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Protected By Him (The Greek Brothers Book 4)

Page 7

by Amanda Horton

  He willed his body to calm down but he couldn’t quit thinking that he’d almost lost her. He had not even had a chance to get to know her yet, and she could have been taken from him in a matter of seconds.

  While the fight continued to rage around them, he was content to hold her close and savor the fact that for this moment, she was in his arms.

  He could feel her heart beating a wild rhythm against his own, and their breathing was labored. .

  He pushed thoughts of the pain away and looked down at her as the reality of what could have happened swamped his thinking.

  “You could have died,” he murmured against her temple.

  She wrapped her arm around his middle a bit tighter and shook her head, “I was worried about you. When I saw that man aiming at you…”

  “Shush, I’m going to be fine.”

  “But you’re bleeding…”

  More bullets flew over their heads and Ries simply tucked her closer to his side. “I’m going to be fine. Are you hit?”

  Stephanie shook her head, her hair brushing his chin and he knew from here on out her would always associate the smell of cherry blossoms with her.

  He pressed a light kiss to her hair and then pushed her slightly away from him, enough for him to sit up.

  He could see his security team in action. After what seemed hours, the area grew ominously quiet.

  “Something’s happening,” he told her, helping her sit up beside him and peering around the side of their hiding place.

  He could see Chris and several others of his team make way towards him and Stephanie. Several enemy shooters were slumped face down in the ground. It didn’t look like any of them had survived the attack.

  “Ries?” Chris called out, his eyes scanning the dunes.

  “Here,” Ries popped his head up, attempting to get up.

  “Let me help,” Stephanie told him, getting to her feet.

  Ries shook his head and then nodded toward Chris, “He can help me.”

  Stephanie followed his nod and then started towards Chris. “He’s been shot and needs to get to the hospital right away.”

  Chris looked concerned and hurried the remaining distance, squatting down next to Ries. “How are you doing?”

  “I’ve been better,” Ries told him quietly.

  Chris examined his shoulder and then nodded, “It is an exit wound which is good.” He tapped the com unit in his ear calling for vehicles to be brought over to transport Ries to the hospital.

  “Don’t worry about me,” Ries commanded. “Check Stephanie out. She was running towards me when I was shot.”

  Chris nodded, “I saw her. I’m not sure if it was bravery or stupidity.”

  Chris looked at Stephanie and Ries knew he was seeing the same thing – her chest was covered with streaks of glittering blood. “Where are you hurt?” Chris asked, reaching for her.

  Stephanie moved out of his reach with a shake of her head. “I’m not hurt…”

  “You’re bleeding,” Chris told her.

  Stephanie looked down at her shirt. “It’s not my blood, it’s his” she said adamantly. “He needs a doctor. Now.”

  Ries said nothing when Stephanie returned to his side, grabbing his hand as Chris helped him to his feet.

  “Is the ambulance on the way?” she asked Chris.

  “No need. We’ll transport him there faster. Ries said you might be hurt?”

  Stephanie shook her head. “I’m fine.”

  “Nonetheless, I want her checked out at the hospital,” Ries demanded.


  “You’re getting checked out.”

  Stephanie looked at him for a long moment and then capitulated with a sigh, “Fine.”

  The vehicles arrived and soon they were all headed to the hospital, leaving several men behind to clean up the area and deal with the local authorities.

  “Did you get him?” Ries asked quietly.

  Chris scowled and shook his head once. “No. He took off down the dock and sped away in a boat.”

  “Did anyone get a good look at this guy?”

  “Yes, but more importantly, he got a good look at us.”

  Ries mentally supplied the words Chris refused to utter. The man had gotten a good look - at Stephanie.

  Ries stared at Chris and then turned to look at Stephanie.

  He’d wanted her to stay behind for this very reason. Her being at the dock had now possibly painted a big target on her back. Ries now had to worry about protecting himself and her. Given her propensity to wander right into the thick of things, it could be an impossible task.

  They arrived at the hospital and were immediately taken back to a private examination room.

  “Mr. Kafatos, the doctor will be with you shortly. Miss, if you’ll come with me,” the nurse indicated Stephanie to follow her, but Stephanie remained stoically by his side.

  “I’m fine here,” she told the nurse.

  “I want you to get checked out,” Ries told her quietly.

  “I’m not leaving you,” she told him just as quietly. She stared into his eyes and Ries felt the earth move.

  After a long moment, Ries nodded and then told the nurse, “The doctor can examine us both right here.”

  “Sir, that is highly unusual…”

  Ries turned to Chris with a nod, “Make it happen.”

  “On it,” Chris told him, approaching the nurse and ushering her outside, leaving Ries and Stephanie alone for a moment.

  Ries reached up with his good arm and brushed her hair back, “Why did you come down to the docks?”

  “I didn’t want anything to happen to you. I thought maybe I could help…”

  “I wanted you to stay behind so that you were out of danger, and yet, you ran right into it.”

  “I saw that man aiming at your back.”

  “And you saved me,” Ries said quietly, still processing that fact.

