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Mason (Trinity Academy Book 2)

Page 6

by Michelle Heard

  “You just want to lie down,” I joke as we leave my room.

  “No, I just don’t want to have a heart to heart with you where you shit and shower,” Lake teases back.

  We sit down and place our feet on the table, then Lake turns all serious again. “It won’t make it better.”

  “That’s for fucking sure,” I agree, then add, “Nothing can make it better. At the end of the day, she’s still gone.”

  “Do you remember when she caught us using her nail polish to paint our cars?” Falcon asks.

  A smile spreads over my face when the memory comes to me. “She was so pissed at us.”

  “She couldn’t stay angry, though.” Falcon removes his feet from the table, and resting his forearms on his thighs, he pins me with an intense look. “Jennifer loved you more than anyone. You could do anything, and she would forgive you.”

  “That doesn’t mean I deserve forgiveness,” I whisper.

  “It was an accident,” Lake adds.

  “I had time to pull her away,” I remind them.

  “Did you?” Falcon asks. He gets up and comes to sit on my left side. “Did you really have time?”

  I close my eyes, and the scene replays itself in my mind.

  I quickly glance at Jennifer, and when her wide eyes meet mine, I feel a moment of relief.

  One second.

  We both look down at the branch.

  Two seconds.

  “Fuck that was close.”

  Three seconds.


  Four seconds.

  I begin to pull my left arm back.

  Five Seconds.

  Squealing tires has me glancing behind us.

  Six seconds.

  I throw my body to the left.


  I nod with certainty. “I had seven seconds. Instead of staring at the damn branch, I should’ve unclipped her seatbelt. Instead of thinking about how lucky we were that it stopped inches from us, I should have pulled her to me. By the time I heard the squealing tires, Jen would have been safely in my arms.”

  “You had no way of knowing you’d be hit from behind,” Lake argues, “Do you blame Kingsley for getting hurt?”

  “What the fuck? That has nothing to do with this.”

  “Lake has a point,” Falcon agrees.

  “Do you blame yourself for her getting hurt?” Lake throws another question at me.

  I scowl at him. “I blame that fucker.”

  “But I shoved him,” Falcon says. When my eyes dart to him, our gazes lock. “So, it’s actually my fault.”

  “Now you’re getting technical,” I snap.

  “Exactly,” Lake exclaims.

  The realization of what they’re trying to tell me takes the breath from my lungs. I lower my head, not able to deal with the weight of the emotions.

  Lake gets up and pushing the table away, he crouches down in front of me. When I see the tears in his eyes, my heart cracks wide open.

  “Please, Mace,” he begs, “It’s killing me watching you blame yourself.” He lets out a shaky breath. “You know I’ll never lie to you, right?”

  I nod, unable to speak right now.

  “Then if you can’t trust yourself, trust me. It was an accident. It wasn’t your fault.”

  My body begins to shake, and my guilty conscience wars with the unbreakable bond I have with Lake.

  Falcon places a hand on my back and says, “We’re always the first to tell you when you fuck up, but Jen’s death wasn’t your fault.”

  It feels like world war three just exploded inside of me. I close my eyes, and my chest actually begins to ache from all the tension. I take a couple of breaths before I admit, “It’s going to take a while for me to accept the fact that it was an accident.”

  “That’s understandable,” Falcon says. “We’ll just keep reminding you until it’s sunk in.”

  Lake gets up, and as he wipes his cheek, he mumbles, “Even got me crying.”

  “It’s much more effective than the innocent look you use on us,” I grumble.

  “Yeah?” he lets out a burst of laughter as he moves the table back to its original place. “I’ll remember that next time you threaten to beat the shit out of me.”

  I shake my head and grumble, “You ever use it on me again, I’ll make you eat the damn pillow.” I rub a hand over my chest. “Seeing you cry fucking cracked my heart open like you did with that damn lobster from this morning.”

