing exactly what she’s done. Jaycent lets go of Ashlyn and turns to face Becca. “It was a long time ago—”

  “Don’t lie, baby,” Vicki interrupts him. “It was right before Becca moved back …”

  “Enough!” my father orders. He lets go of her
and turns to face her. “Leave!” he orders Vicki.

  “But …”

  “Vicki, get out of here now!” he snaps.

  Blood runs down her lip, and I can see her eyes already starting to swell. She takes a few deep breaths and then throws a “fuck you” look at Ashlyn before turning around and storming off.

  My father turns to face us, taking in a deep breath himself. “I think it’s time you all leave as well.”

  I reach out to Ashlyn, but she yanks her arm away from me before I can get a hold of it. And then she too storms off with Becca right behind her.

  My father straightens his tie and turns to face me and Jaycent. “I hope you guys have learned a lesson.”

  “What would that be?” I can’t help but laugh. They don’t.

  “To keep your fucking dicks in your pants!” he snaps.


  I sit on the floral-patterned couch back at the house. The plastic on the floor by my feet. Becca sits next to me, and Jaycent sits on the floor in front of us cross-legged.

  “I’m sorry, Becca,” he says for the millionth time.

  She shrugs. “I can’t really be mad at you. I was with Conner before I moved back.”

  “Yeah, but I should have told you.” He sighs.

  Becca looks over at me. “Do you think Ry is okay?”

  I snort. “He’s passed out cold. I put a trash can by the bed and made sure he was on his side just in case he pukes.” I’m so pissed at him. His attitude tonight and how much he had to drink. What was he thinking?

  “I know Vicki likes to talk a lot of shit, but why does she bring up Bradley?” Becca asks. “How would she even know his name?”

  “I don’t know,” I say, fisting my right hand. It’s sore, and I have a cut across my knuckles. I think a tooth got it. “Maybe your mom.”

  “How would she …?”

  “She met him when she came down for your birthdays and for graduation. I mean, we were best friends. We were always hugging and … friendly. Maybe your mom thought we had a thing.” I shrug.

  “Maybe,” she agrees.


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