  “You put yourself in mortal danger. I don’t think I could handle it if anything happened to you because of me,” Ries told her, taking her hand and raising it to his lips. He kissed the back of her hand and then turned it over so that their palms were nestled against one another.

  The sexual tension that had been simmering just below the surface for the last several hours, threatened to burn brightly, if only they were in a different place…and his shoulder wasn’t pulsing in pain with each beat of his heart.

  He wanted nothing more than to lay Stephanie down on the gurney beside him and see if she was feeling the same way he was.

  “Sorry for the delay, Mr. Kafatos,” the doctor said as he arrived, breaking the magnetic pull between the Ries and Stephanie. She let go of his hand.

  Ries kept his eyes on hers, seeing the worry on her face, the way she bit her bottom lip, and each wince she gave as his wound was probed, cleaned, and stitched close. Once the doctor was finished dressing Ries’ shoulder, he placed his arm in a sling and turned his attention towards Stephanie. He gave her a cursory exam and declared her good to go. She would have a few bruises but Ries was placated that she had suffered no real injuries.

  Ries refused to leave the hospital in a wheelchair, declaring he had walked in and was determined to walk out under his own steam.

  The nurses tittered nervously, none of them quite brave enough to challenge his authority. In the end, his assigned nurse merely followed right behind him with pursed lips, as he and Stephanie made their way to the door.

  Chris was waiting with the vehicle and twenty minutes later they were at the rented apartment. Ries had never been so relieved in his life.

  Ries pulled along Stephanie straight for the master bedroom, telling Chris to secure the premises and to not disturb them until the morning. Now that the pain medication the doctor had given him was beginning to work, he needed to have a discussion with Stephanie.

  Several things were about to change, and he only hoped she wouldn’t put up too much of a fuss.

  Chapter 11

room smelled like him but Stephanie didn’t have time to dwell on that thought because he pushed her into the bathroom.

  “Ries?” she asked when he stopped and dropped her hand, reaching into the shower to turn on the water. “What are you doing? You can’t get your wound wet.”

  “The shower is for you,” he told her, retrieving a clean towel and washcloth from the shelves next to the sink.

  “I can take a shower later.” She took the towel and washcloth and returned them to their original location. “You need to go lie down.”

  Stephanie retreated into the bedroom, efficiently turning down the bed for him to rest..

  “The doctor said you needed to take it easy so that your wound won’t start bleeding again.”

  Ries approached her, clasping her head between his hands and meeting her eyes. “I could have lost you today. I just thought…”

  “I’ll clean up in a bit.” Stephanie’s eyes softened and she reached up and touched his cheek. “You didn’t lose me, I’m fine.”

  “Your shirt is covered in my blood.”

  “I’ll change once you lie down," she offered, seeing his pallor and wanting to get him settled before he started hurting again. “Let me help you.”

  Ries sat down, snagging her hand and pulling her down beside him. “We need to talk.”

  “We can talk later,” she replied.

  “No. This is too important. Stephanie…you shouldn’t have come to the docks. There’s a good chance that the same man who is gunning for me has now seen your face and will be coming after you as well.”

  “I don’t think anyone saw me…”

  “You don’t know that. Chris said the culprit got into a boat and moved away from the docks but stopped just out of our reach and turned back. This happened about the same time you came running toward me.”

  “There’s no reason for him to come after me.”

  “I’m not willing to take that chance. Until this guy is caught, you need to lay low.”

  Stephanie shook her head, “I can’t do that. I need to work…”

  “No, you don’t. I’ll take care of your bills…”

  “You’re not paying my living expenses,” Stephanie argued with him.

  Ries ignored her and continued, “I need you to stay inside until this is wrapped up. No going out into the marketplace or the beach…”

  “I’m not going to become a prisoner just on a chance that something bad might happen.”

  “Does this look like a prison?” Ries gestured around the luxurious bathroom. “I won’t risk your safety.”

  “It’s my risk to take,” she told him, holding onto her patience. “I can’t stay inside twenty-four hours a day.”

  “I realize that but you will not be going anywhere without at least one of my security guards with you.”

  Stephanie looked at him, trying to process the fact that he wanted her to take an armed guard with her. Everywhere. “Ries…”

  He turned toward her, cupped her chin and gave her a look that had her hard pressed to deny him anything. “Do this for me. I couldn’t live with myself if anything happened to you.”

  Stephanie could see how serious he was, she slowly nodded in acquiescence. “Fine.”

  “Thank you,” Ries sagged in relief. “I will take care of everything.”

  “Right now, I want you to take care of yourself. Let’s get you into bed.”

  She helped him removed the short hospital gown he’d grudgingly donned after they’d had to cut away his other shirt to treat his bullet wound. She tossed it on the chair sitting in the corner and then found herself transfixed by the sight of his bare chest.

  She’d seen it before but something about the cozy setting of his bedroom and the growing chemistry between them made this time different. More personal. More sexual. Needing to put some room between them, she turned around when he reached for the snap at his waist.

  Ries took care of removing his jeans while she was searching through the chest of drawers for something else for him to wear. She located a t-shirt but immediately discarded that idea as he couldn’t lift his arm to put it on. She turned to ask him what he wanted to wear, only to see him lowering himself into the bed and pulling up the sheet.

