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Playing Me: A Rockstar Romance

Page 4

by Jenny Lynn

  “Okay, so tell me what I need to do.”

  “There are a few events coming up we think you should attend. I’ve been working on a social media strategy for your Facebook page and Instagram.” Bill was reading off a page in front of him, going down the list. “We’re working to secure you a Rolling Stone feature. Other than that, honestly, the best thing you can do is be seen out and about. Get some authentic, grassroots attention from the paparazzi.”

  “Sounds easy enough,” I nodded. The room was quiet and everyone exchanged glances. They were about to tell me something I wasn’t going to like, I could feel it building in the air like an impending storm.

  Maggie faced me straight on, turning her chair. “We’ve been talking, and there’s a part of your image that we think we should work on.”

  “What would that be exactly?”

  “We want to make you a bit… softer. Listen Archer, this won’t come as a surprise to you but you have a reputation as a ladies man.”

  I shrugged. “Guilty as charged.”

  “That magazine article last month was brutal. We want to show that you’re capable of dating, get you some publicity for being in a relationship.”

  I started to laugh so hard tears pricked my eyes. No one else was laughing.

  “You want to manufacture a fake relationship for publicity. Seriously?” I shook my head. This wasn’t my style, and it wasn’t my image.

  “Think about it Archer,” Scott jumped in. “You have the partying musician image locked down. But if you show a bit of a more sensitive side it could go a long way towards people thinking they have you all figured out. It will be a total shock, you’ll have everyone captivated. TV interviews, paparazzi, gossip sites, magazines. Love sells. Relationships sell. Women lust after you, we want them to picture you as boyfriend material.”

  “I’m not boyfriend material,” I snapped back.

  “But you can pretend to be,” Bill offered.

  “And who exactly do you have in mind as my first fake girlfriend?” Really, this entire idea was absolutely ridiculous. Is this honestly the type of advice I was paying them for? There was a knock at the door and the receptionist popped her head in.

  “Sorry to interrupt, but I wanted to let you know Scott your next meeting is still waiting for you.”

  “Perfect timing. You know what, you can send her right in.”

  The receptionist disappeared and I raised an eyebrow at my manager.

  “Whoever you have in mind is here? That’s pretty damn presumptuous seeing as I didn’t agree to anything yet.”

  Scott laughed. “Ironically, you’re the one who gave me the idea in a way.”

  There was a soft knock at the door and then she walked in, looking around the room like a scared animal being led to slaughter, all wide-eyed. Of course it was her, it had to be her. She just screamed sweet and innocent. Scott was grinning across the table at me. If we were going to do this idea, try to manufacture a softer side for me, she was perfect and we both fucking knew it. But the question was - how far was Corinne willing to go to break into the music business?

  Chapter Six


  I’ve always been good at figuring out the energy of a room, getting a quick read on people and the overall mood I was walking into. As soon as I walked into the boardroom I knew they had been talking about me, and to my horror Archer was sitting there with a smug grin on his face. Why did he have to be there, and would the fact that I refused to sleep with him somehow impact my getting represented by Kick Records? Had this all been a test? Some kind of sick joke?

  “Please, Corinne, have a seat.” Scott gestured to an empty chair and I sat beside a serious and beautiful looking woman. “Quick introductions. This is Bill, Maggie, and you’ve met Archer.”

  “Nice to meet you all,” I said politely as I lowered myself into a chair, quickly rubbing my sweaty palms against my dress in case someone wanted to shake my hand. I had never been so nervous in my life.

  “I have good news Corinne,” Scott pulled out a stack of pages and slid them across to me. “We’re interested in representing you, contract is drafted. You have a unique sound, I think you’re something special and people are going to love you.”

  My heart was hammering in my chest. I was dizzy, my throat so dry I was terrified I might forget how to speak. I finally managed a few words, trying my best to sound composed. “That’s incredible, honestly, I would be thrilled to work with you.”