  Lake sits up again and complains to Falcon, “Do you know what this ass did to me this morning?”

  The elevator doors open on the top floor of CRC, and when I step out, the receptionist smiles professionally. “Good morning, Mr. Chargill.”

  “Morning, the President is expecting me,” I say as I walk past her desk.

  I knock once, and then let myself into my father’s office before shutting the door behind me.

  “Oh, good. You’re here,” my father says, getting up from behind his desk. He points to the conference desk on the right side of his office.

  “Morning,” I mumble as I sit down on his right.

  “I want you to look at this and give me your opinion,” he gets right down to business.

  I glance at the screen then ask, “A proposal?”

  “Yes, tell me whether it would be a loss or investment to go ahead with it.”

  “Okay.” I pull the laptop closer and begin looking through the file.

  A couple of minutes later, my father places an old folder next to me on the desk.

  “What’s that?”

  “An old deal. When you’re done with the one on the laptop, look through this one and see if you would’ve done anything differently.”

  “You’re giving me homework?” I ask.

  “No, I’m showing you the reality of what working here will be like.”

  “Did Grandpa make you do this, too?”

  “No, he threw me in the deep end and told me to sink or swim.” My father sits down behind his desk and returns his attention to his work.

  Frowning, I turn in my seat, so I can see him. “Then why are you helping me?”

  Without lifting his head, he answers, “Because I’ve already watched you sink once. I won’t let you down a second time.”

  His words leave me stunned, and I can’t think of a reply, so I turn back and stare at the laptop screen.

  This is the first time he’s spoken about anything related to Jennifer’s death. I knew he was struggling with his own demons, and I never for one moment thought he let me down. I’m not as close to my parents as I used to be, but I don’t blame them for it. Everyone deals differently.

  Without looking at him, I ask, “Do you still sleep at the office?”

  “No, your mother threatened to divorce me,” he mutters.

  I’m surprised it took her so long.

  “Is she still drinking too much?” Damn, I’m a shitty son.

  “No, I threatened to divorce her.”

  I let out a bark of laughter.

  “We’re going for couples counseling. You want to join us?”

  This time I glance back at him from over my shoulder. “I don’t need counseling.” He begins to frown, and I quickly add, “I have Falcon and Lake. They’re helping me deal with everything.”

  He nods, “That’s good to hear.” A couple of seconds later, he murmurs, “You should come by the house this Sunday. It will be nice to sit down for a meal with you.”

  I know if I decline it will only deteriorate our relationship further. “What time?”

  “You’re not a goddamned visitor, and you have keys to let yourself in.”

  Meaning he wants me to spend the day there.

  “Okay,” I agree before I really try to focus on the proposal.

  It’s already dark out as I drive back to campus. My mind is still with the two deals, and it turned out the old file was a proposal my father wrongly invested in, which led to a huge loss.

  I definitely learned a lot t
oday, and it feels like a small part of me healed after the short talk with my father.

  Piece by piece, right?

  Deep in thought, I steer the car into the parking area. As I turn into the parking spot I always use, something crashes into my car. My body’s thrown forward, and when I slam back against the seat, shock rushes through me with one hell of a force.


  In absolute terror, I turn my head toward Jennifer.

  My breaths begin to come faster as my heart pounds in my chest. I open the door and get out of the car. Feeling dazed, I somehow manage to walk to the driver’s side of the other car.

  Fuck, please don’t let anyone be hurt.

  Seeing Kingsley behind the steering wheel sends another wave of shock through me. I yank the door open and grabbing hold of her arm, I pull her out of the seat.

  “Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry, Mason. I really looked before I started reversing, and the next second, bam, there you were.”

  I stand paralyzed, my eyes wide on Kingsley.

  Slowly, the cold creeps into my bones and I gasp for a breath of icy air.

  “Mason?” she asks, her voice trembling.

  The daze lifts only to be replaced by anger surging through me.

  “An accident?” I hiss.

