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The Chronicles of Koa Boxed Set

Page 26

by K.N. Lee

  Koa liked it that way. She liked the Vampire Registration System. The VRS, and the Netherworld agents that executed its rules, were the only things keeping vampires in check.

  Vampires could now live a “clean” life, free from killing. Simply pick a human, feed from them, and pay them for their service. Koa knew that it sounded odd at first, almost like blood prostitution.

  Koa didn’t like to think of it like that. When Ian had been her pet, she had paid his college tuition, housing, and gave him money for whatever else he needed. Vampires had money. There were countless ways to make it. You’d have to be a dumb vampire to be poor and unable to afford a pet. Such things just didn’t exist. Koa was well off because of her father’s fortune, but even if she hadn’t inherited his wealth, she had a list of ways to make her own.

  Jax followed Koa with a look of suspicion. “Humans really come here to let us feed from them?”

  Koa nodded. “Yes. If you can pay the price.”

  Jax looked at her. His red brows furrowed. “What if you cannot pay the price?”

  Koa shrugged. “You offer your services. Think of it as bartering. Some humans like having a vampire bodyguard. They always find a way to work it out.”

  Jax still didn’t seem convinced. “You expect this to last?

  “Why wouldn’t it? Everyone is happy.”

  Jax shook his head. “I have a feeling they won’t be for long. Father would never go for something like this. No one tells father what to do. He didn’t come here to live under your rules. I’m pretty sure he came here to rule all of you.”

  Koa sighed. She knew he was right. She remembered too clearly how Greggan was. She shoved back the memories of how her Netherworld husband had treated her. She hated to admit how right Halston was… once again. He warned her that some memories were best left forgotten. Koa wondered if she could give up the memory of Jax’s love and devotion to her, just to forget how cruel Greggan had been to her.

  Her stomach grumbled and she took Jax by the arm, leading him to the front doors where the guards were stationed.

  Black suits, slicked back hair, blacked-out shades, and pale faces set in stern resolve, the guards gave Koa a nod before opening the door for her. Koa smiled at them, glad that no one questioned her guest. Koa couldn’t recall them actually ever saying a word to her before.

  On the other hand, once the double doors closed behind them and they entered the grand hall, Greta grinned a smile as bright as sunshine and squealed in delight when she saw Koa and her date.

  “Miss Ryeo-won!” Greta, a blonde human from Sweden, clasped her hands in glee and came from her post behind the front desk and skittered over to Koa with her high-heeled black stilettos. “Welcome back! We were worried about you after your abrupt exit last time.”

  Koa looked over at her. “Why were you worried?” Koa tried to hide the suspicion from her voice, not that Greta would have noticed.

  Greta looked flustered. Her smile turned a little unsure and she giggled an odd melodic sound. “Why, well, you just flew off and left your pet all alone.” Greta wrung her hands. She looked from Jax to Koa, as if he might help her answer the question.

  “The poor girl was in hysterics that you didn’t say goodbye or give her instructions on what to do next. We had to let her stay here in your usual room. She said that she didn’t have anywhere else to go, that her friends had left her.”

  Koa winced. She had forgotten about Lindley when she rushed off to the Netherworld. Lindley was her pet, she was supposed to take care of her.

  Koa sighed. “Is she here?”

  Greta nodded. Her bouncy blonde hair shook with her overenthusiastic nod. “She is! Absolutely. She refuses to leave the room!”

  Koa nodded and walked past Greta. “My guest and I will go up now. Tell Lexi I’d like to speak with her in an hour.”

  Greta’s smile returned. “Absolutely, Miss Ryeo-won.”

  Koa and Jax headed towards the hallway.

  “But who shall I put down as your guest, ma’am?”

  “Just put down John,” Jax responded. He winked at Koa and folded his arms across his chest. “John Smith.”

  Greta nodded. One look from Jax made her freeze in her spot. Both of her hands dropped to her side and her eyes followed Jax as her smile faded and her face drained of color.

  Jax smirked and followed behind Koa. Koa glanced back. Greta was still standing there, watching after them with a glazed look in her eye, as if hypnotized.