  “Maggie and Bill here head our PR team, and we have an idea we want to put past you.”

  “Corinne, you’re spectacular. Scott shared your music and I got chills, really,” Maggie smiled at me. “The thing is, I’m sure you’ll understand, it’s hard to get publicity for a, and I say this in all kindness, a nobody.”

  Ouch. Thanks Maggie.

  “Let me lay it on the table for you Corinne. We want to launch you with a lot of buzz, and at the same time, we have another artist’s image we want to work on. Archer’s.”

  I was confused. What did launching my career have to do with Archer. They must have read the puzzled look on my face. Bill jumped in, taking over for Maggie.

  “We want you to date Archer Evans,” he said.

  A laugh escaped my lips, and from the look on everyone’s face it was not the reaction they expected. “I’m sorry, you can’t be serious,” I added.

  “I know it sounds strange,” Maggie said. “But we do this all the time. It’s a great way to create some drama, do damage control, create interest for an artist. You wouldn’t actually be dating, it would just be for publicity.”

  “Why Archer?”

  Scott patted Archer on the shoulder. “He has a bit of a… reputation with women that we’re trying to change.”

  Archer rolled his eyes. He earned his sleazy reputation, and I was supposed to fix it for him? This was my shot at a music career, why couldn’t we just let me and my music speak for itself?

  “I don’t know how comfortable with this I am,” I said softly. “I don’t like to lie.”

  Bill chuckled and looked at Scott. “You’re right, she’s perfect. She’s so wholesome.”

  “If we debut them in a creative way we’re talking front page,” Maggie added.

  Were any of these people listening to me? Was I not speaking their language? As they talked around me about reporters and anonymous tips Archer’s eyes burned into mine from across the table and I squirmed in my seat under his direct gaze.

  “Guys,” he finally said firmly and heads turned in his direction. “Give Corinne and I five minutes.”

  Bill, Scott and Maggie exchanged glances then nodded, getting up and leaving the room trailed by a girl in the corner I hadn’t even noticed - she was so quiet. When they shut the door the air felt heavy between Archer and I. He sighed, dropping his head back and running his hands through his hair.

  “Alright. Let’s talk this through.”

  “Talk about what? That apparently this entire industry is a lie?”

  “Holy shit, how naive are you Corinne?”

  “I don’t want to be a prop in your image rehab Archer.”

  He rolled his eyes at me. “Seriously? This would help make you Corinne. It’s a better deal for you than it is for me. I could always agree to it and ask to do it with someone else who wouldn’t be as much of a pain in my ass as you clearly would be.”

  I bit my lip. As much as I hated to admit it, he was right. He was a big star and I was, what had Maggie called me, a nobody? My shoulders dropped and I sighed.

  “So how would this happen?”

  “We let them manage this, it’s what they do. You and I both walk away with good publicity, then when we got what we needed, we part ways. Easy as that.”

  “How romantic.”

  “That’s fucking show business sweetheart. Although there’s nothing to say we can’t have a bit of fun while we’re pretending.” He arched an eyebrow and gave me a look that I’m sure made most women melt, but given the circu
mstances it made my stomach churn. Could I really go through with this? The worst part of it was that I was mildly flattered. I had no illusions about what Archer wanted from me, but he was hot and a huge star. Was I a total idiot that I was flattered by the idea I was going to be paraded around as his new girlfriend? As shallow as I felt, it made me feel special. And I hated that part of myself.

  The door opened and the team walked back in, looking at both of us, trying to figure out if we were on board. “I’ll do it,” I said, answering their unasked question.

  “We’re just crazy about each other, can’t you tell?” Archer placed his hand over his heart and smiled at his manager.

  “Glad you’re both on board,” Bill sat down. “Now, we need to be well coordinated so this seems legit so let’s start going over a few things.”