  “Yes, I’m really sorry.” She walks to the back of her car and looks at the damage. “Luckily, it’s only a small dent.”

  “Small dent?” I repeat her words again.

  Shaking my head, I bring my arms up and link my fingers behind my neck. I close my eyes and take a couple of breaths, but it doesn’t help shit to calm me down.

  Letting my arms fall to my sides, I stalk to where she’s still looking at the damage, and then she mumbles, “It’s just a slight bump, nothing serious.”

  “Slight bump?” I suck in a breath of air, then shout, “A slight fucking bump? What the fuck are you talking about?”

  She swings around with wide eyes. “Don’t yell at me!” She darts past me, and with stunned amazement, I watch her get back in her car. She proceeds to park the damn thing before she gets out again.

  “Hunt, w-what?” I’m so fucking upset I actually begin to stammer, “What, are you doing? You parked your piece of shit car?”

  “Mason, I’m sorry I bumped your car,” she says again. “I’ll get my insurance to take care of it. Move your car. You’re blocking the parking area.”

  Speechless, I watch her walk away from me.

  I take a couple of steps after her, then remember the damn car. I quickly jog to the driver’s side and park it, and getting out, I run so I can catch up with Kingsley.

  I rush into her building as she swipes her keycard, opening the door to her suite. She walks inside, and before she can shut the door, I slam my hand against wood.

  She lets out another annoying shriek and takes a couple of steps away from me.

  I stalk inside, and slam the door shut, while anger pours off of me in waves.

  “What’s the problem?” she asks, giving me an incredulous look.

  “It’s not just a fucking bump!” I shout, unable to control the tone of my voice.

  She shakes her head at me, arguing, “What do you call it? I practically nudged your car. My insurance will cover the costs.”

  Having zero patience left, I close my eyes, because God help me, I might do something stupid tonight.

  Chapter 10



  Mason opens his eyes, and they shimmer like smoldering coals in the dark as he stares at me.

  Letting out a breath, I walk to the wall and switch on the light. Turning back to him, I ask, “What more do you want me to say? I’ve apologized, and I’ll pay for the damage.”

  I can see he’s struggling to stay calm and it makes me worry whether I’ve triggered his memories from the past with this accident.

  “It was a fucking bump that killed my sister,” he grinds the words out.

  Oh, my God. I did.

  ‘There must’ve been a lot of blood when the branch skewered your arm to her.’ I remember what West said to Mason, and it makes my stomach churn.

  How could West be so cruel?

  I never knew the details of the accident, only that Mason’s sister died in it.

  “I’m so sorry,” I whisper, finally understanding why he’s so upset.

  My apology only seems to anger him more, because he stalks away from me, then turns back, and settles a hard glare on my face.

  “She was alive. Even after we crashed into the tree, she didn’t have a scratch on her.” There’s so much heartache on Mason’s face, it makes unbelievable sadness swamp my heart.

  I wish I could hug him right now.

  “Then West bumped into us.” He lets out a painfilled chuckle, and it makes tears well in my throat. “That’s all it took for the branch to stab right through my arm and into her chest.” Pain shudders through him as he whispers, “Just a fucking bump.”

  I feel so badly for him; it makes a tear slips over my cheek.

  Now I understand why you’ve been so angry.

  “I’m sorry, Mason,” I say, meaning the words with all my heart.

  He stares at me for a while, then asks, “Why are you crying?”

  “Because I…” I don’t know how to put into words that my heart is breaking for him.

  He tilts his head, and I watch as the anger washes the pain from his face. “Do you pity me, Hunt?”

  I do. So much.

  “No,” I lie because it’s what he needs to hear.

  He lets out a cynical burst of laughter. “You’re a fucking bad liar.”

  “What do you want me to say?”

  “Usually you’re quite good with your comebacks.”

  “This isn’t the time for me to hit you with my sarcastic line of the day,” I reply.