  Koa raised a brow. “You’re good,” she said. “But I can glamour better.”

  Jax chuckled as they approached the elevator. “And how exactly is your glamour better?”

  Koa shrugged. “Mine is less obvious.” She nodded towards Greta. “How long is she going to stand there like that, with that dumb look on her face?”

  Jax walked over to Greta and pulled her hair from over her shoulders. He tilted her head and ran his nose gently across her skin. Greta didn’t flinch.

  “How does this work, my love?” Jax asked. “Can I taste this one?”

  Koa shook her head. “No! That’s not how it works at all.” She looked around to see if anyone was watching. “Stop that! You’re embarrassing me.”

  Jax chuckled to himself. He turned to face Greta, snapped his fingers, and turned back to Koa. Greta shook her head, as if waking from a trance. She looked confused for a moment, then turned to return to the front desk. She was just as bubbly as before.

  Koa couldn’t help but be impressed. “Not bad. Not bad at all, sir.”

  Jax gave her an exaggerated bow and his most charming smile. “It is my goal to impress you, my love.” He stood to his full height and scooped her up in his arms. He pulled her face close to his and kissed her full on the lips.

  Koa was stunned by his sudden actions but gave in to the intensity of the kiss. His lips were soft and full and his tongue wet and sweet. When he set her back down on the carpeted floor Koa was left breathless. She looked into his eyes and felt her heart pitter patter.

  He leaned down to kiss her neck and whispered in her ear. “Take me up to your room and I’ll remind you of just how impressive I can be.”

  Koa couldn’t help but blush. She did something else she rarely did. She giggled and had to look away.

  Jax took her hand and laughed. “Come on. Let’s go.”

  Koa still couldn’t speak. Imagining a night with Jax made her nervous. She led the way to the elevator and once they were inside she stood on the opposite side. Jax leaned against his side and grinned at her.

  Koa could barely look at him without blushing a bright red. She focused on the numbers as they glowed on the way up to the floor on which she had a private room. She felt hot and pulled her hair to one side and over her shoulder. She risked a sidelong glimpse at Jax and he was still staring at her. He winked and she quickly looked away.

  Koa felt like a teenage girl again, and she did not like it. She shook her head and stood up straighter.

  Stop acting like a fool, Koa scolded herself.

  Once they exited the elevator, Koa led the way down the narrow corridor to her usual room at the end. She swiped her card and with a deep breath, she opened it to loud music and an energetic blonde sprawled across the bed. She was naked and her white skin stood out against the black covers. She was laid facedown and completely still.

  Koa ran to her, fearing the worst. Her face flooded with blood as she grabbed Lindley by the arms and pulled her to her feet. Lindley groaned. Koa could smell the alcohol on her breath and in her hair. It seemed as if Lindley hadn’t showered or done anything but drink since she’d left her.

  Tears filled Koa’s eyes. She felt horrible for leaving her pet alone like that. She hugged Lindley. “Sweetheart. Are you all right? I’m back. I’ve come back for you,” Koa whispered to her. She pulled her short blonde hair from her face and tried to look into her eyes.

  Lindley groaned again and peeked at Koa through narrowed eyes. A small trace of bright blue looked back at Koa
and Lindley’s eyes widened. She burst into tears and wrapped her thin arms around Koa’s neck. She kissed Koa with dry lips all over her face, sobbing uncontrollably. "Master! Master, you’re back!” she cried.

  Koa held her and rubbed her hair tenderly. “I’m sorry for leaving you, Lindley.”

  Lindley continued to cling to Koa and sob. “I thought you would never come back! I thought something had happened to you, that you’d died!”

  Koa couldn’t help her own tears. She and Lindley had only been together for a month, but they never left each other’s side, and they’d bonded over those four short weeks. She knew Lindley, inside and out, and had come to love her like family.

  She had to be more responsible. Koa shook her head at her own foolishness and leaned over to press the black button on the wall. Within seconds there came a knock on the door.

