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Hearts Afire

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by Jennifer Hartley

  Hearts Afire

  Jennifer Hartley



  To all my lovely readers

  Other Books By Jennifer Hartley

  About Hearts Afire Book

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Other Books By Jennifer Hartley



  By Jennifer Hartley

  This iѕ a wоrk оf fiction. Names, characters, places аnd inсidеntѕ аrе еithеr thе рrоduсt оf thе аuthоr’ѕ imаginаtiоn or are used fiсtitiоuѕlу, and аnу rеѕеmblаnсе to actual реrѕоnѕ, living оr dеаd, business establishments, еvеntѕ, оr locales iѕ entirely coincidental.

  @ Copyright 2019 by (Jennifer Hartley)

  All right reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner.

  First edition 2019

  Created with Vellum

  To all my lovely readers - Thank you for downloading this book. I hope you’ll enjoy this as much as I did.

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  Other Books By Jennifer Hartley

  Second Choice

  The Greatest Gift Boxset- Christmas Romance

  Book 1- The Heart of Winters

  Book 2 – The Greatest Gift

  The Arrangement Boxset

  Book 1- The Arrangement

  Book 2 - The Strong Hold

  The Heart Of you Boxset

  Book 1- The Starting Line

  Book 2- A Distant Spark

  Book3-The Heart Of You

  Other Books

  Second Chance Desires Boxset

  Tangled Hearts

  Perchance To Dream

  Back To you


  The Miles Between Us

  Marine For Dinner

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  About Hearts Afire Book

  The years may pass them by, but Justin and Valerie’s love and desire only grows stronger and greater with time. But with their lives growing increasingly dull, they know they need break their routine. When they both finally manage to take some time off from their busy schedules to visit Justin’s family home, Shady Grove, the pair hope that they can finally get some quality time together to explore the home and make the place truly theirs in their own steamy style. However, with their energetic and inquisitive young children never far behind, can they get the time together that they hope for?


  “There isn’t enough air going in your brain at the moment,” Valerie managed to say, sounding breathless herself. “That’s the only explanation for that ridiculous idea, husband.”

  Justin, lying on his back beside her, rolled his eyes. “I’d say it’s the best idea I’ve had in a while.” He, too, was still catching his breath.

  They lay limp and panting in bed, flushed from forehead to toes, although Valerie was a lot redder. She should cover them with a blanket, but her body felt heavy and limp after coming violently minutes ago. Between her thighs were streaks of their climax.

  Justin turned, resting his jaw on his fist while his other hand rubbed light circles on her stomach.

  Frowning, he demanded, “What’s so ridiculous about it, tell me.”

  She should tell him she couldn’t think straight when he was touching her like that. God, her body was still recovering from their lovemaking, and his question, in her state, was a struggle to absorb, let alone understand. Justin looking sexy with his hair all ruffled and messy, his eyes still dark with desire and his skin shining with sweat - looking like a bronzed god - was not helping her string coherent thoughts, let alone the simplest sentence.

  “Well, for one thing, this is your father’s place.”

  “You’re an Aston. This is your place too.” He kissed her on the shoulder as he thumbed her still-tight nipples. She squeezed her eyes shut as she fought to say something with sense.

  “He invited us to celebrate The Bay Storming.”

  The celebrations were always grand and always put to shame the previous year’s. Usually, Justin and Valerie flew off to her hometown Meridan. But their twins, Kenneth and Colin, began teething a month ago and were the most difficult babies to deal with right now. Valerie didn’t want them to endure the hours-long flight to Meridan, and she refused to subject innocent passengers’ to her irritated babies. They had decided to stay in their new home when Justin’s father Donald, getting wind of the news, called to invite them over for a long weekend.

  Justin would rather stay at home, but Valerie pointed out that they have not celebrated the holiday with Donald since the birth of their older twins, Leo and Tyler. He whined that his father was the most difficult man around, and he didn’t want to spend the long weekend dealing with him. She had scowled at him before snarling that it would be rude to turn down Donald - that it was just as worse as Justin’s siblings Samantha and Asher deliberately scheduling out-of-town trips with their own families just to avoid a summons to Shady Grove.

  Despite his impatience, Justin smirked. Dimples framed his grin. “I don’t know why you cannot appreciate the logic of making our own conquest of Shady Grove in celebration of it.”

  “Shady Grove isn’t like Meridan.”


  “Husband, you have an army of the staff here. Then there’s your father.”

  “Back in Meridan is your mastodon father. A flick of his wrist and your Justin will be broken. I don’t know why you’re scared of my father. You’re taller than him. You can probably break him over your knee,” he joked.