  He’s hurting so much.

  “Say it,” he hisses.

  He begins to shake from all the emotions that must be destroying him from the inside out.

  I wish I could make your pain go away.

  “Say it,” he shouts.

  I give in, hoping if he loses his temper at me, it will help him feel better. “I can’t even begin to imagine how traumatizing it must’ve been.”

  He stalks closer to me, his eyes never leaving mine.

  It’s okay, Mason. You can get angry at me. Just let it out.

  I continue to whisper, “It’s awful, and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.”

  When he gets close, he tilts his head and asks, “Is that what I am, Hunt? Your enemy?”

  I shake my head.

  “Do you feel sorry for me because you think we’re friends?”

  I don’t care what you say. Just purge yourself.

  “My heart hurts for you, Mason, because no one should have to suffer through that.”

  “You have an answer for everything,” he marvels, anger etched in hard lines over his face. “Do you ever shut up?”

  Do you really want me to?

  “I was scared of you, but after tonight I’m not anymore,” I admit to him. “I think underneath all your assholishness, you’re actually a good guy who –”

  He steps right up to me and slams his hands against the wall on either side of my head.

  The sudden action makes me flinch, but I lift my eyes to his, and I finish my sentence, “Who doesn’t know how to deal with all the pain he mu –”

  “Let me repeat myself since you’re clearly deaf, Hunt. Do you ever shut the fuck up?”

  Does he want me to take his mind off the pain by bickering with him?

  My lips curve into a smile, as I answer, “Sure, I do.” Bringing my hands up between us, I tick off on my fingers, as I say, “When I’m having chocolate cupcakes, chocolate donuts, oh and my favorite, cho –”

  Mason grabs hold of my hands and shoves them back against the wall, and then his mouth crashes down on mine.

  My heart almost jumps out of my chest as it begins to race. />
  Holy crap.

  I didn’t see this coming.

  I can feel his breath on my face, and when his lips move against mine, my eyes drift closed. I wasn’t lying when I said I loved his aftershave, and right now it’s all I can smell.

  I never thought there would be a moment like this in my life. A moment where you need somebody to help you escape.

  His tongue swipes over my bottom lip, and I open my mouth to him.

  I’m not his enemy.

  I’m not his friend.

  But I can be a safe haven he can escape to.


  I ignore all reason, and I have no excuses.

  None of this makes sense, but I can’t stop myself from kissing her.

  She has challenged me every step of the way. She’s never backed down from a fight, no matter how I tried to intimidate her. I realized all of this tonight while she was telling me how sorry she felt for me. I hated hearing those words from her. I wanted my Kingsley back, the one who never missed a beat when it came to telling me to go to hell.

  Us arguing has become like a drug to me, helping me cope, helping me to forget for a moment.

  And I need it so badly right now, to just escape from the past.

  When Kingsley parts her lips for me, and I thrust my tongue into her mouth, my thoughts grow quiet. When she kisses me back, and her urgency begins to grow, meeting my tongue thrust for thrust, I find an outlet for all the anger, the grief, and the guilt.

  She tries to pull her hands free from my hold, but instead of letting go of them, I move my hands up from her wrists and link my fingers with hers.

  As the kiss turns more heated, and Kingsley nips at my bottom lip, I grin against her mouth.

  Pulling slightly back, my eyes lock on hers. “Didn’t take you for a biter.”

  Her breaths come as fast as mine, her blue eyes shining like the hottest part of a flame.

  “Incinerate me,” I whisper.

  She pushes against me with all her strength, and I let her hands go. She brings her hands to my face and pulls me back down and then her mouth latches fiercely onto mine.

  The need to take as much as I can from her grows into an uncontrollable craving.

  I bring my hands to her hips and taking hold of her sweater, I begin to lift it up. Kingsley reacts by unbuttoning the top two buttons of my dress shirt before we break the kiss and she raises her arms, so I can pull her sweater over her head.


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