  She not been able to tell if he’d kept his boxer briefs on or not, and just imaging Ries lying beneath the covers, naked as the day he was born, had heat racing into her cheeks and her heart skipping more than a few beats.


  She left the dresser and walked over to the bed, “What can I get you?”

  “Sit with me,” Ries held out a hand to her.

  Stephanie sat on the mattress by his hip, trying to process the happenings of the day. “Are you in pain?”

  “Not yet,” Ries told her.

  “Shall I get you something to eat? Or some water?” she offered.

  Ries shook his head, taking her hand and pulling her until she scooted closer to him. “Lie down with me.”

  Stephanie shook her head, “No. That wouldn’t be a very good idea. You’re hurt…”

  “So, you should stay close to me to make sure I’m alright,” Ries argued, his eyes glittering.

  Stephanie knew he was playing with her but the idea of lying down next to him was tempting.

  She watched him, letting her eyes trail over his face and down his chest, only to stall when she saw the small tenting evident beneath the sheet.

  Stephanie tried to keep her own body from reacting but it was like trying to hold back the wind. She allowed him to draw her toward him close enough she could see the tiny lines in his gorgeous eyes.

  He started to push himself up off the mattress, his eyes locked on her own as he rolled toward her on his good shoulder. Stephanie met him halfway, afraid he would inadvertently hurt himself.

  “You’re going to hurt yourself,” she whispered to him, placing her palm against his chest and pressing him back slowly.

  Ries held her hand as he lowered himself back to bed. Stephanie found herself leaning over him, slightly off balance. She shifted her hips, using her free hand to help brace her upper torso and placing it within inches of his face.


  The chemistry between them was palpable and Stephanie locked her eyes on his lips, wondering what kind of a kisser was Ries. She didn’t have to wait for long when he closed the distance between their lips.

  The instant their skin touched, it was as if someone had held a lit match to a pile of dry kindling. The tension surrounding them burst into flames and Stephanie wanted more.

  She broke their kiss to move her body around him. Ries rolled toward her and slipped his arm around her back so that they were touching everywhere.

  Words became unnecessary as they explored one another. When Ries tugged at her clothing, Stephanie quickly took every stitch of clothing she was wearing. Ries held up the sheet for her, inviting her to join him underneath, and she no longer had to wonder about his boxers.

  The emotions that had been simmering beneath the surface all afternoon were given free rein as Stephanie and Ries worshipped one another, reveling in the fact that they were alive and had been given another chance.

  Stephanie didn’t care that getting in Ries’ bed was most likely temporary for him. She couldn’t ignore the way he made her feel, the way her heart skipped a beat when he was near or the fact that she’d never felt so much emotion in such a short time.

  For the first time in her life, Stephanie let go and enjoyed the moment.

  As the sun set outside, they lost themselves in one another. At first, Stephanie was careful but after long moments of kissing and touching, Ries took the reins and pulled her atop him.

  He was only using one hand and as she sat astride his body, rocking against him as they both sought the ultimate pleasure.

  She knew that when he was feeling better and able to use both of his hands, he was going to complete obliterate her senses.


  As soon as Ries woke up, he
became aware of several things at once. It was getting light outside, his shoulder was aching, and there was a warm body pressed up against his uninjured side.

  He blinked his eyes open and glanced down, seeing the top of Stephanie’s head as it rested on the pillow next to him. Her arm was lying across his chest, and one leg was hooked over his own.

  He gingerly skimmed the hand of his hurt arm over her shoulder, watching as she slowly came awake. Images from the night before came back to him.

  Stephanie and he hadn’t just had sex. It had been so much more. They’d made love.

  He watched her eyelids flutter and eased up on his side, letting his hand trail across her cheek, down her neck, and across her collar bone.

  “Good morning,” he murmured as she came awake.

  He watched awareness enter her eyes, relieved when a sexy grin appeared.

  “Good morning.” He leaned down and kissed her, letting his lips and tongue explore her mouth and then trailing kisses along her jawline and up to her temple. “I could get used to this.”

  “What?” she asked, tipping her head to the side as his lips skimmed behind her ear and down to the spot where her shoulder and neck met. When goose bumps covered her skin, Ries smiled using his mouth to keep her on edge.

  “You taste as good as you smell,” he placed little biting kisses across her skin. He lifted his head and met her eyes, “Last night was amazing.”

  Stephanie nodded, letting her hands run up and down his back, pausing when her fingertips grazed his bandaged shoulder. “How are you feeling?”


  Stephanie smiled and then sobered, “No, how is your shoulder this morning? We didn’t injure it more, did we?”

  “Not at all. In fact, I’ve a mind for a repeat performance,” Ries told her, sliding her hand over his body until she was covering his rapidly hardening groin.

  “I’m afraid you’ll have to do most of the work again but I promise you soon enough that will not be the case. I’m going to devour you and give you so much pleasure you’ll think you’ve died and gone to heaven.”

  Stephanie gave him a seductive smile as she slid her leg further across his thighs, all the while her hand was exploring his growing length. Ries groaned in response when she dipped her fingers deeper between his thighs.


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