  Koa nodded for Jax to open it and there stood two human women in their black uniforms. Simple black dresses and hair pulled back in single blonde braids. Koa motioned for them to come forward. Joan and Julia were their names. They were specially designated for Koa’s floor, and she had only needed them once before, but Koa never forgot a name.

  “Julia,” Koa called. “Please, find something nice for my pet to change into. Joan, could you run her a nice bath?”

  Both girls nodded and went to work. Koa gave Jax a quick look as she stroked Lindley’s blonde hair. “Don’t worry, darling. These nice girls are going to take good care of you while my friend and I get a little supper.”

  Lindley shot up. Her face twisted. “You aren’t going to leave me again, are you?”

  Koa hugged her close. “Of course not, sweetheart. I will be right back after supper, and we will cuddle tonight and talk about all the adventures I had when I was away.”

  Lindley’s face brightened. A look of wonder was brought to her face. “Adventures?”

  Koa held her by the shoulders and smiled. “Yes. Just like in a fairytale.”

  Lindley wiped her face. “Yes. I would like to hear all about it.”

  Koa nodded. “You will.”

  Joan stepped into the doorway of the large bathroom. “Bath’s ready.”

  Lindley gave Koa a last look. “I’ll see you soon, right?”

  Koa nodded again. “You don’t worry about a thing. Enjoy your bath and let Julia and Joan know if you need anything. Anything at all. I’ll be back shortly. I promise.”

  Lindley smiled weakly and nodded. She followed Joan into the bathroom and the door was closed.

  Koa sighed and glanced at Jax.

  “Well,” she began. “Let’s eat, shall we?”

  Jax grinned and stepped aside. He held the door open for her and gave a little bow. “After you.”


  Still unsettled by Lindley’s present emotional state, Koa had a hard time relaxing during supper. She sat across from Jax in one of the dining rooms on the main floor of Wryn Castle. Lit by only tall jars filled with candles set in the center of the table, shadows danced across Jax’s face. His eyes rested on her as he drank from a goblet of fresh blood.

  “I must say,” Jax began. “These New World vampires have it pretty good up here.” He drank another sip. “Human blood is much more delicious than carmia.”

  “But much harder to get.”

  Jax shrugged. “But you guys seem to have it all figured out. Thanks to the angels and your Netherworld Division, the vampires here don’t even have to hunt.”

  “Don’t get too comfortable.”

  Jax raised a brow. “To think. Just yesterday, I was in a cell in the Ivory Tower.”

  “You weren’t exactly in chains, eating crusts of bread and gruel.” Koa drank her goblet down. She licked her lips. “Even though you were a prisoner, they treated you like a prince.”

  Jax chuckled softly. “I suppose it wasn’t all bad. Lonely is all. Years of loneliness. You weren’t there. I thought of you every day. I worried about you.”

  Koa’s face softened. He reached a hand across the table and she rested her hand in his palm. He stroked it in between both of his.

  “You have no idea how happy I am just to be here with you. I would have gladly stayed in the Ivory Tower if only I had a way to see you and know that you were all right.”

  Bells rang and all of the diners turned their attention to the doors that were raised open at the end of the dining hall. Koa looked away from Jax. She was glad for a distraction. She never knew what to say when he spoke of his love for her.

  They watched the servers walk through the room in two rows, as if in a choreographed dance. While each table for two was set in rows, the beautiful servers walked through the rows with their wrists exposed. Each woman or man had seductive smiles, reassuring the guests that they were willing humans, and not forced to be there.

  Koa knew all too well that there were humans out there who thought of a vampire pet’s life as a glamorous thing. Young men and women came in hordes to Wryn Castle in hopes of being selected for one of the many positions at the castle as well as the other establishments in the VRS.

  As the two lines of humans paused at her table, Koa nodded to Jax to do as she did. She took the wrist of the girl before her and drank. Jax did as well. He eyed the pretty brunette and put her under his alluring spell. Koa paused as she watched him.

  Before Koa could protest, Jax had the girl in his lap, sucking the blood from her neck, then her mouth. Koa lifted a brow as Jax wrapped the girl’s legs around him and went in for a passionate kiss. A moan escaped the girl as she straddled him and pressed her exposed bosom into his chest. Blood dripped from their kiss and Koa swallowed.