  Still caressing her, he added gently, “Or are you still...?”

  After giving birth to Colin and Kenneth, Valerie had carried around the extra weight longer than expected. This change in her body had driven her to minor depression. It was a frustrating situation for anyone but, as Justin liked reminding her, they weren’t like anyone else.

  People often thought that between them, Valerie was the strategic thinker, but Justin had his moments too. When he saw a problem, he confronted it, often without giving much thought. He took to heart their doctors’ advice, which was to nurture intimacy between them. Coaxing Valerie to be more confident and telling her he found her desirable still and always took time. But convincing her had been pleasurable in more ways than could be imagined. With Valerie, Justin learned, things always had a way of turning out a lot better than expected.

  Valerie didn’t doubt that her husband found her...beautiful (she still stumbled over the idea), but she hated how people always stared when they were together. Th
e question was clear in their eyes: What could this god-like man see in somebody as homey as her? She was well aware of how much she lacked in looks, so at least she took care of her body. She wasn’t overzealous and didn’t deprive herself of great food, but she believed in eating healthy and right. The exercise was a part of her life too.

  The extra pounds rolled off easily after giving birth to Leo and Tyler - she had been thirty-two years old, then. Now older and with a slower metabolism, she had to work a lot harder to get the weight off.

  These days she liked what she saw in the mirror. Her body was once again firm and toned. She was eight pounds lighter than before she got pregnant. Some softness remained, however - the extra roundness in her cheeks, her small breasts that retained the plumpness from breastfeeding, and the slight jiggle in her bottom. She still had a mountain of insecurities but not as much. Her body image contributed to her depression, but not having sex with Justin did too - and how could she when she was ashamed of her droopy stomach, her wobbly thighs?

  Some of her old confidence had returned, and Justin had declared numerous times his love for the new roundness of her breasts, the softness in her thighs no amount of squats could firm up. It didn’t mean however that -

  “No, Justin. But we are still not all over Shady Grove!” She exclaimed.

  Justin groaned and flopped on his back beside her. The force of his fall shook the mattress. “Why not?”

  He looked at her. This time, Valerie rolled her eyes at him.

  “I don’t see why we should,” she continued, this time rolling on her side and putting her fist under her chin. “We have a lovely room. A very comfortable bed. Justin, there are people around all the time. We’re going to get caught - “

  His eyes twinkled. “I know. Isn’t that exciting?”

  She narrowed her eyes. “And if it was your father?”

  “Donald’s not going to walk in on us, I promise you.”

  “But again, why?”

  “Why not?”

  Justin turned to face her. Their bodies were near mirrors of each other, except for the obvious differences. Both were lean and muscled, strong and powerful.

  “You were so agreeable when we fucked our way through my father’s vintage car collection.”

  Valerie made a sound between a grunt and gasp before she buried her face under the pillow. Enjoying her reaction, he went on:

  “You were so wet, and you wouldn’t give my cock a break. Not that I wanted to rest between our bouts. But it was fun, right? How we got so loud, and the idea of getting caught anytime had us making love harder, more furiously.” He felt himself twitching as he remembered. “Or how about when you nearly sucked my cock off at the airport in Meridan? I swore I thought I was going to die. God, if I could choose my way to go, that would be it. Or when we had sex in the forest back in the Rockies. I wanted you so much I would have taken you through your clothes. Do you remember the weekend before your birthday when I made you come just from sucking your breasts at the back of the bowling alley?”

  With every word taking her down a carnal memory lane, Valerie blushed harder. Her freckles stood out like vivid blotches on her pale skin, the color intensifying. Her nipples were tight, aching points, and her sex, tender still, softened as a honeyed warmth began to pool inside. She jumped as Justin suddenly pressed the flat of his tongue on her nipple, his hands urging her on her back. He sucked noisily, drawing a throaty moan from her. He had missed this intimacy, she knew. She missed it too and so let him take his pleasure, with every lap of his tongue stoking her desire.

  Justin suddenly grabbed the pillow from her. Valerie blinked at him, the hair on her face, her eyes almost black with desire. She swallowed to fight the dryness in her mouth.

  “I thought we could get some fun from this weekend. Our kind of fun. Donald’s taken our children - we probably won’t be seeing them until we leave,” he told her, his smile tender. He brushed away the rough strands that hid her face. “Are you telling me you’d much rather grade students’ papers than have sex with your husband... in the library?”

  He traced the long length of her arm with a finger. She shivered, from his touch and the image of Justin smirking at her knowingly, surrounded by floor-to-ceiling shelves of leather-bound, musty-smelling books. Knowing her husband very well, he wouldn't have sex with her on the desk there but against the shelf, books digging in her spine and ass. “Wouldn’t you want to pin me on the floor of the wine cellar and make love to me until I can’t see straight, wife?”