  We spent the next hour going over my contract and non-disclosure agreement. I had an advance with the understanding I would be quitting my diner job to focus on my music career. I was going to a recording studio, I was going to meet with a stylist. Everything was happening so fast, I felt like a product being shaped and altered. This must be what all musicians go through, but not knowing anyone with a record contract I really didn’t have a frame of reference.

  “So does that work for you Corinne?” Maggie asked, and everyone looked at me. Shit. I hadn’t been listening. My cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

  “Sorry, what was that?”

  “Dinner at The Soho House tonight,” Maggie explained. “With Archer.”

  “Our first date, sweetheart,” Archer added.

  “Oh. Yes, that’s fine.” The Soho house was incredibly exclusive, and going with Archer was sure to draw attention. But that was the point of all of this, wasn’t it?

  “Perfect. Wear something appropriate Corinne, there will be pictures. We’re going to work on an itinerary but basically we just want you two to be seen in public spending time together. Be seen having fun, really sell it.”

  “I’ll meet you there at nine,” Archer said.

  “That works.” My hands were slippery again, I balled the fabric of my dress in my hands. I was really doing this. I was about to go from private to public in a big way. Everyone stood up and I followed their lead. As we walked to the reception area Scott clapped Archer on the back.

  “This is a smart move, trust us.”

  “You better know what you’re doing,” Archer said sternly.

  “When have I ever steered you wrong?”

  Archer and I got into the elevator, I waved goodbye timidly as the doors closed. This time, alone in the enclosed space the air between us was electric. At first I had been trying to avoid him, but that wasn’t going to be possible now. Without warning Archer stood in front of me and boxed me in against the wall with his arms.

  “So, want to go for our first kiss, right here, right now?”

  My pulse was hammering, my stomach fluttering. Up close he was even more devastatingly handsome, his lips smooth and curved into a devious smile while he looked down at me with those pale blue eyes of his.

  “This isn’t real Archer, remember?”

  “Real or not, you’re going to have to play the part. Which means I’m going to get to taste you Corinne.” He smirked at me then winked as the doors opened. Pushing off the wall, Archer pulled a pair of glasses out of his pocket and slipped them on. “See you at nine.”

  I watched, frozen in place, as he strolled out the doors and got into a taxi. Coming to my senses I jumped out the elevator just as the doors started to close. I was in way over my head, I just hoped that didn’t mean I was about to drown.

  Chapter Seven


  I knew screwing that reporter, and then getting screwed in return by her article, was going to come back and bite me in the ass. I trusted my management team, but I still worried about the precedent this was going to set in my life. Was every woman I looked at after this PR stunt going to expect me to be their prince charming? Not that I had any issue with who Scott had picked, the idea working itself into his mind after I hit on her. Corinne was hot, and I was sure that after spending some quality time together I was going to get a lot closer to her. She was going to give in to me, she just didn’t know it yet.

  “So you’re really going through with this,” Billy shook his head and took another drink of his beer. Sure, this whole plot was supposed to be a secret but I had no secrets with Billy. He was my best friend and I needed to talk through this with someone.

  “I give it a try, and if it’s not working for my image I pull the plug.”

  “How will you know if it’s working on not?”

  “I don’t know,” I shrugged and took a gulp of my drink. “Media coverage I guess. Not being labeled a ruiner of women.”

  “You know what would help with that man? Not sleeping with reporters, or being a bit more discreet grabbing women after shows. Have you ever been photographed with the same woman twice?”

  I thought about it, long and hard.

  “See what I mean?” Billy said. “Honestly I think this will be good for you.”

  “How did you manage to get your nice guy reputation?”

  Billy was the sensitive one. Sure, we both nailed our share of chicks but he never seemed to get crucified for it like I did.

  “One of the benefits of not being the lead singer,” he shrugged. “Besides, I date. You don’t.”

  “I don’t see the point. I never want to get married, and I get bored easily. Why waste someone’s time, or have them waste mine?”