  Her cheeks flushed. Something stirred in her and she was embarrassed. She came to her feet. Jax lifted a brow at Koa’s look of disgust but continued to kiss and drink from the girl.

  Koa shook her head and walked away from the table and towards the exit. She half expected him to come after her, but when she looked over her shoulder, he sat with the girl straddled around his body and continued to feast.

  Koa growled and pushed through the doors. She ran her fingers through her hair and forced herself to calm down. She did not have the time or energy to worry about such trivial things.

  She made her way to one of the sitting rooms and dialed the old safe house up on her watch.

  A voice immediately responded. A hologram of a pretty woman with brown skin and shoulder length brown hair pulled up. Her brows were drawn together in worry.

  “Koa! What happened? Are you all right?”

  Koa nodded and slumped into a leather chair. “Yes, Micka. I’m fine. How are things at the safe house?”

  “It’s fine. Where is Halston?”

  Koa rubbed her temples. “Still in the Netherworld, I suppose.” She had half hoped that Halston would have answered her call. She knew it was a long shot, but she had to try.

  Micka sighed. “That’s unfortunate. Victor sent a message earlier. It wasn’t pleasant.”

  Koa sat up, alarmed. “Victor? What did he want?”

  “He wants Halston to report to him at headquarters right away.”

  Koa stood. “That doesn’t sound good.”

  “When the boss wants to see you, especially one like Victor, it rarely is,” Micka said. She shifted in her seat. She lowered her voice. “I think Halston is in some sort of trouble.”

  Koa’s brows furrowed. “But why? He did nothing wrong.”

  Micka shrugged. “I don’t know. I just have a bad feeling.”

  Koa pursed her lips and nodded. Her stomach immediately felt unsettled. She wrung her hands. She wasn’t even sure if Halston was alive, and now she had to worry about him facing trouble from his superior if he returned. Koa looked up when she heard the door to the sitting room open. She watched Jax enter the room and close the door behind him. He waited patiently, waiting in the shadows.

  Koa sighed and glanced at Micka. “Please, keep me posted.”

  Micka nodded. “Is that him? The prince?”

met Jax’s eyes and answered. “It is. Goodbye, Micka,” she said and cut the connection by pressing a button on her watch.

  Micka’s image faded and Koa was left with an awkward silence as Jax simply stood there, watching and waiting.

  Jax walked over to her. She remained silent as he took her hands and laced his fingers between hers. She refused to shy away this time. She looked into his dark blue eyes and noticed something she hadn’t paid attention to before. Around his iris was what appeared to be a clock, with Netherworld numerals, a minute hand, and an hour hand.

  Captivated, Koa went onto her toes for a better look. Her lips parted as she studied his eyes in wonder.

  Jax closed his eyes and Koa felt cheated.

  “Why did you run off?”

  Koa pursed her lips. She felt as if her answer was a stupid one. She knew it was foolish, and so she wanted to keep her reasons to herself.

  “I don’t know. I didn’t like seeing you kiss that girl.”

  Jax lifted a brow. “You? Jealous?” He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her body to his. “Now, that doesn’t sound like the Koa I know. She was simply an appetizer.”

  Koa held her breath, looking at his mouth with fevered need. Her breaths became labored for no reason at all, except she wanted him, and he was fully aware.

  Gently, he kissed her forehead.

  Koa closed her eyes, shaking.

  Jax picked her up with one arm and carried her to a desk set neatly with stacked magazines, books, and stationary. He pushed the things aside and sat her upon the cold wooden surface. Koa leaned back on her elbows and watched him. With a hand cradling the back of her head and his other holding her bottom firm, pressing her body to his groin.

  Koa wrapped her legs around him and craned her neck up for more of his delicious kisses.

  Nothing else mattered when Jax kissed her. Soft kisses turned to greedy kisses as Jax sucked her tongue and bit her bottom lip. Koa closed her eyes and moaned, nearly delirious with desire. She was hungry, but this time it was for something other than food or blood. She wanted Jax like she’d never wanted anything else in her life.


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