  Justin leaning over her, eyes closed in pleasure, head falling back as he fucked her hard. The place would smell of steel and sweat. Valerie’s breath was shaky. “J-Justin.”

  He stretched over her, pushed a heavily-muscled leg between hers. His eyes, too, were dark with desire. Warm breath musked with his personal spice bathed her cheeks. “Don’t you want to enslave me with your sex in the greenhouse? Don’t you want to leave me with bruises when you take me on a lounge chair?”

  As he spoke, his hand lowered to the hot, aching place between her thighs. Her nails dug in his shoulders as he palmed her possessively. ”Oh, Justin.”

  “Still wet with me,” he murmured arrogantly. She squirmed, gasping. Then he lowered his head and kissed her on the lips.

  Easily, his body insinuated itself between her legs. His tongue swept past her swollen lips as his finger slid inside her sex. She gave him a hard kiss, mouth opening, tongue dueling with his. Her legs climbed to his sides before crossing her ankles on his ass. The room was filled with the sound of wet kisses, and the rhythmic squelch of his finger thrusting into her sex. When another finger joined inside, she clung tighter. He chuckled against her lips before his fingers suddenly slid out of her. She whimpered as he waved his slick fingers before her face. Fire licking at her cheeks, she opened her mouth, and he swept his fingers inside. As she sucked, he groaned against her ear, his cock pushing against her thigh. “We taste good together, don't we?” She nodded, cheeks burning as she released his fingers. She turned to him.

  “Why stop at Shady Grove?” She gasped against his lips. She rubbed herself against his fingers, which had lowered to her sex again, squeezed her eyes shut at the electricity that shot through her nipples upon brushing against the golden curls of his chest. “Take me by the sea, Justin.”

  “God, I love how you improve on my ideas. That would definitely get us arrested.”

  She froze. “I thought - ”

  He kissed her quickly. “God, I’m not refusing. Of course. Of course, Valerie. Yes.”

  Her eyes flashed. “After all, we’re doing this because you want to piss off Donald.”

  “What? Of course not!” Justin protested.

  “I need a good reason.” She hated that he stopped touching her. It wasn’t a bad idea, but she would never tell him that having sex with him in public got her all weak and very wet. The asshole that her husband was, he would take advantage of infuriating gusto. She reminded herself that she only entertained the idea of having sex in public when he came along. He had corrupted her, and it felt so damn good.

  “If we’re going to do this, we’re doing this because we want to not because you have this odd need to piss off your father or parade around with your naked wife.”

  When Valerie spoke in that sure, firm voice that Justin only heard during a lecture, it did things to his cock and knees that made him hard and shaky at the same time. He wasn’t going to tell her that, though. Valerie was awful at lying, but she was so damned smart; she never failed to read him ever.

  He sat back on his knees. He would rather remain between her legs with her tongue in his mouth, and his fingers strumming her honey.

  “Well, actually, wife- ”


  “What's so wrong about getting caught making love to you? You're my wife, and you're sexy. You make me want to do nothing else but have sex.”

  Valerie got the pillow and used it to cover her breasts. He frowned at her. She stuck her chin up

  “I enjoy having sex with you. Wherever that is. You're so... god, Valerie, you're going to make me say it, aren't you? Fine. You're a wildcat when we have sex outside the bedroom, and you come so hard. I'm an arrogant ass being so damn proud about it because you're only like that with me. And you get so damn wet when we have sex in public.”

  Valerie cocked an eyebrow. He said smugly, “Don’t deny it. You’re extra-loud when we have sex in public.”

  “It's not intentional!”

  “That makes it even hotter,” he confessed.

  Valerie bit her lip.

  “I absolutely love giving you pleasure, wife. I'll never say no to you in that regard unless it involves clamps or anal beads, whips…” He shuddered. “Handcuffs, maybe, scarves and neckties but the rest- ”

  Valerie scratched her head. “Anal beads?”

  Her innocence made her so kissable. “Later. I’ll show you. On the internet. So what do you say? Are you serious about doing work over the weekend when you can have your husband in any way you want, hmm? Just think, we'll always have this weekend when we conquered Shady Grove, Aston-style. You can't tell me the idea doesn't intrigue you. We've already conquered your home, time to concentrate our efforts on the Grove, don't you think?”

  He took the pillow from her and returned to his place between her legs. Wet kisses were placed from her navel to her throat before his teeth nipped at her chin. She grabbed him by the hair suddenly, forcing him to look at her. Her smile was mischievous, yet in her eyes was love.


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