  I got up and went over to the kitchen to grab us both another beer, bringing them back to the living room. I loved this penthouse, my view of the New York skyline. Whenever I went on tour and lived out of hotels I always looked forward to being back in my city, in my own bed. Billy was out of his seat and playing a game of pinball on the antique Indiana Jones themed machine in the corner. While he played with the paddles, the machine blinking and making sharp noises, I stood in front of the windows.

  “So are you going to sleep with her, or is this just for the cameras?”

  I chuckled. “Oh, I am definitely sleeping with her.”

  Billy was still focused on his game, I glanced at my phone. I should change and meet Corinne at Soho House. Leaving a girl waiting for me was a dick move, and I had to remind myself I was actively trying to play the role of nice guy.

  “I should get changed.” I got up and carried my beer with me while Billy looked at me over his shoulder.

  “Oh my god, like, should I help you pick out an outfit for your big date?” he mocked.

  “Yeah, and after we can paint each other’s nails.”

  In my bedroom I pulled open my closet and thought about my options. I didn’t want to overdo it, I decided on a white t-shirt and black jeans finished off with a black jacket. Simple, and I knew I looked fucking good. In the bathroom I added a bit of pomade to my hair, then a dab of cologne at my neck. I bet Corinne was stressing about looking good for me, getting all flustered. I hoped she wore that tight little red dress she wore the first time I saw her so I could slide my hands under it to find her underwear. Just the thought of it was making me hard.

  I wandered back out to the living room where Billy was still engrossed in his game. “I’m going to head out but feel free to hang out here for a while.”

  “Thanks man, I’m meeting Sasha in the area for drinks in an hour.”

  “You’re seeing her again? Talk about pussy whipped.”

  “I like her, she’s smart and gorgeous.”

  Billy had met Sasha, a sexy art collector with tanned skin and shiny dark hair, at her gallery when she sold him a painting. He bought five paintings from her before finally asking her on a date, the idiot, and now that we were off tour it seemed he was determined to keep seeing her. I didn’t see why, it’s not like he was being contractually obligated to stop fucking around.

  “Just make yourself scarce by eleven.”

  The chimes and the lights of the
game danced around excitedly as Billy continued to rack up the points, trying to beat my high score.

  “So you can screw your fake girlfriend? Yeah, sure, no sweat Archer.”

  I headed down the elevator and out the building, flagging down a cab and jumping in telling the driver to drop me off at Soho House. Everything was glowing, New York was never dark and I loved it. The bright lights, all shining and artificial. Just like we were, turned on and flashing, just waiting for someone to notice us.

  We pulled up and I handed him cash then stepped out. There was a paparazzi camped out outside a shrub and I shoved my hands in my pockets as I walked over to the doors.

  “Archer Evans! Archer! Can I get a quick shot?”

  I turned to face him, ready to pose, but out of the corner of my eye saw Corinne coming up towards the door from the sidewalk. She was wearing grey slacks and a slightly sheer black blouse, her hair pulled into a low bun like she was running for a Senate seat or on a job interview. She still looked hot, but this was not the sort of outfit I had in mind when I pictured her meeting me. She froze a moment and I gestured for her to come join me. It was showtime,

  “Sure thing, why don’t you get a shot of me and my date,” I told him. He looked unsure, I pulled Corinne towards me and wrapped an arm around her waist. She didn’t resist but her body stiffened. “Her name is Corinne Williams.” The paparazzi lifted his camera and started to snap away.

  “Nice power suit,” I leaned over and whispered in her ear.

  “Nice t-shirt,” she whispered back. “If that V was any deeper I’d be able to see your belly button.”

  I snickered, then led her into the restaurant. The hostess led us to a back corner where we could have some privacy but still be seen. I dropped into my chair and she sat across from me. Before the hostess disappeared I ordered a bottle of champagne.

  “You’re deciding what I’m drinking without even asking me? Are you going to order my meal for me too Archer?”

  “Everyone likes champagne.” I opened my menu. “But if we’re talking about things I want to eat, I have a few ideas.” I winked at her and she narrowed her eyes at me.


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